
Confession Quotes

There are 4875 quotes

"I have to come to you and tell you this, and it's hard."
"Confession feels good because you're accepting it, you're not hiding it, you're just being with it, and then it gets easier."
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"A woman who discloses her sins to you, if she did live in a sinful past, does not need to tell you or expose her sins."
"I've liked you for a long time now and I can't keep it to myself any longer."
"Every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."
"I've been in love with you for a very long time."
"The guilt had gotten to him, and he was planning on turning himself in."
"It feels like there's been a lot of confessions going on right now. I'm in love with you. You are truly the light in my world."
"I have a confession to make. I'm in love with you. You are truly the light in my world."
"He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. - Proverbs chapter 28 verse 13"
"I didn't realize I loved you until it was too late. I'm so sorry."
"The real serial killer confessed not only to the ten in Hwasong but was found linked to another five murders."
"Every knee is going to bow and every tongue is going to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"This is the only chance you're gonna have to tell us the truth."
"Every knee shall bow in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"He got so nervous that he went live for four hours. Not only did he confess, but his team confessed too."
"I've been in love with you since... wait, stop, and don't say anything more."
"A good confession is better than an exorcism."
"If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness."
"If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful to forgive us."
"Ridgeway claimed that he believed he'd murdered as many as 71 women but he had lost track over time."
"He who confesses his sins and shall forsake them shall obtain mercy."
"He who confesses his sins and forsakes them shall obtain mercy."
"Whoever confesses his sins and forsakes them shall obtain mercy."
"Honor requires more than admission, so I offer a full confession and the whole truth in a world where time is relentless."
"Confessing and asking for forgiveness is crucial for recovery."
"Great comedy is the art of confession. Tell me something I didn't know about you."
"To me, great comedy is the art of confession and risk."
"I am penitent. I know that what I have done cannot be forgiven. I will accept my stasis with grace and await a time where I might redeem myself."
"I did lie about that one part, and I take full responsibility."
"The system was set up to induce the guilty to confess, thus securing criminal justice in cases where a lack of reliable evidence or witnesses meant that the guilty may have otherwise profited from their crime."
"He told her the truth... that from the time that he rescued her... he had loved her but had never had the guts to say."
"The soul that will go to confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment."
"Civilization thrives on forgiveness and on confession first and then forgiveness."
"You have a major spiritual resurrection in every confession."
"Thank you for your confession. I'm glad to hear it. I've liked you since freshman year too. I would be happy to be your girlfriend."
"Because of someone's deliberate interference 3 years ago, I never got to confess to her, but now my feelings have finally reached where they're supposed to."
"There's a confession coming to Cancer. It's a confession of love."
"I commend you for coming in front of a camera and saying that."
"Jesus says all you have to do is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, and you will be saved."
"If you confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"Confess when being racist. Nothing disrupts racism more than when we confess the racist ideas we sometimes express."
"If you miss Sunday Mass, the next best thing is Confession. But if you miss a daily mass, the next best prayer I could do? The Rosary and the Chaplet."
"It's powerful that before the mass begins, we laypeople see the priest confessing his sins aloud in front of the congregation."
"I am sorry for what I did. I have to live with this every single day, and it brings me nightmares."
"And so we went into court and she stood up and she said, 'I murdered Pam Pitts.'"
"Just confess your sins, confess you went your own way and ask the Lord Jesus to forgive your sins."
"I wanted to go in and talk about how remorseful I feel and how embarrassed and disgusted I am with myself."
"We have been interfering in the US elections and we will keep doing so."
"Everything's fine, I just, I kind of screwed up things with Zelda a little bit."
"Confession is something that we're called to, it's something good but it's also something to be wise about with who to confess to."
"Justice is giving answers by admitting what you did and that it is wrong."
"I did it. I used my leadership, my gifting, my position in church to manipulate women."
"It's absolutely baffling. I need to set the record straight that I fully realize the impact of my actions."
"I got no regrets. I did it. I manned up to it."
"Marin reveals her heartfelt voice and says 'I like you' to him."
"The last thing I ever want to do is kill another black man. Big facts."
"Whoever confesses his sins is already working with God. God indicts your sins if you also indict them you are joined with God."
"The beginning of good works is the confession of evil works."
"If the statements in the Bible are true, then we could admit to ourselves that we need forgiveness from God."
"It's time for me to tell you all about the horrible awful I've done Miss hilly that'd be about the only thing to keep us safe."
"We're graduating this year, so if you don't tell him, he'll never know how you feel."
"It's amazing when people admit that they're wrong... it feels amazing when you do it, it really is like a weight being lifted off your shoulders."
"I just [ __ ] killed someone. It was amazing. I don't know how to feel at the moment. Lol, I'm kind of nervous and shaky though right now. Okay, I gotta go to church now."
"I've done terrible, unforgivable things while under its spell."
"God forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me."
"Even if you don't have enough proof to prove Pausanias as the culprit, he just admits it to Alexios."
