
Client Management Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Agencies are broken down into three core areas when they're first starting: foundations, getting clients, and delivering results."
"I will show you the exact steps from taking your wireframes all the way through to designing unique and world-class UI designs for your clients, so you can start charging more money."
"It's immediately desirable to tell the truth, regardless of what your client said."
"Owning your relationships, owning that client relationship is everything."
"Our job is to educate. If his clients are uneducated, that's because he hasn't educated them."
"The best way to get new clients is from your old clients."
"If that means taking one or two clients a year and then have the rest of the income come from other sources but I don't need to be as involved that would be the goal."
"It's sometimes it's that we have to have our clients do less."
"I love Free CRM because you can also log your clients into that system so now you have your own database of customers."
"Operationally sound, simple, and organized. That's what the retainer gave me."
"This is like the lawyer's nightmare, right? Worst client in all time."
"Nobody likes dealing with clients that they aren't having a good time with."
"My job's to do what I think is the best thing for you, even if that's saying you're not the right fit for me."
"I don't think it's fair to your clients to be googling how to run a Facebook ad while charging them thousands of dollars to run Facebook ads."
"The moment you can fire clients, that's when you're winning."
"The only difference between a great freelancer and a struggling freelancer is who has better clients."
"This week was amazing. I had super great clients. Darrell needed to reign in her sexuality but then again Scott needed to get in touch with it. I'm two for two and now they're on the path to love. I can't wait till next week."
"There's really only three things you do to grow a business... get more clients, get more money each transaction, get them to buy more often."
"I would develop a way to not only acquire my clients, maintain my clients, but to manage that relationship."
"Given the attention and focus that his current agency were too large and too busy to do." - Kevin Smith
"It's better to not spend time on the phone with a prospect if they're never going to be a client."
"The ultimate key would be, if you can find a company that is adding a bunch of clients, the existing clients are spending more, that's been the ultimate recipe to success."
"I went from 1,500 to 2,500 a client, then I went to 3,500 a client, and then... I had a six-month waiting list."
"Having it on clients nice to like show you in the UI quickly the picture with the URL, but you should not rely on that as the source of Truth for the image."
"Learning point 2: When you deal with high net worth clients, time is money, provide customization, and don't be pushy."
"Negotiating with clients is an extremely important skill."
"I've upped my game and taken over an exclusive resort where I can watch my clients every move and give them hard truths and much-needed love lessons."
"You need to make sure you have a regular clientele that can sustain your business."
"If you charge $2,000 a month for a specific service, then that only takes two to four clients a month to reach a pretty decent income."
"I think the best way is to work backwards and figure out how much you want to be making from this, how many people you want to see, what's your like mental capacity for clients, and all that good stuff."
"Cherish the A's and try to get more clients like your A's."
"Talk to the client in a calm voice about familiar things."
"It would be easier for you to onboard clients. It would also be easier for you to know the tools that you are going to use."
"Set up regular check-ins with clients."
"So basically now we have an automated email being sent anytime there's a change in stage with one of our clients."
"A great freelancer will be in demand and you won't be their only client."
"The niches are in the riches. Fire your worst clients. There are key tenants. So, the next book that I would recommend is by the same author, Michael Michalowicz, which is 'Profit First'."
"Passion for helping people is what will pull you through all the challenging clients."
"Don't be afraid to tell your clients that starting on inbox management is a marathon and not a sprint. Slow and steady wins every single time."
"We're trying to switch the thinking of our clients so they don't go into emotional states that are negative."
"Premium clients, the ones that you can charge more for, are the ones that are much better to work with."
"You're much better off taking on fewer clients, charging more, and building the base of your income with a lower-priced digital product."
"...let's say you want to do on-page SEO for a client cool how many hours are we going to provide for that client every single month?"
"Describe a challenging client-facing situation, focusing on understanding needs and delivering value."
"You learn to work with clients and you learn to manage their expectations, and you learn the value of your time."
"Setting the client's expectations is super important in the business world."
"You can't afford to take every client that comes your way. You're not meeting their expectations, you're gonna get frustrated, and it's not a profitable business."
"You also really need to make sure that your high blood pressure clients are breathing properly in their workouts."
"If you guys use this, I promise you, not only are you going to close more clients, you're going to feel a lot more confident about what you're doing inside that first session."
"You need to meet your clients stakeholders. You need to discuss their needs and you need to figure out how you can help them achieve their goals."
"You're moving your client through a process, a predictable and profitable process to get them to the result."
"Your clients will get automatic text and email reminders about their appointments. You can also set up deposits and cancellation fees to protect yourself in case they cancel late or they don't show up."
"Dealing with difficult clients is just good practice for being a professional in general."
"One bad client can spoil the whole bunch."
"You really just need to iterate over time and start focusing on the type of client you actually want to work with."
"If I know I can deliver [expletive], I can't deliver, then I'm learning how to deliver before I deliver. And I'm probably only max taking one to four clients to figure out how to deliver."
"How about all the time that we went back and forth emailing the clients? How about the time we took to basically book everybody?"
"The goal is to get the client to show up. If they show up, that's like 80 percent of it."
