
Pakistan Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"During Ramadan, there in Pakistan, it was a relatively short flight from Lahore, Pakistan, over to Karachi."
"The Pakistani people deserve to have their voices heard; they deserve democracy and strong institutions."
"Kulfi is basically like ice cream and it's a very popular frozen dessert in Pakistan."
"The highest voter turnout in Pakistani history is signaling a change."
"We did kill Bin Laden in Pakistan with just a raid by the SEALs, you know, infiltration. So we didn't need to occupy that country."
"The real tragedy of Pakistan is not war or military occupation; it's the large-scale poverty and illiteracy no one cares about."
"This is Pakistan, an economy at the very center of 21st century geopolitics, one so invested in China's Belt and Road Initiative."
"Protracted conflict in Afghanistan undermines Pakistan's transformed vision for itself, which is a paradigm focused on geoeconomics."
"I will continue to use my work in the movie industry to help Pakistan."
"This augurs well for Pakistani democracy; all political parties contested elections unlike many previous elections."
"This cycle will eventually break when the people of Pakistan decide they want a constitutional democracy."
"Pakistan is not at all what you expect it to be."
"The food is just insane. It's so good, it's too good actually."
"Pakistan is a beautiful country with the most welcoming people I have come across anywhere in the world."
"Honestly, Pakistan has to have the most friendliest people."
"No amount of hurdles will stop us making Pakistan economically great again."
"Pakistan has been successful so far in containing the covert pandemic."
"Karachi is actually the name for the pot which is similar to a wok."
"If we can just change Pakistan's global perception, if we can change the country's PR, the country can make a complete turn around."
"This trip we put together was a privately funded initiative, fully funded privately by CPIC, just to show Pakistan and show to the world what Pakistan is all about."
"Get Pakistan out of this Quagmire is going to be probably the most phenomenal thing that anyone could ever do."
"The only way to stop a health or Skelter all the way to hell for Pakistan is to hold a free and fair election."
"A revolution of the tens of millions of Pakistanis whose hopes were invested in democracy."
"Definitely a luxury meal here in Lahore, Pakistan."
"Pakistan is a very authentic place that hasn't gone full West style yet."
"The north of Pakistan is just breathtakingly beautiful."
"The hashtag JusticeForNor trended in Pakistan, therefore making way for a larger conversation about violence against women."
"Pakistan offers an incredibly affordable cost of living, making it attractive for both locals and expats alike."
"A civilian government is about to finish its elected term in office, this is a milestone for Pakistan."
"There's a row of aquas, look at that, the clearest one on the left, all from Pakistan, for the price if anybody's interested, there you go, 55k, gorgeous."
"Pakistan vs. India you know the fervent and the pitch with which is the supporters support their team that they really want their team to do well."
"Any victory against Pakistan as far as India concerned is a good one."
"He made this game swing back in Pakistan's favor."
"Pakistan's healthy stew: lamb and potatoes with rotea and mango lassi."
"Pakistan is a really great place to visit, very safe."
"Please visit Pakistan, it's a very great country, it's not dangerous or stuff."
"Pakistan is a very beautiful country. I want to warmly welcome you."
"Pakistan is very good country. I like it."
"Pakistan is a very beautiful place, I like it."
"Pakistan is very good country and don't say that Pakistan is a dangerous country because the people of Pakistan are very polite and very good guys."
"Pakistan continues to persist in doing what it's doing."
"Both India and Pakistan continued to lay claims to the area, each with their own arguments supporting their case about who should rule the region."
"Divorce # trending on Twitter in Pakistan."
"Pakistan is honestly the friendliest country I've ever been to."
"Throughout the letters, we find his palpable hatred of the ISI, the Pakistani intelligence."
"There is absolutely no doubt that he was hiding from the Pakistani authorities."
"What a performance, his magnificent run against Pakistan continues."
"400,000 children under the age of five die in Pakistan every year. If Pakistan had maintained pace with India and Bangladesh over this time period, about 200,000 fewer children would die every year."
"A new flag of Pakistan flies over a nation of more than 80 million."
