
Assessment Quotes

There are 5689 quotes

"The economic recovery remains uneven and far from complete, and the path ahead remains uncertain."
"You can't have equality in any sense when you are subjecting different people to different standards of assessment based on skin color, ethnicity, or any other immutable characteristic."
"The true test of leadership is whether those you lead are better off for having followed you."
"This wasn't just bad, this was a complete disaster."
"Either you're an asset or you're a liability."
"It is very hard to rate this bloodline accurately because it's going to take fighting it a bunch to actually truly see what it's capable of."
"What does it mean to be smart? Schools rank you based on how good you are at taking tests, but that doesn't really define how smart you are."
"Quality is apparent almost immediately in high-quality things, and the lack of quality is the same."
"You can often make a rather accurate overall assessment of a thing with somewhat limited experience of it, if you know what it values, providing you have knowledge of the broad subject in general and lots of past experiences to compare it to."
"IQ doesn't tell us everything, but it tells us something."
"I assess mentally disordered offenders for a living, so that you don't have to."
"They're a good side. They're actually quite underrated."
"The need for decolonization is pertinent, as is assessing and understanding the intricacies and nuances of problems we face as a people."
"I felt like they played the best out of all three games so it just shows that this team gets better very quickly."
"She has said the chemistry with Peter is a ten out of ten."
"Separate the good from the bad and build on what worked."
"So yeah, it's going to be a pretty interesting end of the year when it comes to assessing this sort of feature and yeah, it's... I think a couple of outlets have been maybe glossing over how massive of a feature this is."
"Non-human and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program I talked to that are currently still on the program."
"I think he had a decent race... I've gone for an eight out of 10."
"Dying Light sheds some light at a danger level of 7 out of 10."
"What grade would you give me on this desert? Nine and change? Yes!"
"Kahoot... essentially gamifies learning... great for formative assessment."
"The president's assessment of the economy: very strong. Jobs report today: 8.4% unemployment rate, 1.4 million payrolls increased."
"Abby knew that Chloe is the most technically sound dancer on that team."
"Strength is definitely versatility... I will put this at a C tier."
"Real human beings are the best people to assess human dynamics."
"The only thing left for you to do was determined if she's been damaged and by how much."
"That doesn’t sound so hard, but it’s actually a big challenge to figure out what a student knows and doesn’t know based only on their answers to problems."
"But with luck on his side, I give him a survivor score of 2.5/5."
"Our society functions under a system of competence and assessment... not power."
"Quantity doesn't always equal quality though."
"I think they're in front of everyone at the moment."
"Clearly you need to rate the edges that you have both in the preflop in the post flop scenarios."
"It's not fair or intelligent to assess the short-term performance of a long-term investment strategy which is inherently and openly acknowledged as being very volatile."
"I can come in here and give you my honest assessment."
"For as unorthodox as they are, Taz, Matt Hardy can see what dangerous men Angelico and Jack Evans are."
"Assess, assess, assess before anything else. Unless that patient is going to die in the next two minutes, you must assess."
"Her tests and tasks for the protagonists assess their cleverness and worthiness as adults."
"I'm just not seeing how this is worth nearly triple the price."
"On the whole, I think the meeting went well."
"And he is playing well here in this first quarter." - Commentator
"Honestly, all of these are really good and they're permanent modifiers."
"I just don't have the ability right now to say 100% of it is good..."
"The biggest part of investing, literally what you're doing as an investor, is you're assessing what's important and what's not important."
"Definitely without a doubt the best one I've seen this season."
"A product is only as good as its worst ingredient."
"Where are we now and where do we need to be?"
"We are assessing, reviewing every single day the requests from the Ukrainian military and political leadership."
"I feel that you overall, you guys are pretty good for each other."
"We were the first to have health technology assessment."
"Final point about 2022, just incidentally, it was a very good offer for the Democrats by the standard of off-year elections."
"A credit score is only one small component of a person's overall financial stability."
"33 and 49 is not good. I know McCallum had a really good year and I think DeRozan is gonna get traded in the offseason."
"Go for it. You can do it. Encouragement. Way up the situation."
"It may not be a perfect game, but I think Outriders at this point is a pretty solid game."
"His Threat Level right now has to be through the roof it has to be."
"I think that it's only going to help him. That's my honest to goodness assessment of the whole entire situation."
"Trump is unbeatable as we stand today. Trump is absolutely unbeatable."
