
Visual Quality Quotes

There are 1040 quotes

"It's picture-perfect, and it feels so good to have it in proper 4K."
"Crysis 3 is a beautiful game visually, and I mean that sincerely with no caveats or exceptions."
"Both titles have a lot to offer visually. Gran Turismo 7 gets the DF nod for the most visually striking game of the two."
"The visual quality is really damn good. This is where I do believe the hype with the Vision Pro."
"The franchise is known for its robust stealth-based game mechanics, high quality visuals, and its iconic main protagonist."
"One of the best things about Diablo 4 is the graphics... it is certainly the best crafted visual game in terms of the gameplay that I have ever seen."
"Allen Wake 2 is one of the best-looking video games I have ever played."
"It's undeniable just how good the maps look."
"The visual change between off and low is immediately noticeable."
"A mod that is so beautiful, retexturing all of the gold septums and coin purses in game, with a level of detail and crispy fidelity that I have not seen before."
"Cyberpunk is in a better state than ever on PC and it continues to be one of the best looking games you can play right now."
"This is the kind of visuals that I kind of sit down and wonder, I don't know if we're ever really going to get much better."
"This game looks absolutely amazing, very clean and crisp."
"This looks much better, more fluid, more consistent, more fun."
"Forza has always nailed those and the reflections look really nice on the cars across the board."
"Pixel Slate is engineered with a stunning detailed display."
"The visuals in this game blow the mind, it literally looks like I'm watching a real boxing match, it's crazy!"
"The tracks as you saw, they just look... there's a true generational leap."
"In summary, you get an image quality boost and better SSR on the graphics mode."
"To me, it demonstrates why corona is so beloved by artists because it looks amazing."
"New Horizons is a gorgeous game and is without a doubt one of the best looking games on the Switch."
"A visual feast, so I don't see any problems here."
"Guardians of the Galaxy is probably the best looking game I've played this year."
"The technical stuff is the foundation for all of this stuff... every surface you look at is so detailed and so crisp."
"Brings realism in terms of visuals and gameplay."
"Probably one of the most beautiful looking games I have ever seen."
"This is pretty much the best looking game I've ever played."
"I love that his shell is just like this big glistening pearl."
"This is the best looking and best Xbox game of the year, a masterpiece."
"The colors just look so natural, the blacks are so deep and rich."
"Everything is going to see a visual resolution increase on the Quest 3... it's just overall gonna be a better looking image."
"Choice on PC: If you want to play at 30fps and get higher graphical fidelity, you can do that."
"Crank That RT all the way up to the max in Marvel at how smooth it now is."
"The refresh rate adjusts on its own, depending on what you are doing, so you get a great visual experience while still preserving battery life."
"People are gonna be blown away, like John said this game looked great in the preview and it's amazing looking on PC right now."
"It's really hard to complain about how this panel looks when displaying either SDR or HDR images."
"I felt the HDR experience was visually superior to any edge lit panel."
"HDR performance is also clearly real and very solid."
"It's hard to make an OLED look bad in HDR content or really any content for that matter."
"HDRIs are going to basically help us get out of this grayscale world."
"Wow, look at this! This is great! I love how the distance visibility changes."
"It looked really impressive, really polished. Everything looked like a really super high level detail."
"I think Horizon Forbidden West is one of the prettiest games I've ever played."
"The smooth photo rotation also applies to the virtual tours and it just makes them look so good."
"Super Mario 3D Land is one of if not the best-looking Nintendo 3DS game."
"Everything just looks so sharp, it's actually... my first IPS screen."
"That's looking real smooth actually oh this is running at 1080 and we're on high that's looking real fine I suppose it's playable."
"The x95j's AI-based enhancements result in an image that is just crazy good."
"I'm obsessed with skin tones and this TV is among the best I've ever seen when it comes to skin tones."
"Even movies like 'The Mummy' looked perfection, especially Rachel Vice's skin."
