
Ramadan Quotes

There are 580 quotes

"During Ramadan, there in Pakistan, it was a relatively short flight from Lahore, Pakistan, over to Karachi."
"Anticipating this month of Ramadan, they conditioned themselves."
"It's the season of Ramadan, so the night as you are allocating the donations towards the very worthy causes, we hope insha'Allah that you'll consider Yaqeen once again."
"It is essential for the Security Council to demand an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan, respected by all parties, leading to lasting, sustainable peace in Gaza."
"As we talk about the month of Ramadan and that which follows, it is important for us to really make the most of the moment that we are in."
"Deeds are raised to Allah subhana wa ta'ala in this month, and that in and of itself should give us some pause."
"Every single night is a night in which a person should honor that night by calling upon Allah subhana wa ta'ala."
"Ramadan opens for business on the first night and there are people that arrive at the gate of Ramadan and they are told, even though you are alive, stay outside."
"May Allah accept our fast of Ramadan, our fast of Shawwal, and our lots of Taraweeh in the month of Ramadan."
"May Allah allow us to live to see Ramadan and may Allah grant us righteousness throughout the year, in Ramadan and outside of Ramadan."
"When the month of Ramadan comes, the doors of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are shut, and the devils are chained away."
"I pray that you all continue to find blessing in this Ramadan."
"The most important sunnah of all for the month of Ramadan is to recite the whole Quran from cover to cover."
"Allah wants ease for you, Allah does not want hardship for you, the month of Ramadan."
"The prophets slicing them saw a dream of lailatul cutter and he said but I forgot the exact night so he said look for it in the odd nights of the last 10 nights of ramadan."
"Fast Ramadan with Iman and with Taqwa, then you'll be forgiven for all of your previous sins."
"Ramadan engages every aspect of our Iman, from fasting to belief in the angels and divine decree."
"Ramadan is the month of redemption, seek forgiveness and strive for paradise."
"Every act in Ramadan is multiplied, make sure to see everything as an opportunity."
"Reconcile with others in Ramadan, seek forgiveness and strive for Allah's mercy."
"Ramadan is an opportunity for forgiveness and elevation in the sight of Allah."
"May we all take advantage of the opportunity in Ramadan and be forgiven for our sins."
"This is the month of Ramadan, O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you in order for you to reach God-consciousness."
"How many Ramadans have we promised Allah that we would change? How many Ramadans have we said this Ramadan will be different, insha'Allah?"
"Maybe this is your last Ramadan. How do you know you will live? How do you know you will live the next Ramadan?"
"Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala frees people from Hellfire every night. Am I one of them? Will I be one of them?"
"One of my favorite parts of Ramadan is just being able to come together in this community and do good."
"Fasting trains your heart to control your body."
"Fasting is like a catapult, pulling back so you can throw yourself further and further away from Jahannam."
"Fasting is a month of forgiveness, of extraordinary significance, importance, excellence, and high station."
"Let's try our level best to read the Quran as much as we really can during Ramadan."
"Prepare yourself mentally for Ramadan, have goals, and be careful of the trap of burning out."
"Allah decided to introduce us to Ramadan. He also introduced us to the Quran."
"Ramadan is not just about fasting, it's also a time for spiritual reflection."
"We ask Allah to make it easy for us this year to catch Laylatul Qadr."
"Ramadan could be the hardest month for us as a first timer but perhaps it could be the best month for self-growth."
"We have so much respect for our Muslim cuties who celebrate Ramadan every year."
"Ramadan is like a catapult, pulling back for one month so you can sail through the other eleven."
"The purpose of Ramadan is to give us that iman boost."
"Every year you will come closer to Allah as you come closer to death, and that is exactly the purpose of this month."
"Ramadan is a school, a training program... when you graduate from these modules... you graduate from this school as a different person."
"The whole reason that you fast Ramadan... is to become more obedient to Allah... to have sincerity... to follow the Sunnah of the messenger."
