
Creative Control Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"I still retain 100% rights and creative freedom and ownership on my show, but like they're an incredible partner."
"Triple H is still CCO and firmly in control of creative, and the talent relations are not changing."
"If Sony pictures were to greenlight a Spider-Man 4 and give Sam Remy full creative control... I would totally be on board for that."
"If Royalty Soaps ever grew to the point that I didn't have creative control over certain things or we had to lower the quality of our bars to meet demand, I would feel like that had gotten out of control."
"Artists should never have to part with their work; they should own it from day one."
"The second you relinquish all your control and you let other people do their jobs too it's [ __ ] I mean it's like it's like the best ever."
"Art is not a democracy with creative decisions being made by the people that consume it and as soon as it becomes like that it dies."
"His greatest creative control can be a problem when there's nobody there to say no."
"I originally wrote the screenplay but I made the mistake of letting Hollywood have a free hand, and I shall never do that again."
"So he's able to articulate what reality is by way of him planting the memory him manifesting it and then him actually creating it in real time."
"It's not just distribution, but they also fund movies. They seem to give a lot of creative control to the director, which is really nice and refreshing to see."
"Blender feels like you're in control but you have all this power helping you go forward."
"It's kind of amazing how much a simple change can impact the overall meaning of a film."
"When we have things on our own, black people create and maintain the greatness of it."
"All of us can agree that if we were to just hand craft our own casts, it probably would have looked differently than the final."
"Even if she herself really wants to be done with the series, the publisher will still offer her millions upon millions of dollars just for the right to continue the story without her."
"It's much more fun when you're the one that dictates what the thoughts are. It's like improv but my favorite type of improv."
"Once you understand, you can write your own storyline."
"If you as a creator feel like you can see a path to building something yourself and you could see you have something unique and you love doing it, take the independent route."
"The director has the hands-on creative control over basically everything."
"Final Fantasy 8 was the first game in the series where Sakaguchi was not in creative control."
"And that is the single worst thing that can happen in feedback, is someone who is not appreciating the story you want to make, and they want to turn it into something else."
"So if you complete the game then you exit into higher realm with the creators on their panel, then you can say, 'Rewind, let's rewind, I like that part. Okay, let's go have some fun.'"
"If you believe in what you're doing, don't sell it to somebody. Self-publish it."
"I just love seeing how much of an integral part you take in your own creative direction with everything that you do."
"I think Kathleen Kennedy will stay in the film producing side of it, and I think very similar to Rebels, Favreau will run the show the way he wants to run the show."
"Guerrilla finally agreed to do the sequel because he knew Demonaco would be writing and directing..."
"Kevin Feige managed to say in his place because he does really good at that... this is all about the balancing of telling creatively fulfilling stories against some of the biggest business backdrops in the entire world."
"No one can produce what I need to be produced in the way that I produce it."
"No one is going to make good content for you apart from you."
"What's unique about the Zack Snyder situation is that he was pulled off of his own movie."
"If it's something that is totally out of what you were envisioning for this piece and not even what you were originally going for then you don't have to listen to it."
"Not only about the message, it's about the way he curated this album as an artist."
"I always say I just need one good window... usually the master bedroom."
"That's like a true testament of success, know when you can make enough money to own your own art 100%."
"I want it to be about the storytellers... I want the end product to be something that they want to share."
"I want to have the whole narrative, like I want to be able to produce our own [ __ ]."
"AJR were technically an independent band with full creative control over their output."
"Work with friends and family if you need to, but make sure they know you have creative control."
"You're never too far in your design to reel things back."
"You are the magician... whatever you want, you go create."
"Balancing agent spontaneity with author structure."
"We need to actually control the platform because who better to run a creative platform than creators."
"My ultimate goal now is with the money that I've attained with this 200 million line of credit is to produce films, TV soundtracks, music."
"Don't let anybody influence your story because you're going to mess it up and it's not going to be your creation."
"We chose not to sign with a major label so we could have full creative control."
"I just like doing what I do, man, and I'm making videos, hopefully making you laugh."
"You don't have to sell the rights to your thing."