"I want you to repent of your sins, tell him you're sorry."
"Deciding to admit her feelings, Miu began telling them that she had loved Tatsuya from the start."
"True brokenness is going before God and admitting your weakness."
"The cop doesn't care about you, they just want a confession."
"I've bared myself to you all in all but one regard. There's one thing that I've been cowardly about."
"You're blowing up that quadcopter, long? Thanks, you know, I was thinking, I sure hope you don't mention anything to the cops about my explosives bunny business."
"If you'll say, 'God, I admit I made the mistake,' you turn, not only is He there, but He's running toward you."
"Revealing to that other person that you have fallen under their spell is almost the most seductive thing you can do."
"Say it louder! Say it louder! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!"
"The Bible says if you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord then you will be saved."
"I think Cisneros eventually confessed to us because he truly had remorse."
"At the end of the day, every knee gonna Bow every tongue gonna confess."
"I'm not going to lie, I'm actually really scared."
"I'm be honest I did it. I'm really scared I'm going to get attacked right now."
"What's up everybody, it's Chris and I have messed up royally and I'm here to own that."
"You said if we confess our sins, you are faithful and just to forgive us."
"I have sinned. I am a thief, a heretic, a murderer."
"I've been wanting to tell you something for a while now, and maybe this is my last shot. Let's be a couple, Cassie."
"It's a hell of a thing to realize everything you believe is not what you thought it was and even harder to confess your mistakes to the world and start over."
"I got down on my knees and said Father forgive me because I'm a sinner."
"Think about your future. If you don't confess to what happened, everyone is going to see you as a monster."
"I killed someone in Guillen Hill Station. I did so out of my own volition and I don't regret it one bit. But just because I killed someone doesn't mean that I enjoy doing it."
"I killed them all, Joe. And not just the men, but the women and the Children."
"That's a confession okay that's what's called a confession that will be used against him at trial he confessed to doing this he has no defense."
"Jessica Pennington broke down and at that time admitted to us that she had lied."
"Confession means that we say the words with our mouth that God has already said in his word, in faith believing."
"Jesus is the Living Word and the high priest of our confession."
"Your confession of the words releases the healing power of God."
"If you have sinned, go to the Lord and confess your sins."
"Trump refuses to remain silent Eddie literally keeps confessing to the crime."
"I am the murderer of Jamie Paxton." - Confessional letter
"Just confess it, you know, you have nothing to lose, everything to gain."
"He then admits to the murder of his family and is imprisoned."
"If my bands were really as bad as people are saying they were, why would I be unbanned so many times?"
"He said this is bad and I did these things, I said these things, that is an incredibly important part of this redemption arc."
"If somebody says listen I'm a pedophile and yo like this is a [ __ ] up thing I think sexual attraction kids is [ __ ] up and I need help I think people will."
"I've liked you for a really long time, I've always admired you, always been into you."
"Lord Jesus I confess with my mouth as I have believed in my heart that you are my lord you are my Savior I open my heart to you guide me on this journey reveal yourself even deeper to me I am yours in Jesus name Amen."
"Every accusation with these people is always a confession." - Ben Micellis
"Scott confessed to the murder of Terry Brooks."
"That's some [__] right here brother, he's confessing on that he felt that he was complicit in his wake bro."
"Remember, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord."
"Jesus, I need to confess... I confess my unbelief, Jesus, I confess that I've viewed my need as merely a preference."
"Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"Society is based on confession and forgiveness. When you lose that, you lose the ability to move forward."
"There is a demand that one confess to crimes one has not committed, to sinfulness that is artificially induced in the name of a cure."
"Christ taught us to pray this daily, to confess our sins and ask God to forgive us daily. If we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar and his word is not in us."
"You're giving up already? I give up. I fell for you, so this challenge can't continue."
"Stephen Griffiths' chilling confession: A glimpse into the mind of a killer."
"So then she's like I will tell you everything if you give me full immunity."
"God's forgiveness: 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.'"
"If you stole a candy bar when you were a kid, you better tell them about it."
"Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, forgives us of our sins if we confess them and let him have mercy upon us."
"Dalinar admits the horrendous things he has done."
"Yeah, I wanted to have your mom killed and I was gonna have you killed too because I'm so angry."
"Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you."
"An honest path of self-discovery leads to 'I'm broken, I'm a sinner, I'm in need of salvation.'"
"What I confess, I possess. I confess Jesus as my Lord; I possess salvation."
"And then I remember walking up the stairs into my mom's room. She's sleeping sound. Did you lean on the bed or what? What? I just... I walked up, shot twice."
"Lord, we humble ourselves before you and admit that we have sinned against you and against each other."
"It's both their cases of confession through projection."
"I had taken the life of another human being."
"I do deserve to be executed. Bottom line. I ain't going to candy coat it. I deserve to be executed."
"They socially construct an extreme pressure to confess."
"Seeing no way out of this, Gina admits that the only offensive attribute magic she can use is ice."
