
Gaming Comparison Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"It's not like Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh, but I might be wrong. It's Beef's project, Vintage Beef, who's done a magnificent job on it."
"Comparing a Nintendo and a PS5, Nintendo was what we had then, but the game has evolved."
"The game is a far cry from Fallout: New Vegas, which is generally regarded as the best game in the franchise."
"Every game doesn't have to be like Elden Ring. Oh my God, I can't believe how good Elden Ring is at storytelling."
"It's sad that people are missing out on Last Epoch. It doesn't have to be better than PoE, it just has to be fun."
"While Silent Hill swayed towards the culturally sophisticated side of art, you could say games like Resident Evil, on the other hand, were just aiming to be a cheeky bit of fun."
"With this game, the Mario and Luigi series transcends being that portable equivalent to the console Paper Mario games."
"It's way more exciting than Warzone, in my opinion."
"Minecraft is greater than League of Legends. Let's go!" - Caster
"Enderal does nearly everything better than Skyrim and not just better, but significantly different enough that it truly feels like an entirely different game."
"The PS5 is exciting with its exclusives, but Xbox Game Pass offers more bang for your buck."
"Ultimate as well as Brawl and Smash 4 have undeniable restrictions on gameplay that hinder the depth of play that Melee has."
"I'm having more fun with this than I did with Sword and Shield."
"I think it's fair to say we're internally right that in the first two levels of Doom Eternal you probably see more stuff and do more things than you do in the entirety of the last game."
"The game is like the Baldur's Gate 3 of Final Fantasy games."
"I think Shadowlands is fundamentally better than BfA."
"Shadowlands is better than BfA. Let that be your sound bite for this video."
"The combat system is much better than Minecraft, so it shouldn't be just a random spam fest."
"Do you think there is a Halo game that can beat out Halo 3's 186 vehicles? That's a crazy number."
"Even a Zelda game that's just pretty good is still better than most other games out there."
"Realistically destiny and dragoon just doesn't compare to dark arm dragon."
"In a bit but Oblivion and Morrowind before are better role-playing games."
"Primeape's Cross Chop hit harder than Hitmonlee's High Jump Kick."
"While I still like "Kingmaker", this game blows it out of the water in a lot of ways."
"In the battle of FIFA 21 versus FIFA 11, the victor was pretty clear."
"Feels more like playing a movie that uncharted ever did."
"The fact that Portal can do more in two hours than most other games can do in 20."
"I really had troubles to wrap my head around this because if we compare these gameplay features to most modern AR RPGs depths of peril will totally blow them away."
"As big a fan as I am of some of the Harvest Moon games, none hold a candle to Stardew Valley."
"Destiny has surpassed Halo in every single way."
"The skill tree in Wilson, you might instantly be reminded of Path of Exile."
"It's more like D&D than any other game I think we've really seen."
"It plays a lot like Black Ops 2, looks like Black Ops 3."
"Halo infinite literally has less variety than a game from 2004."
"It's the Saving Private Ryan of video games."
"Competitive Call of Duty could be what League of Legends or Counter-Strike is now."
"The best way to enjoy Immortals Phoenix Rising is to be a kid who doesn't know what Devil May Cry is."
"It's like why buy a $500 console when I can just play the game on my computer?"
"God of War stands proudly alongside the likes of Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, and Gears of War 4."
"Novigrad puts both Solitude and Virgon to shame."
"Sid is the best character they've had since Auron of Final Fantasy 10."
"Clearing every milestone and earning every potential reward is harder in Payday than 99% of games on the market."
"Yeah now this level theory looks like podracing"
"Comparing Kai to say Zato, Kai, you're learning how to swim, Zato, you're learning how to swim at the deep end of the pool."
"Hammond's mobility presence is like a permanent primal raging Winston."
"They are the Prestige and the Illusionist of video games."
"And just overall, I think New Vegas and Fallout 3 compared to Fallout 4, revolvers feel so nice."
"No fear mongering, just truth to set you free."
"It reminds me a lot of when Zuma was playing."
"The best type of car you could get in because it combines removing the fear factor like you're driving a video game."
"It's funny that you figured this out I showed this to a Yu-Gi-Oh player they thought it was broken."