"Every night in this month there is a night better than a thousand months."
"How can a Believer not take Glad Tidings that the doors of Jannah are open... and how can a sinner not take Glad Tidings that the doors of the fire are shut."
"Ramadan is a time for generosity and helping others, especially those in need."
"Clean your heart before Ramadan; forgive others as you want Allah to forgive you."
"Graduate from Ramadan as a different person than when you entered it."
"Over in the Turkish second division, a video went viral this week of Muslim footballers breaking fast during an injury stoppage in an evening football match."
"May Allah prepare our hearts for the month of Ramadan by conditioning them properly in the month of Shaban."
"Ramadan Kareem to everyone who is doing Ramadan at the moment. I know that's a really special time so I wanted to wish you the best."
"Every Ramadan counts and what better way of a bill that than to talk about Salah."
"When the month of Ramadan comes, Allah gives us an opportunity to weaken the material body and to strengthen the spiritual body."
"Ramadan Kareem to you all, may Allah bless you."
"Bring gifts to friends and family... spread the joy of Ramadan."
"This Ramadan's been absolutely incredible. Alhamdulillah, really, really, really have enjoyed this one. It's been a good reminder, good Iman booster."
"Witnessing these families together embracing the spirit of Ramadan allowed the children to partake in the excitement and spirituality of this blessed month, creating an atmosphere of communal devotion and familial bonding."
"It's almost been a blessing in disguise. A lot of people thought, 'Okay, we're stuck at home, it can be very, very difficult. Subhanallah, a lot of people I talked to, it was their best Ramadan they've had..."
"The first night of Ramadan, the gates of paradise are open wide."
"Ramadan is meant to give us an appreciation for blessings that we often take for granted."
"Ramadan is a time of it's not just a season where you do good things and then you drop off after the season, right? It really should be used as a catalyst to build better habits."
"May we be amongst those whose Ramadan is accepted."
"Regular whipped cream? For those celebrating Ramadan, coconut whipped cream and strawberries are the way to go."
"Ramadan is a month of understanding and giving."
"We don't have anything as valuable as time. Utilize it wisely, especially in Ramadan."
"Ramadan is supposed to transform you in every sense, not just the spiritual sense."
"What will make my Ramadan the best? Your relationship with Allah."
"The best month of Ramadan comes with so much blessing."
"Ramadan is for your body as well, it detoxes your body."
"Show them the value of Ramadan. Ramadan is a month where we should be showing that we are together as a family unit."
"Let's keep it simple, let's try and make it our best Ramadan."
"Make this Ramadhan count because this is the Ramadan that's going to be in the history books."
"Good deeds count for more... and then during Ramadan, they count even more."
"Ramadan is coming, it is a month of compassion, it is a month of reaching out, it is a month of spreading wings."
"Ramadan is supposed to be a training for how you will be living throughout the year."
"This is the month of Ramadan so try your best to do a good deed for someone."
"Since we're talking about Ramadan, how do we feel about croissants?"
"More than anything, it's about giving back in the spirit of Ramadan."
"This is a gift for Ramadan, Ramadan Mubarak!"
"The last 10 nights of Ramadan to me is just a bada, forget the world, just you and God."
"I hope you guys are having a blessed last few days of Ramadan."
"You can put on a muscle mass even in the month of Ramadan."
"I'm gonna try and cook for my whole family for Ramadan."
"Muslims fast from dawn to sunset during Ramadan."
"The people here are like very nice. It's a great food scene, it's really lively, especially in the nights of Ramadan."
"Happy Ramadan to everyone as well."
"Welcome to the Festival of Ramadan."
"May Allah hear all of our prayers and accept our fast this year, Inshallah."
"Ramadan is tomorrow, hungry for success."
"Ramadan is coming up, make sure if you see a revert, you know, a convert, make sure to make them feel included, invite them over for iftar, make them feel welcome."
