
Sport Quotes

There are 800 quotes

"Sport is fun, and I think it brings a sense of enjoying the moment to life for everybody, whether you're watching it or playing it."
"Distance running is hard. It's a very demanding sport."
"Jersey tarpon may not grow as big or put up as much of a fight as real tarpon but they're still damn fun to catch on light tackle."
"Bull riders: the most dangerous eight seconds in sports."
"In the world of extreme deep sea fishing, marlin are some of the most coveted variety of fish, particularly blue and black marlin."
"Paragliding is a sport that provides a feeling of free flight."
"The evolution of archery: from war to sport."
"Barrel racing is a high-speed precision sport that requires much skill... hence the reason for the bad reputation too many people doing it without training and making a holy old mess out of it."
"You must realize that business is an intellectual sport."
"Tennis became more than just a sport for him; it became a beacon of hope."
"This is a sport of combat and war. We're warriors, and I love it."
"I don't see hunting as a sport; I don't see hunting as anything that is good or ethical."
"How beautiful the sport of bodybuilding can be... it's a combination of art, willpower, physical activity."
"This is why I love this sport and why I love this show so much."
"I'm absolutely buzzing just because I'm playing golf on a beautiful morning."
"The name of the sport is bodybuilding, building aesthetically pleasing physique."
"Boxing on a Wednesday in the middle of the week, it doesn't get any better."
"That's what it's all about, the progression of skateboarding right there."
"From the first training session, I fell in love with boxing."
"Rain stopped play; with which sport is this phrase associated?"
"To be able to fight cleanly and to have a proper battle, that's what excites me about the sport."
"Conflict is the lifeblood of this sport."
"The limits of birds aren't what keeps duck hunting alive."
"Duck hunting could properly be called the national sport of Utah."
"They didn't have any intention of making any money; they did it to promote the sport."
"I would love to see money go from sponsorships to payouts. In my opinion, that will grow the sport faster."
"We just needed to hold onto the ball."
"That's what makes it special about playing basketball, because you can carve out your own identity."
"Roller derby is a full contact sport."
"I fell in love with the sport. I was like, 'What? This is like a real fight and you get paid and you don't get nicked?'"
"Hunters have that unique sense of courage to be able to pull off this dangerous sport."
"After what felt like minutes standing silently in front of the microphone I talked about the dangers of the sport."
"Boxing: a sport that's both glorious and corrupt."
"Bodybuilding is always a big man sport,"
"Fencing is the biggest, fencing is... it's kind of like the thorn in my side."
"Men look for things that are masculine and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is incredibly masculine."
"I think that's one of the biggest lessons that you can learn doing any kind of sport."
"MMA might be the most difficult sport on the planet."
"Welcome to gamebred Bare knuckle MMA."
"There's a place for strangeness in this sport, and then I think Davey Grant is doing a good job of occupying it."
"...should actually looks pretty fun and the card's not bad if I'm honest."
"Thank you for just lighting up this sport, taking the politics away, making all these promotional companies work together and give fight fans exactly what they want."
"You're talking about two athletes that are competing against each other where the primary objective is to hurt the other opponent."
"Downhill bikes are both near and dear to both our hearts."
"The community, the courage, and most of all, it makes me believe more convicted than ever that CrossFit is the sport of the 21st century."
"Woohooo! Flyboarding is lots of fun, but it takes some practice to get it right."
"The group leorn is our favorite family EV and also our favorite sporting EV."
"...a nice mix of luxury and sport."
"I can't believe you're a professional golfer. You should be working at the snack bar."
"That was a brilliant idea to make sport animation. What's retro, it is."
"I think all sport teaches you a lot, especially team sport, it has a huge impact on how you think about leadership."
"Karate is an honorable sport. Such unfair practices are reprehensible."
"Trying to get a little white ball in a hole, make that's it, that's all. And as least shots as possible."
"I just love the sport, it's such a genuine sport, it's incredible."
"Super pipe snowboarding: things changed in 2021."
"I think both for sure, snowboarding is definitely both an art form and a sport."
"When I finally step foot in that octagon and place my bare feet on that special UFC canvas, I feel free."
"Martin Bender showcasing, pushing the sport, double rotation tricks are starting to infiltrate their way in with this younger generation."
"Oh my God, this is the most exciting sport."
"Talk about one of the worst timing in sport right there. Don't smack talk in MMA. Just don't do it. Save yourself the embarrassment."
"Great thing about volleyball: it's a clean slate"
"Motorsport is two words: the sport and the motoring side."
"I want to show the world what kickboxing looks like."
"In wrestling, anything can happen."
"Man, I was just sitting here thinking, man, uh, fishing, man, is the only sport that I think, man, in my opinion, that you can get people from all different races, all different nationalities, man."
"Shooting is largely about hand-eye coordination."
"Most grappling sports, if you're on bottom you're losing simple as that. In jiu-jitsu you can absolutely win on almost all of your matches from bottom position if you so favor that method."