"Brazil is the world that the Evil Genius from Time Bandits would make if he gained all control."
"Everything that appears in frame is in direct control of the people that are creating it."
"HDR gives creators more controls to make the image appear just the way they want it to, and that can only be a good thing moving forward."
"Stephen Hillenburg created and ended SpongeBob the exact way he wanted to."
"The direction of art is always dictated by the artists."
"What matters for growth and what matters for audience sake but I also want to make sure that I do the content I want to do irrespective of what kind of audience it generates"
"It's still not the norm in Hollywood seeing women calling the shots and having creative control."
"You have to do something that only you can do and that you own or at least own a stake in."
"I am my own producer, my own writer, my own publisher... I own the entire process of everything I do."
"There is just something about having control over my songwriting that makes each one something I can listen to hundreds of times over."
"You can't control the reception of your creative work, you just have to accept that once you've created it and put it out there into the world, it's not yours anymore."
"Layers offer various options: rename, select within, transform, paint, copy, paste, fill. Control without altering the whole canvas."
"You will decide what your town looks like and be able to upgrade and decorate."
"I wish they had just thrown an enormous bucket of money at Neil Gaiman and been like, 'Do this with the watch.'"
"If you're good with photoshop, I would recommend designing your own stream overlay, that way you're going to be completely unique to anybody else on the internet."
"When it came to ending my show, I knew that introducing my own character as the final antagonist was the only direction I wanted to take."
"You're a co-writer and a co-producer on the story of your life."
"I know that we put out the exact thing we want to put out, you know what I mean? Like, it's different when you put out a project and you're like, 'Well, this is what they let me.'"
"Alfonso had put a stamp on this film and he did an outstanding job."
"George Lucas being the only creator who actually held on to his rights." - Manuel Godoy
"Indie games have risen to a new level of prominence offering a more intimate creator-driven approach."
"The advantage of using a DSLR is that we have full control over our exposure our framing and we can also create that shallow depth of field or blurry background effect."
"In Planet Coaster rather than vending machines being something you stumble across you are the vending machine god that places them for others to stumble upon."
"It really does give you a massive benefit when you're shooting stills or video."
"Gibson was the producer, the director, and the screenwriter of the movie."
"Christopher Nolan was able to transition to making Studio movies where he could retain his voice and vision."
"I have really enjoyed working with Rafe... But if the same level of changes were made to my work I would not... I would want to be in a position to say no."
"Everything about Kid Icarus Uprising shows what happens when Sakurai has full creative control of whatever it is he wants to do."
"This is a story about creative interference."
"Games have been and should be able to do whatever they want however they want."
"As a freelancer and as an independent creator, you take the full credit for what you do."
"When you first do it, you're like, this is incredible. You can actually make things happen."
"I wish more creators had the clout to say, 'Hey, f*** off.'"
"It's an ideal choice for photographers or vloggers who want more quality and creative control than a phone without breaking the bank."
"You created the narrative, you created the motivations, and you decided what the point of everything should be."
"You could just write your own roles, you know? Write something that's as interesting as you are."
"Set the artists free and set their music free on their terms."
"You need to control the creation. It's critical. You need to control the creation."
"Favreau is like the kingpin of that whole thing."
"I think we're in really good hands for future stuff."
"Warner Brothers said that it will make a fifth movie in the series only if director Lana Wachowski agrees to do it."
"If you're not creating what you want, you'll be automatically put into a state of chance probabilities."
"I feel very fortunate that my channel just belongs to me, no one else."
"It's very special to have a series end on a creator's terms."
"I've kind of earned enough of that street credit to push back if something doesn't align with my audience."
"I'd rather have the optimistic view that giving up some creative control is a huge step forward."
"Remember, I am the only person who writes, directs, edits, voices, designs, and animates every single one of these."
"Writing was my way of having some semblance of control."
"George Lucas completely surrounded by yes men, like just absolutely totally 100% surrounded by yes men."
"KeyStep Pro: where creativity meets control in every beat, note, and sequence."
"The main reason why I like Squarespace is it gives the creative control."
"It's the studio's movie, they've got to get the movie that they want."