"Assessing the injury is crucial for determining the response."
"Ferrari seems to be quite strong and robust."
"It's the perfect car because 93,000 miles, there's bound to be maybe a few things you find."
"It actually performs very well. It has a 24 lethality and that paired with a 97 firing rates makes this a very solid assault rifle."
"I think it's already good, it's just overshadowed."
"This is a boat that's been driven up on the bank a few times... it's just surface, it's just scratch."
"If everything seems solid... you are good to go."
"I think a unit of three of them is still is fairly decent damage output here could be a solid threat to the majority of units."
"Is it working out? Are you winning or losing?"
"Overall, they're still an enormously strong army."
"Tenth edition does seem to be in a lot better state than it was previously."
"Overall, very impressed with how it's all executed."
"Using digital tools for teaching, learning, and assessment."
"Our data indicates if you score high or very high on four consecutive assessments, then you have a 99 pass rate."
"It's all about finding people with the highest latent talent, and that doesn't always show up in test scores."
"Extra damage up front so I'm going to put it in the A tier."
"Always take a step, take a breath, look at the situation, size it up, trust your gut."
"Quick attack... literally the best or the least influential disadvantage tool in the entire game."
"It's subjective and doesn't confine to any quantifiable standard."
"It definitely isn't like completely washing out or anything like that."
"Solo was an okay movie, not great but definitely not as bad as I was expecting."
"The short answer is that they're they're only judged based on what they didn't know."
"Looks right now like a pretty darn good fit for the guy."
"There was enough there to say there was some progression."
"What is your current assessment of the global economy in financial markets? I think we've hit some of a pivot point."
"Acknowledge these strengths and weaknesses of the enemy."
"Consistency is the truest measurement of performance."
"We are not here to tell you what you want to hear, we are here to provide an objective assessment."
"It's just another overdrive pedal really isn't it?"
"It's not alarming. It's not a fantastic hold, but it's not something that's gonna raise a lot of alarm bells."
"Character, character, character, because really and truly, it's the only real way we can gauge the longevity of a relationship."
"The economy has been calibrated a lot better."
"Overall, we're not in a terrible spot balance-wise right now."
"He's bringing a lot to the table, very good champion."
"It could be something, it could be an eight out of ten."
"They really came to the point where they thought that it needed more investigation."
"That will help you see where is he really at with this, all right."
"Brentford's move for Christian Eriksen: absolutely brilliant."
"He is absolutely rapid and his quality, well, here we're looking, I feel."
"This card seems definitely candidate for best card in the set."
"Our team is assembled and this is it, so I think it's pretty good."
"If I'm involved, I'm gonna assess it and decide."
"I had let Tony's experience, intelligence, and versatility should give him the victory after a long hard-fought battle."
"It feels like they're trying to do some of the right things here."
"You can't argue that the Premier League's not been the best league in Europe for the last five years."
"Mctom was really good today and again I know we can talk about standards but you have to judge the game that we've just watched."
"I feel like this is a pretty good Scooby, okay? Yeah, I'll take it. I think this is the best Scooby we've gotten."
"This is our best Pokemon so far, and it's not even that amazing."
"Your work is assessed on the basis of how robust it is, not what you personally believe."
"Judge them by the fruits, not by individuals."
"I think most people will agree with you in that assessment."
"Does that make him more suspicious? Hell yeah."
"It's a good upgrade. It's not a big upgrade."
"William Byron, he gets an A minus in my book."
"It's not top tier, but it's that next level."
"This guy is the limit for Nate Wiggins literally. The Highest Potential grade of anybody we're talking about here today."
"What are these players actually capable of doing? They're not good enough."
"Considering what we had, we are looking at pretty good progress so far."
"The gun's performance does outweigh the cons... That thing is going straight up into S tier."
"I can see that you are definitely the strongest one here."
"Calyrex Spectrier... I don't think it's gonna be great but I certainly don't think it's a bad Pokemon by any means."
"Evaluate if they can build on their own. Your future mate is fair and generous, ready to start something new with you."
"Three out of four stars, it's pretty good, it's not bad, it's a solid C."
"It's about taking calculated risks, it's about getting an assessment of the situation in a way that can allow you to do your job."
"Improvement potential? Seven point five, quite solid."
"For a pretty brand new beauty box, I do think it is pretty decent."
"All of this means that at the minimum blast is above dragon and likely a true genuine disaster level god."
"Just a clean muda, I think it's the cleanest muda we got."
