
Strategy Gaming Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"If you like strategy games, it's pretty cool, and I don't even think you really need to like Minecraft to play this game. I think it stands on its own."
"The main goal here is to use the powers of magic to assist the kingdoms of Hammerfell, keep them united, and strengthen them against potential enemies."
"Once a kingdom has its prestige rise above a minimum threshold and be among the nine with the highest prestige, it starts being considered a great power."
"Remember, there's a lot of variables in Total War: the luck of army composition, matchups, and of course, the inevitable downside of being a human: errors and bad decisions. Everybody makes them."
"Immortal Empires is Total War at its exaggerated best, addictive and life-consuming."
"Why would he even Expo that early? I had the Elixir for a Tesla, I just didn't expect him to do anything."
"My biggest problem in this game is that Jacob can just tap down my squirrel."
"My best option might just be to use my commander as much as possible."
"Once you've jumped into a second town center immediately getting that second town center up is going to allow you to produce villagers which is going to make your economy boom."
"Success in battles hinges on wise Resource Management."
"Smart adventurers know how to use stealth, subtlety, and infiltration to sneak past really deadly foes, slip past the guards undetected, and get in and out of the dungeon or any other environment while keeping your head on your shoulders."
"The answer in RTS is always to fix the problem so that it never even happens in the first place."
"These are the sort of three main formulas for a Ganyu melt team with the last character always being a flex slot."
"Different realm traits can fundamentally change how the game plays based on the map that gets generated for a playthrough."
"I came, I saw, I conquered. Well played, Crusader Kings 2."
"Final conclusion: all four of the Marovat Carlov Manor Commander precons are worth it."
"Ultimately build towards the units that you want."
"Can you build a civilization that stands the test of time?"
"The cards are the star of the show... opening up so many tactical options."
"The culmination of these various factors... led to dynamic gameplay, in other words, gameplay that made you rethink your strategies as new information came up."
"Video poker is a game of skill, so if you know how to play your hands properly, you will do better."
"It's seven mana total, reveal the top three cards, play them this turn without paying their mana costs."
"I'm gonna populate five times, I'm gonna make five more of these, so it's ten dragons, yikes."
"I've been stressing a lot recently as I had no idea what I was going to do for the middle of my base."
"Huggy's not supposed to come to life yet, we haven't even gotten the yellow key!"
"We have a ton of direct damage. Goblin Guide is probably the best card in the deck."
"Shamblers have 5 ancestral trinkets they can drop, including the much sought after Map, Candle, and Scroll."
"For your final four idea groups, you should rack up some mill ones."
"You will out attrition your enemies... Amazing turnkey dungeon..."
"A brand new starship troopers real time strategy game set in the wonderful universe."
"Having less decoration slots to work with means we're just gonna have to give up something."
"You cannot get through a tomb king campaign if you don't focus on your technology properly."
"It's a good and engaging tech tree that allows you to actually think about what you're doing."
"One battering ram adjacent to the city means any melee units can attack."
"That's how the game should be... You formulate a strategy that works."
"Any excess dark elixir should be poured into these Archer Queen and Barbarian King heroes."
"The more time you take, the more money, gold, and XP you make."
"Prosper, the best red black commander maybe ever printed."
"Houses cost 10 wood and 10 steel less to build. Holy crap, let's do that!"
"Hopefully next time we can start building our actual kingdom and prepare for the Vikings that will come once there's money Vikings will come."
"That feeling of making buildings for 15 gold or less is something I can't recommend enough to my fellow tall enjoyers."
"We will be the mega pirate with an infinite army of effectively self-duplicating wave attacking crewmates who will never ever die."
"If you want to capture any settlement in the game simply go to your local port visit a million taverns then use those crew to surround that very same port and then simply siege it down."
"A localized flood infection will be able to direct the parasites' actions with some sophistication, while even small proto grave minds can utilize advanced strategy on a grand scale."
"You do have to understand a little bit more of the map when you start getting to feature tuning."
"Talk about all of the good things that you have."
"Let's go ahead and do scoreboard player and we'll take a look at our current resource we have 6,000 timber 7,000 treasure and 234 essence."
"If you play this card and simply play one overload card this card is worth four eighteen stats for four."
