
Therapeutic Quotes

There are 431 quotes

"There's few things more therapeutic than a good laugh at the right time when you really need it."
"This has been a kind of a cathartic experience for me... reflecting on each object in turn and describing to you guys what they mean to me has been very therapeutic."
"Knowledge is power, and it's so therapeutic to me when I feel like I better understand myself and what I've been through."
"It's therapy, not only for me, but I noticed for the listeners."
"They feel like you've been a therapist to them."
"Songwriting is therapy for me... writing songs has been the most empowering experience of my whole life."
"Filming is therapeutic for us. It really helps us. We love what we do."
"Vinegar: not for food, but a therapeutic powerhouse."
"Every interaction between a patient and a doctor should be therapeutic."
"Thank you so much... hopefully it's been therapeutic and we got to talk you guys on one of our favorite series."
"This was so lovely for me... it was like very therapeutic and enjoyable."
"Estrogen receptor beta agonist...possesses anabolic potency."
"It's not very often that I get to try a new satisfying art form but with rangoli or sand art, I'm really happy I gave it a try and I genuinely want to keep doing it simply for the therapeutic properties."
"It's therapeutic, it's cathartic, it's great on so many levels."
"This is really therapeutic again though, guys."
"The traversal in Spider-Man 2 is a therapeutic experience."
"This album helped me, it was like a self-help album."
"Number three is the opportunity to leave your troubles behind you, kind of the therapeutic benefits of riding in the countryside alone, but connected."
"It literally was like years and years of therapy condensed into eight hellish hours."
"I love this technique and find that this is so therapeutic when I do it."
"Lemon balm is a great choice when dealing with upper respiratory symptoms."
"It was almost like therapeutic it's just kind of like oh I play other games I just walking or running or or even taking a car - it feels so more natural now just to swing around swing around like spider-man."
"I might do this again someday because it was a lot of fun again weirdly therapeutic at one point why I have no clue."
"It's so special to me. It's so weirdly therapeutic for me."
"Every time I come back and after a good session, even a bad session, I always feel better."
"Playing drums not only does it, I enjoy it, so it kind of helps me mentally like that. It genuinely scientifically even kind of helps you, you know? It helps your body and your mind."
"Music is therapeutic, it helps with my mood, inspiring and motivating."
"I find art for me, even when I'm teaching it, it's really therapeutic and healing."
"Janet found the film to be therapeutic, and she praised Tyler Perry for supporting her throughout the production."
"I started wearing makeup in school and makeup became therapy for me."
"Fidget quilts are a great way to bless those folks in your life that may have something like Alzheimer’s, dementia, ADHD, ADD."
"Exercise is always a good remedy for whether it's anger, depression, whatever it may be—definitely a little exercise."
"It's therapeutic to me, man, like, it's therapeutic and it's also like my passion."
"It's therapy playing these songs, I should be paying them."
"When Paul starts to lose hope, writing becomes the only thing that keeps him going and helps him cope with his pain."
"Being honest and open about your pain can be almost medicinal."
"That's therapeutic, wow, that is impressive."
"The MX5, a car that brings many, many smiles and is motoring therapy."
"It looked like some of these sessions were very cathartic and healing for students."
"Sometimes getting out your pain or your angst is really healthy to get it out."
"It feels amazing that we've managed to play a part in their recovery but it also makes me incredibly sad."
"I know I'm so late to the game when it comes to this, but genuinely it is therapeutic for me."
"Music has always proved to be a healing force."
"It's going to speed up the process of healing."
"Nature therapy, there really is something to it, you know?"
"Music is so healing and can take you back to a year or a time or a place."
"It's therapeutic to rant about something you may not like."
"It's medicine for my soul to have a clutter-free space."
"I genuinely love grocery shopping; for me, it's kind of therapeutic."
"I'm feeling the decluttering juices, it's like therapy."
"The garden was very therapeutic for me last year specifically, but I've always enjoyed it in years past as well."
"Golden voices... a soothing therapeutic experience that gives us all peace and tranquility as an escape from a disruptive world."
"Cleaning... it takes your mind off of things."
"Music helped her in a lot of ways."
"The therapeutic efficacy of the ketogenic diet is through insulin suppression and suppressing the insulin pathway, limiting glucose availability."
"Decluttering is one of those things that can be very therapeutic and very calming."
"Cleaning stuff is very therapeutic for me, and I love to clean the car and Caravan."
"I don't really care if I get in trouble with the law by sharing my story; it's therapeutic to share."
"This is a very healing connection."
"...there was just so much I wanted to say about that show and it felt extremely therapeutic to get all that off my chest."
"Every interview like this, bro, is very therapeutic to my well-being, bro, and it gives me a sense of purpose."
"Having characters and stories that represent the complexities of being a girl in a multitude of different and diverse ways can really be therapeutic at times."
"I love cooking it's so therapeutic to me."
"It was like therapy for me, it was like the therapy I didn't know I needed."
"It was so therapeutic and needed."
"It was healing for a lot of people."
"I hope you'll find it to be quite therapeutic."
"I think knotting is one of my favorite techniques. It's very cathartic, it's rhythmic."
"It's just so crazy to sit and think about sometimes that like, the way that YouTube is so therapeutic, it's such a highlight of my day."
"We try to take advantage of that right now... Have as much fun as we possibly can with it but also pay tribute to loved ones who have passed on... It's very therapeutic for us."