"India became independent and Pakistan was created as an independent state."
"Pakistan is like a complex system or a very complex equation that I could never solve at West Point—too many variables."
"The real threat to Pakistan essentially is from a failure to come to terms with its geography, with its history, and with having a direction for it as a nation."
"We can't say 'Usama bin Laden? Never heard of him,' and then have him found in Pakistan."
"We have always tried to have good relations with Pakistan."
"Pakistan beautiful, beautiful country, very hospitable."
"This Pakistan, you are our guest."
"We're having a really good time in Pakistan, like every day has been so good."
"That's Pakistan for you, you can go out and say you're going to do this, and then next minute you've been called over by someone, you're doing something else all day."
"Everybody has many welcomes to Pakistan in life."
"Service in Pakistan is like the best I've ever seen."
"We met so many nice people, experienced proper Pakistani hospitality, fantastic."
"We're very, very happy to be back in Pakistan."
"I feel so at home here with the Pakistani people."
"Oh Pakistan, this is one of those countries that you hear a lot about, but you really don't know what it's really like until you go there yourself."
"It's the third largest in Pakistan and the 14th in the world."
"We are really enjoying our time in Pakistan."
"The media in Pakistan is still very dynamic."
"The trend work, Pakistani is now ranked 150 out of 180 countries in RSF's World Press Freedom index."
"That was the nicest hospitality we have ever experienced, unmatched here in Pakistan."
"Welcome to Pakistan. We're Luke and Sabrina, and today we are in Peshawar."
"Everyone should visit Pakistan at least once in a lifetime because it's a brilliant place."
"The chai is here and in Pakistan are just so, so nice, completely different to like a tea that you have in England or in the West."
"I grew up in Pakistan and there wasn't really a lot of toys, so paper dolls were one of my things."
"It's very cool that they're playing cricket in Pakistan again, it's a momentous series because they're returning after 17 years."
"Hope you guys enjoyed my first Pakistan vlog."
"It's really for the people in power in Pakistan, whoever they might be, to understand that where Pakistan is right now is a cumulative effect of very bad and poor decisions that have been made."
"Pakistan is also the only Muslim nation in the world to host a research station in Antarctica."
"There's nothing like Pakistani street food, right?"
"I'm really enjoying making YouTube videos at the moment, it's going really well, I'm loving it, I'm loving Pakistan."
"The best travel we had for now was in Pakistan because it is not much touristy, and people are so friendly and kind."
"The passion for burgers in Pakistan is real; they're creative, they're diverse, and mainly, they are delicious."
"Cheers for watching, there's loads more stuff to come from Pakistan."
"We just show the beauty of Pakistan. This is only our work & nothing else."
"So many people, just strangers, welcome to Pakistan."
"The service in Pakistan is top tier."
"What's great about Pakistan is there's action and something interesting for me happening everywhere you look."
"This has been the modern side of Pakistan, the future of Pakistan."
"What's your favorite thing about Pakistan? The scenery and the like waterfalls."
"Islamabad is meant to be the most developed city in Pakistan."
"Everybody does say that Pakistani hospitality is very good, I mean some people even say it's the greatest in the world."
"Good evening guys from Karachi, Pakistan."
"Pakistan is more than just Agriculture and Village Life; it's also about technological advancements."
"I would say this is a must visit if you're traveling Pakistan."
"Pakistan is the center of Indus Valley civilization."
"Hello Pakistan, Pakistan Zindabad!"
"Good morning and welcome back to yet another video here in Pakistan."
"Alhamdulillah, Pakistan Zindabad!"
"It's the biggest in Pakistan. Which is right here. It is more than 2,636 meters above sea level."
"The kindness of the Pakistani people is already showing."
"It goes to show the hospitality in Pakistan already."
"Hospitality in Pakistan is second to none."
"Now I have come to Pakistan to show the people back home and show people around the world that you can come here; this is a good place to come."
"Some people call this the heart of Pakistan."
"It's such a more traditional feeling that you would imagine from Pakistan."
