
Physical Therapy Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"Anytime we rub a... sore muscle, we're literally pumping it out of the cell."
"The Japanese have this thing called shiatsu massage where they dig into your body. Some people throw up, but the next day they feel great."
"I went to a PT and I kind of like thought it would help... he helped me so much so fast and even one session that I almost started crying and hugged him."
"Imagine putting a cast or an ankle brace on an ankle; it atrophies, and you lose range of motion, and that's the last thing you want."
"Rib mobilization: Gradually develop mobility."
"Once you've got that range of motion, that movement pattern you're happy with, and you're not feeling any pain, now you can start repping out high repetition bodyweight squats."
"I'm doing okay. I'm lucky to be alive, which is a good thing, and I'm still in therapy. I can't really walk the way I used to walk, so it's a bit frustrating, but I'm dealing with it."
"The body never forgets... you need to work around them and not neglect areas."
"After gruesome physical therapy and within a month, I was walking with the normal walker and after 2 months, I was back on the road."
"It's pushing into the muscle, and if you're not used to it, it's uncomfortable, but you will adapt if you be consistent with it."
"Recovery is possible, stretching and strength building is important."
"Deep breathing increases intrathecal pressure forces fluid in the discs, the discs are 70% fluid you're gonna get the curve back in the neck, I mean brilliant this is how you actually adjust."
"The contrast between hot and cold works all that bad blood out of your legs."
"Physical therapy is definitely the best option for me right now."
"Attack rehab like you're practicing like you're working out. That's how you have to attack rehab."
"Sometimes it's just modifying training to fix what we can while we train what we can."
"Physical therapy is dipping your toe in the water, seeing how it feels, and always changing things up."
"So before the treatment, my tricep was tight, my right shoulder was very tight actually. But right now, the way they move is like, I can't even explain anymore, it's amazing."
"Strength coach Mike Boyle, in my opinion, was the first guy to really start connecting the pieces between the physical therapist and then what we do in the weight room."
"Researchers at Ohio State University have been using this fast-paced game in order to help patients suffering from the physical impacts of multiple sclerosis."
"Stair exercises retrain your brain and alleviate pain."
"It's no cracking, no pain, very gentle yet effective."
"Helping people pick up their grandkids again, that's the big goal."
"The full can exercise helps maximize the subacromial space."
"To get all that movement back... is really quite remarkable."
"Let's get started and self-pop the hips right now."
"Once the joint's free then if you stretch your pack your lat you can actually get that motion to stay there right."
"Foam rolling has been shown in research to improve your mobility without any decreases in performance."
"Creating flexibility in the spine. Opening up through the hip, low back."
"He's helped thousands of people to recover from knee injuries."
"They also apply to strengthening the shoulders, the back, essentially created a system."
"Deep tissue massage, not light back rub stuff."
"There is no one-size-fits-all to fixing the shoulder impingement."
"This is a great drill to get deep into the hips I've also seen a lot of success with people who implement this on a regular basis."
"Shoulders are tight, restricting movement: we want to help break this up."
"Myofascial release with the lacrosse ball: breaking up some of that tissue."
"Conservative therapies like heat, massage, exercise, and physical therapy can help."
"Even with a full thickness tear, it's possible to heal it naturally and get your function back."
"They need to be working on exercises that move the shoulder blade because that's the foundation for the ball and socket joint."
"The motion begins to increase and as you do this frequently throughout the day it definitely improves and it calms down your rotator cuff."
"This angry cat rocking exercise is doing a lot of good for aligning the ball and socket joint without stressing the rotator cuff tendons."
"We have to get the rotator cuff working with the muscles around your shoulder blade in a coordinated fashion."
"So if your patients are happy with physical therapy, they're going to do well with physical therapy if they have a rotator cuff tear. Awesome."
"So we'll take this arm and you can either leverage this side."
"ACLs are important for cutting and pivoting sports."
"Call a specialist physical therapist to assess your rotator cuff problem and determine if surgery can be avoided."
"Focus on prevention with physical therapy before surgery to strengthen muscles and improve shoulder movement."
"If you're seeing full range of motion exercises, you're looking at a longer progression."
"When it comes to smaller exercises, you need to do some form of external rotation."
"If you have weakness and lack of control or sensation in one side of your body, you can get injured doing pretty much anything."
"While physical therapy of the body is important, we also know that the mental health component, which I think is so often neglected, is equally important."
"So, you've got a slight planarity problem in your pelvis or the overextension of one leg."
"Can you lift this leg again for me? This one? No, this one."
"I'm actually very impressed cuz I was stuck like here the other day but I can like open it up a lot more it's just like a good little warm up thank you guys for doing these PT exercises with me."
"My name is Dr. David Middaugh fan. I'm a specialist physical therapist at El Paso manual physical therapy."
"Trying to find a position where I'm comfortable at night is a nightmare. Shoulder pain during the day has been so much better since physical therapy."
"Because once it's activated now we're going to use it through the full range of motion and that's how we're going to get rid of the snapping hip."