"These doors and find a zeno just standing there lying wait again kind of reminded me a fair bit of the imps waiting to pounce on you in doom 3."
"In other words, classic difficulty comes from before the poll and retail WoW difficulty comes from the actual boss fight."
"Wow, my W actually does more damage than my ult."
"I'd put guns The Duel up there with Jedi Academy as one of the best power fantasy shooter action games you can play."
"For every amazing gaming experience on the Super Nintendo, there was a Sega counterpart you just didn't hear about."
"Final Fantasy 14 doesn't invalidate their content as quickly as wow does."
"Travis Scott treats his concerts like he's still playing Fortnite."
"It's pretty much like playing Minecraft but in real life, I guess."
"The sheer quantity of games on the Genesis Mini blows the SNES Classic out of the water because the Genesis Mini has 42 games on it, which is double that of Nintendo’s offering."
"Bounty hunting is something you really can't replicate in any other game outside of maybe Tarkov."
"If Lightfall is going to be like Avengers Endgame, then Witch Queen certainly feels like Infinity War and I'm 100 here for it."
"Can Blackout copy Fortnite's level of fun goofiness?"
"I hope you guys enjoyed this commentary about Call of Duty Advanced Warfare versus Call of Duty Online."
"Nonetheless, let's get started here at the number 15 spot with Absolver. Critics have compared the gameplay to Dark Souls and Street Fighter."
"Every second it feels like the movie, it feels like Battlefield."
"A happy middle ground between Diablo 3 and path of Exile."
"Dr. Mario has some gimmicks that are pretty good and he can kind of compete with Mario in some regards."
"Literacy is tougher than any Dark Souls boss."
"Favorite ever, The Last of Us. It's really hard to beat The Last of Us."
"Invisible War is one of those weird games that needs to be grouped alongside Fallout 4, Mass Effect Andromeda, Splinter Cell Conviction, and Resident Evil 6."
"Super Mario Odyssey surpasses expectations, especially given the success of Breath of the Wild."
"Turtles in Time is better, but the Hyperstone Heist is a game that still deserves your attention."
"Hammer Kirby is very similar to sword but just a lot more powerful."
"Assurance is without a doubt the best unpaid moon in the entire game. It's not even close."
"The stock cloak is better in most situations."
"This is the best we've had since the Gamecube and arguably better than the Gamecube."
"Starfield genuinely plays like Skyrim in space."
"It's like Minecraft when you get a flame sword. That's exactly what it's like."
"Power Stone 1 is better than Smash 1. I think Power Stone was always underrated. I think Power Stone's like Smash and the first one was better. I would love love love it if they brought Power Stone back."
"This alone is enough to put Wary Quote ahead of the official Combat School port."
"Gigantamax Snorlax is vastly superior to regular Snorlax, in my opinion."
"Gigantamax Gengar is clearly superior to regular Dynamax Gengar."
"I find the game much better than the vintage PC version from 2007."
"Out of the last five Call of Duty's that have come out in the last five years, Modern Warfare was the best."
"If anything, right now, this is the closest thing we're gonna get to an open-world 'SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs'-type game."
"The Super Nintendo is leagues above the Genesis."
"The 3D Castlevanias aren't remembered anywhere near as fondly as the 2D ones."
"An embarrassment made worse by the fact that, for all its aesthetic aping of a superior series, it's hard to believe any single person working on Left Alive has actually PLAYED a Metal Gear Solid videogame!"
"Gold and Silver are good Pokemon games that hold up better than Red and Blue."
"Overall I do think the DLC content outshines the free stuff for the most part."
"Each release Pokemon seems to be catching up to other games, and I relish the chance to make that comparison."
"Bedrock Edition kind of be slapping Java these days."
"The PlayStation 5 is punching above its weight because if you look at all these third-party games, they're performing and playing better on the PlayStation 5."
"Android 13... he is very similar to this golden Frieza to be honest... they're both just pure offense that's all they are."
"Still, they're worth pointing out so you don't go into the game expecting a reskin of Age of Empires 2, because that is definitely not the case."
"But aside from that nitpick, this is essentially the Mario 64 of SpongeBob."