"LG G3 presents some of the most impactful HDR we have witnessed on an OLED TV yet."
"This is the best looking video game I have ever played, hands down, no question."
"Infamous Second Son is the best looking game in my opinion."
"Overall gta 5 is expectedly a far superior game when it comes to its visual presentation."
"Visually, this thing looks amazing. I can't deny that."
"Their games look great as is. Mario Kart is a fantastical game, Splatoon is a fantastic looking game."
"The Callisto Protocol stands to deliver one of the most visually striking Unreal Engine games to date."
"Wildside: hunt, build, and survive in a visually stunning adventure."
"You're going holy sh*t, I can't believe my games can look like this. This is butter smooth."
"Skyrim's overworld has that same quality as Red Dead Redemption 2: every frame a painting."
"Skyrim is much like Darksiders 2... these games will still look good even when the industry has made photorealism standard."
"The real story is how the [ __ ] can the Nintendo switch run this thing this is a beautiful looking game it's draw distances are some of the farthest you will see in any open world game you will play in an instant."
"It is just a breathtaking high point for the Zelda franchise for Nintendo and for video games I very strongly recommend the Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom."
"I've never had a telescope I think that showed this much detail on these cool little reflection nebula."
"My number one favorite thing... was absolutely the graphics."
"The gameplay is better than it's ever been, oh my God, these visuals are so good, the soundtrack goes on for centuries."
"I think a game, even if this game doesn't look, it looks really rough, I think it's good."
"Just everything moves so beautifully, it really starts to look like a feature film."
"Battlefield has clearly provided a superior visual presentation."
"The animations in this game deliver some really beautiful and really brutal ones."
"It was really convincing... it looked great."
"It's one of the most beautiful looking games I've ever seen."
"You're not gonna be disappointed with the visual splendor of this game."
"From start to finish, 'The Incredibles 2' is a visual treat with some of the best animation we've seen from Pixar."
"Water looks great in most games released today."
"Visually, it’s difficult to find much fault."
"The better animation we get to see, the better in my eyes."
"Ghosts of Tsushima is the best looking game Sucker Punch has crafted to date and stands tall in the genre."
"Virtua Cop 2 is a must-own game for fans of the genre and easily the best-looking gun game for the Saturn."
"Wow, this actually looks way better, holy [ __ ], it's a huge improvement!"
"It was beautiful, the atmosphere was perfect."
"If you want the most stunning visuals 2K can offer, nothing beats the Acer Predator."
"I cannot get over what a difference in image quality this new monitor is."
"So sorry for the grainy picture, but you know what's going on here."
"Revelations 2 was a really eye-catching game thanks to the impressive engine."
"That actually looks really outstanding, take a look at that."
"Physics, the atmosphere is pretty good while the graphics don't look great."
"The image quality is excellent and provided you don't have too many people that are gathering around the set everyone who's sitting in front of it is going to get a very nice image quality out of it."
"It really does an exceptional job upscaling your 1080p Blu-rays to 4k."
"Just look at how well the game holds up everything you're seeing here is pure PS5 and Series X footage native 4K in the game's new fidelity mode with ray-trace shadows enabled."
"Texture that's just being applied because we don't want something that just looks like that embossed effect overlaid on top of her skin that would not look good at all."
"High resolution prototype gets to 55 pixels per degree across your field of view, significantly higher than anything at scale today."
"It's cool that you can get away with rendering lower extremely lower resolutions in the case of DLSS and have it still look functionally decent if not really good."
"Hogwarts Legacy is an impressive looking cross-generation title."
"It looks sort of like slightly I don't know almost buttery because of the light that's passing through it."
"If you want to get the best image quality possible both in the actual image on the screen plus having the higher res screen to give you a really pretty image I would go with the hds live unit."
"That's how you get this insane crisp sort of super sampled look especially with the sharpening filters that we apply on top."
