
Expatriate Life Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"In order to know your own country, you have to live in another one."
"I had always planned on living in another country... I ended up coming to Hawaii and... ended up absolutely falling in love with it."
"I just want to come back to the States, to be honest. I miss it a lot."
"When he came to England, people would have thought it was really strange."
"This is one of the best things about living here, is that you're surrounded by some of the most hardworking people."
"Africans belong to Africa. You can spend 20, 30 years in Europe, you'll never be a European."
"I am completely and utterly alone here. When I was like snap, and because most of my family's back in America."
"I chose Tanzania as my home... it's the best move of my life hands down."
"We've had nothing but great health care here in Mexico."
"Why is it that I stayed in China for so long? It's because of the people there."
"I spent eight years living in Eastern Europe like a king, I wish I'd have done it at 23."
"Living in the Philippines was one of the amazing moments of my life. Constant electricity, good roads, freedom. How safe the Philippines is."
"Romania is a great country filled with fantastic people, amazing nature, great food. It's a great place. I live here because I love it. There's no other reason why I live here."
"Life abroad isn't always easy, but it's important to prepare your mind for the reality."
"Don't let fear stop you, but be aware of the realities of life abroad."
"Montevideo has a large expat population and is considered safe."
"Hong Kong: Native English speakers can relocate and work as teachers."
"South Korea: Live here for free while making money with your language skills."
"Living in the Philippines has taught me patience."
"Why is it that the majority of foreigners you find in China all seem to have a little bit of a screw loose myself included?"
"You arrive in a country where nobody can speak your language, nobody knows your past."
"For me, it was let's go to Korea, where I'm not other, I'm not foreign."
"Being and living abroad can be challenging it can be scary at times you can get nervous but it can also be rewarding lucrative life-changing and defining and really ultimately it comes down to what you make of it."
"Just because we've been here for seven months does not mean that we are settled yet."
"We were hiding our tears in a foreign land, where we faced our fears."
"Life in Namibia has been just like a beautiful surprise... Although it comes with challenges, it's an opportunity that I really have to try not to take for granted."
"Living overseas really opens your eyes onto the world and your personal identity."
"Living in China is the opportunity for wildness."
"These large communities of African Americans are not moving abroad to places to still feel unsafe; they're moving abroad to these places because they are thriving."
"Life is more interesting when you live outside of your home country."
"Pros of being an expat in KL: Affordable manicures, world-class infrastructure, and a multicultural society that welcomes newcomers."
"We love it here... but we have this mentality if it doesn't last forever, you know, if something calls us back to the States, then it would have been just a good opportunity and a good kind of time in our lives for us."
"When you are a foreigner and you live in Asia and you build your network and you meet people in person many times... this is an unbreakable bond."
"I find a lot of people who have made the transition and the move there have found that there's a lot of the outside stresses that we have in the U.S that are kind of gone right absolutely."
"Chris has been back here in Chiang Mai, Thailand, as of six months ago, and we're gonna talk to Chris because, you know, one thing that both Chris and I share is our disillusionment of living in America."
"So I felt I can make money here in Vietnam and now, what I say is I make American dollars living in Vietnam which would give me a better standard of living and lifestyle that I don't believe I could achieve in the United States."
"Maybe some about living in China maybe some about like, you know, like how you can improve your skills in general and like business related."
"I'm going to miss the English food actually because a lot of people down under, expats have said, 'You know what? We always come back for fish and chips. You can't get fish and chips like you can in England down here in Australia.'"
"Living abroad, maybe for work or education."
"The cost of living in Ecuador it's cheap it's cheap it's crazy compared to what we're used to back in North America."
"Cuenca is a beautiful, beautiful city, a lot of expats retire there, there are a lot of Americans living there now and for good reason."
"Living here, you can... get a viewpoint of a country. It's different to what the native people have of the country, right? And you know... having these services is not a normal thing in many countries."
"I have turned into one of those people that has lived in Germany... and now I am the person that brings tea with me to the United States for comfort."
"There is a thriving expat community."
"Thanks for reviewing my report, retire early on 888 dollars U.S per month in Dumaguete in the Philippines."
"Living in a different country was one of the most important and beneficial things that happened in my life."
"We knew we're running to a jump-off point where we could travel to all of Europe, a great lifestyle, very laidback."
"For anyone out there that's seeking freedom over comfort, trust me, you're really going to love Mexico."
"Being in Italy all these years has changed both of us."
"Living abroad is very hard, and it takes understanding and patience to be able to survive abroad."
"All we do is share valuable information that has to do with moving, living, working, studying, and just being abroad."
"Living abroad is really amazing, it has so many incredible unique things you're going to experience."
"I'm very happy for them; they're sending photos and videos every day, and Colombia does look like it's a very nice place to live in."
"Moving here, moving abroad in general, has just opened up a whole new world to me."
"If you want to live near India even being out of India, there is Indian street near the square."
"If you're thinking about moving to Costa Rica, living in Costa Rica, making a life in Costa Rica, I'm going to tell you all about finding a long-term rental."
"It's a bubble of international people, and I think a lot of people give Changu a lot of flak for that, but it comes with a lot of amazing things."
"A self-sufficient and peaceful life in a foreign land would be a good option."