"If you plan on incorporating exercise and just want to focus on the local function of the medial elbow tendons, these are the three things you want to do: wrist flexion strengthening, pronation and supination strengthening, and grip strength and endurance."
"I don't just want two or three stretches for people with scoliosis, stretches are great but one or two stretches isn't going to make a big difference as much as literally retraining your body how to move."
"This is a cool little drill not only to get activation through the foot but to get Shane to get better motor control through her toes as well."
"Hold it there... keep a little tension... little squeeze on that ball... we're going to lift that ball again."
"The amazing thing is that he's seen lots of different phys videos and he now is back running which is incredible."
"We're going to really lengthen the tail down, lift the front of your right hip up."
"Never underestimate the power of a little hug here on the mat, it's great for the spine, great for the lower back."
"We roll up diagonally, into frog, let's keep the feet planted there, and then roll the spine down using abdominal."
"So if those legs are really toast you can actually just do a tiny tiny bit of a bend in that knee."
"The nutrition plus physical therapy is going to be really important."
"...some of those mobilizations can help us feel better get out of pain desensitize something change a tissue."
"A lot of parents told us that just like their kids didn't like going to the dentist or to the doctor, they normally didn't like going to physical therapy unless it was with Tony."
"It's really important not to try and push your tendons and do your exercises and your walking several days in a row because then they're just not gonna get enough time to recover."
"This next strengthening exercise is going to focus on more muscle groups that help support proper knee function including the hip flexors in the front part of the legs, the hamstrings in the back, and also the glutes."
"Work on pushing that knee away from your body now."
"Exercise progression for gluteal tendinopathy provides a great framework."
"Stretching the muscle will not correct the back movement, but correcting the back movement will stretch the muscle."
"Body movement can fix almost anything."
"Massage and heat should be done theoretically before you do the exercises if possible."
"The purpose of the range of motion or stretching exercises is to prevent or slow down the progression of contractures."
"It really is a stretching exercise and people that tell you oh you should just do this and do that that's fine to keep it moving but it really doesn't stretch the connective tissue so it's more of a slow type of exercise."
"PT is easy is simple do not complicate it if I've got 90 12 times you can do it as well you have to just understand the basics stick to the marking criteria stick to the basics focus on what is important follow what I have told you practice regularly and success will be yours."
"Hold this one for 20 to 30 seconds."
"Together we are the most famous physical therapist on the internet."
"We agreed to try PT, you know. And More PT, yeah."
"It's funny cuz I had to start going to physical therapists and they taught me how to walk correctly and it has totally changed the way that I walk now."
"Very nice finding strength in that right leg."
"If you had a limitation in internal rotation, more hinge-like positions more of like a deadlift action pushes your hips back and helps improve that internal rotation."
"If you don't put as much time and energy into the physical therapy afterwards you're wasting your time with the surgery."
"Every day my physical therapist would come and basically beg me to get up and try to get better."
"Range of motion is more important than strength."
"Modified closed chain exercises are going to give you the greatest functional impact."
"You should be well on your way to developing proper functioning shoulders with full range of motion and resilience to injury."
"The goal with any stretching is to bring you to your limit right and then back off a little bit right and where that limit is will change with care with massage and adjustments."
"You're kind of using gravity to fall onto that side because your pelvis is already tilted downhill so why not use gravity to help make this shift automatic."
"Something that every good physical therapist will tell you if you have low back pain is to get those glutes stronger."
"She's so strong and crushing it in physical therapy."
"Seeing the change in someone's health being a direct result of what you're doing physically with your hands is very gratifying."
"This is going to feel really, really good on the shoulder."
"It's important that you stretch both of those muscles in order to maximize your outcomes."
"This whole conversation is a great reason why working with a physical therapist is a really good idea."
"Citizen Athletics was born out of a passion to combine the disciplines of physical therapy, strength conditioning, and general fitness."
"Current clinical practice is based upon using physical measures to help the lymphatic system be as active and efficient as possible."
"I think physical therapists like to think of ourselves as movement specialists."
"I want to show you guys one really effective and fast acting exercise to restore normal function to that first rib."
"Traditional yogic Arenas can thus be understood as having four possible aims: to provide a firm and comfortable position in which to meditate, to cultivate Tapas or the power of asceticism, to control the vital energies, and finally to provide physical therapeutic benefits."
"Using proprioceptive exercises for the neck has been clinically shown to improve decreasing neck pain, improving your joint stability, and ultimately lessening headaches, dizziness, nausea, and all of those symptoms that can come from the upper neck."
"One of the keys to rehab programs is to slowly build back strength and mobility."
"Isometrics can be great for tendon healing and strengthening."
"You want to strengthen the convex side in each case."
"Physical therapist assistants help people recover from injuries and illnesses."
"PNF stretching stands for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation."
"We need to be able to access some degree of relative neutrality of our spine so that we can create extension, flexion, and rotation as we need to, depending on the task."
"If you load it properly, you'll stimulate the cartilage to become more dense and healthier."
"Physical therapy is an important part of your recovery."
