
Forecast Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"The recovery has progressed more quickly than generally expected and forecasts from FOMC participants for economic growth this year have been revised up notably."
"It's not the same as the projection from two weeks ago obviously, but we're supposed to get hit with a big winter storm."
"We could really be in for one of the worst recessions we've seen in decades."
"Joy and stability for everyone...this is gonna be a really happy month for you."
"The situation is going to get much dicier. We heard this from the IMF: the worst is yet to come for the global economy and the global financial system."
"The price of wheat between now and the end of the year is going to quadruple."
"A U.S. recession is likely coming this year."
"2024 is going to be a very unstable year politically and financially."
"I think they're gonna have around a fifty percent market share in cars in North America probably within five to ten years."
"Every single one predicts an economic downturn."
"D5 can be 100 times larger than today in just five years."
"2023 will be a better year for housing than many people think."
"Is our economy going to continue growing, or is our economy going to slow down?"
"That’s where the power is headed for the next two years."
"Passion is coming in like a whirlwind with the Eight of Wands. Get ready for a passionate seven days!"
"2023 is going to be a really bad year for authoritarian regimes."
"A new start is coming, also a win-win outcome is forecast."
"There is a global recession that's coming in the next quarter."
"We're going to see a dramatic slowing of growth."
"Property prices in the US will go up 14 years. That's not hard to work out."
"If things do not change, another 15,000 suppliers could disappear within the next 10 years."
"It's probably gonna be a pretty rough next 12 to 18 months."
"Household disposable income will increase by .8%."
"The economy is expected to grow by .8% this year."
"Over the course of the next three to six months... major black hole in the Russian economy."
"You will see Quantum jumps happening in the GDP by 2026."
"It's going to become too much of an economic disaster."
"The big winners... are still going to be gold and silver."
"There's definitely storm clouds upon us and you're going to see major problems." - Jamie Diamond
"Black wealth is predicted to hit zero by the year 2053."
"It has been estimated that the state of California has only 20 years supply of fresh water."
"A lot of happiness coming in for you... definitely could be a firestorm coming in for you as well."
"You guys are getting a lot of messages about fun. Your money looks really good the month of May. Your love life looks really good too."
"We've got some heavy weather moving in from the Gulf tonight."
"Conditions are set, it's going to be sunny."
"We think we are going to continue to see inflation prints coming down."
"Good afternoon, New Metro. This is the Weatherman with today's forecast."
"No rain at all today, okay? It's gonna be a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky."
"By the end of May, you could be feeling really robust and active."
"The Sun and Venus could bring more fun, more pleasure."
"It's going to become the perfect storm for precious metals."
"Let's go over the weather and see what it's looking like."
"The CPI data coming in hotter than expected."
"Prices are going to be so much higher"
"Attack forecast: stay inside, don't come out until our secret ninja force steps wa, hold up, wa."
"It's been sunny and loud for the last sort of well day or so, and we've got a nice week ahead of us as well."
"But I do ultimately believe that the Fed will act as the data warrants this year."
"I'm always cheering for us, wherever I go. I speak a lot about Birmingham and I always give us a positive forecast."
"There's infinite possibilities that are coming this month."
"The University of Pennsylvania estimates that 225,000 people over the age of 55 could be living without a roof over their heads in the US by the year 2026."
"Weather graph is a beautiful hour by hour weather forecast at a glance."
"Probably the most important feature for me is to understand the rain chances."
"Looking at all these data points, 3 months from now, 6 months from now, 12 months from now, you end up with a 70 to 90% hit rate of a higher price for the S&P 500."
"What does Libra have to look forward to in the near future? Peace, harmony, a win-win solution for you, your situation, an opportunity being made and crafted for you."
"You may or may not have noticed that there's a lot of angry weather moving in."
"The global e-commerce market is estimated to grow at 11 compounding annual growth through 2030."
"There's no storm clouds in his future."