"Ramadan is when we notice the phases of the Moon."
"The Quran came down upon this Ramadan month that we are in, is extremely special. It is the best month of the whole year."
"Ramadan's a race to good deeds, run towards every single one, grab whatever you can."
"I feel like this happens to me every year. It's like so much is going on during Ramadan, your month is so busy, your heart is so full and you have such purpose, and then afterwards when it ends I don't know I just feel a little bit lost."
"I posted on my Instagram stories like I was having a little bit of the Ramadan blues, and a lot of you guys messaged me back and said you were having the same thing, and that just made me feel a lot better knowing that I was not alone."
"I hope you guys have a blessed rest of your Ramadan."
"Ramadan is something that should be a part of you. You shouldn't be spending a single day in your life except for the Quran is something that you spend time with, you read it, you listen to it, you apply it in your life."
"Ramadan is around the corner. It is incumbent upon each and every single one of us to develop and strengthen that relationship with the Quran."
"It is unfair that we put our souls through this detox of Ramadan the whole month in order for us to do what? To be a monster?"
"In Ramadan, our iman rises because of the collective spirit and energy."
"It's always really funny because during the rest of the year when you're on this break, you aren't very appreciative and it sucks, but when you're, when it's during Ramadan though you're like, uh, it's a break."
"When you think about the rewards and just the amount of like blessings you can get out there during Ramadan, it's unmatch it actually trumps everything."
"Take advantage of this blessed month and help feed your brothers and sisters in need."
"What we do in my family, we have a date, we open our fast... have water, and then we go pray... and then when we come back after praying, is then we eat."
"I've got certain things that I want to achieve by the end of Ramadan... making sure I perfect my prayer, making sure I take my time when I'm praying, understand what I'm praying... these are like some of my goals, inshallah."
"I pray that your ramadans are filled with blessings and goodness at every single Corner."
"May Allah make this a good Ramadan for us and for our families, make it a time of deepening our eman and our solidity in this dean."
"The most famous Hadith: 'He who fasts the month of Ramadan with faith and conviction will have his previous sins forgiven.'"
"The fasting, that's the pillar of Ramadan, fasting. That's the obligation, that's the thing that if you master, you earn that reward that Allah subhanahu wa taala promised."
"May Allah bless all of you, may Allah bless your Ramadan and accept all of our fasting and our prayers and our reading of the Quran and seeking knowledge for his sake alone."
"This Ramadan, I challenge you to get rich and quit your sins."
"This Ramadan, aim to make it the best Ramadan of your life. Cleanse your heart, strive in worship, and show solidarity with the oppressed."
"Make a sacrifice this Ramadan, not just for ourselves, but for the sake of those who are suffering."
"This Ramadan we're trying to get people to change their life with the permission of Allah, that's it. None of this sins, recklessness, being distant from Allah. It's time for you to come back."
"The Prophet was most generous in Ramadan, surpassing his generosity in other times."
"So, leaving Ramadan not forgiven, maybe you be disgraced. You leave Ramadan, you're not forgiven? How can you not be forgiven in Ramadan?"
"It's time to really kind of like get yourself into some healthy habits, but also keep it realistic. In Ramadan, I feel like a lot of us stop our lives in a way which is always good, though. Everything slows down, everything."
"I feel like in Ramadan, you can tell who stirred the coffee and it's still stirring. You know, that one, is it where it's like, 'Yo, if you're still doing things in Ramadan, it's all you, ayy. Let's not drop that. I feel attacked. I feel triggered. Not the trigger.'"
"This Ramadan, I wanted to give back, so we stacked up on food and gave them out to homeless people in LA."
"I'm so excited to be spending the rest of Ramadan with the fam and the cousins and everything."
"This Ramadan could be what gets you into Jenna."
"Life post Ramadan is kind of depressing because you're just on, at least for me, I was on like such a high and loved every minute of Ramadan."