"Playing this game in 4k on a huge TV... pixel art isn't meant to be seen in 4k really but it just looks so tantalizingly beautiful in 4k."
"It's really hard to beat the look and immersion of a scene like this with it on."
"Every time I looked closely at the screen, it was 4K. So it doesn't actually seem to be using DRS. Also, the motion blur shutter speed, they finally got it right."
"Vampir looks pretty damn good even when compared to bigger budget titles."
"Sony's focused on how can we get the best looking best performing games."
"Destiny 2 looks really good visually, I kind of think it looks better than Halo Infinite at this point."
"Onimusha Warlords looks incredible not only for its time but might argue it still holds up today."
"Graphics don't necessarily mean quality. You can still make something great without the best graphics."
"Gears 5 delivers just an unbelievably gorgeous game with huge beautiful environments and just tons of detail."
"Metro Exodus is fully driven by their ray tracing and I don't know there's like a lot of scenes where I was playing the game and I was playing it primarily with ray tracing on I was thinking well this looks really great natural."
"Boulder's Gate 3 is an absolute work of art visually."
"OLED panels are self-illuminating, giving panel uniformity and true-to-life contrast."
"Absolute black on OLED makes a difference, especially in low-light sequences."
"Generally speaking, anything you point this camera at looks fantastic. In the end, it's not oversaturated, colors don't bloom out, and you see a lot of detail without too much overexposure and noise."
"The Pixel 3 XL is really punchy and vivid, it looks really sharp as well."
"The level of detail is absurd, I mean look at this!"
"The game world looks incredible and so do the characters."
"This is going to be a very pretty high definition game running at 60 frames."
"You're truly quadrupling the resolution you're going four times the resolution."
"The game visually looks stunning, end of discussion."
"The texture of everything and the lighting is so impressive."
"Ray tracing can transform the way the game looks."
"You just keep the reps consistent, and you're gonna get picture-perfect images like this."
"Samsung's 8K TV can finally perform like an 8K TV should, better blooming control, brighter while preserving color volume."
"Check this out, folks. This is a beautiful looking game, and this is just a demo, a snippet of all the features that will be in Manor Lords."
"For a film that cost about as much as the meal budget for some blockbusters, it looks outstanding."
"They made a movie that looks like it cost way more than it did."
"There is a certain risk you take with art, and while I don't recommend anyone do what they did, the end result did look great."
"The graphics no longer seem exaggerated, they seem clear, they pop from the landscape and they are vivid."
"The game works stunning on PS4 Pro... one of the best-looking indie games I've ever seen."
"Overall, Breath of the Wild's cel-shaded art style and attention to detail still remain unmatched."
"Every punch is lovingly crafted to be satisfying to watch and it just makes this whole fight rather striking."
"The PS5 version made a very strong first impression, very polished beautiful animation work, it's just the whole thing felt great."
"Playing games in Dolby Vision allow for better retention of bright highlight detail."
"The game world looks great, and there’s a lot of variety to it."
"I think dlss has quality I think looks better often than native rizz and usually it does in a lot of games."
"Adjust view distance, shadow quality, anti-aliasing for performance."
"For 4K gamers who want all the eye candy that's available."
"One of the best displays you'll find on any smartphone."
"A technical marvel when it released, and it still looks very good to this day."
"Gran Turismo 2 offers one heck of an impressive presentation."
"Their fight is gorgeous and it looks so good."
"Wow, the graphics on this game are phenomenal."
"This was on high and it looks absolutely beautiful."
"There's just a level of granularity on display with everything."
"The game has a lot of fine detail up close but also at a distance."
"The city here I actually thought was one of the most impressive areas in the game."
"The A90J delivered the most impactful HDR we've seen from an OLED TV."
"The presentation here in this game looking pretty darn good."
"I love the pre-race presentation, this looks really really nice."
"The series X image quality is very sharp, stable, and clean."
"It's a bittersweet one, like this is taking our number one spot for the most impressive visuals of the year."
