
Wizard Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"A wizard is never late, he arrives precisely when he means to."
"Do not mess with a wizard that has had 400 years of downtime."
"That is 100 days as a wizard officially complete!"
"A wizard is never late, Mr. Baggins, he arrives exactly on time."
"The wizard is a flexible class with a lot of crowd control options and long-lasting area of effect skills."
"A wizard is never late, he always arrives precisely when he means to."
"There's more to this wizard than meets the eye."
"I love the way that they've embedded this morality message and this story about the wizard and the tower."
"Natsu is an all-powerful fire-breathing wizard."
"The rogue decides to try to sneak into the sanctum and scope out the room. He opens the door and is unobserved. The rogue takes the opportunity to use his knockout poison to try and take out the wizard. It works."
"He jumps onto the wizard so he power bombs the wizard. Rolls to hit, natural 20 if I recall correctly. The wizard is reduced to a bloody pulp, just no longer exists."
"So Justin decides to become a wizard tutor as a way of earning extra credit and additional points to put him back in the competition."
"He's a wizard and a literal Harry Potter wannabe."
"Grindelwald was an immensely powerful and well-trained wizard who was born as a seer, someone who can see the future."
"The female wizard sees this, and decides to take on the alien all by herself, as she enlarges her arm which allows her to grab onto the enemy and slamming the opponent onto the ground."
"That's a wizard. This is the first time you're like, 'Oh, this is what I think of as a wizard.'"
"Do you think I'm [ __ ] magic do I look like a wizard do I look like I'm in bloody Hufflepuff Ravenclaw actually that makes a lot of sense doesn't it"
"You there, blind wizard man! I have come from a far away place to seek a great sorcery."
"The master wizard looked at the two affectionately."
"He was quite a well-to-do wizard with a practice in Eastbourne."
"Steph Curry is a wizard with the ball."
"At number seven, we got to put Gail. I have a cat, a library, and a weakness for a good glass of wine. Gail is a human wizard, he's a prodigy, a scholar, he has a wizard tower back in Waterdeep."
"It can never hurt to have an all-powerful wizard on your side."
"A wizard is never late, nor is he early."
"You are literally like some sort of Clairvoyant Wizard."
"Unfortunately, I am an ordinary person," she continued, "and therefore I cannot understand the mind of a wizard."
"I literally said you'd be the first one here, you're a wizard, happy birthday."
"Cheers for the greatest wizard in the world!"
"Jedi knights are so wizard, and now there are two of them."
"The wizard is never late. He arrives precisely when he means."
"It's wizard magic not women's magic."
"Logical explanations are great but they're not very much help when you've just been body swapped and handcuffed to a pole in a wizard's basement."
"You don't live a long life as a wizard without making a few enemies."
"A wizard is never late, only grey."
"The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense, you can't possibly hope to defeat this magician."
"I am in fact a wizard, and I can use this wand."
"He's a dead creature who was once a human wizard."
"I'm taking the lantern with me," said the wizard, "because I must walk a very long way to get to the island."
"A wizard is never late, nor is he early, a wizard arrives exactly when he intends to."
"A wizard never arrives on time, or wait, he arrives exactly when he means to."
"Just a humble wizard sharing my hobby world."
"You're messing with the wrong wizard."
"A wizard is never early nor is he late, he is simply Gandalf."
"The snow was blinding and the winds howled, yet the mighty wizard did not waver in his stride."
"Regardless, the wizard was unwavering in his search."