"I can't go back home to my mom. This is my second Ramadan without my mother."
"Oh Allah, we ask you to give us the best of this Ramadan, to make us find to worship the best we can on to give us the full reward of. We ask you Allah keep awake on in all the last 10 nights that are coming ahead and to make us find and be do our best on that night."
"Make sure that this Ramadan, you live every single day after Ramadan like it's Ramadan."
"Thank you guys so much for joining me on day one of Ramadan."
"I'm going to enjoy the first night of Ramadan, take this makeup off, and call it a night."
"We ask Allah to count us among those who witness and to get the full reward for the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan and the entire month of Ramadan."
"Take advantage of this blessed month to help and feed your brothers and sisters in need."
"May our two masters Imam al-Hussein and al-Abbas reward each and every one of you abundantly during this blessed month of Shahrukh Ramadan."
"Let us make this a Ramadan whereby we intend and resolve permanently to be a little bit better. Because this bitterness is not a burden, it's a lightness."
"Be a person who will start the change this Ramadan."
"The holy month of Ramadan has commenced."
"Let's make Ramadan the month that will melt my sins."
"Rather than looking at all these things you want to add to your life in the month of Ramadan, pick some things you want to remove from your life. Pick like three things, okay? These three habits that I know I can change and get rid of in Ramadan, the perfect time to do them."
"May Allah help us benefit from this Ramadan, accept our worship, increase us in taqwa, and protect our hearts. Ramadan Mubarak."
"Ramadan: whoever stands the nights of Ramadan with two sentiments: one out of iman, one with anticipation, all their previous sins will be forgiven."
"This month of Ramadan is a golden opportunity for us to rid ourselves of bad character traits and adopt praiseworthy traits."
"It's Allah's house. What's the big deal? It's only two hours. Where are you going? Wherever you are going, remember, you're still the Muslim in Ramadan."
"May Allah subhana wa tala make us among those who will witness and get the full reward for the last 10 nights of Ramadan and the entire month."
"It's almost impossible not to be forgiven in Ramadan."
"Ramadan is a training period for an individual to better himself for after the month of Ramadan."
"The habits that you gain from Ramadan, don't forget those habits."
"And if you're watching this to is halfway through Ramadan for the remainder of Ramadan, just try for this month."
"Ramadan is meant to reintroduce us to spirituality, to open up the doors of Allah's mercy."
"Ramadan is the month of the Quran, the primary association of Ramadan is with the Quran."
"...Ramadan is a month where... even a dry bit of bread takes away the pain of hunger at the end of the day, right?"
"Keep your remembrance of Allah and the etiquette towards Ramadan."
"Ramadan is something that's so important, if you manage to catch one Ramadan you can have a reward that's greater than the reward of the martyrs."
"It's possible that you can finish the Quran at least once in the month of Ramadan."
"Ramadan is an opportunity for kindness to rule."
"Taqwa is thinking very carefully about every one of our steps. Ramadan is in order to have taqwa, we have to be thinking all day long about who we are on the inside."
"Planning intimacy during Ramadan: It's not unnatural; the Prophet and Sahaba were intimate during fasting months."
"I just want to give a little message to everybody, Ramadan kareim, I hope everyone's having an amazing Ramadan so far, alhamdulillah."
"I'd like to begin by extending my greetings to you on this blessed night, the eve of the first of the month of Ramadan. May Allah give us the ability to fast and attain nearness to Him and also ultimately attain His forgiveness."
"It is very important to continuously ask Allah to accept from us our righteous deeds during the month of Ramadan."
"Ramadan is now over, and so the question that we're supposed to ask ourselves is what should we be doing after Ramadan?"
"Ramadan essentially is, you can only do Ramadan for Allah. Literally fasting is an expression of our love for Allah."
"Ramadan Mubarak to everybody that is going to be celebrating and fasting during the month of Ramadan."
"Ramadan starts next week, I hope all my brothers and sisters have a clean, good Ramadan."