"Movement speed and armor piercing are the name of the game. You gotta go fast if you want to party with Slaanesh."
"The Book of the Dead... allowing them to dominate the battlefield with deeper customization of their undead army than ever before."
"Start as an outpost and expand to a real city; the journey is part of the adventure."
"Her plan Remains the Same find the chaos gear and if memory serves the biggest [ __ ] on the field should have it."
"Now what are we gonna do? We're gonna buy the resources necessary to build the bloody Fink."
"If you craft red sand or mycelium minions, switch factions, you'll lose them."
"One of the most powerful things you can do in civilization is try to trigger these boosts."
"Builders make all of your tiles better, and that's really good."
"Scouts move a little bit faster compared to other units."
"Building a Scout first may be a fine and solid move."
"Overall, influence is arguably the second best diplomatic idea group providing players huge bonuses that make vessel play viable and ruthlessly efficient."
"A Song of Ice and Fire: Navigate political intrigue and epic battles in Westeros."
"Every card that's not directly part of this core strategy should be something that either helps you get to the cards you do need, or shuts down the strategies that your win condition is otherwise weak to."
"Are we gonna wipe out the Tychus wave with our stalkers while we're fighting under planetary range?"
"A lot of the meta in this game is figuring out what you have and how you can rally that into a victory for yourself."
"Crusader Kings 2: My favorite Paradox game to play."
"Adopting another trainer's team is a tricky gambit. There's no shared history, you lack the comfort that only comes from a playthrough's worth of battles."
"Uniting the whole high elves is easiest with Tyrion and also starting off with arguably the highest richest city right off the bat is really useful."
"Crusader Kings 3 is just undeniably fantastic."
"A game of Tolkien is played over a series of realms with each round being one step of the central gear."
"There's some basic math you gotta do which is essentially you can't get a hatchery built earlier than a certain time if you're building x amount of units."
"Now all armor stripping abilities are more efficient but more effective."
"Mail takes everything that makes EU4 interesting and unique and amplifies it."
"I conquered this much of the world in a hundred years without becoming a horde and without forming a major Coalition - how did I do it? Simply, it's because I'm the most amazing eu4 player of all time."
"It's like a sleigh the spire energy situation."
"There's so much to learn... trading food management, prisoner management... it's just like there's so much."
"The combination of rewarding planning, dynamic tactics, and player-driven interactions is what makes strategy games compelling."
"It's like playing Risk and suddenly getting all those armies and putting them on and start moving and there ain't nothing to stop you."
"Life magic complements single entities way more than infantry units."
"One of the only Empires I ever feel really bad about destroying."
"Bohemia is one of the more underrated nations, but in this guide, you'll learn they might be the most powerful out of all their neighbors."
"Defeat the Protestant Reformation and prevent it from happening as much as you can."
"Anything that gives you an extra policy slot is great."
"I guess the strategy part of a park builder is here now."
"I expressed myself honestly. I'm allowed to do that. I'm a person. Thank you. I hope it goes well."
"A strategy game about transportation, building factories, and mining in infinite voxel landscapes."
"Lead the Industrial Revolution where the path you choose will define your world."
"Novgorod makes for one of the best and most underrated vassals in the game."
"If you're playing a nation before, if you're new to the game, I guess this is the one you want to go for... overall there isn't really a template you can make for this."
"Lots of good things to like and lots of variety for list building."
"The game is sound, and I actually think the necron rules are damn good too."
"Planning your campaign for the eventual transition to feudal."
"Stacking cultural fascination for faster innovations."
"He's cramping look at Wade Valencia out there if you're not gonna win might as well do something awesome."
"The horror genre in video games is just the most fun to me bro."
"We're getting almost 13.8 piety per month and that brings us up to 5k piety which is going to be more than enough to reform our faith and we're gonna be able to pick up pretty much everything we want."
"An awesome economic focus campaign, I love that."
"Far better to have a few consolidated rich provinces than 60 garbage provinces."
"Jared Karthalian true heir is an interesting new Naya commander that opens many deck building opportunities."
"Thank you guys so much, this golden piggy is back and so we're going to attack and we're gonna read, that's what we got to do, we got to attack him, let's attack him, let's do it."
