
Error Quotes

There are 1546 quotes

"They were attempting to do the ILS to Runway 25 left under visual conditions but instead came in much too high and much too hot."
"If anybody could mess up something so simple, it's going to be a politician."
"The unrealized world manifests itself when you make an error, and the unrealized world is something that can take you down, obviously, but it's also the source of all new information."
"We all make mistakes; human error is inevitable."
"This peak would not be as high as this peak, and I was right about that, apart from the fact that I was wrong."
"We all make mistakes; it's what makes us human and allows us to grow, evolve, and become better."
"It was probably the worst military decision in the history of conflict, the invasion of the Soviet Union."
"You will watch believers spinning in error and you just look and say, 'This is where I was.'"
"In a free country, you can't have freedom without the freedom to be wrong."
"There has to be a way for people to be able to disagree but also to get things wrong and to recover from that."
"If you fundamentally get it wrong, this is a case where you can be not just a bit wrong; you can be unbelievably, orders of magnitude wrong about the assumptions you make."
"We are so good at finding patterns that we find them where they don't even exist."
"I may say things that are wrong but if I couldn't say things that are wrong I would feel like I couldn't say anything at all." - Elon Musk
"Impressive how anyone can be so consistently proven wrong about everything and still believe it's the absolute truth."
"There's nothing wrong with making a mistake."
"It really is fantastic stuff if you use our code you'll get an awesome oh sorry it's not your laptop my big hands"
"Despite all of his powers he is still a human being he still makes human mistakes and that is the thing that makes him so compelling."
"I'm a f*cking human, I make mistakes, everybody makes mistakes."
"Thank you for teaching us the error of our ways."
"I swear to God if you pulled up the wrong Blue Dude I..."
"How did I get this wrong? I can't trust myself anymore."
"Bungling burglar left his own birth certificate at crime scene."
"The data insight report is absolutely incorrect."
"Would you look at that, it just divided by zero and it breaks the entire universe as we know it."
"You can't always assume malice when ignorance will so neatly fit the mold."
"He's very smart, very cunning. Couldn't made a bad mistake in my opinion."
"Wargaming were categorically wrong in this situation."
"It's like if the standard is two plus two is four, and you see an equation that said two plus two is three, it's something wrong there."
"One of the biggest mistakes I make constantly in this game is I always underestimate how long something's gonna take."
"If you're highly anticipatory and it doesn't make itself manifest, then you were seriously wrong."
"Focus is your friend. The biggest mistake that I could make right now is getting too spread."
"I also need to mention dry Hootie, dry Hoodie."
"Eventually they're going to [mess] up. Like there's no players there's no team that is so good."
"That error definitely makes this a one-of-a-kind Lego set."
"The Oscars had one of their worst blunders to date when the Best Picture award temporarily went to the wrong film."
"Shane later tells police that his brother sent him a text, Timothy said 'Oops, wrong door.' That's all the text said, heartless, inhumane, 'Oops, wrong door.'"
"Human beings truly have tremendous potential to screw things up."
"Now, with this appeal, I'm going to try to argue to the NTSB that the ALJ made an error in his ruling against me..."
"The worst mistake you can make is just act like they don't exist and ignore them."
"Being well-meaning doesn't shield you from being wrong, but being wrong doesn't have to mark you as irredeemable."
"You're wrong; your goal is to be less wrong."
"When you're wrong about Israel, you're wrong on so many other issues."
"Rand Paul is wrong so often, it shocks the nation when he's right."
"All right, couple things you got going wrong here: one, you need scale tickets; two, this is addressed to the convention center."
"They're human just like you and me, and we humans are capable of making mistakes."
"If you can never be wrong, then any mistake undermines your entire case."
"I've seen some experts come forward saying that was a mistake to reveal the type of weapon used."
"Where error reigns, there cannot be charity."
"Lifeline let's lift it now unbelievable what go Sanchez with the error he tries to pass into Midfield to Gallagher rice is on it look at that."
"If the best people in the public lives of the nation in the past could get stuff so horribly wrong, what are we getting so horribly wrong right now?"
"Moana has one key moment in her movie where she's just plain wrong, with no caveats or character-specific motivators."
"You are 100% correct. I have made a mistake here."
"That's incorrect, but at least you got a kiss."
"Only person whoever makes a mistake is the one who doesn't do anything."
"Mistakes were made... Nobody is denying that."
"Just figure out the worst thing to do at the worst time and that's what they'll do."
"I was dead wrong that Donald Trump would not win in the primaries."
"There will be no excuse for those who choose to go in error when they might understand what is truth."
"Look at the screen on this thing, it's upside down!"
"He looks so small in goal. Oh, he's missed it, he's bloody missed it, what a prat!"