"Fishing is a sport second to none, I can't overemphasize that."
"The duality of the sport was really exhibited well there between Fraser and Panczyk, the way they approached it."
"It's almost like it's a parody of the sport but it's doing bigger numbers than the sport itself."
"He is just a phenomenon like we have not seen in this sport."
"Beauty of sport and spectacle with stakes with enormous emotion."
"...I don't even think they knew how big a deal this thing was going to become, I don't think they knew how it was going to revolutionize and completely change the sport."
"...fishing is a sport Second To None."
"Though internationally renowned for its brown trout and the birthplace of dry fly fishing, much of the lower Test offers superb sport with salmon, particularly for those who like me love to long trot shrimps on light tackle with a center pin reel."
"Our goal is to try to make a difference and I mean make the sport better."
"That's what makes it special, that's what makes it a gladiator sport."
"Mixed martial arts is a weird place."
"Skateboarding is progressing, I love it."
"This is far... 200 yards on this par three so I've got a driver."
"To be honest, I never had a lot of friends and stuff, but then when I started fighting, you know, it kind of makes you more popular."
"My career was cut in half, the first half was the mixed martial arts phase."
"It's part of our culture. It's one of the most important sports for us."
"How long should you think the average golfer should take to play 18 holes?"
"The available sport differential helps you grab hold on every corner."
"Chess is a real sport, but the most important thing for playing chess is not the power in your arms but the power in your brain."
"I think it's just one of the beautiful things about sport is that it does challenge you in such extraordinary ways."
"Competitive sailing provides unmatched Soul communing with raw elements and Adventure."
"The discipline that I learned from sport really helped the creativity because if you still give yourself some sense of structure then you're working towards something."
"Pickleball is just the best. It's so fun."
"This should be called the luxurious grand touring motorcycle, its own segment. Oh, and also add sporty in there now, because you've got an amazing sport mode."
"Rugby is ridiculously popular in both."
"I just want to see more people out there running and enjoying this wonderful sport."
"I think you were a great addition to the broadcast thank you thank you it's been a real pleasure to be part of this and a real honor to get the opportunity to to talk about the sport and the people that that I love here."
"I think there needs to be some clarity as to how do you make those changes in a way that reflects what the sport's trying to do long term."
"The hottest sport out there is row battles, where it's robot V robot."
"Years where we got independence, strongman sport came. That time, it was part of freedom, and I started strongman sport when we got independence, and now we are live in nice country with happy people, this nice nature, colorful buildings."
"Hockey is confusing at times but boy is it hype when they use it."
"A decade of dominance the likes of which this sport has rarely seen."
"Pickleball is America's fastest-growing sport."
"The MGB, a proper sports car, as usable every day as a saloon car."
"Wrestling, a love and a passion we all share."
"I'm glad to see where it's at. I'm glad to see the rising tide of it all and I think it's great for the sport. I think it's great for the individuals who are receiving those contracts and whatnot."
"Bring on Badminton and yay yay, it's exciting."
"I'm so thankful for this sport and everything it's giving me."
"Lean forward, that's the entire sport. Because you don't move until you start leaning forward."
"Skating makes you want to go skate."
"One of the best parts of having a hot hatch is you don't have to compromise on practicality to have a fun sporty car."
"Accessibility in snowboarding is a huge factor."
"Drifting is not just a sport, it's culture, it's in our blood."
"Nothing's predictable in this sport, that's for sure."
"Skating is the best, you know? Win or lose, it's always fun."
"...this is the most exciting sport on planet Earth I cannot get enough of it and we have the biggest card we have ever had literally it is incredible..."
"...it reminds me of how my life was when I was young, the challenges, and the challenges also in sport."
"Days like today is what makes this sport so fun, it's the mental challenge, right? It's the mental battle."
"A vital wicket for the Australians."
"The addition of a young GI and a trio of Lockyer, Thurston, and Smith always put Queensland in contention even when the three previous series were losses."
"I'm incredibly grateful to my parents and I'm incredibly grateful for the game of golf."
"I want more for this sport and I'll fight for it."
"Yes, I'm driving in sport individual because I'm a boss."
"Bare knuckle boxing spans back to the 17th century. It is now a very fast-growing sport within the UK."
"I just want to continue to grow this sport because I love the fact that people want to be a bare-knuckle fighter first and foremost."
"The NHL regards February 7th as the Puck's birthday."
"Hockey is very much a team sport."
"Once in a generation, sport will allow a flower to blossom."
"Running: A very popular sport where you go for a jog or sprint."
"Formula 1 was a tad different. A team could enter the sport and fluke their way to one or two decent results."
"You have to be able to have dexterity with your hands while handling this stick. You have to have great vision, cardio. Your strength has to be there. It is an incredibly beautiful sport."
"I loved being the best at something I could never be best at sport, the activity that the most school boys would probably choose to excel at."
"We don't do it for the fame, we don't do it for the money, we do it because we love the sport, the competition, and the friendships made."
