
Suggestion Quotes

There are 1591 quotes

"This is a frontier to be solved, and I don't have the answer, but I can suggest one."
"Here's a thought is a way to present a new idea or suggestion."
"If Disney wanted an IP to make a theme park out of, they should have done Pokémon."
"What if instead of professional athletes competing in the Olympics there was like a random drawing, kind of like what they do with the military draft, but for all the sports?"
"Your subconscious mind is amendable to suggestion."
"Thought or suggestion is able to mould the human body as a sculptor chisels his clay."
"This is really different from what I was imagining. What a good suggestion, what a way to expand the horizons."
"I personally believe it's a hundred percent chance that sharp should get revisited."
"The throwback is the egregiousness of it, you should do like a little give a back, give a look back, yeah."
"That was such a brilliant suggestion by Ether, I love it."
"The next move should be an Old Republic movie."
"Maybe it would be a good idea to have a debate."
"V suggests going to the historical society, and the only reason she didn't bring it up is because she's still a bit traumatized about what happened there."
"I think it would be great if there was a book about female friendships."
"Let us know if this works. Start your day on your knees and just ask."
"I'm just saying, if cereal needs milk so much, they should pack this together."
"Ron Howard, America's Sweetheart, should pick up the mantle and direct Guardians three."
"Elias says make another tier. Elias is a big brained thinker. What if I made another tier?"
"I'm not saying add war bands to bring XP to the."
"You should go to Russia for gas and China, yes that's a good idea."
"Maybe it's time to bring this back, I don't know."
"This is another one where therapy would be very beneficial."
"Wouldn't that be great is if they had to lead off every question with who they voted for."
"Let's find another game, let's find another game."
"How do we deal with old movies? We need to watch them."
"The power of suggestion has been known to allow a person to hold onto some type of awareness, increasing the probability of lucidity."
"But if they didn't, I think it's what they should have done."
"I think this is pretty ugly... maybe if you black out this chrome piece would help a little bit."
"You should have a show like seriously you should."
"Hopefully this is an eye-opener for you, maybe you should probably think about dating someone else."
"Why don't we just talk about peace for a second?"
"It feels less like you're telling him where to go and more like you're suggesting where you want him to go."
"Perhaps they could go to university to learn."
"If you leave a suggestion and you aren't sure if it's right, say, 'Make sure you say I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but maybe try this.'"
"Cash App should add Doge for the masses. I agree."
"Twitter should make a premium service where they charge five bucks a month to give the user an edit button."
"If it's gonna come out at midnight, I think it'd be a lot better to just delay it until tomorrow."
"OR Up the amount gotten so that you don’t have to devote your life to Mega Man Zero just to stand a chance."
"Don't you wish you could question people? Of course, you should bring Breaking Homicide back and do this case, man!"
"Ideas are best suggested when the objective mind is partly subjective."
"I could see you working some cone patterns on this bad boy."
"Believe in the power of suggestion and perception."
"The power of suggestion is very strong. You can have something on the mind, something put out there, and people start looking for it and focusing on it. And they will--they will report it. They will see it."
"Sounds like Zach wants something to spice it up a bit."
"Maybe for the next turning instead of counting wins add up all the points each person scores across five games. That's actually not a bad idea." - Adam V
"Why would you go bowling? It's just a suggestion."
"A little bit of extra stability would probably be kind of helpful, maybe a little bit."
"A pretty good suggestion from Tom here as well which said let's include a three-minute option always."
"You should legally change your name to Kyle. I'm not kidding, you should, you should."
"It's a suggestion to try something. Please try this thing I showed you."
"Man, if they could add like some sort of survival element to this, that would be fantastic."
"I mean, especially I'd also suggest, I say, 'What did I miss?' as the second act opener." - Eric
"For all you've done, you should also pay a visit to the nucleus."
"Should we go on a little Expedition together, boys?"
"Peter suggested Jamie Bell - it was just an inspired suggestion."
"Maybe make it a little bit more diverse right, maybe some Latino and black and Asian kids in that mix."
"Your subconscious mind cannot argue controversially, hence if you give it wrong suggestions, it will accept them as true."
"Platinum should be a thing." - "Platinum should be a thing."
"If I was going to give Elon Musk any kind of suggestion, I would suggest FLIR, forward looking infrared. I think 90% of the problems would go away because everything has a heat signature. Everything."
"Who I think they should take out Cloud for and put in this game smash 5 is Noctis from final fantasy 15."
"Maybe Alex should check it out, it's genuinely great."
"It's a corporate mind-numbingly stupid thing that they should drop immediately."
"The rush of winning something at an auction or a raffle, there's nothing like it. I think that more places should do like the 50/50 raffles just every day in your life."
"Give that a try, let me know if it works out."