"That's where the staff comes in too and evaluating the guys."
"I actually think it holds up better than people say."
"This game should give us an idea on just how good this 2017 team is."
"Russell next and this was a really tough one as I expect he'll do well in his first year with Mercedes."
"This happened next and I think despite putting him in fourth I think we could be seeing another incredible season from the Dutchman."
"A better score, that was a hard trick I thought a lot more technical."
"Maybe it's a little bit of a team step, I don't think it's a team."
"Trying to administer medicine to somebody that's already dead... it's pointless."
"This is a good team that is a well-constructed team."
"I thought Sam darnold was a pretty good pickup for them."
"I feel like I would be like this is an eight and a half out of 10."
"But yeah, this was not a great draft class, but at least we got a few starters."
"Do not stop, do not stop, take inventory of where you are, what are things that you need, maybe you have forgotten something."
"A reliable test is not always valid, but a valid test is always reliable."
"We're looking into the viability of having the AI be able to assess form on exercises."
"It smells bad here, but speaker systems and subwoofers, yeah, these are probably worth a lot of money."
"Sugo, in a calm and calculating manner, quickly assessed the situation."
"Variety of techniques are used to collect information to assess problems."
"Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with the project."
"Education is so much more than what a child does on a test score."
"I think the big question is, are the tests actually measuring learning?"
"Alpine Manor had been assessed by the Michigan Health Department as a standout nursing home facility."
"There should be more psychological assessments, a deeper look into their backgrounds, and a better way of selecting candidates."
"The assessment always leads us to the solution."
"It's not the distance at all, you go with the assessment."
"The Waffle House Index... a system to easily assess how badly an area is damaged by a natural catastrophe."
"It's improper to do superficial assessments."
"Always sit back and do the full assessment on any issue."
"Overall, Dr. Voodoo is one of the most OP characters Marvel has to offer."
"Just answer the questions as if like okay this is what I want this answer to be and and at the end you get a relationship credit score."
"It takes a careful assessment to figure out what's what."
"The most important thing is to correctly assess the situation."
"Hitler's acquaintance with military realities had always been shaky."
"The sound and fury of the German assaults were hollow, and their successes were short-lived."
"It was a measured and impressive performance."
"Are TikTok relationship tests saving people from bad relationships?"
"This might be the best model I have ever tested."
"The quality of the output, general formatting, structure, overall comprehension is superb."
"It's going to be very competitive, I think."
"I want to start off on a positive note and say like it was sick and it was cool."
"I find that there's a bit of a wobble to it, but I don't find that it's lacking stability."
"He's one of the most naturally gifted players, 100%."
"It's surprisingly good, actually."
"I think Ten Hag's a good manager."
"He's a great guy, he's well spoken, he seems educated, ambitious."
"It looks pretty dang good honestly."
"For a 13-year-old system with a ton of time on it, it was actually surprisingly clean."
"My gut feeling is that the new Scout 101 would possibly be more trouble-free, more reliable."
"It's actually pretty good, not bad."
"Never going to be worth less than that."
"On a scale of one to ten, how good are you at controlling your anger?"
"Overall though, this is a big improvement."
"The one that you're going to report that is abnormal is actually going to be this radial pulse."
"901 is not gonna help us. I bet it was still an eight."
"It's just good to take inventory sometimes."
"If you are fearing that a patient might have homicidal or suicidal ideation, meaning that they may want to hurt themselves or others, you do want to ask if they have a plan."
"I really want to give this a good grade, but there's something missing there."
"There's actually relative value for money here, even at $200,000 before on-road costs."
"I didn't really like your chances to win because you're so reckless, but now I do."
"The basic off-road goodness has not changed."
"I think it's huge, it's totally worth $4."
"The eye test is really important."
"It's a really high-quality specification."
"This phone checks all of the boxes."
"Here we have him standing straight up and down in the light box, no crazy poses or accessories or anything like that."
"As a rough road Adventure package, I think this one comes together really nicely and does exactly what it promises."
"That was a nice match. It was not stupid or silly. Nobody could slag off these guys' conditioning or dedication."
"That's the pins, all right, very good."
"Assess the situation then adjust the situation."
"The report on the hinden was not unfavorable."
"Comfort wise, it is pretty good in here."
"Leen knew that this woman was a skillful assassin."
"To say that his reputation was tarnished is definitely an understatement."
"Paul Pogba, ability-wise, is easily top."