
Proposal Quotes

There are 2072 quotes

"Football is also about love, in the very center of the field, surrounded by thousands of people, he makes her a proposal."
"I think I might be feeling the same way too. I don't know what to do with all of this, but if you are willing to try, I would love for you to be my girlfriend."
"This shoe is important to me because I proposed in this shoe, and it's actually got a toe crease because of me proposing."
"Are you gonna marry me? What was his answer? He said yeah."
"Why don't I invite you for lunch? We can talk about our life, then maybe I can make you my wife."
"I love you so much, and I was thinking if we could be a couple."
"I'm fascinated by your mind. What a beautiful way to start a proposal."
"Somebody's holding back a proposal. Get ready."
"Of course not. I love you. Will you marry me?"
"I had a person call me and say, 'Why don't you deputize citizens who have guns to come out and patrol the city of Kenosha?' And I'm like, 'Oh hell no.'"
"He says if America doesn't want us to go back home among our own people, and at the same time they want to keep us here, since we can't stay here and get along together in peace, he says what America should do is separate part of the country and give us a section where we can live."
"The votes of Black Americans should count twice."
"I want to ask you something... Will you become my partner in personal relationship too?"
"Iy realizes that Stella's warmth is what saved him and asks her if she would be his family. She accepts the proposal and agrees to be his bride."
"Tony Stark finally proposes to Pepper Potts, lest you think Peter is the only superpowered teenager in the MCU."
"We should give everyone a thousand bucks every two weeks, use it or lose it."
"Perhaps we should consider prescribing high-quality preschool."
"And all of a sudden red gets down on one knee and he goes will you marry me and she's like oh my God yes red."
"Your offensive line is probably the best in the league, fair to say?"
"Before we start this video I want to pop a question to you guys: will you marry me?"
"When finally after five years together, Blake Shelton proposed."
"He says yes, and luckily the ring was a perfect fit."
"Leonard and Penny: 'Honey, will you marry me?' 'Oh my god, yes.'"
"Luke and Lorelai: 'Will you marry me?' 'Yes.'"
"Barry and Iris: 'Iris West, will you marry me?' 'Yes.'"
"Derek and Meredith: 'I love you, Meredith, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.'"
"Jake and Amy: 'I love you and I treasure you. Will you marry me?' 'Yes.'"
"There's only one solution: the Jews should have a nation of their own."
"I lost you once because I didn't act quickly enough... I'm not gonna make that mistake again, Mary Jane. Will you marry me?"
"Why don't we get some money together, me and you?"
"I'm asking you to marry me, a little fool. I already made my decision. I choose the row standing in front of me."
"The protagonist proposes that they become comrades."
"This ace of cups is about love... a proposal... exciting and pure."
"Popping the question can be a nerve-wracking experience."
"She's claiming that he proposed... none of you guys knew this."
"Peter quill asks Kitty Pryde, 'Will she marry him?'"
"This person is going to propose to you, get ready."
"What if we got together and talked about this?"
"She had already texted me that he was proposing so I was sobbing."
"San Francisco panel proposes giving every qualified black resident 5 million dollars"
"The proposal was just her genuine reaction, how she felt, and it brought back a lot of memories through the years."
"I did it the right way. I got down on my knee and asked her."
"Yo she popped a question last year on my birthday."
"I want to propose to her so she feels that same feeling and she has that, you know, as a part of her journey and her memory of us."
"There's a proposal coming towards you, whether it's about finances, career, or love."
"He got on one knee, yes, yes as a matter of fact, I could barely let me finish proposing."
"They're ready to settle down and make a solid offer or proposal."
"Wouldn't that be great is if they had to lead off every question with who they voted for."
"Moynes points, points you bastard. We're so busy, you better stop kissing him. Katie, will you marry me?"
"I want you to be my girlfriend, I guess I'm ready to be your girlfriend."
"I really want to see the, you're consistent, you're worth it, you're my fiancé now if you say yes."
"They're expressing that and they want a commitment with you, with the ring here."
"Why can't we have fingerprint identification for voting?"
"Just make sure you're down on one knee. How else is there to do it?"
"Wobbuffet for peace. That sounds like a great idea."
"He is saved by Tokiko, the same girl who killed the previous monster."
"Should comics have an adult line be entirely adult themed? Yeah, I think so."
"Ringo came with an offer to partner up and told him everything she knows."
"We suggested that this should be a possibility for high-risk people, working-class people who have these jobs, to use social security on a temporary basis or some other method."
"Asking her out should be breathtaking, emotional, and real."
"They dated for nine months before he popped the question and asked her to marry him."
"I don't know if it was the lack of oxygen to her brain due to the altitude, but she said yes." (Laughter)
"We will likely see a $2,000 stimulus check as proposed by the Democrats in the next package."
"An energy of having that proposal towards marriage."
"What if we throw some cash your way? You could swing by the hospital, clear?"
"It's happening tomorrow, I'm proposing to my girlfriend tomorrow."
"I came to the conclusion that I was going to propose a lot sooner than I expected."
"So... will you go on a date with me in two years?"