"This is amazing, first rooftop we have been on in Pakistan."
"We are loving Pakistan, definitely, Pakistan's amazing."
"We honestly have so much fun in Pakistan."
"Benazir Bhutto became Pakistan's first female prime minister."
"Islamabad is considered one of the most modern cities by far in all of Pakistan."
"Over 60 million Pakistanis voted in countrywide elections, a testament to the democratic spirit of the nation."
"I see the emergence of female leaders in Pakistan at every level as being the examples that will lead their society forward."
"This resolution reaffirms the House of Representatives' strong support for democracy in Pakistan."
"Now let's enjoy Pakistan for wedding season."
"I would love for you all to tell me the places I should stay in Pakistan."
"The beauty of Pakistan is unexplored, the heritage of Pakistan is unexplored. Pakistan is the junction of many civilizations."
"Malala Yousafzai, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Pakistani activist, was born in Mingora, the main city in the Swat region."
"Pakistani hospitality at its finest."
"Click to see detailed data for Pakistan."
"Good morning from what will be a very short day here in Islamabad, but it's our first morning in Pakistan."
"We're here again, back in the land of hospitality; we are in Pakistan now."
"This is out of the world; it's delicious food in Pakistan."
"I've never felt not safe in Pakistan in my life, but they just want to make sure we smoothly got around everywhere."
"After '71, many people thought, 'Is Pakistan going to disintegrate in a conventional way?' But it reaffirmed the idea that Pakistan was never connected to territory; it was always connected to the wider Arab Islamic world."
"I'm going to show the real beauty of Pakistan... that's where everything comes from, all the culture."
"The Pakistan Day military parade is a solemn and celebratory showcase of national unity and military might."
"In Pakistan, if you're making $1,000 a month, you're a king there."
"It's such a beautiful place, so let's have a good day here in Pakistan."
"All right guys, the Spice Bazaar here in Pakistan feels like I'm in Greece."
"Every Pakistani person [is] extremely friendly and hospitable."
"Muhammad Ali Jinnah... was somebody who was sworn to the idea of secularism, in fact, he made it very clear that he wanted a secular Pakistan."
"The people of Pakistan have been some of the friendliest I've ever met."
"In Pakistan, getting a job is like impossible unless you have connections."
"That's the one thing that surprised you most about Pakistan, people loved cricket here."
"In Pakistan, people are so patient, no one in rush."
"Pakistan is friendly, Pakistan zabardast."
"Thank you for coming, hope you enjoy. Pakistan is friendly, Pakistan zabardast."
"We are so much happy that we came to travel to Pakistan, Pakistan zindabad."
"Those are the best fries I've had in Pakistan so far. Straight up."
"We can't wait to show you all that Pakistan has to offer. Pakistan Zindabad!"
"The Badshahi Mosque actually means 'Imperial Mosque,' and it used to be the largest mosque in Pakistan."
"What up, everybody? And welcome back to Lahore, Pakistan."
"Eighty percent of that territory is today in Pakistan; and that's the one statement I want to make out of this slide."
"I love Pakistan so far, the people have been friendly, everything is beautiful, the food has been great."
"Definitely worth it if you're coming here to Pakistan."
"I believe that you will be able to show the world that friendly people and sacred crocodiles live in Pakistan."
"It is independence night here in Pakistan. It's the 75th anniversary of Pakistan's independence."
"Welcome to bright, mysterious, mystic and exotic Pakistan!"
"We’ll experience Pakistani hospitality and kindness."
"We’ll show you mystic, incredible and unexplored country. Pakistan!"
"Muslims are not above non-Muslims in Pakistan; it's an equality, an egalitarian approach."
"India and Pakistan... split between India which is primarily Hindu and Pakistan which is primarily Muslim."
"I want to celebrate Eid there because I've never celebrated Eid in Pakistan."
"This is the first time that China is going to emerge as a major investor in Pakistan."
"Thank you guys so much for spending my Pakistan trip with me."
"According to the 2017 census, 80.55 million people in Pakistan are native speakers of Punjabi."