"Twenty percent of your clients are giving you eighty percent of their results. They're giving you eighty percent of the income, they're giving you eighty percent of the referrals and etc. You should focus the majority of your time on those clients and you should fire the rest."
"You'll get a 20% discount within 90 days, so that'll help with the cost. But even if you just sign up the one client and get familiar with it, get it set up, it's very well worth it."
"You can constantly keep building up your monthly recurring revenue and live a good sustainable life with an awesome business model on a relatively low amount of clients."
"Repeat clients are the best clients because you don't have to go through the entire onboarding process and they you know how they're going to pay you you know how to communicate with them and it takes away all that other stuff."
"Bringing Booksie into your business and it will give you so much freedom to work on your clients throughout the day."
"...there's so many different kinds of clients out there..."
"When somebody comes in and they're a new client, you can take them through this process and get them moving forward."
"If I want to let my client easily create and update site content, the CMS is a great solution for that."
"Sometimes clients do what they gotta do."
"I've been doing like coaching Consulting and agency for a long time they have generated over five million dollars online doing this stuff and so really good at generating appointments client acquisition sales sales teams appointment setting."
"My results with a client are defined 10 years from now, not 10 weeks from now."
"Our main goal with accepting a client is avoiding working with clients that lack integrity."
"Managing the expectations of our clients is really important."
"The thing that matters the most and the thing that's most important to you and to be able to grow is the client list, how you talk to clients, your systems in place, your design systems, and also the trust that you have with your team."
"As an HR business partner, you'll generally be assigned a client group or a portfolio, and you are responsible for their HR needs."
"Make it easy to say yes to, hard to say no to, and make it the client's idea every single time."
"You need a system for onboarding clients."
"It's better to under-promise than to over-promise to a client."
"Knowing how to book clients accordingly and understanding the services that your salon offers will save so much time and hassle."
"After I got the client management system, I saw a 40 percent increase in my events."
"Take ownership over the entire process of what it takes for your clients to get an ROI from start to finish."
"Digital marketers take care of their clients' entire web presence."
"As usual, I include the next steps for the client just to keep the project rolling."
"The best advice I've ever been given is to under promise and over deliver with every client."
"With business development, as you have your own clients, it allows you to really take control not only of your time but also of your career."
"You're a business owner; you should own your clients."
"Be transparent. You want to make sure that your client knows what they're going to get ahead of time."
"We're moving from a very face-to-face industry to one where advisers get hundreds of clients. How do you remain personal and impactful?"
"If you're at capacity and you're worried about taking more clients on... you should raise prices."
"I only work with one large client at a time because that allows me to have uninterrupted support, full attention."
"With it, you can give your clients just a single URL that they can bookmark and then they can rely on just that one bookmark to access all of the information that you share."
"Setting expectations moves the needle forward more than anything else when it comes to getting client results."
"By keeping your projects prioritized, you have the ability to work most effectively and maintain proper expectations with your clients."
"You want three to five to ten awesome clients."
"Be firm, consistent, and empathetic while addressing specific client behaviors."
"This was a really nice example of using client first in the real world."
"With Squarespace scheduling, clients can quickly view your availability and book their own appointments or classes."
"Would you rather have one client that paid you 10,000 or a 100 clients that pay you $100?"
"Leveraging your pre-existing client relationships to convert them into wealth clients."
"That was sort of like the first time that Sean had sold to an agency, and then that agency had rolled it out to all of their clients."
"If you can actually prove your success... you'll find very very quickly that you will very soon be actually turning away new clients."
"Having control over exactly what your clients can do on a website is incredibly useful."
"That's how we can take reseller hosting and we can start to create residual income streams from our existing or from new clients as they come on board."
"It's good to be proactive with your clients so that they're not reactive to you."
"It also gives you more time to build stronger relationships with the clients that you really do like."
"20% of your clients make 80% of your profits, and also 80% of your clients are repeat business."
"You guys need to build relationships better with your clients."
"The best time to fire a client is before they've become one."
"If we set the right expectations upfront with clients, we're more likely to meet their expectations and to have happier clients at the end."
"Setting customer expectations is so important."
"Setting expectations and differentiating ourselves from the competition."
"The difference between good agencies and bad agencies isn't their service delivery, it's their ability to set expectations and coach their clients."
"Internal controls are our policies and procedures about what to do for a client."
"It's a place where you kind of keep all of your clients and it becomes essential whenever you start having multiple clients."
"If you have clients, this is one of my favorite folders that I go to all the time and it is very incredibly helpful."
"I create long-lasting relationships with my clients; they know me, they like me, they trust me."
"I'd rather you have too many clients and then worry about how to serve those clients than the opposite way around."
"Just last month alone, I did over $200,000 in sales with just two or three clients."
"Capture the details of your potential clients so that you can market to them without having to chase them around all the social media platforms."
"We need to retrain clients and bosses from the ground up that that's how the web works."
"QuickBooks Online for Accountants allows you to manage your clients and your practice all in one portal."
"You have difficult clients; everybody has difficult clients. You have to learn to deal with it."
"Once we've accepted the connection, we'll make a new ClientHandler object."
"The systems shown here keep you and your clients on track."
"Client observability is very important if you want to understand what's really happening behind the scenes."