
Sorcery Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"The arts of sorcery would never have come this far without his contributions."
"He is the Sorcerer Supreme for the Marvel Prime Universe."
"Empowered spell lets you reroll damage dice for extra damage points."
"Subtle spell removes verbal and somatic components from spell casting, enabling a stealthy play style."
"Clea ends up becoming the new Sorcerer Supreme."
"You cannot win against the dark side operating under witchcraft or sorcery."
"Early game Sorcerers, use your sorcery points to create extra spell slots if you need them."
"The sorcerer inherits their abilities naturally, a true born prodigy of spell casting, they are one of the most potent arcane spell casters in the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons."
"Those who are not worthy, who don't meet the high bar of sorcery, just simply aren't worth it at all."
"Master Tengen explains that Kenjaku's goal is to spread cursed energy throughout the world and turn everyone into sorcerers."
"His range attacks are lethal for even decently strong Sorcerers."
"The storm sorcery, the might of storms is incredibly fitting for a sorcerer."
"Having the ability to quickly judge for oneself is a must for sorcerers."
"Rita Repulsa, an evil sorceress daughter of a feared conqueror of worlds."
"The Sorcerer he wants to become is an amazing sorcerer who protects everyone."
"Doom is also a master of magic and sorcery, repeatedly stated to be one of the greatest sorcerers in the world."
"...she was the master of the explosion magic..."
"The Warlock mutters in a low dissonant whisper, her words so foul and alien that no mortal mind could comprehend them, and smiles as her enemies flee in terror."
"I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, adulterers, and against those who exploit wage earners."
"It is sorcery, and Tamamo is a sorcerer."
"You got to wear a wizard costume that's what it is I'm a bit of a sorcerer when it comes to orb"
"I wish to become the most powerful sorcerer there is."
"Alister Crowley was just like this nutcase, basically. He was one of the most world-renowned dark sorcerers. He was known as the world's wickedest man."
"Accidental sorceries, these uninvited guests, remind us that even in the art of creation, there are things we may never truly control."
"Did Sorcery plan this in advance or was it done in response to 2020?"
"One of the reasons Sorcery has been so successful is because they have all these hidden high-end curios."
"They aren't heroes who must seek justice. They are jujutsu sorcerers."
"These Sorcerers clearly don't have all the answers on these beings they call them inscrutable and note that they have but one clear purpose and that is to safeguard their crystals unto the end."
"When the first century Christians heard of sorcery or witchcraft here's what they thought of they thought of the Oracles of Deli giv getting high and then speaking for uh their gods um they thought of the dionis rights and psychedelic wines similar to LSD."
"Champions of zinch are some of the most powerful sorcerers that have ever blighted the physical universe."
"I have told you before," he said with a serious expression, "that one should never reveal the name nor the whereabouts of a sorcerer."
"When successfully landing a black flash, sorcerers enter a zone-like state, similar to what athletes experience."
"With such sorceries at her command she should soon have no more need of the feeble tricks of Alchemists and pyromancers."
"Blood magic is the most powerful kind of sorcery," says Qyburn.
"You there, blind wizard man! I have come from a far away place to seek a great sorcery."
"Sorcery isn't just witchcraft, it's any false guidance."
"He told me that there are limits to what even a sorcerer Supreme can do. He could not fix my hands, but he could give me a purpose."
"Shadow Weaver is a master of sorcery."
"A wand could be anything, it's really just an object that amplifies the effects of a sorcerer's spell."
"... The Lun Affair is perhaps the best documented sorcery trial in all of European history."
"The whole world was deceived by the power of sorcery."
"Domain expansion is called the Pinnacle of Jutsu and is the Ultimate Weapon a sorcerer can use."
"A curse technique is the application of cursed energy to an ability ingrained in a sorcerer's body at birth."
"Every sorcerer worth their salt needs one, and you know damn well Gojo has the scariest: unlimited void."
"Gojo has been repeatedly stated by many to be the strongest sorcerer there is."
"Being able to fight with missing limbs because you know they would just regrow instantly is an insane advantage for any sorcerer."
"...gorgeous Elizabeth has grown up among the tools of sorcery magical grimo I there's a lot of words I don't know how to pronounce in this that whisper on the shelves and rattle beneath iron chains."
"Sorcerers get caught up with the idea of keeping some of their humanity, and even some of the strongest don't enjoy the feeling of loneliness when you're at the top."
"Sukuna was the height of Jujutsu sorcery."
"Anyone who practices divination, sorcery, interprets omens or signs is detestable to the Lord."
"Wall of Force is one of the best control spells in-game and isn't available to sorcerers typically. Clockwork souls truly have access to some of the very best spells in-game, no question."
"Sorcerer lacks any supernatural elements, no magic, no demons, nothing that can't be explained as cruel reality."