"Conditions are always changing. Do you want the weather report guaranteed? Weather forecast: conditions will continue to change. That's it. That's how it works."
"We might even get some bumps today with the clouds the way they are."
"The surprises tend to be to the upside."
"Hurricane forecast for the current hurricane, Hurricane Irma. Look at this. This is really crazy."
"The forecast was for a significant outbreak with multiple strong to Violent long track tornadoes and that didn't really happen."
"It's so nice today, I think it's going to be in the upper 70s maybe low 80s."
"It is going to be really nice and warm here in Juma this afternoon."
"Now, it's raining again in Old Wales and apparently there's a storm coming."
"Possible thunderstorm returns that we're going to get there right here."
"Our forecast is for continued strong growth, continued strong labor market with wages going up, and also with inflation coming down. So that kind of an economy."
"Unfortunately, the forecaster today is not good. It is a 90% chance of rain all day."
"The weather forecast isn't looking particularly fantastic, but let's hope it all went well."
"He sent me a pretty lengthy text breaking down the weather forecast for the next few days."
"Growth has been upgraded a little bit so they're expecting zero growth for q1 of 2025 in November now they're expecting modest growth."
"Most forecasts believe that by the end of this decade, the Metaverse will likely be between $6 and $13 trillion."
"The northern lights are forecast to be quite strong tonight."
"It's supposed to be beautiful today and tomorrow."
"Looking at the market for tomorrow, there was obviously a lot of bullishness across the market today."
"If you look at 2025 2026 which is not that far away for Real Estate there's going to be a supply constraint and rents should be healthy occupancy should be really tight and so you can see a very positive forecast for apartments."
"The U.S. economy added 303,000 jobs in March, topping even the most optimistic forecast in our survey of economists."
"So overall, I do think we are in for a relatively decent season this time around."
"There's a lot going on in money related to you guys this month."
"Market forecasters will fill your ear, but will never fill your wallet." - Warren Buffet
"The question is, will people listen to the weather forecasters and get to safety in time? Or will they be hit by a storm they just didn't believe was coming?"
"We see that the attraction will grow over the next nine to 12 months as this narrative plays out."
"I forecast fizzle, and I think you see geopolitical problems when there's an internal problem."
"...using the TAF to get a ballpark idea."
"Weather all the way down to the Bay Area looks really nice today so it should be a beautiful day to go fly."
"Analysts forecast the economy will expand 4.6% in 2024."
"Epic weather should stick around for a while."
"So uh let's see what's going on for you for April May and June."
"Lincoln sees that as enough of a victory to forecast his Emancipation Proclamation."
"We've got a gorgeous 7-day forecast, at least 7 days. We've got one freezing temperature toward the end of the 10 day, but we figure if we could squeeze in one last tree shopping trip, we should do that."
"It was worth $92 billion globally in 2019 and it's forecasted to generate $103 billion by 2027."
"September... Rain increased amount... Potential flooding in some areas..."
"No changes to our prior outlook for Qualcomm in 2024."
"Tesla Bulls forecasted how hot hybrids are right now."
"You can expect the trade winds to be blowing from astern at 15 to 20 knots day and night the whole time."
"But I'm this is what I want to look at right off the bat."
"My point is, over the next six months, the next two quarters, the year-over-year comps for China in terms of economic activity are going to be mega easy to beat."
"Let's talk about weather forecast. What's cool about this card is if you click on it, you'll actually get quite a bit more weather available."
"The bass forecast rating today is a four and a half. Not bad."
"Our total trim here is gonna be an average of about minus four minus three, you know we face big Corrections from you know the negative 20 that it was."
"American workers' earnings will increase by $400 billion to $488 billion in the next decade."
"I see quite a balanced energy here for you."
"Thankfully it turned out that the forecast was wrong for the day so we were greeted by mostly Fair Skies."
"The demand for entry level single family homes is likely to remain really high for basically the rest of the decade."
