
Communal Experience Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"It's going to be a communal experience... it's going to be so good."
"It's such a fun communal experience to go to the theater, see a horror movie, share those screams and scares with everyone else in the theater."
"It's almost like the definition of no stress, to be among a lot of other people who are laughing at the same thing because it means you're all being... all playing spontaneously together without fear."
"I think it's really all about the vibes, like where else and when else would you be eating right next to the canal with a fast food Chinese place with people having fun and eating sharing greasy food. It's all about the experience."
"What was incredible about sharing it with people who this was their first launch, that is what was incredible about it."
"The appeal of live music is so much the vibe that there is in that crowd when it's going off and you're surrounded by [ __ ] a thousand or 10,000 or whatever other people."
"It was absolutely one of the most fun times I've had."
"I'm glad you're here. I've been praying and I believe that God wants to do something special in here tonight."
"The thing that makes everything better, it's cold, the simultaneous sip."
"If you scream and everyone else in the audience screams, you realize that your fears are not just within yourself; they're in other people as well."
"Silent Hill Ascension takes that feeling of communal fear to a massive scale."
"It's not about being there... it's about being here and that's really in this particular moment as we sit here we are together we're here."
"We've been waiting and waiting for this moment."
"Just know we're going through this thing called life together, never in it by yourself. Let's get it."
"Ending CinemaCon this way really fulfilled the promise of communal experiences in movie theaters."
"The way which he has reshaped the second movie is so respectful to the loss we've all experienced as a cast and as a world."
"It's been just an amazing experience of consolidation and kindness on behalf of Polish people."
"I think [the communal movie experience] always will be [important]."
"Words of life are the reason we are gathered here."
"Do not take away from the experience that everybody around you is having."
"The tater tot breakfast casserole is a 10 out of 10. It was amazing, everyone loved it. We were fighting over it, we ate it for dinner, we ate it for breakfast and then when it was gone we were like why is it going? We want more of this."
"Life is hard for each and every one of us. I think everyone sitting in these seats can contend to that."
"There's something magical about the moment when the lights turn off, the intro is done, and you hear like some people drinking eating their popcorn like right before the movie starts and the whole theater is silent."
"It wasn't an amazing convention, but we all know what happens when the lights go out."
"Music brings us together, all of us. Don't ever forget that, please."
"Let's be grateful and thankful together. Are you ready? One more. [Applause] Life is good."
"I feel like there's so much life and connection from those kinds of moments where everybody is singing the same lyrics and you're all just part of the same experience in that moment."
"It's going to be fantastic... to see a total eclipse and do it with a bunch of atheists."
"Get those glasses ready. It’s going to be a beautiful show!"
"Plane rides are communal experiences and a time to maybe just try harder not to be [ __ ] to each other."
"Lovely lovely lovely for me, I fully agree. You know you've got a big hit when people chant along with it when it's not playing."
"Football's great and I hope everybody has a great time watching the Super Bowl whenever it is."
"People want to go to the theaters, enjoy themselves, and see, bring their friends, especially superhero movies."
"The collective experience when you're sitting in a theater together."
"This is going to be the craziest year ever in US politics. I'm so excited that we're going to go through it together."
"What an amazing time, guys. What an awesome time."
"Good success exists and we are enjoying it, and it's not just us."
"Well one really good thing that did come from this: Mark had never been baptized and I had never been baptized and my dad had never been baptized and Mark is the one that came up and said hey I want to be baptized."
"We have ignored the gradual steady infringement on our fundamental rights. What did we expect?"
"It's like sitting around the campfire, listening to these incidents."
"Tomorrow morning, we're renting a theater, and I'm amped."
"The shared experience... everybody laughing at the same time... crying at the same time."
"Netflix Party: it's a communal experience, it feels like a date."
"Welcome to the party, we've been dealing with this for a couple of years now."
"It's almost like we're all in the theater together."
"I'm really excited for what's coming up... Let's all watch it together."
"But when that energy is shared with thousands of people serving as your background vocalists, that same intensity doesn’t seem so out of place."
"Just remember to freaking love life because you have the opportunity to. The fact that you're watching this show, we get to do this together and I'm excited to share with you."
"The culture of October Fest and just sitting down in a huge Hall with strangers is incredible."
"There's something about going into a room, closing the doors, and sharing an hour, two hours, three hours with another few hundred people that is human. It's humanity."
"Film is one of the ultimate forms of art because of how communal it is."
"If you're in a theater and you're sharing the experience with a bunch of other people, ah, it's just, it's just truly, truly thrilling."
"When Charles Dickens's Christmas stories were coming out, it was a communal experience. It was very, very special and it had the effect of bringing people together."
"And when all the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell face down."
"There's a lot of fun I had here. I think this is a movie where you definitely need to go see this with an audience... because there's a lot of those nostalgia moments or a lot of those crowd-pleasing moments."
"...great whiskey is awesome to have but it's much more about the folks that you get to share that whiskey with. It is, you know, a communal experience."
"The advent of communal XR and communal experience is really where things are going to take off."
"The communal experience of watching a movie in a movie theater was great."
"So cool when you can just hear this whole group of people laugh, yeah, and they're laughing not all at the same thing all the time."
"I think I have earned this meal, we all have."
"It just happened. And it was loud. It wasn't like a silent fart. It was a fart and everybody knew it."
"It's amazing. You know, it's nothing like it. It's electric. Amazing fans, amazing support. It's crazy. All of us, we feel it and we love it."
"It's so fun to watch a movie like an uplifting, funny, happy movie with a crowd."
"The Spirit of God came on the people in that room, and one after another, the Spirit of God came upon everyone."
"As the sun set over the bay, in that moment, it felt as if everyone at the event came together to take in the experience."
"The mass, properly done, satisfies a need inherent in all people."
"I think dining halls is such a big part of the experience, like the communal eating and like I feel like that's where you really cement your friendships."
"We're all winners when we go to see live music, that's the point."
"We are one dance party, experiencing physiological arousal, a gratitude practice extending ourselves to everything."
"Theater is Church because it's an experience that the assembly participates in and gets up and walks out changed in some minor or major way."
"After a few seconds, they start looking around at each other, then the crowds start making noise."
"Singing along to your favorite song with everybody, there's nothing like it."
"It's just sort of nice to just be with people in this very communal setting."
"Gemütlichkeit is basically how you want to feel; it's like the ultimate feeling of just contentness in a social setting."
"Cinema on the big screen is more than a business; it is an art form that brings people together, celebrating humanity, enhancing our empathy for one another."
"We don't often get rainbows and people all in one go."
"Good morning, hope everyone is enjoying their breakfast."