
Skill Appreciation Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"We should treat people like individuals and base our opinions on them on their character and their skills."
"You'll progress through your own efforts; you'll be well-respected. Your knowledgeability, skill sets will be well recognized and appreciated."
"Oh my God, that's so good. That's so basic technique."
"We should be ruled by Army mechanics. There is a genuine skill and common sense out there which is why democracy is great."
"I love the idea of this skill, and I love the animations."
"Void's Sheik is just so cool. I'm just like in awe of everything he does."
"Watching people that are great at doing something, anything... it's fun to watch."
"Nice shot, oh my gosh dude, this man's building is nuts!"
"They deserve respect for having a skill that we patently don't have anymore."
"For the first time since I finished my time with my trainer, I was riding with someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing."
"Your time is valuable and your skills are valuable."
"There is an incredible skill that is associated with actually building a community."
"I'm happy to go get coffee and I'm good at it."
"Pedry is incredible. I love the fact that he's got five-star skills as well. Just feels insane on the ball."
"That one shot from Polly, that was beautiful."
"It just shows how insane professional golf is how good you guys are it's it's nuts."
"That was a chance and a half it's one of them chances you wouldn't expect anything to come with it but that shot was so good it deserves something."
"The level of passion and excitement that he had playing $100 heads up sit and go's."
"Some people are just really talented. Real skill, real talent."
"When it comes down to the definition of art for me personally it definitely hits the requirements of skill and to be appreciated for their beauty."
"It's so good, man, it's so good at what he does."
"Recognize that you are really gifted and talented at what you do."
"Recognizing exceptional individual skill or play." - Appreciating outstanding performances or moments of brilliance.
"Brilliant pass, wow. Honestly, that's insane."
"Oh, that's brilliant, man. Saka, he's so skillful."
"Flair excelled at making everyone he went up against... look like a million dollars."
"As long as he can bang them in from deep, I don't mind."
"Rick Smith Jr. is a master at what he does. Nobody can say otherwise." - illusionist and card thrower.
"He's playing simple basketball. No one likes simple, but not everybody can do that."
"The most common path is to find out who's good at what you're not good at and appreciate those differences."
"Great work for somebody that knows nothing about trucks."
"It's nice having skills and people appreciate your work."
"A magnificent job! The renowned explorers International Society is impressed by your exploration skills."
"This gal is super talented. I'm confident she can help you out with your stuff."
"Ricky with a beautiful forehand up, not to be overlooked."
"Not just their skill and their amazing playmaking ability, what I really like is the finish."
"How are you spinning around like that? That's beautiful. That's a skill, thank you, Doodle."
"When they do something that kind of sort of is like well how the [ __ ] did he do that that's the cool part."
"If somebody is like, 'Why should I pay that much to get a rose tattoo from you?' Because I drew, I've been practicing for thirty years to do that rose for you, and that's why it's worth it."
"That pick, one of the nastiest picks I've ever seen. Like straight up, you know what I said, it was just a cool, cool, like that. It was nasty though."
"With these headshots from Simple, it's so beautiful."
"Foden, if you haven't tried Phil Foden, please go ahead and try him."
"This is a great gift... a reminder of how many skills we've lost."
"When you see someone speedrun a game it's hard to describe but once you understand what's happening I think it's one of the most impressive things I have ever seen a human do."
"You just have to sit back and appreciate the absolute like peak of mechanical skill that robs has."
"I prefer watching boxing; it's more skillful and stylish."
"It's impressive enough to see professionals blowing glass, but to see them using these techniques to produce such fantastic art is a whole other level of wow."
"Tremendous to look, the passing, the movements, the touch, the whole thing was great for advocating for football."
"I love it, to be fair. Considering Liam has never done hair before, he's actually done a really nice job."
"He's really good annoyingly yeah so I wish he wasn't but he is a very good player."
"There's nothing like seeing a master at work and then going about their business accurately and excellently."
"I think the skill gap should be ever-present."
"Architecture is undervalued for its skill set. That's hard."
"There's a lot of really good uses for this and I really like this ability."
"That's a lot of work, that's artistry, okay, that's difficult to do."
"His street skating is incredible as well."
"It blows my mind that they can do it like I wouldn't be able to do what they're doing but these kids do it and they're here it's for real and it's depressing see them in here every day."
"Kyrie Irving, the handles and the body control, Irving cookies, he takes it away from Johnson, buys the over defenders at the rim, Kyrie, boy, oh boy, another three-pointer fall, they just don't have the lead."
"Nice control, nice speed, everything."
"A promise, what you've done with the skill set you've got is nothing short of staggering, it's amazing and you don't see it because you're in the middle of it."
"Darren Appleton is not missed. He just has a natural stun stroke right off the rail."
"A big admirer of Tyler's technique."
"Teaching is definitely a really underrated skill."
"Who wouldn't find someone more attractive because they're so good at something?"
"Amazing facility for someone who learned in high school."
"We shouldn't underestimate the capabilities of ancient craftsmen and stonemasons as they found clever ways to overcome challenges and achieve magnificent feats of engineering."
"Support the training of watchmakers and reward them fully for the job they do."
"You're starting to feel what archery is all about."
"Nobody's doing it as a favor, Sarah Louise, it's because they want you involved in something you're good at."
"Toy photography is huge. There's so much value in this skill."
"It looked unbelievable, they repainted it, Cooper is great at what he does."
"He emphasized the importance of Joshua's skills being recognized not just by their battalion but also by the prestigious Sharc orders of higher echelons."
"Well, Andy, I got a huge amount of respect now for taxidermists, more than I did before."
"This is history, this is research, this is appreciation of the skills that came before."
"Wow, amazing eyes, where did you learn that?"
"It seems that everybody really enjoys what can be done with the yoyo and is really surprised at how neat these tricks are."
"Every time I look at this, I even amaze myself."
"Damn, Lee's got some serious skills."
"Build a culture where skills are valued more than roles."
"It's such an incredible product, and it's really fun for people who are good at it."
"Thanks, Louis. I was telling my father, an electronics tech for 60 years, about your repairs. He didn't believe it was possible to do the stuff you do until he saw it."
"I really like Stroll, he's definitely got a lot of skill."
"You can find many artists who have done things like these that are pretty good."
"That's a good technique, right? Wow, look at that!"
"That's a nice shot from Caitlyn, beautiful."
"He's just so good technically, it makes a lot of sense in so many ways."