"The television writing is so superior to movie writing now because the writer has control in the television business."
"You basically play the role of God in this game and you create your own people called Sims."
"No outside investors or developer funding means no meddling with release dates."
"I wish a lot of them had more growth or characterization in many ways because as it stands it really does feel to me that Games Workshop came in and told them what they could and couldn't do in this regard."
"If a queer story is going to be told, it needs to be with the heavy involvement, if not the primary creative force behind it being queer people."
"Every decision I fought for was going back to that feeling of being an uncompromised storyteller."
"No one should own your actions, no one should own your creations but you anybody else you decide that you know."
"This is a way for artists, musicians, and creators to also get their power back."
"I fell in love with it because it's a perfect platform to be your own director, your own producer, your own EP. Nobody can [__] tell you what to do."
"I don't have to go in a room with a bunch of men to create my sound, my image, my anything. I am who I am, take it or leave it, but I put in the [expletive] work."
"If the fans don't like the direction that it's going in, they can always just take matters into their own hands."
"The future of games is always within your own hands."
"There really is just something so beautiful and awesome about being able to really create the vibe of your home."
"If you're seeing a lot of webtune original creators not continue with web tunes or they agenting up or getting their own deals in other places within the last year it's not a coincidence."
"I also did like the world designs with this cube-like shape and orangey, as it was fun dictating what I wanted the next room to be."
"The agreement also gives him complete creative control over what he delivers."
"You kind of want like an auteur almost like a i don't know a quentin tarantino to work on it from a to z not you know pass to this group and then this test"
"Not only is this channel owned by Samir, but his writing styles and acting choices are all over it."
"I could see a studio wanting to make this like way too serious."
"That's why I think it's such good news, they're gonna start getting more creative freedom."
"The big sell on self-publishing: control and end price."
"I want to feel that there's authorship in the product that I'm watching."
"Ultimately the power is back on the artists and the creators."
"Success is to have the creative freedom to make the things that I feel compelled to make."
"Whedon was always fighting with the network for every scrap of Tara and Willow we got to have."
"Let the guy do what he has to do and always take feedback from the one source that knows the character best, that is Bray Wyatt."
"They want to tell me after 13 years of producing Survivorman how I should produce the series."
"We're going to write our own ending to this script."
"Choosing independence and choosing ownership has not only been better for me creatively but it's actually been a lot better financially and in the long run."
"It's gone from the big studios big P and it's now in the hands of these you know individuals."
"If it doesn't look right to you, just adjust."
"The Z Fold 2 is designed to give you more creative control than ever before."
"The version released in 2007, the final cut, is the only one where Ridley Scott was given full creative control."
"With complete creative control, he tried really hard to make everything cool."
"It's a challenge to obtain creative control and tell authentic stories already at the expense of profit margins and ego-driven producers."
"The lucasfilm story group doesn't like the fans liking what they don't like."
"Creative control is very important to us. That's something that with a studio you get more money up front, but that control can get taken away from you."
"I think until I went independent, it was really hard because you have corporations looking at numbers and data and they're like, 'Alright, well because you were on this Children's Network, we can't do anything too racy or we kind of got to be safe.'"
"A big part of being a director is being like, 'No, this is why I want it to be this way. It's important all these pieces fit together.'"
"Maybe I'm taking creative control of this album has liberated Pete and contributed to a growing sense of self-confidence."
"There's a reason why Edward Norton isn't there anymore. There's a reason why he got all mad. He wanted more creative say."
"Is this what it looks like when animators and artists have actual control over the work that they put in?"
"Dave Chappelle asserts that he was the driving force behind every aspect of his own Chappelle show."
"The band was given complete creative control and a high royalty rate, something that was pretty uncommon at the time."
"If Robert Jordan can’t write it, the only way to make sure that it’s written the right way is to do it myself."
"When they came to me, they told me they wanted to make it a little more prevalent. They told me that I could have full creative control."
"The difference was that I had 100% creative control over it."
"The struggles for creative control within mtown underscore the complex relationship between art and commerce in the music industry."