"Wouldn't it be a better idea to say to them, 'Hey listen, this is public property. They have a right to be here'?"
"You see, I think we should open up a portal."
"Why don't you go back to sleep once you're done with that?"
"I'm going to go off and have a cup of tea now and I suggest that you do the same."
"It's so cute. It's the fact that the eyes... This is a great suggestion."
"That ain't a bad idea at all."
"Why don't you show like eating healthy too? People would find that encouraging and inspiring."
"American Education might benefit from a few more Dartmouths."
"Can you livestream trying Roblox? I think that's a great idea."
"Don't ever underestimate the power of suggestion, the power of your environment, the power of what you put before you."
"Maybe eating something would be good."
"Leave some room for the reader... poetry is as much about what's not said as it is about what is said."
"You're going to like this one, you should really try it."
"You can't paint a million rocks but you can suggest a trillion rocks."
"It's really well done, I think you should try it."
"I have an idea, maybe we can go to Cancun for spring break."
"Why don't you call your show Sesame Street? You know, like 'Open Sesame.' It kind of gives the idea of a street where neat stuff happens."
"This is genius, let me know in the comments if you guys are going to try this hack."
"How about a little rhapsody in G minor?"
"She suggests that he and nor visit a place called Fez the ruins of a maze where they can become one on their first try."
"This was a really great movie and I am really glad that y'all suggested this one."
"You might want to drive Uber or something, bro."
"Nothing Earth shattering nothing you need to run out and buy or throw things out of your closet just some ideas I wanted to plant in your head."
"You could hang maybe your dry cleaning off of that bar, I'm thinking."
"he tells her to apply for Professor Jean Luke's class since it's likely they'll be the only two to participate"
"Lionel's smile was radiant as he suggested they go on a date during their next day off."
"You should rock pigtails and a skirt."
"If you are in London, which I am not, you should absolutely go and see this."
"Actually, I've got a better idea."
"You look like you can use it though."
"Give her a sword, make her kill people."
"It's not a bad idea. You two could check out the duds while Alex and I scope out the poker-playing dog statues."
"I'm just saying, I'm just giving ideas. It would get the job done. It's a desperate time."
"I wish this was a Magic Kingdom or I wish they'd taken this menu and put it somewhere like cosmic ray cuz I do think the food's very good."
"To address the problem, danani suggests changes across the airline industry."
"I love what you've done to the place. Couple suggestions: can we get rid of the big stuffed giraffe and maybe the popcorn machine, you monster?"
"You should absolutely come check it out, see if it's here."
"I think it would do us all good to get out," suggesting a change of scenery for the group.
"Telling people news that might be bad, why don't you pose it as a suggestion for exploration rather than something etched in stone?"
"You could connect this to a weather API."
"Easy way to brighten up the space is with paint."
"Name him Alfie, there you go Alfie."
"Despite not being down with the fast food shrimp, do you think that McDonald's in America should add this to the menu?"
"If you guys have some ideas, make sure you comment them down below so maybe we can get to thinking about, hey, maybe I should always have that in there. That's a really good idea."
"This area of the lake would be perfect to have a great big double swim."
"That's a wonderful idea everyone move towards his statue which speaks to you."
"People have these Magic Band pluses, they should do more."
"This was ready first so you can sear your pineapple in the skillet if you want."
"Keith suggests that they should spend more time with Maria to protect her."
"I'm dead serious, they should do a scientific experiment on that."
"Jugo tells him to try it at least."
"This smells so good they should make this into a candle."
"Maybe we should think about Lincoln go to the movies."
"Stark begins giving the cover story but then instead announces that he is indeed Iron Man, shocking the public."
"Stark suggests that they get Shawarma as the battle is finally won."
"That would actually be pretty sweet."
"If you guys have any video suggestions, let us know."
"Guys, comment below a pair of shoes that I should get, will that Julia should get? With that being said, also comment hashtag team Jules because we won!"
"Well, I reckon you should shortlist the Range Rover Sport."
"Before I end this topic, I have a suggestion for whoever made 'a thousand ways to die'."
"He suggests that they should just leave this place and go somewhere else."
"It would actually be kind of nice if they came out with the line of matte shadow sticks."
"Highly suggest checking this out if you still haven't."
"I think you should dress as Smee, Kush."
"Attention I have an announcement Tiffany what are you what I have an announcement I think I speak for all three of us when I say we should go Fogo de Chao."
"We would definitely recommend checking that place out."
"Maybe you should buy one of these instead."
"We should increase that number. I mean, has nobody ever ever heard of Adam Smith and his law of supply and demand?"
"Okay, they just have to call the next one 'Spider-Man: Home Alone.'"
"Don't you think that that might help disperse your weight across a larger surface area?"