"Decoupling sorcery from bloodlines suddenly matters a lot in your world; genealogy becomes very important indeed, and identifying those families who have otherworldly blood in them would be a top priority for power-hungry nobles everywhere."
"These aren't enemies who can be just defeated by strength or really any warrior for that matter because these enemies have to be defeated by sorcerers."
"Yuji is the newest sorcerer out of all of them, still he just cracked and like Sakuna must have been a total prodigy."
"He is the sorcerer king after all."
"He's a master of sorcery and science."
"His status as one of the most brilliant minds on Earth, as well as being one of the Earth's most powerful sorcerers, combined with his diplomatic immunity, makes him a force to be reckoned with."
"Kun's true power lied in his knowledge of Sith sorcery and alchemy."
"Gojo is the strongest sorcerer alive and may be one of the strongest in history."
"It's no exaggeration to say that Gojo is the absolute strongest that there is."
"Dr. Strange Fate is a sorcerer and an amalgamation of DC's Dr. Fate and Marvel Comics' Doctor Strange."
"There's a lot of really cool things that you can do with being a sorcerer because if you're great at all that stuff, you're just gonna move up in the recruiting world."
"Mordo has gone rogue since leaving Kamar-Taj, hunting other sorcerers for breaking the laws of reality."
"Sifa is basically a sorceress and she is so badass and awesome and likable."
"Sorcerers should live with their choices and the outcomes of it, in which life is a gamble."
"Being a sorcerer is the amalgamation of trial and tribulations that sprout growth in a person."
"Sukuna is proving why he's the strongest sorcerer in history."
"Sorcerers can manipulate matter because they're born with the capability to use the entire power of their brain."
"Sorcery does not come so easily to me, for I have no great liking for it."
"I am Elric of Melniboné," he said, "said to possess a certain facility in the sorceress arts myself."
"I don't want to be a knight; I want to be a great sorcerer. I want to slay demons and walk with the gods."
"Dr. Fate is not just one individual; it's a long line of sorcerers."
"Finally driven by desperation, the little people turned to sorcery."
"The Ironborn were demons risen from some watery hell, protected by fel sorceries and possessed of foul black weapons that drank the very souls of those they slew."
"Well, heroes like the Avengers protect the world from physical dangers, we sorcerers safeguard against more mystical threats."
"Those who are able to control SpaceTime are rare; they are the rarest Sorcerers in existence."
"Will you accept this quest and journey to the sorcerer's tower to stop the evil that lurks within?"
"Gojo is widely considered to be the strongest jutu Sorcerer of the modern era."
"Ryomen Sukuna is perhaps the strongest sorcerer in history."
"He became one of the Archman sorcery Lords who are above all else."
"The big three sorcerer families were established: the Gojo, Zenin, and Kamo families."
"It's a tri-wizard tournament they're using it as a means to separate a bunch of the big sorcerer teachers and staff and stuff like that away from one another."
"Satoru Gojo is the most powerful Jiu Jitsu sorcerer to an extent that borders on surreal."
"Here was the armor which had served a hundred Melnibonean emperors, an armor which was forged by sorcery to give it a strength unequaled on the realm of Earth."
"By sorcery and by superior weapons and intelligence, he has affected the conquest of two main nations."
"Yuda is the full freaking package as a sorcerer."
"If the sorcerer succeeds, they will gain immense power, and who knows what they will do with it."
"There's something so freeing about the manipulation of flesh and bone through sorcery to increase one's lifespan."
"The arch demons... They're the pinnacle of sorcery."
"That was no dream, indeed that sorcerer saved me."
"Sorcery at this level is comparable to having a leaf float on water."
"Black flash is a phenomenon of jujutsu that happens when a sorcerer's control over their own cursed energy reaches its peak."
"Most sorceresses want to be adored; they use emotions and temptation."
"Sorceresses work more through an understanding of people, through feel and intuition, really understanding people's deepest desires."
"Sorceresses leave chaos in their wake."
"He goes on this amazing journey from doing it all for himself, being very arrogant and egotistical, into becoming this man who we know from the comics is a sorcerer."
"It's the marathon game of being a Jujutsu sorcerer."
"That's sorcery, friends. That is so cool."
"Loki is a God... incredibly adept with sorcery, being able to use it to do a whole wide array of different things."
"We are the girls with skills in sorcery, when in flight quite a sight to see."
"Doctor Strange is the most powerful sorcerer in the Marvel Universe."
"Circe by Madeline Miller... reimagines the life of Circe, the formidable sorceress from the Odyssey."
"There are five grades of sorcery, with Grand Sorcerers being on top."
"I am using sorcery called Chrono's Lock to suppress the overheat."
"You are a powerful sorcerer, a very powerful being."
"There's Yennefer who is this amazing sorceress who we stan."
"Dr. Doom has the abilities of the sorcerer supreme."