"Six Aquarian placements this month, including a new moon on February 9th."
"The kitchen towel market is expected to reach a value of $20 billion by 2026."
"A very high proportion of forecasters predicted very weak growth or a recession."
"It's going to make millions of pounds in a very short amount of time."
"this machine will show you the weather for the next few days"
"I'm gonna predict this right now, I think this will be the next food trend to come up."
"Winter is here. It's not miserably cold right now, but we are predicted to get one to three inches of winter mix, possibly snow, probably mostly sleet, a little bit of light rain."
"Tomorrow's forecast called for cool weather and wind, but it was also supposed to be nice and sunny."
"I see that we're headed into a significant inflationary period that could very easily last for 10 or 15 years"
"I've just been looking at the weather forecast and actually I thought it wasn't going to get cold until next week tonight's going to be zero."
"I think we're going to have an extended summer into September and October."
"We're looking for 2 to 3 years of solid earnings growth, what we call kind of a blue sky outlook as we go into a global economic recovery."
"It's a very light breeze so far, supposed to be, I don't think much past 70 today, so it's going to be a pretty nice day."
"They raised their 2024 revenue forecast."
"We are expecting a major hit to economic activity and incomes in Australia that will last for a number of months."
"The demand for three and four bedroom dwellings in the next 15 years is going to go absolutely through the roof."
"It's going to be a hot muggy day today."
"The view for household budget is that should improve through the year."
"It's already been an active hurricane season, and by August, there are no signs that Mother Nature is letting up."
"The forecast is for clear skies and cool temperatures."
"The good news is that high pressure will build as we go through the weekend."
"Hey everyone, it's been Hardy here and the weather is kind of a little bit disgusting today, but it means we're gonna get snow tomorrow which is super exciting."
"We should have at least another 12 to 18 months of upside."
"A beautiful Sunday afternoon, the temperature is in the low 60s, the humidity only 30%, and the forecast calling for no chance of rain."
"In China, inflation is forecast at just half a percent this year and no roadblock to more stimulus measures to jumpstart the economy."
"We estimate that the population of the town is going to increase by 2,000 residents in five years."
"It's beautiful, and the next 9-day forecast just looks about 75 to 80 and sunny."
"Weather according to the 45th weather squadron has a liftoff forecast of greater than 95% odds of favorable weather for liftoff."
"A big, busy hurricane season, yes, and I'll keep tabs on these seasonal outlooks as we go forward."
"Looking at the weather forecast for the commute today, it's going to be rainy pretty much the entire day over to North Carolina."
"640,000 jobs will be short of in 10 years; that's in aviation."
"It's 84 degrees sunny and soon to be 90."
"Tonight's forecast: calling for nothing but clear skies, confidence, and beauty."
"Forecasters say a major winter storm which is sweeping the US this week may bring the coldest Christmas in four decades."
"It's a little chilly this morning, but it's supposed to get up to about 70 degrees today."
"We have a forecast of 6.1 percent growth for India, that's well above the regional average."
"The trajectory for the economy is weakening and recession risks are rising for 2023."
"We're looking at possibly the lowest potential growth in US economic history."
"A win-win outcome is forecast for you."
"My driver says there's more snow coming tomorrow," said Toby one morning.
"Our economy will grow at an annualized rate of 3.5%."
"It's going to be windy out there."
"The weather pattern is going to be much more peaceful and calm over the extended outlook through Easter weekend."
"Lenia conditions bring more active weather typically to the lower 48 and to the United States."
"It's supposed to be almost 80 degrees today you guys."
"The worldwide cyber security industry is forecasted to reach 297 billion dollars in 2026."
"I've got warm weather for the next seven days in the forecast too."
"FedEx, one of the largest shipping companies in the world, just issued a big economic warning for 2024."
"From May of 2024 through June of 2025, you will have extra Luck winning things."