"Visually, Final Fantasy VI is stunning even after 20 years."
"The visuals do not look the best on YouTube, which is what a lot of people seem to be judging the game off of. It looks best in 3D on a new 3DS."
"720p is often a sweet spot for integer-based scanline implementations - giving a nice balance between the thickness of each scanline and the darkened gaps in between."
"The game is insane looking showing the technical aptitude towards artistic flow."
"It looks set to be fantastic looking in shiny 4k and a great sequel to the experimental first game."
"The LED backlighting is some of the best I've seen."
"Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - the best-looking yet."
"Forza Horizon 2: dynamic weather and impressive visuals."
"Out of all the games aiming for realism...Until Dawn is the reigning champion."
"Until Dawn's environments look so real you could touch them...it's characters are well on their way up the far slope of the uncanny valley."
"Unbeatable black levels, stunning contrast, and a wide viewing angle so everyone gets a great view."
"This laser TV looks really really good even in the daytime."
"Visually it looks pretty damn good to be honest and the emulator itself as standard does do a little bit of helping in terms of sampling to kind of smooth things out for you."
"A game that looks this good visually? Hell yeah."
"I personally like that. I want to look at the back of the screen, I want to go, 'Oh man, yeah, that's sharp!'"
"Achieving a much better image quality than the game being played on PlayStation 5 is not too hard for most GPUs out there."
"Forza Horizon 4... manages to look great but also play at very high frame rates."
"Having an OLED panel to play your retro games is a really nice experience."
"Realistic Waters 2 massively upgrades the visual quality of water."
"The graphics do look stunning. It's just basic cinematic shots we've seen before, but that's a really good idea of how much different the game looks."
"You put together the graphics, you got a real game going."
"DLSS as usual delivers a pretty good experience using the DLSS quality mode."
"The deviants looked great, they looked phenomenal."
"Your best chance of ensuring higher quality visuals in the future is to have a large VRAM buffer."
"The usage of ray-traced effects in control is sublime."
"Here we are looking at a top-tier graphical presentation."
"In terms of image quality, there is little that I can find fault with. This is just an incredible display for all types of viewing."
"Metro Exodus's PC Enhanced Edition's global illumination produces, without a doubt, the best lighting I have ever witnessed in a video game."
"There's parts that look feature film level and I'm I'm always blown away by like what has managed to be achieved by the by the crew."
"This game is [expletive] gorgeous, look at this."
"On the MacBook, the blacks are much deeper compared to the Razer."
"Breath of the Wild 2 is probably going to be the best looking game on Switch."
"By improving the viewing angles, the colorimetry of the Bravia f9 is more stable."
"VRR helps alleviate what's known as screen tearing, which is what happens when your monitor is ready to refresh the screen but the console is not yet ready to deliver a frame."
"The colors are all washed out and it doesn't do the characters or the environments any favours."
"This is the best-looking game I've ever laid my hands on."
"It just looks gorgeous as the motion blur shutter speed scales properly with that framerate."
"All of this, the lighting, the reflections, the compositing, this I would say is really solid."
"The display is incredibly sharp, text looks like printed paper."
"One of the notable aspects about the 950's performance is its almost 8K-like edge fidelity."
"I almost couldn't tell that there weren't any additional frames."
"It's hard to ignore Dragon Ball Fighters looking the way it does."
"The visuals are great even six years after they've debuted."
"It produces the most incredible image quality possible, a real treat for the eyes."
"The animation is gorgeous... this movie is breathtaking."
"It's just unusual to see such complex angled geometry and high-quality animated textures like this."
"The graphics on this game really are outstanding."
"It is so dense, it's so beautiful, the rain's coming down, it's just... it's a technically very impressive game."
"Yes the dancing and bombast of the follow-up to Final Fantasy 10 is fully intact and presented in glorious full HD 1080p."
"Doom offers refined level design, clever combat, and cutting-edge visuals."