"Kylie, would you honor Us by becoming part of our family as our daughter?"
"I decided to propose doing a New Year's Eve scavenger hunt, placing a bunch of instructions all around the house."
"A proposition that you won't be able to refuse... an idea, a proposal."
"He suggested buying the warship back and putting it into service."
"Fate has brought us together today, and I wish to take you as my disciple. Would you be willing?"
"This isn't him, this is what Gemini is proposing to the people in his circle."
"I heard about the situation with this company. I have a proposition I want to make, would you be interested in working at my company?"
"I brought her to the spot where we had our first kiss, got down on one knee, and now we're engaged."
"She said yes, she said yes! Oh, wait, your eyes were open then, you gotta run it back, eyes closed!"
"Marianne Williamson mean hero of the first debate... a hundred billion dollars in reparations to be distributed over ten years..."
"I just want to ask you. Oh, my god. Babe. Will you marry me?"
"I am very happy with it, would anyone be interested in me making some little gouache things like this to sell in the future?"
"Makoto, do you want to be my boyfriend? Yes! Okay, done and done."
"She then asks if he wants to date her to which Azumi replies a resounding yes."
"There's a proposal taking place, a happy event, being at peace, new opportunities."
"Literally the most aggressive way to ask for someone's hand in marriage is with like a threat."
"I have something that could benefit us. Would you be interested in a little opportunity I've got going?"
"Isn't it just time for women to run the planet?"
"So why don't we then use our brains instead of taxing people for driving a minivan?"
"Game contains flashing lights and jump scares, contain disturbing and intense gameplay."
"I love you, man, and I just want to get this ring out and see you later. I was gonna propose."
"What Speaker McCarthy's put forward is common sense and reasonable."
"Probably the most romantic proposal story of ever in your life."
"We're gonna do like a full story time I think because today's Christmas by the way, he proposed on Christmas Eve with both of our families there."
"A real man is going to evaluate all that stuff we take into account everything before we get down on one knee."
"He proposed in December 2012. Jordan joyfully accepted."
"So you two were orchestrating a proposal. That's doing who are you proposing to."
"They're coming back to ask you to marry them, no lie, chow."
"Somebody's gonna be in a relationship. If you're already involved, I see some of you being proposed to or proposing."
"The best day of my life was on September the 1st, 2000. It was around 8:30 at night. I was in a restaurant with Maria, my girlfriend at the time, and I had just asked her to marry me. She said yes."
"He suddenly offered her something a little bit shocking. It was a proposal for her to stop working, stop going to grad school, and instead she could stay home while he worked and supported them."
"So yeah she thankfully said yes have we not accidentally had that talk I might have very well been incredibly embarrassed right then and there but that didn't happen she said yes everything went well we are now fiancees."
"Rachel Pittman Lindsey, will you be my brain forever? Marry me?" - Bryan
"I'm so excited to start a life with you and grow family and build a future together, Megan Fox, Chelsea, Megan Fox, will you marry me?"
"They want to offer you a proposal or commitment, to come together and be together. You've got the key to their heart."
"Someone's coming towards you and they're coming in with a serious love offer."
"It's better to take the risk rather than live with regret. So Lynn Hamilton, will you marry me?"
"We need to pass landmark election reform including voter ID. Is that so bad? Residency verification, like we live in the country, we live in this state."
"She turns around, he's on his knee holding the ring."
"Silent Hill's success paved the way for his ambitious proposal."
"Expect conversation, maybe even a proposal, as they think about the future with you."
"Can you imagine having a heart attack whilst the love of your life proposed to you?"
"The Great Barrington Declaration was basically a proposal that we protect high-risk seniors take special measures and but the rest of society kind of move on and we'll work our way through the pandemic."
"You are the apple of my eye, you get me, we have fun together, we've been together for a while now, it's only right to ask you to be mine forever, for forever, so what do you say?"
"He proposed with food yes he is the one marry him immediately."
"This ring is a symbol of my love and my plans to marry you, will you accept this promised ring?"
"I literally just could not wait to see it on your finger."
"This new love is going to be very romantic. This person will actually get down on one knee for you."
"This same king of swords is about to offer you commitment."
"There's a proposal here for sure coming to you, Venus energy."
"Will you marry me?" I asked. "Yes," she said.
"Your person could have thought about proposal, marriage with you."
"I love you dearly, and so I must ask, will you accept this ring? If you feel the same, I... I would like nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you."
"The new proposal argues that analyzing alternative information like on-time rent payments and utility payments are just as accurate as the traditional approach."
"Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, cuz I need to know."
"He popped the question... it was so spontaneous."
"I was wondering if you would do me the honor and be my wife."
"Here's to many many more years with you, my best friend, and if it's all right with you, my current fiancée, will you marry me?"
"I would suggest perhaps the we could expand out the search parameters..."
"This person is making a proposal, and they're not going to care what other people are going to say."
"Greetings, dearest one, permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you."
"It's you who makes me believe, so marry me."
"You drive me nuts but at the end of the day, you've made me happier than I could ever asked to be. So will you marry me please?"
