
Economic Support Quotes

There are 308 quotes

"We are committed to using our full range of tools to support the economy and to help assure that the recovery from this difficult period will be as robust as possible."
"We're committed to giving the economy the support that it needs to return as quickly as possible to a state of maximum employment and price stability."
"We at the Fed will do everything we can to support the economy for as long as it takes to complete the recovery."
"No Canadian will have to worry about protecting their health and putting food on the table."
"We want to take care of these small businesses; they really are the engine of this country."
"We will continue to provide the economy the support that it needs for as long as it takes."
"It's about making sure you have money to buy groceries right now and a job to come back to later, once we're through this."
"The president has indicated a strong support for increasing the minimum wage in our country from seven and a quarter now to fifteen dollars an hour."
"The federal government absolutely understands that we need to do and we will do whatever it takes to ensure that our economy can weather the storm."
"We reached a deal that includes crucial small business support to keep workers on the payroll, aid for hospitals, and support for coronavirus testing efforts."
"We all know a local salon or a gym that's had to close, and a neighborhood restaurant or shop that's really struggling. More importantly, we all know people who work there. They deserve a hand to get through this, and that is what the wage subsidy is for."
"In every corner of our country, small businesses are the heart of our communities."
"The plan also calls on the city to supplement lower income recipients' income to reflect the area median income for at least 250 years."
"Universal basic income is a policy where every member of a society gets a certain amount of money to meet your basic needs, no questions asked."
"The stimulus check is $1,400 an individual, $2,800 a married couple, $1,400 a child, $1,400 an adult dependent."
"My administration continues to press Congress to replenish the enormously successful Paycheck Protection Program which has impacted 30 million American jobs."
"We beefed up unemployment insurance in a huge way that has never been done before."
"The gist of the Republican bill was to get money into the hands of companies to pay their employees and to American families."
"We are talking about $250 billion to be provided to expand unemployment insurance...something I fought for."
"The government is stepping in to help pay people's wages so that they're not laid off so they don't end up being unemployed."
"We may need universal basic income in addition to retraining, reskilling, and education for those who are left behind."
"The federal government should spend money on the things that it needs to keep the economy up."
"Give your money to women is a way of balancing out gender-based income inequality."
"We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion."
"Small business is the backbone of the American economy, and the president has put the nation's 30 million small businesses front and center in the response effort."
"We're going to have a ton of liquidity to support American workers and American businesses."
"People need help to pay their bills, to put food on the table."
"President-elect Biden and I will make sure you have the resources and support you need to save lives and help get our economy back on track."
"Americans need recurring payments to survive this economic crisis."
"We are committed that whatever support we need to provide to the US economy, we will."
"We need to refill the small business funding."
"We will not be able to protect every single job or save every single business, but I am confident that the measures we have put in place will support millions."
"Stories like these underscore why Congress must replenish the paycheck protection program immediately."
"With the passage of the $1.4 trillion omnibus package last week, the federal ITC U.S. solar tax credits that were going to expire in a few days were instead extended for two more years."
"Are we supposed to rely on the elderly with just $4,000 HK of government assistance to boost the economy?"
"We are creating a package that's going to keep companies together, keep workers paid."
"Americans need support, they need to be able to trust their government, and they need two thousand dollars now."
"We're not just supporting the economy, we'll provide money and support to families."
"This is going to be enormous help for the American workers and the American economy."
"Military protection crucial for the German economic miracle."
"We want to help industries that are hurting right now, like the airline industry, like the hospitality industry."
"We need money, we need investment, we need support, and not only without interest also if countries can donate us, being based on our priority and our necessity."
"We have to keep these great companies in business because of the workers, frankly for the most part because of the workers."
"Direct payments to individuals is critical to prevent economic impact collapse in our country."
"We need some money pulled into this group that is being disproportionately impacted."
"I encourage you to include direct payments and automatic unemployment insurance extensions tied to economic conditions."
"We approved over 670 billion dollars for the paycheck protection program. It's been a tremendous success."
"South Korea's Ministry of SMEs and startups says it will provide over $211 million to support small businesses affected by the coronavirus outbreak."