"I shouldn't get satisfaction from that but I do, I'm not going to lie."
"We of course have the recordings in which Amber admitted to hitting him."
"I ratted on him, but that closet scared me more when I was out of it."
"The truth spilled out: 'It was premeditated, and the detectives listened.'"
"I lost the fire a little bit, dog, I'm not even going to lie."
"You will either live in a secret sin or bring your secret sin to the secret place and it will be transformed into a testimony."
"In the long-term future, they will tell you how they truly feel."
"He admitted, that's it. Next revelation, he killed his brother solely for self-serving purposes."
"CIA agent makes a confession on his deathbed: 'We blew up the World Trade Center seven building on 9/11.'"
"He confessed to killing her classmate and disguising her murder as a suicide. That crime was not solved for years."
"Sometimes you've got to admit your mistakes."
"I'm fine with that but you're confessing without much of a fight."
"He actually confessed to the murder in 2006."
"She admitted it. She confessed to a catalog of abusive actions."
"Not guilty! Did you do it? Yeah, but I'm not guilty because I overcome by the blood of the Lamb."
"I should have told you this a long time ago. I love you."
"If someone on their deathbed wanted to clear their conscience before passing, without that, it appears... will remain unsolved."
"He identified himself as the killer of Rebecca Payne."
"I think that's one of those moments that wasn't a slip I think that was actually a straight up confession."
"The shelf days. Now I've got a confession to make, I've never actually owned a pair of shell toes before. So this is actually a first for me."
"He was openly telling them the horrific things that he has done but they still have nothing physically to back it."
"If you stop going to confession, you'll have a lot of new sins."
"Tim Parlin confessed to you that he killed Kathy Blair."
"It's okay to admit that I'm 19 and I've never been kissed."
"Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"My dark secret is I haven't been reading Marvel Comics in a long while."
"She confessed to the murder of Linda Stein without a lawyer present in her confession she says that Linda was yelling at her."
"Get the poison out, whatever the shame and the thing that you haven't forgiven yourself."
"I think you need to go to this person and say I love you... or don't... if you don't have to say, 'You are beautiful.'"
"I mean, it's probably too late right? This happened a while ago... but yeah, I think you need to go to this person and say, 'I love you... or don't."
"I definitely meant to kill her. If I had a chance to do it again, I would."
"There's no debate that in your own words you killed them on purpose. You are evil. You did this."
"A surprising admission, the first time any Royal had ever publicly confessed to infidelity."
"Written from Marty to Justin's mother his wife right Marty being one of the prime suspects and the letter had written said 'I took four lives for the price of your love.'"
"Someone knows something. The author of this letter clearly wants to get something off their chest."
"I'll admit that I did it but you have to let me out for my honesty."
"Remember, he's pleading guilty to try to kill wife and Lucci and how to get permission from the boss, Young Thug."
"Josh has done some very bad things and he's very sorry."
"Confess your sins to each other, that is the only place where scripture commands us to do that."
"Whoever confesses Jesus as their lord and savior... will be saved."
"I'm not lying, she's here. The girl who's interested in you is here. It was me."
"That girl was you. I actually liked you ever since."
"Confession and repentance are the solutions to unconfessed sin. Let us seek forgiveness from the Lord and experience His mercy."
"Eventually, Renee managed to make the pair confess."
"I did make bad choices. They need to hear you own that."
"I had a really hot shower yesterday, that's my confession guys."
"He faced over 17 hours of interrogation... detectives had no doubt... all they needed from him was a confession."
"Are you living in sin or battling it? Bring it to God."
"She confesses to Ren that she has loved him for a long time now."
"I've told the whole truth nothing but truth."
"All you have to do is say, 'Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins, I want to receive you as Savior and Lord of my life.'"
"When someone does something bad and they realize that it was really awful and they come clean about it and they admit that you know they can't be sorry enough for what they've done and you know I feel bad and I'm gonna be better going forward..."
"He essentially got him to confess to the poisoning."
"I confess that I am a sinner, and I ask you to forgive me of all of my sins."
"I have done bad things but I am not a bad man, I have fixed things but I am no longer your fixer, Mr. Trump."
"In fact, she admits in a SpongeBob comic book that she used to rob banks."
"I think it's time I came clean with you, Tommy."
"Pedro confessed that on May 25th, 1979, he saw Aton walking to the bus stop while he was working at the bodega."
"I killed a guy by accident, but I'll take it!"
"The examination of conscience, the freedom, frequent confession, keeps us on our game, helps us to learn from our mistakes."
"I'm racist, I don't like white people but I'm gonna respect you as a man."
"I've liked you ever since we were little. That's why if it's alright with you, I'll be happy if we could become a couple."
"She confessed immediately... she actually gave her sister the secret code."
"Abby confessed the truth she had been hiding."
"Telling people what I was going through, why I was going to do it, it was the worst thing I ever had to do and the best thing I ever did."
"Confessing my sins felt like it was going to be the end of the world, that I was going to be judged and looked down on, and it was none of that."