"Oh thank God somebody knew it. Mr. I-want-to-ski-and-I-want-to-do-a-challenging-run has apparently never noticed this."
"Does it not make sense to use your arms to crawl towards one of the snowboards and then use that snowboard to slide down the hill?"
"You've got options here, you're just not using them."
"Can we pass this dumb system? Look, there's a gap right there."
"It's there for you all, so go check it out."
"I think it might be a very good idea if we went up to Oxford for two or three days."
"Take a swan dive off the roof of the building."
"Sometimes people like to offer them up so let us know if you guys want us to see the other Jaws installments and we will keep them in mind for future reactions."
"Yo, there needs to be a movie on this. It's like a great float."
"We should write you a little kung fu movie."
"I do want to check out 'Taken 2.' Let me know if you guys want to see that."
"Everything she did was because of the suggestion placed on her."
"Alright, hear me out on this one."
"A lot of people have suggested paranormal instances."
"He suggested that this might reveal if there was something she was subconsciously hiding about the night of Bonnie's murder."
"I thought now would be a good time for you to decide."
"That's pretty dope. Oh, I could kiss you. Try."
"I thought of something better: what if he comes here?"
"It's just like a little hint when I close and turn my eyes."
"Trust me, you want to listen to it."
"If you're doing red velvet you can get cream cheese icing, that'd be a good combo."
"What do you say we pack it up and take our field trip?"
"It's completely up to you, this is optional, just something I like to do."
"I think that would be a cool idea right."
"I would like a name too. Well then, allow me to suggest the name 'Black Arachnet.'"
"Everything I say is merely a suggestion in an attempt to help. It is not the definitive way."
"Just McDonald's, like if you're listening, just pitch this idea to the UK one because it would genuinely be the best thing McDonald's has ever done."
"Needs more takeout container paneling."
"Even though it's an overreaction, she suggests that as soon as they cross the continent, he should remain by her side, working as her guide and also her bodyguard."
"I feel like this would be really cute for like under your keyboard a little bit of a wrist rest."
"Let's not do it in front of everybody. I mean, I believe I see love between you and Bella. Perhaps you should marry her."
"Autosuggestion is essentially a self-suggestion technique that will take effect over time as you continuously practice it."
"Here's an idea, how about we skip the party tonight and go do touristy things instead?"
"Maybe YouTube needs a wholesome button we can click to make all of the noise go away and make room for nice things humans have to offer each other."
"Comment down below if you want me to do like a Q&A Everest video about All Things Everest."
"We suggest something on the canvas; we don't put in all the lines, we don't put in all the visual information. We get just enough visual information so that the viewer's mind can finish the flower."
"You should definitely give it a try."
"Oh my God, you would be great in prison."
"I saw a lot of comments being like you should have brought the couch over."
"Would it kill them to throw like a ring light on the onset? That's all we need."
"Please give all of these ideas a try and see if it works for you."
"How about this: 'How me and my friends all met your mother'? That would have been better on a billboard for sure."
"If you don't know what to get me for a present, a crystal tree will fit the job."
"I think it should be in Thailand because it keeps it more authentic, you know what would be fun? And that's completely not answering your question, what would be fun is if there was a Drag Race Asia."
"I think you should, you never see that, right?"
"I feel like this room is just like screaming and begging for a rug."
"Good segue to talk about RK1 maybe."
"He honestly suggested that I start all over."
"That is kind of sweet and it's got a good look. Yeah, you could easily get those lights. It probably should be, it might be something to put on the table behind me if you don't need it over here."
"A great idea we got from our repair technician was to do a rewards card."
"This is not a suggestion, this is a prophecy."
"If you like that drink, don't drink it. Have a martini."
"I want to make a bold suggestion."
"I highly recommend checking it out for yourself."
"We're gonna have an awesome day, maybe try a new autumnal drink in Starbucks."
"Maybe you need to go to sleep to some ASMR."
"You can make a pin cushion so easily out of any fabric."
"That guy probably saved hundreds of lives by telling the colonel why don't we make these things like the shape of a barrel."
"Things that you all have suggested and I am trying them out."
"I'm forever reading comments that are like telling me you should interview this person you should interview this person and a lot of times they got a good point."
"I can tell you that it doesn't operate itself if this not honor that I ask you to think of a friend just think of a plane and now hear him tell you something lovely."
"I think you should do another beatbox. It's been a while."
"Your mind is going through about 12 waves every second. This is the best time to make a mark on your subconscious mind because it is open to new ideas like dirt that is ready to grow crops."
"Just wait a couple of years, get her to get a life insurance thing, and just start slowly putting antifreeze in her Gatorades."
"Why not consider playing along with me?"
"Highly recommend you look into doing these items, I think it's worth it."