"Every Ramadan is a time to reset, you know what you want to do for the rest of the year."
"Ramadan is austere but it's also really kind of warm social amazing."
"There's something celebratory about Islam which you experience in Ramadan for instance, it's austere but it's also really kind of warm, social, amazing."
"...changing the frame of thinking and so thereby you balance your duties you balance fun or duties with reaching the spiritual Heights of Ramadan that we hope inshallah that we all get to and we really transform ourselves in this month."
"Ramadan teaches us that we can rise above our ego, our passions, and our desires."
"Ramadan shows you that you are a part of that story."
"Ramadan comes to show us that we have the power to move on from belonging to becoming."
"What did you prepare? Don't tell me food, don't tell me the list of who I'm gonna invite. Ramadan was not created for this."
"I want this Ramadan to be different, period."
"The first step to get to where you want to be in Ramadan is to examine your relationship with Allah."
"Ramadan is a month of blessings and guidance. We try to introspect within and try to become better human beings and strengthen our relationship with our creator."
"Ramadan is the month of Quran. Quran is the book of Allah and it is the guidance for the whole of humanity."
"If you deal with the month of Ramadan correctly, you will go from zero to hero."
"It's enough that we're all crack all year round, then the one month, the one month that Allah is basically giving you a free ticket, what do we do with it?"
"The month of Ramadan is not a festive month, it's not a month for dancing and singing and making sweets."
"The month of Ramadan should be all about you and Allah."
"Ramadan is also known as the month of forgiveness."
"Ramadan teaches us to be thankful and grateful for whatever we have. We realize the value of food, water, comfort, and wealth."
"Ramadan teaches us equality. Every person is equal before Allah."
"If I could turn down 30 meals during the month of Ramadan, y'all know the Muslims be fast. If I could turn down 30 meals, a whole month, for eating for the sake of Allah, one meal ain't nothing."
"This Ramadan is going to be different."
"The month of Ramadan is the madmar for you."
"The Quran is something special in Ramadan."
"The holy month of Ramadan was to remind people about those in the world who cannot look forward to a meal."
"Let's make the effort especially this month of Ramadan coming up to look over our ego and let go of those let go of that ego."
"Ramadan Mubarak to everybody out there. May Allah accept all of our fasts, all of our prayers this month."
"Ramadan is a month that can get you into Al Jenna and can also get you into the Hellfire."
"It's a month when we're meant to be exhausting ourselves cuz we might never ever get this opportunity again."
"So my brothers, you want to make sure you make it for this. You want to make sure you make it to the month of Ramadan."
"Whoever stands in with IM conviction hoping for a reward from Allah throughout the month of Ramadan Allah says they will exit the month of Ramadan having been forgiven totally of all their sins is not a joke."
"I've never been so excited for Ramadan."
"...I love you guys. May Allah accept your Ramadan, may Allah guide you guys, give you happiness, success, blessings in every single thing you do. Grant your family goodness and share and heal you of any mental or physical illnesses."
"We got the black and gold ones coming back. It's just a Ramadan release, so once Ramadan is over, those go back and disappear."
"We look forward into, you know, inshallah keeping those good habits that we have with our salah and with our dua and what not, uh, inshallah after Ramadan."
"Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala replaces that need for haraka with sukoon, right? And that's the blessing of Ramadan."
"So if you guys have seen my last few videos where I was decorating for Ramadan, I set up this prayer corner."
"I haven't had a suhoor like this in the last five days so I'm thriving."
"That really puts you into the point of Ramadan. You're really thinking. You're not eating all day. You get angry real quick, then you catch yourself like, 'Damn, you know what I mean?' Great point, man."
"Every child deserves a nutritious meal, bring a family together this Ramadan."
"Please make sure you guys keep up the same spirit that you had at the beginning of Ramadan."
"May Allah bless all of you, may this Ramadan be the best Ramadan."