
Fantasy Worlds Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"His legend has spread far and wide; he is known even in Lordran."
"Making me care about a fantasy world and its rich history from the start is much harder than making me care about a character or two that have likable qualities."
"Solitude is a cool city in design... sprawling down to the level of the water, creating entire new districts with narrow streets of diverse shops and merchants."
"It’s the one world in Magic that meets us more than half way, the one that always feels a bit more like home than the others."
"Live in the Pokémon world, but never own one? I'll take it, just like having a friend with a pet."
"Arwen's marriage also means she officially becomes the queen of the reunited realms of Gondor and Arnor, practically overnight. This makes her the most powerful woman in all of Middle Earth."
"Understanding escapism and creating a timeless other world is what made Star Wars stand the test of time."
"Everything in an Elder Scrolls universe is different."
"Thank you for being a part of our journey and don't worry, we will continue to tell ambitious stories that take risks and push the heroes of Warcraft into new frontiers."
"Blackreach, an absolutely massive subterranean underworld."
"Give me a fantasy world I feel like I can really live in, and yeah, I'll be happy to watch some big epic battles happen there."
"I want to traverse fantasy forest...worlds to explore."
"Westeros... Probably the best of the eight here."
"Hogwarts Legacy rekindles the Harry Potter movie magic."
"Guess what, Joe? I just met the actual king of Amphibia! That's what this world is called by the way, Amphibia."
"Little goblin communities spawn in the world randomly and they grow over time."
"As the heroes of your campaign travel through the Shadowfell, they should bear one important fact in mind: it is a reflection of a thousand worlds, not just their own."
"A fantastic portrayal of a crazy sci-fi world."
"The world is healing but her fate is yet uncertain, together we shall be Azeroth's protectors once again, here the new age of dragons shall begin."
"The British Wizarding economy and the American Wizarding economy of the 1930s appear to be capitalist."
"Kamigawa's primary conflict was a clash between the mortal world called Utsushio and the spirit realm called Kakurio."
"In Nightingale, players will venture through portals where adventure and mystery awaits across a myriad of beautiful and increasingly dangerous worlds."
"I just really love a good fantasy world, a fantasy adventure place to get sucked into."
"Magical fallout zone that's persisted a solid for centuries and Counting."
"Men, elves, and dwarves alike tremble with disgust and fear at the thought of the vile and hated skaven."
"Helix is one of the most interesting and intricate lands to explore."
"I guess this is a world where elephants, crocodiles, and mice all have near-human intelligence, but horses are just horses."
"Harry Potter's magic system is just unbelievably rich."
"Would you rather go to Hogwarts... or go to Nevermore man?"
"Epic universe is built on an amazing concept: the idea that you can go into a world through some kind of a portal and you come out in a world you never could dream of."
"Spelling in English is hard enough, but spelling in the worlds of fantasy is much more difficult."
"Middle Earth is incredibly diverse; it's just not diverse like our Earth."
"It's like those Sky fantasy stories where the characters use their Advanced knowledge to dominate another world."
"Time in this world wasn't measured by something like a clock." - "Time in this world wasn't measured by something like a clock; it was measured by what's known as a magic time crystal."
"I started actually liking isekai again... I like the trapped in another world Trope I like all of that stuff."
"The attention to detail in the animation of Ghibli films is what allows us to suspend our disbelief and take in the magic of these worlds."
"George must have... read it as a kid or something... because there's stuff in like... he's used it to fill out the Song of Ice and Fire World."
"I just love his worlds so much his magic systems are so cool and I like do I need to tell you that Brandon Sanderson is good no um let my tabs and warbreaker tell you that though because I really love this book as well."
"He rules over the 422nd layer of the abyss, also known as the death dells."
"Are there oceans? Sure. Are there seas made of lava? Sure. Are there seas made of bees? Sure, why not."
"The world of dreams, also known as Tel'aran'rhiod, is a parallel world that reflects the real world."
"Would you choose to live in the worlds of Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?"
"Places where elementals, aliens, demons, fairies, and even gods call home."
"I love these books but each of these is set in a fantasy world but like in different parts of the fantasy world."
"In the age of monsters, the world was unformed, a massive plane of chaotic bodies smashed and melded into a yellow sea."
"I remember reading the Chronicles of Narnia for the first time in third or fourth grade, and thinking: I want Narnia. But I want MY Narnia."
"I want to see the Reach, I want to see Dorne, the Stormlands, the Vale of Arryn."