"When you sign up at Timcast.com, you are supporting us and supporting Parallel Economy."
"Restoration work has been coupled to the development of a market for local communities."
"You are able to provide jobs to other folk and then be able to help their families."
"Instead of loading our kids up with 30 40 $50,000 in student loan debt we should be giving them 30 40 $50,000 small business loans."
"There is a lot of support going on for these monthly stimulus checks to be included in this next package."
"The American people need additional assistance now."
"The likelihood of us receiving a second stimulus check is very high at this point in time."
"Help the businesses get customers in the store... That's how you help businesses."
"Supporting small businesses is as important as ever."
"It did not include that kind of money for the people who needed it so yes economic help was needed for families as well as for businesses."
"If they were pro-child then they would be for increasing the minimum wage, they would be for unions, they would be for paid family medical leave."
"If we're going to keep our sector... renowned for... we do need that transition to involve an injection of cash."
"Universal Basic Income will guarantee every citizen a regular payment from the government."
"Everyone will be getting a payment of $2,000 a month for an entire year."
"I don't think we're bailing out bad businesses when we give them a bridge during the pandemic."
"Direct assistance to working people for every working family in this country that needs it."
"Supporting a minority-owned business helps support their families, their communities, and the nation as a whole."
"We are going to make a tremendous amount of resources available to companies to keep their workforce employed."
"The federal aid to states and households is a game changer."
"There is not a single democrat who's not talking about the stimulus check."
"I want the money to get to the people to be larger so they can spend it."
"Many developing countries will struggle to implement social welfare programs of this nature for those countries debt relief is essential."
"Small businesses cost more to operate than a household... if they're gonna do something right they should at least try to keep these small businesses going."
"This is going to put another 300 plus billion dollars in the Paycheck protection program this has been a lifeline not only to small businesses but I know you're well aware you've saved over 30 million jobs just with the first tranche of that money."
"When you support a small business during this time, you're keeping our dreams alive."
"Wouldn't it be better for people to actually have proper amount of money to get them through the holidays?"
"There's absolutely a demand to have another round of checks hit the American people's hands."
"This new benefit will rise an average of 25 above what it is now."
"Most Americans want stimulus checks and they reject the GOP's red line on liability protections."
"Either way, it's an improvement going from six hundred dollars to two thousand dollars for at least the average everyday adult."
"It's gonna include only stimulus checks fpuc and something for something for K to 12."
"Everyone wants to see this get done and soon. It's not an easy feat or process we're talking about providing relief to a country hurting from coast to coast."
"Struggling middle-class families need help too."
"Right now, the United States would have benefited from a monthly cheque, exactly what Canada has done."
"PPP was a huge lifeline for us...it was an absolute game changer."
"The $600 per week as an unemployment boost is really important. It's the thing that allows people to stay above water."
"Two thousand dollar stimulus checks now until the end of this pandemic."
"We need to provide stimulus until the end of this, until the majority of Americans are vaccinated."
"I think one step in the right direction could be a big bold move around $2000 a month until we get out of this mess."
"Monetary policy will continue to support the economy until the recovery is complete."
"Vote with your dollars with the local gardener, the local rancher, the local farmers market."
"They're going to continue to pass stimulus checks and stimulus packages probably through the end of the year until the pandemic is completely gone."
"Another stimulus check for the recession is coming."
"It's going to happen... there's going to be a stimulus check."
"We have to help our workers, small businesses, and we have to help our restaurants."
"The stimulus checks need to go out every month until we get through this."
"Universal basic income is like venture capital for the people."
"Money in the hands of small business immediately, money in the hands of people, the workers and people immediately, and it would be over an extended period and it would be simple to do."
"Governor Brian Kemp just announced he will spend up to 1.2 billion dollars in federal pandemic aid on payments of up to 350 a piece to more than 3 million Georgians."
"Black people must educate our own children, create our own jobs, and support black-owned businesses."
"I definitely think more stimulus is needed, I think our economy is going to need it, I think people are going to need it, I think businesses are gonna need it."
"Fiscal support is needed, another round of stimulus is expected and needed."