"I just didn't want too many cooks in the kitchen. I wanted it to be exactly how I saw it and I think the only way to do that is to start from the ground up and do the work yourself."
"Now it's obviously ideal to have the full instrumental track outs when mixing your songs, this way you have full creative control over the mix."
"the last thing Don wants is to give up all of his creative control and become a mid-level cog at McCann"
"Peacemaker also reflects that you have to be willing to let James Gunn do whatever he wants."
"The problem was that a young Wells was given broad creative control over Citizen Kane, an unprecedented move for the time."
"Apparently her producer doesn't get much say in things at all, and I totally get that. I'm the same way with my own work. It has to be her voice, otherwise what's the point?"
"Creating your own drum patterns is a great skill to have in the studio. It means that you remain in control of your composition rather than it being directed by some presets which came with your drum plug-in."
"The thing with indie films is that obviously a creative vision can be maintained."
"One can make a very good living and own and control your own characters and comics."
"Being a Chandler was like being a god. You were the master of the wax or tallow, molding it to your will, crafting it in a manner that pleased you."
"You can play around with the seed values and really change up the shape of the landscape."
"We wanted to create shows that we were proud of, that we had ownership over."
"I don't want to sound like Bob Ross there but it really is, right? It's your picture."
"Because then it's not just about getting black movies made, it's about getting black movies with final cut."
"You are the studio when you're making a short film. You are like a studio and then you get to decide what you want to green light and invest in."
"We get to executive produce all of our projects, produce and write all of them, and work with people we want to work with."
"It's not as hard to change it afterwards and get it to where you want."
"It's been really, really important to me to own my work, my art, my music."
"If we bracket it, put it together in HDR, then we have full creative control."
"I think that it should be John Favreau."
"It's yours, you own it. The moment you sell the right to your painting, or your song, or your book, it is toast."
"We need more Margot Robbies and more Greta Gerwigs who are willing to produce the things they want to make."
"It's allowing the wrestlers to take control back of the very artform that they are in charge of creating for the audience."
"It gives you a lot of added control and flexibility in terms of how you use Firefly to generate your image."
"My job is to make the show that I would make."
"The cool thing about this bracelet is you have creative control."
"Movies are a collaborative art, but Hitchcock gave it such a strong signature that you get the sense he had complete creative control."
"With stop motion, you're taking a ton of individual photos, therefore giving you a little bit more control over all of the motions occurring."
"James Mangold fought really hard to be allowed to make the movie R-rated not because he wanted tons of violence but because he wanted the movie not to be targeted towards kids and have a darker tone."
"We want to have a place for creators to take back control of their content."
"When I put stuff out on my own terms, that's always the best thing for me."
"Stand-up is there's nothing better than stand up because you're in total control of your product and everything."
"I feel like I'm just now stepping into full agency over my creativity, my Artistry, my business."
"I cannot create in someone else's experience; that's not mine to do. But what I can do is create in my experience."
"He recorded them and he produced them himself, and he retained total creative control over every aspect of that artistic side of his output."
"The band has complete creative control over their content, over the album covers, over the artwork, over everything."
"You do have a considerable amount of control over the final look of images."
"This gives you a lot of flexibility and creative control over your photos."
"Understanding depth of field will help give you more creative control over your photography."
"I'm really happy with my creative freedom in WWE."
"The various ways that we can handle our processing times can change our final contrast of the image and give us that extra layer of creative control."
"Exposure is the foundation of everything photographic."
"You have your own stuff, you have your own platform, you have your own studio."
"More important than the legal ability to say 'I don't have to listen to you' is the ability to say 'I hear what you're saying, and it has no place in this film for the following reasons...'"
"After I had a taste of booking, that was the way to go because then you got to see your creative vision fulfilled."
"You're the one that decides what you're going to paint on that canvas."
"That way the animator has access to everything and can't break anything."
"We basically have all of the creative control."
"I'm always a big advocate of self-publishing because then you control everything and you reap the rewards."
"This is driving the direction of our animation."
"Being a writer and a director allows for the full vision as it was birthed from you to get as close to that on screen as possible."
"I have final cut, final everything. There are no studio notes."