"An injection doesn't cure the herniation but it can take the pain away from the nerve such that a patient can participate in physical therapy more meaningfully."
"Physical therapists are healthcare professionals who help patients improve mobility and manage pain through prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and patient education."
"To become a physical therapist in the United States, you must earn your DPT or Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from an accredited program and pass a state licensure exam."
"Maps prime Pro is designed specifically to address most of the joints in the body."
"I hope physical therapy goes well for you."
"If it's a career that you're passionate about, you can go into work every day looking forward to helping people overcome their movement issues."
"Long story short, my mom is a physical therapist who works with kiddos who have disabilities."
"A physical therapist, what we do, which I think most people don't actually know, is we are movement diagnosticians."
"Your first aim with a torn MCL is to get your range of movement of your knee back."
"Progressive resistance training is an effective intervention for improving physical functioning."
"Most students look at average salaries... and then they see that the average physical therapist salary is about $89,000 a year. Wow, that sounds pretty good, right?"
"It's really important with people who have had hip fractures to get them moving again and strengthen their lower body."
"What we're really doing is just taking tone somewhere out of the body, and that way we have a short window of opportunity that could be somewhere between 2 and 10 or 15 minutes that will allow us to help re-educate the body and improve movement."
"Physical therapy is a long, long process, and you have to be patient with it."
"Swelling management is very important working towards your range of motion of your knee bending."
"A common pattern that happens is people learn to associate lumbar extension with hip flexion."
"I was bound to my bed in a wheelchair when Physical Therapy started and walked out of the hospital with the help of a cane."
"Pain is very complex and your physical therapist has that adequate knowledge and understanding how exercises and movements can affect pain."
"We are blogging this whole week just to show you guys what our first week at PT school is like."
"Exercise, physical therapy is almost always part of the treatment plan, no matter what else we do."
"Balance is a huge thing that I do not have and I'm working on getting."
"No pain, no pain. Movement is healing."
"I'm a physical therapist with 20 years of experience."
"We help watch them walk, we do a lot of observational gait giving them cues on what we're seeing to try and mimic normal human locomotion."
"This helps train them and we help watch them walk."
"You're wanting to lengthen but you're also wanting to move toward the center so you're creating the natural extension that you need to alleviate some of the tension that you may have with your back and your hips."
"You have to discover which side for you is more imbalanced and whichever the convex side which is moving out, start to bring it in and the other side lengthen."
"I'm really learning when I'm working as a physical therapist now of how much impact I can actually have on someone's life."
"If you got back pain and you haven't had this stuff done before, really encourage you to either, if you're in Melbourne, obviously coming to see us."
"Physical therapists actually have the highest job satisfaction out of any job on this list."
"The only way for you to feel permanently better is for that arch to be there."
"Patients who may not have a primary pulmonary problem... they actually may benefit from any kind of respiratory physical therapy."
"Welcome back to my channel, and you could have this physical therapist demonstrating a yoga-based physical therapy treatment plan."
"Tight forearms causing you wrist and elbow pain? I'm going to show you how to fix it today."
"The idea is to break up tissue, get things to slide better, get rid of scar tissue, increase blood flow."
"This is the point in the process where soft tissue work really becomes an important part of the rehab model."
"Pulmonary rehabilitation works specifically to improve physical function and exercise capacity as well as symptoms including breathlessness, quality of life, and mood."
"A tennis ball... works as an amazing massage tool in physical therapy."
"What we need is a right side of the body and the left side of the body with equal forces through the ground and through occlusal surfaces."
"That's a brilliant way to loosen up stiffness in the facet joints, and it's the final component to get rid of your stiff and tight lower back."
"Postural restoration techniques decrease tension in your body to take you from a sympathetic dominant state to a parasympathetic dominant state."
"Your body will get used to the motion and slowly loosen up."
"With dedication and consistent sessions, you'll be back to your regular activities in no time."
"We did some therapy today and basically all you do is just bring her wrist to neutral and you hold it there."
"I'm going to show you today how to fix your scapula winging."
"We're going to start off with the fascia release work that's required to fix the problem."
"Almost six weeks after her surgery, when we were given the okay to let her start doing a little bit more, I signed Memphis up for six weeks of physical therapy."
"You mobilize to create the range of motion and then you stabilize to tell your body you can move through this range of motion."
"Those are four great exercises that I recommend to my patients in my physical therapy clinic all the time."
"Take your physical therapy and anything that your doctor recommends very seriously."
"Physical Therapy does have some of the highest job satisfaction ratings."
"Shoulder special tests can be a fantastic tool to help you guide whether you think it's one condition over the other."
"Strengthening his hips was a big part of his rehab."
"Really be sure you want to go to physical therapy school and you want to be a PT before making this huge life-changing decision."
"Creating traction space in the joint is essential."
"We need to create traction first."
"PT was no joke, but luckily, I've been very aggressive with my physical therapy and I'm well ahead of where I should be."
"Our guest today is Dr. Kelly Starrett, a coach, physical therapist, two-time New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author."
"Exercise and range of motion exercises are good; maintain mobility as much as they can do their own work."