"Universal basic income proposes that the government give every adult citizen a set amount of money on a regular basis."
"Two thousand dollars would not only give people enough money to provide for themselves today but they also have a little bit left over."
"We've already seen states use their aid money to fund other stimulus programs like state stimulus checks, hazard pay, and vaccine incentives."
"Stimulus checks aim to benefit 2.7 million residents in the state."
"Give the small business people a subsidy. Let them be required to pay better than the minimum wage."
"Better to stay supportive right now until at least we figure out if this inflation is indeed temporary or not..."
"You want to talk about supporting and spending money? Go buy a black man's clothing, masculinity clothing."
"It would be a huge help because this would allow them to retain those workers."
"When you support business... you create more jobs, you diversify the economy."
"People across Britain are enjoying half-price meals as the government launches its Eat Out to Help Out program."
"We need a real commitment to black-owned businesses."
"Action is needed at scale to support as many businesses as possible."
"These trade agreements on a tough year where farmers are struggling really did help them quite a bit."
"Multiple stimulus checks... until economic conditions improve."
"Universal basic income gets the boot off of people's throats."
"Let's help everybody's business out and give them a reduction in their rent."
"Kenyans living abroad sent more money home during the Covid-19 pandemic than any other year."
"Up $1,000 a month in your hands would be a game-changer for millions of families right here in the state."
"We're on track to spend more than 2 billion with black-owned Brands by 2025."
"Isn't it amazing how this country was real quick, real quick Congress was able to find the money for major corporations, airlines, and others who were impacted by COVID?" - Dr. William J. Barber
"US lawmakers have proposed a $500 billion rescue package for local governments."
"On stimulus checks: 'Yes from Deborah Marker, we need reoccurring stimulus checks.'"
"Hey, maybe we should give small businesses money to get through this crisis. Maybe that's something that we should do."
"A hundred billion dollars to hospitals... 58 billion dollars to airlines."
"Remember how I said that we need to think of labor as a commodity?" - "If we want to help those who are economically vulnerable right now, then one of the best things we can do is equip them with skills to make them competitive in the job market."
"The government has already spent nearly 800 billion dollars helping the unemployed throughout the pandemic."
"We're all for supporting domestic manufacturing, we're supporting globally competitive companies across the board."
"This is not the case this time around. There's a huge emphasis this time around to get funding to these smaller gig type workers so if you have any kind of contract service you should absolutely apply."
"Put money back in Pennsylvanians' Pockets right now when they need it most."
"Vote with your wallets. If you like something, support it. If you don't, walk away."
"Got to help our fellow businesses in trouble. Airline industry, cruise industry, those workers."
"MIT Romney just suggested sending a check to every American."
"Direct cash relief has been demonstrated to be a massive success in alleviating extreme poverty."
"The economy is being kept alive by unprecedented government spending."
"UBI basically means everyone as in every person in the United States gets a standard amount of money so you wouldn't have to worry about basic needs anymore."
"We need stimulus checks and enhanced unemployment benefits."
"We have to ensure that the relief that is handed down to families and communities across this country is sufficient."
"Life support, if you will, for businesses who probably shouldn't have been expected to plan for a one in 100 year event like this."
"The good news is that there's over 80 different lawmakers... that want a fourth stimulus check."
"Through the course of this pandemic in crisis, we need to get people $2,000 a month as a reoccurring payment." - Kamala Harris
"Rent parties were cheap and authentic slices of Harlem that allowed Black residents to supplement their income and cultivate community culture."
"The silver lining during the '19 has been the federal government and local governments are recognizing the urgency and efficiency in delivering direct resources to struggling Americans." - Representative Omar
"The more we direct our dollars to those models, the more they're going to blossom."
"What's different about this moment... having so-called public servants more concerned with enriching themselves during a crisis than delivering basic economic relief for ordinary people is totally unacceptable."
"The president is firmly sticking by the promise he made for $2,000 checks."
"Our swift action is directly supporting 30 million American jobs."
"Invest in Black own media we're investing in Black companies those people have employees and families that's how it works."
"We need an infusion of cash into the American people right now."