"I think being abroad in general is for a certain type of person because you need to be strong, you need to be a level of independent, you need to be a level of crazy."
"If you've never lived as an expat and you're looking for a jumping-off point, Boquete is a really good place to go."
"I've lived in Asia for 22 years. Indonesian, Indonesian, French... but Hong Kong's a lot of friends up there. It's probably one of the best cities in the world to have a good time."
"Just because you've relocated abroad and yes, you've actually moved into another country that is systemically more sound than where you're coming from, it doesn't mean that you will have all positive experiences."
"I'm loving life here in Ecuador, and the positives outweigh any negatives."
"I'm very happy I came; I have no desire to go back to the west or go back to Canada."
"We've also met several expats that do both; they split up their time between the mountains and the coasts so you can have the best of both worlds."
"You can live comfortably in Ecuador on a thousand dollars a month if you're a single person."
"I'm happy to be in London, but also I'm a little sad."
"For the past couple of years, I've been moving back to Dubai during the winters; the weather is fantastic, all my friends are here, and my dad's nearby in Riyadh."
"A soft landing place overseas is a location where a foreigner...will feel enough cultural similarities to their home country...so they have fewer moment by moment frustrations and are more easily able to adapt."
"Living in a country that you're not familiar with... stretches you, it makes everything a little bit harder, and that tiny bit harder is good for you."
"We're excited to be here in Bansko, Bulgaria; it's an up-and-coming place for expats, nomads, investors, retirees as a very viable place to consider to move and spend time affordably."
"Life in Ghana is what you make it."
"You are not there to change that country... I'm here to assimilate as best as I can to understand the culture and languages and the practices of England."
"When you're traveling or you move abroad, you make friends, and everyone has a different plan."
"I've been in Australia for over six months now, and there are some things that Australia just does so much better than America."
"There aren't necessarily things that I miss that much from the US; it's mostly people."
"Make some friends who can take care of you, be around other expats if that makes you more comfortable."
"I've really enjoyed living here in Dubai."
"Making friends in Dubai is actually one of the best places to meet new people and to make friends."
"Australia is a really beautiful country and honestly, Nigerians here, they're happy to make the decision to move here."
"The power of community and even the people that we've met... it's no small thing when you're in a new country, far away from your family."
"Expat Lisa says about Plovdiv: Plovdiv is an incredibly beautiful, historic and hipster place at the same time, coupled with a very active art and culture scene."
"Expat Joshua says: The benefits of living in Quito include the beautiful landscape with the Andes and Amazon rainforest nearby."
"Expat Kathleen says Split has a great international expat and digital nomad community, so it's easy to find social connections and friends here."
"A well-known strategy for making the most of living in Mexico is to earn dollars, spend pesos."
"Philippines means for the right type of people is amazing."
"It's important that if you're going to live in a country, you follow kind of their traditions."
"I'm living overseas, living my best life right now."
"You're here because you want to know how to live and teach English in Thailand."
"There is a great deal of misconception about life abroad."
"Thailand is probably the most perfect city for you to actually mingle and make friends here."
"We are really out here living the Korean life."
"For over two years, I've been living in this beautiful country of Sri Lanka, and what an experience it's been so far."
"The easiest way to live in any foreign country is you have to go with the flow of the country."
"I've now been in Thailand for six years, we have been happily married for four."
"Learning Spanish, adapting to the culture... it's a nice place to live, it's cheaper, you still can have a great quality of life."
"Americans love living in Germany."
"I'm doing content on my social experience in Kenya and what it's like to be an American living in Kenya."
"He enjoys life in Thailand and now has a Malay wife who allows him to enjoy the Bangkok nightlife."
"Self-control is probably most important than anything else in being successful in your expat experience or in life in general."
"Living elsewhere gives you an invaluable perspective about your former residence or home that you just couldn't obtain via any other means."
"I actually save more money every month here than I ever did in America."
"I thought Japan would be a cool place to live, I never thought I'd be able to live here."
"I never knew I would live in Korea, then all of a sudden at 16, I'm like, now Korea is my home."
"I love living in Germany, I am happy to be here."
"I lived in China for almost eight years of my life, and it was an amazing experience."
"Life abroad is not all bread and butter; it's not all smooth, and there are no bills, no hassles, nothing."
"If you're new to the channel, we do a lot of content about life in Germany, living abroad in general, traveling, exploring."
"Living here is quite enjoyable, to be honest, and I'm enjoying my time here."
"This is a very easy place to live at if you don't speak any type of Japanese; if you speak English, this is a very easy place to live at."
"We're also going to talk just about the general struggles of being abroad, being an expat."
"Japanese instant rice is actually so good and convenient. It saved me when I didn't have a rice cooker in Japan."
"I worked in Japan for a stretch. I lived over there for like three years."
"I'm really happy with my friends, with how everything works for me here in the UK."
"Long time ago, like the beginning of 2019, now that these years feel like decades, we had a really interesting the United States American pilot who is working over in Shenzhen, China."
"We love to travel, we love to living in Germany for the past four years."
"My favorite thing about living in Japan is the fact that I'm so spontaneous here."
"Hook up with the right people, and you can probably do whatever hobby it is you had back in your home country."
"We lived overseas for 12 years and moved back to our hometown about four years ago."