"Despite the completely unforeseeable conditions, I proposed to her, and she said yes with great joy."
"I hope you know one day we're getting married."
"Will you be my girlfriend? Yes, yes, of course, yes!"
"Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" "I will," she said, tears in her eyes.
"Will you marry me? I do not have much to give, but I do have Mother's engagement ring."
"It is my hope that you will agree to be my wife, but the choice is yours."
"This is the ring that my granddad Jack gave to my Nana... and now, Sarah Jane Cassidy, I want to give it to you."
"Why don't we just get a place together?"
"He looked so jittery and excited like someone who was truly excited to propose to the love of their life."
He took me out on a rowboat again, but this time he leaned in and said, "The president wants to hire you as a full-time secret agent if you want."
"I want to marry your daughter and I'm letting you know that I plan to propose to her because I love her."
"He just proposed to her, that's so sweet, congratulations!"
"If you are about to propose, wow, just get on that knee and go and do it, and love life."
"It's like someone is going to propose to take something to the next level."
"I made a drone video of me proposing to my wife."
"It's a proposal. It's a pose. Having a good time with your kids."
"Princess Anna, will you marry me?"
"He just decided he just felt like, 'You've been in front of me all this time, and I didn't even know,' you know? And 'Will you be my wife?' And so he wrote me that in a letter."
"I wanted to ask for your blessing to have Carol's hand in marriage."
"Carol, my spicy Carol, my Latina baddy Mommy, will you do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?"
"I have a massive crush on you, want to date?"
"You hold still, and I'm going to put something on your finger, and it doesn't hurt."
"His proposal had been nothing short of romantic."
"Laura Alicia Aila will you marry me"
"With poignant sincerity, he professes his desire to marry her once more."
"Lorelein Bido, will you marry me?"
"Will you be my girlfriend?" "Oh yeah, I will."
"Leonard asks Lisa to marry him, which she tearfully accepts."
"I wasn't really that nervous because I knew she was going to say yes."
"Commitment, proposal, higher level of commitment, marriage."
"I must say we have a very exciting proposal."
"I liked not having control of the proposal because it was funner to be surprised."
"He officially asks her to be his bride, and she says yes."
"I'm planning on proposing to my girlfriend soon and after that, we'll be moving out of this neighborhood for good."
"If I asked you to marry me, would you say yes?"
"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone."
"He finally got the proposal right."
"Diamonds have led people to a new life where two becomes one when you propose to your spouse."
"He proposed. White cat, what do you say? Will you be my wife?"
"I decided this is a really cool place for me to ask for Marcus to give his blessing for me to propose to Rebecca."
"Oscar's great-grandfather made the same andan proposal 70 years ago."
"...even though he was set to leave on deployment to a training camp in Oklahoma to go serve in the war, he did the noble thing and he proposed to Lucille."
"I love you so much. Will you marry me?"
"Now, Walmart is an unorthodox place to propose, but that's what makes it romantic."
"Better than spring flowers, summer Wind, Autumn fruits Winter snow. Marry me and let me take good care of you forever and ever."
"So, I'm actually, my fiance- or my boyfriend and I, this was our, our first date was here and so I'm planning on proposing to him here today."
"I've got to figure out how I'm going to propose."
"I realized the only right way to do this proposal was to create the first puzzle that would actually challenge her."
"I can't believe that we have one of the only empty seats at the place and it's open 24 hours a day, meaning you can propose whenever."
"Now we happy cry, Penny, will you marry me?"
"It feels like you're inside of a Greenhouse there's just like flowers everywhere and it's just beautiful like it'd be the perfect place to get proposed to."
"But stay tuned for an a proposal and a wedding recap that's a lot of video it's good stuff."
"Jay proposes to Nia, and she gladly accepts."
"How does next Saturday sound to you? Perfect, okay. I'm thinking a walk and a picnic, yeah?"
"For some of you, it's like this person is coming forward to announce their feelings, ask you out, reconcile. Like I said, for some of you, bringing you some type of offer."
"Why Allison Sunny Williams, will you marry me?"
"Proposed to my girlfriend at my birthday party and she said no, then told me she had been cheating on me. This was post-cake."
"Cheyenne, will you marry me? Oh my God, yeah!"
"I have a better idea. We can use the Dragon Balls to make Frieza a pure-hearted man."
"Josh isn't the most athletic. In fact, he struggled to get down on one knee for 10 years. Hurry up and propose."
"Their next move is the four of wands, which is taking action towards commitment, a proposal, something here."
"Your future spouse is going to propose because they've got the blessing from the heavens."
"I want to marry you. I want you to be my wife."
"I was not expecting this. Literally, not expecting this. Like, it was 1,000% a surprise for me, which is how I always wanted to get proposed."
"It was kind of like two in one because I got to experience what it's like to get proposed to just you and your partner, but then I also got to experience what it's like to get proposed to with all of your loved ones."
"What do you say, let me take you home?"
"Will you marry me? Be willing to."
"Would you do me the honor and make an honest man out of me?"
"I want to be with you forever. Please marry me."