"Let's get the stimulus check out because that's what Americans need."
"No action is needed by most people to obtain this round of economic impact payments."
"It's preventing foreclosures, it's preventing rent being behind."
"You pay it into the system you should get a benefit that's big enough to allow you to at least not live in poverty."
"Support black owned businesses support black owned restaurants support black creators"
"A new poll says that eight in ten Americans think the federal minimum wage is too low and two-thirds support increasing it to 15 an hour."
"There is no excuse America just cut checks for millions of Americans that are white black Hispanic Asian red yellow business entities and all kinds of other people places and things."
"Six stimulus is absolutely happening, has to happen."
"Get ready because you don't know when this thing is going to bust loose financially, on the stock market, socially, politically."
"Support your local businesses, support your small businesses."
"I recently signed into law $300 million to help our nation's fisheries."
"Yes, we need regular stimulus checks monthly until this pandemic is over."
"We've seen a significant increase in the number of loans to the smallest firms, to minority-owned and women-owned firms, and to first-time PPP participants."
"We could only accept further restrictions with full financial support—we put forward a costed package of measures, recognizing that people can't live on two-thirds of their wages."
"The American people cannot wait any longer. They need economic relief now."
"Next, he would increase your lifetime benefits despite what's going on in COVID to upwards of 20, this is insane."
"Joe Biden says he supports stimulus checks, rental relief, and housing relief."
"Regeneron's $450 million contract for monoclonal antibody cocktail is very encouraging."
"The window has gotten very very big here over the last couple weeks, but the simple idea is... they are once again open to the idea of sending out another direct payment to the American people."
"I think leaning on unemployment insurance was just a smart, safe way."
"We've processed over 4.6 million small business loans saving and supporting an estimated 50 million American jobs."
"There's roughly 5 billion a day in buybacks that are going to support asset prices."
"Direct cash payments, extended unemployment insurance, rent relief, food assistance..."
"I do believe that the state should do its best to support small businesses that are suffering during this time period."
"Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced 3.5 billion with a b in assistance for renters and small businesses."
"I really do think FPUC is going to get extended... it could get modified."
"You have the power to support small businesses and contribute to anti-monopoly this holiday season."
"You can have worker power and you can help businesses too by paying them money."
"What do you say to those Americans that are about to lose $600 a week in unemployment? They need that money."
"The extension of those benefits were clearly necessary and even though they weren't extended at the full 600 per week like they were before, 400 is still better than nothing."
"Between the Treasury and between the Fed... they're both going to help out the economy and businesses and individuals as much as they possibly can."
"Subsidies to improve affordability, from solar panels to vaccinations."
"SBA was founded for the specific purpose of being able to support economic growth by giving small business owners the help that we need."
"We need to provide more immediate relief for working families and businesses now."
"We're making it easier to save up for a down payment, helping end chronic homelessness, and making homes more affordable."
"Immediate increasing social security benefits would put money in the pockets of seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities during these uncertain times." - Leader Schumer
"It's a jobs presidency and it's a small business presidency."
"Support the African economy with your presence."
"I think we should subsidize Broadway. It's so essential to the identity of New York City."
"The ultimate goal is to ensure support for black-owned businesses across the board."
"I truly believe that in order to support a black owned business you need to spend your money."
"We're going to move to a four-day week. We're gonna have the state top up people's wages, carry on furlough effectively, for a significant part of the economy..."
"I have directed Steve Mnuchin to get ready to send direct payments $3400 for family to afford to all Americans."
"We need seamless checks and unemployment boosts now."
"We're creating a package that's going to keep companies together, keep workers paid."
"The change.org petition for two thousand dollar monthly stimulus checks has reached 2.1 million signatures."
"Support black business, especially if you can spend thousands."
"You can't close businesses down and not provide some way of people getting some money to feed their families."
"We've sent out 100 million checks and millions or more coming."
"Governments are spending a lot of their own money in order to keep unemployment down make sure that paychecks continue to arrive even if workers often don't get the hundred percent of their normal wages."
"Our rescue plan will provide flexible grants to help those hard-hit small businesses."