
Price Stability Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"We're committed to giving the economy the support that it needs to return as quickly as possible to a state of maximum employment and price stability."
"We want maximum employment and stable prices."
"Restoring price stability while achieving a relatively modest increase in unemployment and a soft landing would be very challenging."
"We know that the best thing we can do to support a strong labor market is to promote a long expansion, and that is only possible in an environment of price stability."
"Price stability is an essential goal...it's a precondition really for achieving the kind of labor market that we want."
"We're prepared to use our tools as needed to restore price stability...without price stability, there really can't be a sustained period of maximum employment."
"Without price stability, we will not achieve a sustained period of strong labor market conditions that benefit all."
"The best thing we can do to support a strong labor market is to promote a long expansion, and that is only possible in an environment of price stability."
"The definition of price stability is if people live their lives without having to think about inflation all the time."
"The Fed's response to this crisis has been guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people."
"The Fed's policy actions have been guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people."
"During the good years, the economy booms, citizens have extra income to spend, and prices for goods are relatively low."
"The Fed's monetary policy actions have been guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people."
"We are committed to restoring price stability, and all of the evidence says that the public has confidence that we will do so."
"Achieving price stability, restoring price stability, is an unconditional need. It's the bedrock of the economy."
"Restoring price stability is something we have to do because really the economy doesn't work for workers or for businesses or for anybody without price stability."
"The Fed's monetary policy actions are guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people."
"Having price stability for an extended period of time is just enormously beneficial to the public."
"The bigger mistake to make would be to fail to restore price stability."
"Inflation is the idea that prices rise over time."
"The best thing for everyone is for us to get back to price stability to support really a sustained period of strong labor market conditions."
"But it's not unusual because we're also mixing that with a month of sideways price action."
"I think a lot of people may be expecting prices to have doubled but in reality they're pretty stable..."
"I don't see the two goals as in conflict at all because without price stability, we will not be able to achieve the kind of strong labor market that we want for a sustained period."
"Good ranchers price lock guarantee offers a sizzling solution."
"Remember, just because the price goes down doesn't mean there's any problem with that thing on a fundamental basis."
"Neil Kashkari: If we overreact to a short-term price increase... that can set the economy back over the long term."
"Inflation that is transitory in rate of change terms but not absolute terms would mean that prices jump quickly and then stop going up quickly but never actually came back down."
"Achieve stable prices so that we can have long expansions."
"Accurate price signals are crucial to the stability of an economy."
"That's right like that is how much gold will ever cost it will never cost more than that it just happens to be more than it currently cost."
"If you're buying it at the same price it was over a month ago, that's my caveat here."
"It's actually not true, ammo hasn't been steadily on the rise for the past 15 years."
"Prices are not going to go back down, inflation is not going to reverse."
"Our monetary policy actions are guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices."
"The social costs of failing to restore price stability will be higher in almost all likely cases."
"There are signs of persistent inflation...we need to make sure to practice price stability."
"Price stability is really the bedrock of the economy... we can't have a strong labor market without price stability."
"We are committed to restoring price stability."
"This lens hasn't changed its price since it was released more than 10 years ago."
"If you're on the gold standard, the price level is pretty stable."
"We take fiscal policy and the economy and all the things we don't control; they come to us, and we conduct policy always to achieve maximum employment and stable prices."
"The ivory tower elites have already shown their hand; they've proven they will do whatever it takes to prevent a crash in prices from taking place."
"I wish there were a completely painless way to restore price stability. There isn't. And this is the best we can do."
"Focus on the price levels where prices can't stay at very long and have to move away in strong fashion."
"The central tendency of the longer-run projection for inflation is 1.7 to 2.0 percent."
"The best historical example we've got is the classical gold standard where inflation wasn't zero every year, but if prices started to go up, there's a better chance of them coming down again."
"We serve a domestic mandate, which is to have maximum employment and stable prices."
"We're not targeting asset prices. We're measuring success in terms of our mandate, which is employment and price stability."
"We have a plan to make grocery to stabilize price in this country."
"There doesn't seem to be any fundamental or justifiable reason for prices to continue to go up."
"We're not trying to provoke and don't think that we will need to provoke a recession, but we do think it's absolutely essential that we restore price stability."
"What they want to see dropping is the sticky prices, the sticky inflation components."
"A near-term recession is a price worth paying for long-term price stability."
"The main goals we've been charged with is maximum employment and price stability."