"The giant crit Bowman considering they spawn on Wave 2, it's fair to assume your team won't have crit resistance."
"Absorbing characters from defeated nations expands your character pool."
"Finally, well fortify the fortress and surprise those damned mutants."
"Just put all of your infantry units in the front and your range right behind them."
"Take it in whatever pace you need to, don't let anyone make you feel bad for slowing the game down to think otherwise."
"No such thing as an unbeatable base. Every single base has a weakness."
"Bunyan is actually also an insane support zerk at the same time."
"Ram rider lumberjack push coming in here, that move rage up the RAM runner."
"Perhaps the finest example of Blizzard's RTS work, featuring four different factions."
"Eldar are really interesting. I think there's a lot of variety in the list builds that you can do."
"This game is crazy! You actually gotta go big brain, right?"
"Remember that creatures are intelligent... unless they're completely mindless, even animals will run."
"Synergizes really well with the timing you get with spies."
"Pericles is just crazy good. You can nearly do anything with him."
"Peter is not the best civ in the game anymore, but he's close. He's still S tier."
"Jay, the Kamai, is far and above the best civilization in the game."
"Easily the best civ in the game. It's kind of crazy how good they made him."
"Oh yeah the Pyke's are moving out only losing two orcs they're not a huge loss and I think the Pikes are actually gonna go for it oh that was a juicy one that was a juicy one."
"Strategy is essential to take Shadowverse by storm, great for competitive or casual players."
"I often found myself going back to base building farms and other infrastructure during pitched battles."
"Remember, climbing in League is about making the most consistent choices over a bunch of games."
"Yellow is only played as the poles, you think that's good pierce armor for a unit that's as cheap as it is with a civilization that has eco that good and has unique tech and cavalry that good?"
"But man I do like this game I love the combos."
"The Vandan sergeant is a solid unit that can hold her own against just about every unit on the battlefield."
"This is a case where we need to sacrifice crit damage for recharge."
"My God, yeah, we may have earned 73 infamy, but we just conquered the entirety of Luxembourg and the Netherlands instantly."
"Hugging the wall would help but ultimately be slower than just paying attention. What made it terrifying was that there was an enemy here, true roaming, not Outlast roaming."
"And then I think last but not least Sarco flagellants right yep that's the last one okay Arcos uh squads of three to ten uh T3 but two wounds with a four up feel no pain oh saucy."
"Grey Goo is really solid... a solid revival of RTS."
"The Gulag can be easily won by baiting people out...play it safe to get the highest percentage wins possible."
"Just go ape and just get like insane food economy."
"Guardians of the Ancient set challenges that notion. If you don't like your fate, just pick a new one."
"I literally swept her whole team with Ice Beam and Flamethrower."
"Our goal is to core Constantinople, Antioch, and Jerusalem."
"So leveling up tech is still extremely important if you want to get a lot of these but this gives you so much customization as far as how you want to build up your nation."
"Civilization value has also been changed it is always good even for civilized non-tribal nations to get more civilization value kind of think of it like your infrastructure your innate infrastructure roads plumbing whatever else it's going to be."
"Off the back of a baron G2 quickly come back out onto the map they force the fight against dg they find the four v4 and they will secure their third dragon of the game as well."
"It's almost magical when you discover a weakness on a mech and exploit it."
"It's tough because we can only afford one army."
"That's easy, alright, so again, we've used the early game strategy and it carried us even through late-game with effective strategy and position."
"We are defending a castle, and they only have a catapult."
"We were assembling our army for the Savage Acro fight... It was looking like this was finally gonna be that Army."
"Take Conquest gameplay with a grain of salt."
"Kill the enemy leader as quickly as you can."
"Regular night goblin archers are the best archer unit in my opinion."
"If you're going to go cavalry, my advice savage orcs are a bit better."
"Congratulations, you just destroyed their TC."
"If you can truly get all roads to lead to Rome, yours will be an empire of great riches and luxuries."
"Know your cavalry units and who can beat who. Engage in battles where you have the advantage and avoid engagements where you're outmatched."
"If you're pushing into late-game I think you need to find some centerpiece card like junk bought for this build and really focus on utilizing that centerpiece card somehow."