"There will be improvement overall in your emotional well-being this August and September."
"What a day, hey, weather-wise perfect, forecast is good for tomorrow."
"This winter will be one of the longest and coldest winters we've seen in years."
"Mostly sunny though, the outlook for today, tomorrow, hey, a little bit better, a little bit warmer."
"Our base case is a mild recession, which is not good, let's be honest about it, but it's certainly more palatable than the alternative."
"One thing that's going to be coming down the pipeline real soon in the housing market is the fact that by the end of November of 2023, we are going to see all foreclosure moratoriums come to an end."
"It looks like we have a beautiful forecast, no freezing temperatures for the next 10 days."
"SpaceX is on a roll at Starbase. 4 to 5 Starship launches are predicted for 2024."
"By the end of the quarter, we could be looking at a peak in year-over-year inflation."
"Child poverty is forecast to rise every year in this Parliament."
"The forecast for the next two years is a significant transformation of your karma around relationships."
"Our meteorologist is calling for temps in the mid 50s to the low 60s, so that sounds really nice to me."
"We expect EV sales to rise over three and a half X globally over the next five years."
"It's supposed to cool down tomorrow and Sunday, be cold, and then Monday and Tuesday supposed to get up almost to 70 degrees."
"It's awesome to be able to pick a specific location on the map and then see hourly and weekly weather forecasts for that location."
"The forecast for 2023 still looks a little shaky; they're predicting a recession, interest rates are still continuing to rise, home values could continue to depreciate a little bit, and that is okay as long as you have the right strategy."
"It's going to be a hot day today."
"The forecast is not bad, actually."
"These strong winds and rough seas are going to continue for the entire day."
"We've made quite an important adjustment to the forecast in terms of our views on the scale and persistence of inflation."
"We're going to get roughly 4.75% by the end of the year for the base rate."
"Looks like it will be partly cloudy today, daytime temperatures will hover around 81 degrees with overnight lows."
"My pick is Nomad Land, and my prediction is Nomad Land."
"It's raining and it's going to start sleeting tonight, and tomorrow's going to start snowing."
"A new commodity bull will be born sometime late '24."
"If this inverse head and shoulder plays out, I believe Cardano is heading above $2, round about $2 in 2024."
"Companies are estimated to spend over 200 billion dollars on cyber security by 2024."
"The weather has been really good lately, it's been clear for several days and it will continue to be clear for several days."
"It's a clear sky, so it's going to be a cold one tonight. See you in the morning."
"Lots of good weather coming our way."
"By the time we get to Sunday, which is of course Mother's Day, I think a lot of people will enjoy this forecast."
"I think they're going to be ruling it both of them together probably for the next four or five years."
"Recession is a very high probability come the end of this year, certainly by first part of next year."
"The outlook for Kansas City: a chance for thundershowers."
"My price prediction at a minimum for Flux is 9.75 in 2025-2026, meaning at a minimum we're gonna 22x from this price."
"I would suspect gold will definitely go through its recent high and probably go up towards three thousand dollars an ounce in the near term."
"I'm actually quite pessimistic for the global economy for the next decade."
"It's very sunny, it's going to be highs of 24 to 27 degrees over the next 24 to 48 hours."
"Every significant earthquake now has an aftershock probability forecast, basically going forward."
"Overall, we expect the economy will expand at a moderate pace over the next few years."
"As the job market strengthens further, we expect overall inflation to rise to two percent over the next couple of years."
"Tomorrow, remarkably the 11th of the 11th, it's going to be a warm, bright, and more importantly, a dry day."
"We're going to see highs of around 23, possibly 24 Celsius towards the southeast."
"They're going to be a power again in like a year."
"The market projects the forecast and then reacts to the actual outcome."
"The number of IT devices are growing exponentially with forecast estimating 150 billion devices by 2025."
"We also forecast that the rate of economic growth will slow on a sequential basis until early next year."