"One of the worst mistakes I see in all of Fortnite is that whenever you beam someone...never ever shoot your entire clip into the guy's wall."
"It is really impossible to make a mistake that you can't easily correct."
"I made a mistake, I should have had more sources there."
"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained away by stupidity."
"Blame Kevin, but actually, this one is not Kevin's fault."
"If we all agreed with each other... would mean that we are basically all wrong."
"The toughest thing to do is to get a question wrong that you know."
"The Ukrainian Army made a rookie blunder that put the entire mission in jeopardy."
"The premise of squeezing Clove today appears to be a data error."
"My bank sent me 64 copies of the same debit card."
"In light of the rise and fall of mars hill phenomenon... sometimes we need to be willing to speak truth to power regardless on how people may be perceiving it."
"There's a difference between calling somebody a heretic and saying somebody's false and damned... and saying somebody's in serious error."
"Not every police investigation is wrapped up with a perfect bow. And sometimes the authorities manage to get things horribly wrong."
"I'm not going to lie about that part, that was messed up."
"This reality came to light after an internal investigation of records at the cemetery in Northeast England discovered that the grave had been labeled with the wrong person's plaque for all those years."
"I believe we have made a dramatic momentous error in leaving the European Union."
"The goal isn't to be right, the goal is to be wrong for the shortest amount of time possible."
"A simple but fatal math mistake... caused the world to panic and order lockdowns."
"The drone won't work if you put the propellers in the wrong spots."
"I would much rather live with human error than human interference."
"It's fine to be wrong. People acknowledge that."
"You're not just wrong, you're hilariously wrong on practically everything you stated here."
"Whether the most recent instance of it was something that was productive or if it was like oops it was a mistake and we called it the wrong person."
"Remember that in the heat of combat, people get stuff wrong. We are all humans, yo."
"For all we know, the Velocity might've mistaken the collection of stones as a landmass in the distance and eagerly documented it before properly examining the so-called island."
"The only solution then is where we go back to the wrong premise and the wrong solution."
"Well, I mean genuinely, if he made a mistake there, that's it, isn't it? Curtains."
"Many real businesses who were identified in our social network were erroneously classified as spam."
"We got this wrong... we were damaging to the cause of defeating Trump."
"Sometimes it's the mistakes that help you discover something truly special."
"Human beings should have room to make mistakes."
"You cannot just say 'oops my bad' when they shoot somebody."
"I've just made a tremendous error in judgment, and now we have to deal with 100 man-hunting deer."
"The only time anything ever goes wrong... is when I start to think I know better."
"Literal do you didn't shove up with another Islam."
"Every single one of those statements is wrong, like factually wrong."
"It's just absolutely crazy how sometimes the court system does get it wrong."
"Let's go baby! Yo, you really goofed up on that one man, you really goofed up on that one my friend."
"I'd rather speak up and be wrong than be muffled."
"This is not a gradual coming apart from a tile."
"Sorry blue dust mine eyes deceived me for real."
"This is gonna go down as the biggest media blunder in recent memory."
"Jealous is a terrible thing when you're wrong."
"Separate three two one, oh wow you guys both got it wrong."
"The sheet never got reconciled to fix this issue obviously so it turned into a rather dramatic error."
"Curry with a deep three, and Steph dribbled it off his foot."
"To make a mistake is human, to double down on that mistake it makes it seem like a six-year-old kid."
"Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it."
"Mistakes were made, it was okay, it happened."
"If there is any error in human judgment," Mulholland admitted, "I was the human. I won't try to fasten it on anybody else."
"Oh my goodness... yes, we have made a terrible mistake."
"That was a time when I was glad to be wrong."
"A mathematical error is the most egregious kind of error because it's a no go you're just logically flawed you can't go any further."
"A huge strategic mistake but one that Genesis says they're fixing."
"The most important mistake I see smart people making is assuming that they're smart."
"China has just made their second fatal mistake."
"If counting is wrong, everything will go wrong."
"Theodore Roosevelt said, 'The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.'"
"This child's toy of AJ Styles normally it's like, oh, it's the wrong packaging."
"He made a mistake on this issue, while Sanders did not."
"People make mistakes, it doesn't make them a terrible human."
"She was so proud that she didn't want to admit that she was wrong."
"Is this a glitch? Is it technically a glitch?"
"AI can never work like the human brain. Our mistakes are our strength."
"In grammar, when things disagree, you've got problems."
"The mistakes I'm making in this game, it's very, very easy to accidentally have a big leak."
"Understanding paradigms is crucial... if you get it wrong, you're going the wrong direction."
"It's okay to be wrong...just don't be confident and wrong."
"I'm sitting here thinking like my mistake is gonna cost my team a championship because I can't read a clock right."
"You went through a stage of writing ever and players every single time."