"Let's take down the Pope and take Rome for ourselves. Oh, this is going to be tough, but hey, we can do it."
"Little incidental life gain is not something that you're just like, 'Oh, I'm gonna build a life gain deck, so I care about it.' But little bits here and there help out a lot. It can change the game in ways that you wouldn't think."
"As soon as you have a bunch of things, if they're still at 40, you could do a lot of damage, but you might need too many swings. But if you start knocking them down in the early game, then things are gonna be good."
"You can dominate northern Europe in no time and have a massive, massive trade empire."
"Foul Play will only do the same exact damage every single time because as long as you're both bulking up your attack and defense at the same time it does less so crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy"
"One of the best ways to get more gear is to go and look for fights."
"Horses in HoI4 are actually really, really strong."
"The economy is one of the most crucial aspects of this game."
"Novelty is a great way to renew my interest in the game and having fun strategies like this really amps it up."
"There is nothing more satisfying in a Total War game than getting a massive hammer and anvil."
"Focus on building up your nation economically."
"Cloak fleet command ships, elite engineers for hull repair."
"Vieira is such a guaranteed God in this game."
"The Tau innovate and adapt far faster than the Imperium stagnant technology."
"The advantage of having the value balanced at the beginning is that you are getting the most bang for your buck."
"It's like a real-time strategy game at this point."
"It rewards planning, resource management, and micromanagement all in the right ways."
"Definitely any commander that comes with tokens and has card draw on it, it's got my attention."
"Playing Rumble helps you develop an understanding of how to use power advantages to create leads."
"That's why I love the dark prince in this deck."
"The impact of your victory has not yet been made clear, but in time you will learn more about how this will further evolve the world."
"The ultimate encounters are not gear dependent in fact they are very much puzzle solving encounters."
"I don't feel like I overextended because it's an aggressive deck but a board wipe is a board wipe and this is not great for me."
"Land Nomad is a ridiculous game, a ridiculous map, which is a fan favorite."
"There's a certain point where anything like a paladin or siege onager is just so much stronger."
"StarCraft is a real-time strategy game and the way to think about StarCraft perhaps if you understand a bit of chess."
"Build a massive Army, equip your soldiers or minions with hundreds of items, upgrades and skills."
"Lucio's impact is central to many aspects of the game."
"I personally think Kislev should have one of the most difficult playthroughs."
"Tower base... zombies cannot get to your elevation... supports become the Target."
"In Twilight Imperium, you and two to five other people will be playing as a great race of aliens all trying to claim the title of Galactic Emperor."
"He's versatile in big clan boss teams, arena defense, and even some factional fights."
"I love this game because you're placing your workers out getting all sorts of different warriors and you're trying to gather resources to be able to send them out on voyages to be able to attack giant monsters."
"Once admin tech 10 comes around, you will immediately be forming Russia."
"If you're winning on turns four, five, and six, you basically won the game in almost every instance."
"The mech army is literally trying to push its way through all of those brood lords, and it might actually be able to work."
"All fire and blood again. Perfect. Yeah, we're gonna make so much with this."
"If you play this map 10 times, who's gonna win it six or more times?"
"Boom Tetris for Pat, forced to take a triple there but just survive and keep going."
"Diablo 2 wins here; you can have the bigger army in Diablo 2."
"Innovative and Pluto for your first two idea groups."
"We're generating 4,000 gold per turn just from having our slaves inside the Iron Mountains."
"Starting with the basics ensures smooth progression into higher tier maps."
"National focus is like another technology tree."
"Vampiric Rites turns creatures dying into a card drawing engine."
"Primary is the wrong dynasty okay so our primary title will actually go to our mother if we die right now so that's not good."
"Know all the elemental reactions and mix and match characters for bonuses."
"Half the fun of teamfight tactics is being able to do whatever you want and have fun experimenting."
"We held the line, baby! Nice, the infinite scaling is coming together."
"There's a lot of fun combinations you can really think up with this leader slot system so i'm tempted to go ahead and start thinking about some of those right now"
"Mage is actually overpowered and a little broken and targeting mage is worse than just playing mage."
"Well I can answer the last one: we get XCOM or in this case XCOM 2: War of the Chosen."