
Anti-censorship Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"I believe in moderation, but I don't believe in censorship."
"I'm asking Google to take a stand against censorship as they have in the past and take a long hard look at their implementation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and see how it can be improved."
"I think it's important for people to make money in a way that doesn't allow them to be cancelled and controlled."
"This is our triumph for freedom of media and a triumph to stamp out censorship."
"Opposing tech censorship, calling for a digital Bill of Rights."
"Elon has said that he believes in free speech, not censorship, and hopefully, that'll inspire other people to push back against these authoritarian tendencies in the West."
"A victory for free speech and an important defeat for the cancel culture mob."
"We want free and open debate, not speech codes and cancel culture."
"We will end the secrecy, the censorship, and the surveillance."
"America wasn't built by cancel culture, speech codes, and soul-crushing conformity."
"This could be a seriously game-changing anti-censorship ruling."
"Journalists used to just uniformly oppose the idea of censorship, knowing that even if they disagreed with something that someone was saying, the principle of free speech was vital."
"We are only as free as they let us be... designed our business to be censorship-proof."
"I can't make a good argument in favor of censorship."
"Anyone else by the way we're against censorship period."
"Stop saying education is indoctrination or you flatterers sound fucking stupid when you say it."
"I encourage people all the time to continue to speak the truth boldly, don't censor yourself, don't do the tyrant's work for him."
"We want our history. We want to know and we want to learn from our history. We don't want our history canceled."
"I believe in freedom of speech...to express our thoughts freely without having to fear censorship."
"I am NOT a fan of censorship... but in the case of predatory behavior, something does need to be done."
"We need to have debate rather than censoring."
"The real reason why I kind of switched gears and focused on Quix is because censorship is ramping up at an alarming rate."
"Giu's past shapes his present and techniques."
"It's totally unworkable in that regard but the point that you're making to I wholeheartedly agree with which is it's foolish to think you can censor your way out of this."
"Allowing people to be able to share their side of the story and not silencing people, I think that's incredibly important."
"None of them should be censored, no matter how much we want to."
"Awareness and people rallying behind the fact that they do not want censorship in our society, I think, is ultimately a good thing."
"Do not, for one second, say it is anti-China to be critical of the Chinese government."
"Stay strong, stay together... Censorship will fail."
"We can't let them discriminate, censor, or shut us down."
"It's almost like it's a badge of honor if they do try to de-platform you or smear you at this point. It's probably a pretty good indication that you're actually standing on some level of truth."
"You don't want corporate control; you don't want corporate censorship. [ __ ] off, leave me alone, I'm talking here."
"Censorship and obscurantism are against our history and our identity."
"This is breaking, President Trump is signing an executive order to stop the censorship."
"We've got to fight back against censorship against silencing against removing opposing views."
"Silencing, censoring, no-platforming, and canceling people who disagree with you isn't democratic or liberal."
"I frankly can't stand censorship and cancel culture."
"People Americans don't like censorship... overwhelmingly reject book Banning as a tactic... it's extremely important to talk about that to mobilize people."
"Decentralization is a tool to prevent censorship."
"The premise for this company is fairly simple... their goal is to create an anti-censorship network to level the playing field of expression."
"Texas is taking a stand against big tech political censorship. We're not going to allow it in the Lone Star State."
"The Constitution holds no tolerance for censorship."
"Silencing the speech is the most anti-American thing that they can do."
"Joe basically took the reigns and he became the one to fight for free speech and be anti-censorship and anti-cancel culture."
"ISPs do not get to interfere with our choices by blocking, speeding up, or slowing down apps or kinds of apps."
"Support new tech, fight against censorship."
"I find it disgusting that art, photography's art, fashion is art, there shouldn't be censorship."
"I'm a big supporter of open internet use, I'm a big supporter of non-censorship."
"It can't happen here; we read books instead of burning them."
"The best response to hateful speech is not censorship but more speech."
"We firmly believe that the best response to hateful speech is not censorship but more speech."
"Censorship is not the answer, and knowledge is power."
"We stand for freedom, stands for freedom of speech, the power of the people, the ability for them to protest against the government to right wrongs, no censorship, especially online but also in real life."
"We need to know that Google is on the side of the free world and that it will provide its services free of anti-competitive behavior, political bias, and censorship."
"I'm anti-book banning, anti-censorship."
"Violence and censorship, right? I'm against violence and I'm against censorship."
"Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and one thing that I do not like is censorship."
"I don't believe in censorship. I don't believe that anybody should be censored for any reason."
"This will allow us to store these files here for free for the long term and also they'll be censorship resistant."
"Being center or leading a little bit to the right would be on the side of freedom of speech and anti-censorship."
"The game will release as planned without censorship."
"I don't believe in canceling anybody. I think that people should be able to make the decision themselves as to who they want to watch and who they don't."