"Diablo 2 necro wins here because it added another element of play, another mechanic that the Diablo 3 necromancer, and no class in Diablo 3 for that matter, has at all."
"Diablo 3's corpse explosion is the clear winner over Diablo 2's. It's literally just the same old skill which was amazing, but now it's even more fun."
"Need for Speed Shift is an objectively better racing game than the last few predecessors."
"Hogwarts Legacy could easily be a five to ten year game like Skyrim or The Witcher 3."
"I think there's no denying that the season 10 battle pass was far superior than every other one."
"This looks like Avatar. What is this? Is this Assassin's Creed?"
"It's fun, but the star of this story which blows away the main game is the focus on character."
"It's meant to be similar to Diablo 2 or you know you have this huge extensive skill tree."
"Having the body armor is just like juggernaut."
"He's like the Gascoigne or gargoyles of Dark Souls 2."
"It's much easier to land in Star Citizen than Elite Dangerous."
"Your run was just so much more fun than mine."
"1 Baron from Forsaken has more interesting gameplay than Shadow Keep's entire campaign."
"On PC, you can have the movement of a cheetah close up, that's true."
"Stardew Valley is way better than half the price. Couldn't agree more. Thousand times better, half the price."
"Why are you explaining it like a baby? Okay, so Death Shadow is kind of like the giants in Hearthstone."
"Which game deserves play of the game? Overwatch the new kid on the block or Team Fortress 2 the granddaddy of the genre?"
"This is like the Doki Doki Literature Club of education."
"Path of Exile has everything that I wanted out of Diablo 4."
"This is like the Wind Waker of the Xeno series."
"A DND campaigns suck compared to Pathfinders."
"First, we need to define the existing experience—we can start by comparing it to mining in the Nether."
"GTA might have more content, but Driver gets the prize by prioritizing gameplay."
"A winner that not just holds up to the Sega titles but could be argued as one of the best entries that entire generation."
"I actually think AP Irelia is better. I legitimately think right now AP Irelia is better than AD. It's actually too powerful."
"Damn, look at this city compared to the other game. This is way better."
"If more people are playing the legacy aspect than the current aspect, then your current game is failing miserably."
"The Nintendo DS ended up being 50% more of a big deal than the Wii."
"PlayStation isn't the best, Xbox isn't the best, Nintendo isn't the best, PC is the best at the end of the day."
"Stochastic Variable is simply the modern day recluse when considering its stats its perks and its archetype it's quite literally the closest thing we have to recluse right now and I'm all for it."
"This feels like a better outrage Dragonite. Like this feels like a... This feels like what you want out of outrage Dragonite. But so much better to me."
"If you're into games like the dream machine or loom, this is gonna be something that's very interesting."
"Anthem is going to have more of an emphasis on story than your traditional looter shooter."
"It's Resident Evil 4. Resident Evil 4 is gonna dookie on Resident Evil 8 and 7. Not even gonna be close because it's Resident Evil 4."
"Do you think that Buu is better than Goku? Buu seems to be able to get his full power just as fast as Goku, and Kid Buu is a better slot one unit at full power."
"LR Beerus is the new LR Broly after tonight."
"Regardless, what I can say is that this game scratches that itch better than any game released in the last 2 years."
"This is interesting... a very similar game to the last one we saw."
"Guns Gore & Cannoli has to be the best Metal Slug style game I've played since Metal Slug."
"I don't feel like Starfield really accomplished that but this game does... what kind of cool pirate [__] do you want to do the answer is always yes."
"So that obviously leaves Battlefront 2 2005 as the superior Battlefront game..."
"I mean, an 11th level warlock can have a packed weapon where they get three attacks with their attack action, same as a fighter at that level."
"The Genesis did arcade games better, but the Super Nintendo had great RPGs."
"This is to Harry Potter what Shadow of Mordor is to Lord of the Rings."
"It was like video game Golf out there."
"I was honestly more impressed with the productivity performance than the gaming performance of this little PC."
"In education, you start with a score of 100% and every time you get something wrong, you get lower. In video games, you start with a score of zero and every time you get something right, it goes higher."