"You can be totally, absolutely certain that you know it and still be wrong."
"You get wide through turn nine, it's very easy to just skate the front end into the wall."
"Growing way too many different crops is a technical mistake."
"It is well known that archaeologists can and will be wrong. That is how it is in all of the sciences."
"Humans were designed to make mistakes."
"I'm human, and we all make mistakes, don't we?"
"We're human, people are human, so people are allowed to make mistakes and errors."
"Anyone who says they don't make mistakes, they don't sin, is the biggest liar in the world."
"A tiny insect led to a series of mistakes that brought down an airplane."
"We made a huge mistake, and we're going to tell you about that later in the video."
"There's no patch for human stupidity."
"A person's mistake will be a joint responsibility."
"People make mistakes; it's a part of being human."
"You gain people's trust when you can acknowledge that to err is human."
"Angels don't make mistakes, Stanley."
"Something had gone terribly wrong."
"Noise is variability that shouldn't exist. It's when people make judgments that should be identical because they're about the same subject, but they turn out to be variable."
"Bias is an average systematic error and noise is just a variability of judgments, a variability that shouldn't exist."
"I recognize my mistake so hey why not."
"We all make mistakes. I make mistakes while I'm doing this. I make mistakes in this channel."
"One very frustrating error that can occur in an operating system is that everything suddenly freezes."
"Hello, I did not do that, it's glitch, scared me."
"I think they messed up with some stuff they weren't supposed to."
"A sniper only ever makes a single mistake."
"Hitler's invasion of Russia was his cardinal error of the war."
"An aberration is something that's not normal, it's an error, it's straying away from what is normal."
"There is a level of human error. To err is human."
"They missed by a billion dollars."
"Role user was not found or was not initialized."
"That's a heck of a purge cycle right there."
"This subtraction right here is actually going to end up being one day short."
"Truth affects the salivary glands, error ruins the taste buds."
"If you have a surgeon who's had less than 6 hours of sleep in the previous 24, they are almost 70% more likely to cause a surgical error."
"You're only messing up about five minutes."
"Flighting the disc low is a very easy way to minimize your room for error."
"How do you [__] up the bag with a casino like that's what I mean."
"Our boys have made a serious error, our boys have made a drastic mistake, our boys have [__] the bed."
"Human error is a very powerful tool."
"Our technical glitch has been taken place over here and instead of 250 dollars, we sent you 25,000 dollars, ma'am."
"They're fumbling the bag, bro. They're fumbling the bag."
"The party made a mistake over a year ago."
"It doesn't write down the quotes."
"Truth is not determined to be truth because you believe it. Truth is truth whether you believe it or not. Error is error whether you believe it or not."
"Discernment is one's ability to sense or decide between what is truth and what is error."
"This is one of those 'the Titanic is Unsinkable' moments where it's like, 'Oh yeah, this thing doesn't have errors.'"
"If errors and discrepancies persisted even under the automated back end functions, there was still a team in Chesterfield responsible for investigating."
"They messed it up, all of this is... whatever they did, they messed it up."
"Instead of going back to zero when they were reming out the transaction, the sum doubled."
"I shouldn't have messed with your settings."
"Oh, that was the wrong time to say that, nemesis."
"Honestly, how do you mess it up like that?"
"One must be prepared at every moment that a new thing or being shall bring to one a new revelation if one judges the new by the standard of the old one necessarily falls into error."
"Well, they're about to find out what a terrible mistake that call was."
"He got to hear it. A perfectionist like Ocean when it goes wrong after he's effectively put himself in that position with the push out."
"Instead, both pilots got distracted... increasingly hypoxic state."
"Being wrong about something is not gaslighting someone."
"Not the only thing Andrew Harrison hasn't done right today."
"I think error is more common than truth."
"Every time I've tried to go really crazy and over the top on something, it's just you're introducing more areas where things can go wrong."
"The last thing you want to see is a big mistake."
"He didn't scratch, his opponent did."
"Anyone can make an error, Ensign, but that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
"50/50/90 rule. You got 50/50 odds you're wrong 90% of the time."
"It was laughable how he didn't get it, but thank God VAR got it because we're not talking about what an idiot he is. The referee still made a massive error, but we can laugh at it because it ended up being right."
"I probably went one row extra, you know what I'm saying? He said you were marking the pumpkin row, yeah."
"...he threw the ball to nobody. He threw it to absolutely nobody."
"You don't put innocent people in jail by mistake an error but to do it intentionally did they find out who did it well yeah they they know who did it."
"Actually it means minimizing the error and taking advantage of the simple things in life. I'm not looking for gold."
"Evil is the result of this error in perception, assuming that it's a great thing to get rich."
"A House Divided always falls, and error always spreads."