"It just goes to prove that in this sport you can't take anything for granted, no matter how good you are."
"Wrestling is like an art. Most fights come to the ground at some point."
"I play a sport that's going to humble you."
"This is what it's all about, match fishing, is it, it is, is it getting it right?"
"That's the beauty and the brutalness of sport."
"I think skiing is so cool. There's no sport that people are that is associated with the country. Skiing is great."
"...our sport is what it is tournament bass fishing."
"Hockey is Canada's most popular spectator sport and is considered to be the national winter sport."
"Our goal is to help elevate the sport and give these athletes an opportunity."
"One of my favorite things about this sport is the comeback stories."
"Rugby: perhaps best known as the birthplace of Rugby Football, the sport originated at Rugby School in the 19th century."
"The foundation of modern-day bass fishing."
"That's skateboarding and that's why it is so special."
"I love how the sport community includes so I wanted to use that medium but to add what I wanted to do in apparel."
"You want to shoot the best round you can today. Anything could happen when there's weather."
"this is football this is what this is what football is all about"
"Chess was invented in India and today the game of chess is loved in every country. It's played by adults, by children, and even by computers. Chess is a real sport."
"Pickleball kind of democratized that so people can have fun."
"The SL badge there for Sport Touring."
"It's the most dramatic, it's the most fascinating, it's the most heartbreaking sporting event all at the same time."
"Juji gatame is one of the main moves that characterizes the sport."
"It's almost a sport that we're taught, right, growing up as a Christian?"
"poker is the new sport for business Minds"
"Bare knuckle fighting championship is here to stay."
"We are seeing some high-level singles pickleball."
"He's showing how tough he is," Vivar said.
"Cycling is and always has been and always should be about Freedom."
"It's an adrenaline rush, it's a sport, not just a card game."
"I think boxing is in a really good place at the moment, a very, very good place it really is."
"Pickleball is good for your brain."
"That's why a lot of us are throwing big glide baits."
"It's not all about money. It's about making the sport what we all like, what we want it to be, and why we came to race bicycles in the first place." - Bernard Kerr
"Cycling is the world's greatest leveler."
"I have always loved the combination of technology and sport."
"Boxing is the fakest sport next to wrestling."
"He's got three free throws coming up."
"...Bri Hall called for the foul running into Haley Frank."
"It just feels like football, especially in the morning."
"Water polo was everything I loved put into one sport."
"...the broncos sport is really going to be for people who really don't need the most passenger space possible they just want something that's still going to be versatile and fun."
"When you think that they've got the distance right, the speed of the bird right, this is all going on inside your head, you shout 'ho' and then you throw it up in the air and the bird takes it."
"Clawing at that crimp, making it almost locked out, oh it's about as close as you can get, yeah, you can see it in her fall there that she really almost had it that time."
"There's no doubt that making weight is going to be more of a story than the fight itself."
"The infield is having a weekend. Screamball. See ya."
"I enjoyed sport, but I did enjoy performing. I did enjoy imitating."
"That's the beauty of sport... there is always a chance."
"Before it's always been people who produced it for the show value of it, not for the value of the sport itself. And he presents rodeo in the real way because he understands it, he likes it, he wants to protect the integrity of the sport."
"This is something that's so intense. It's so... like, it's a sport, but it's more than that. It's a moment."
"The biggest misconception about bucking bulls is that we treat them bad and they're harmed during their event."
"Long story, but there is a great pulse to New York in sport."
"John Fury will probably knock him out."
"...figure skating competitions can be full of flare and fun and have this kind of young rambunctious energy."
"I tend to think your sport picks you."
"I think it's important for our sport that we took a stand."
"It is the gnarliest sport in the world, I think."
"These two are the best of the best. It's really a testament to how great boxing is as a spectacle and as a sport."
"Barbecuing for competition is a sport."
"Disc golf is played and scored just like regular golf, but instead of hitting a golf ball with a club, you throw a plastic disc into a metal basket."
"That's the whole fun of the sport is just guessing on if you're gonna make the jump or not."
"You have continuously made the sport better as a participant, as an analyst, as a coach, as a mentor at every stage and at every version of yourself."
"He's a credit to the sport and credit to our team when he joins us here."
"It's not a sport for people with thin skin. It's a very primal sport. The athletes have to be in a very primal state of mind."
"I truly believe this: the reason that you see a lot of really, really good lifters come out of Russia is because a lot of those guys are mom-sponsored."
"Autocross is the only sport I know that's more fun when you screw up than when you get it right."
"What today and what this weekend is all about is celebrating this amazing sport that we love."
"It's not just a sport, it's a way of life."
"Surfing gets this really horrible picture painted to where they're the only activity that does it and that that is inaccurate."
"The way you play the sport is your art."
"Before it's a sport it's a game and humans play games because it's fun."
"You know there's something about an unbeaten champion in any sport Curt and you've seen them in all phases of sport and it's been a thrill to watch Bobby Knights team this year they've been the best team all year."