"Highly recommend. It's very therapeutic."
"I let it all out and I feel like a million dollars when I come out. It's like a therapeutic session for me."
"I can't explain it, but there's something very therapeutic about doing this."
"What happened is so much more powerful than that. Kylo here is essentially putting himself through a common therapeutic exercise. It is very common for people who left things unsaid with a person who is now dead to find a lack of closure."
"I really love how this turned out the colors the green the pinks throughout yeah it's it was really nice and it was really um therapeutic to paint."
"I love working with any kind of dough, any kind of yeast dough, especially. It's very therapeutic."
"I like cleaning the shrimp because it's like quiet and you can space out for a few minutes and get something done, and it's kind of therapeutic, I guess."
"It was therapeutic, like a refresh, a restart."
"The shower right after doing your hair is just so therapeutic. I feel so clean."
"It's kind of fun, nostalgic, and therapeutic."
"There's something therapeutic about it."
"Grocery shopping for me is so therapeutic like it is one of my favorite things to do."
"I just find it really, really therapeutic."
"Music really helps, it does help, it does heal, it heals us and it heals you."
"It is just so refreshing for the soul and it was really therapeutic to me."
"It's very therapeutic, very simple but it shows if you want to make some artwork, you need to get that creativity out, you can do it very easily, very simply so yeah, give it a try!"
"Aloneness is a positive state. It's solitude. It's having your own space and not feeling the need to connect with others. It's a therapeutic and almost meditative experience."
"Just like pouring the icing over a fancy cake, quite therapeutic."
"It's almost like spending five minutes with this person would equal 10 years of therapy."
"But yeah, you go out there and do there's something that is so amazing by just being out on a run or even if it's a walk whatever but you're by yourself. Dude it's, it is so calming and so therapeutic I just don't even know how to explain it, it's amazing."
"It was therapeutic for me. I went through all this stuff, but I'm happy that people can read it and be like, 'You helped me with this.'"
"Even just listening to it is so therapeutic."
"I love acting. There's something so therapeutic about it for me."
"Writing about it was really therapeutic kind of to write about it was fun dare I say."
"Most fish keepers will tell you that the work is part of the fun. I mean, it's therapeutic. And again, in the end, you feel so much better. You just look at it and you're so proud of what you've done."
"It's so exciting when you can do your eyeshadow with just really smooth formulas, it makes the process so much more therapeutic and enjoyable."
"Cutting bell peppers and adding googly eyes is bound to heal your soul a little. Give it a try."
"Oh, man, I needed this. I needed this. This today, this... That was... that I... I therapeutically laughed with that one."
"But fasting is therapeutic to the human body, whether it's longevity, lower inflammation, cognitive."
"This show knows how to bring out emotions in me that I wasn't aware it could, it would, and it's very therapeutic."
"Because those particular few words that probably didn't hear on a consistent basis is so therapeutic and also so therapeutic healing is but it also can bring fullness of life to that person, sure."
"Therapeutic separations are really a positive opportunity."
"Thank you for saying that it's therapeutic just to be a part of this show."
"Maintaining a non-judgmental stance is foundational and integrating that element into a counseling style is productive and useful for the client, for the counselor, and for the therapeutic alliance."
"Being near the water is essential because the sun to the waters is therapeutic, subhanallah."
"Watching paint dry is probably the worst thing ever, but to be honest with you, it's quite satisfying and quite therapeutic."
"When I talk to you guys, not only is it therapeutic for me, but it also... I feel like we have our own little community on here."
"My favorite part of the day is doing my night routine. I don't know why, but it's so therapeutic for me."
"That was fun. I got to use a lot of splatter paint making that costume, and it was very therapeutic. I enjoyed it."
"I deep cleaned this house so good... it was so therapeutic."
"There's nothing more therapeutic than watching paints mix."
"It's a very therapeutic, keeps them interested, keeps them active."
"I find this really therapeutic. I can get absolutely lost in this."
"It's all about repetition, which is so nice because it becomes very relaxing, almost even therapeutic."
"Crafting with this IOD stuff, literally like it's so therapeutic."
"Religion sanctity, the engagement with the sacred, is actually more relevant, more up to date, more therapeutically essential probably than ever before."
"When you're going through a rough time, sometimes the last thing you want to do is clean. But actually, the whole ritual of cleaning is very cleansing."
"I used to play this song in my car and scream 'you were no good for me and I was no good for you' and it was so therapeutic."
"Knitting means so much to me, also therapy-wise."
"Having a therapeutic relationship with someone who knows the ins and outs of psychology is different than just venting to a friend."
"...cleaning my room, the actual act of doing it is so therapeutic."
"Swimming however is amazing for dylan. Swimming calms him down no end."
"...this is like the most organized I've ever been in my life and that was oddly therapeutic doing that..."
"Think of all the times in your life when you've talked to someone and your shoulders have felt lighter."
"When I'm on the horse I forget my name, my age, all of the problems are gone."
"When you're in the room, the sound of all the breathing, it's very mindful, it's very therapeutic actually, hearing everyone breathing together and moving together. It's a wonderful thing."
"There's something therapeutic about filling out a binder."
"I just started kind of breaking it apart and it was like the most therapeutic thing I've done in a while."
"...this is just like therapy to me."
"I just find it so therapeutic, like I'm on my own, I'm just focused on one thing."
"I think it's almost therapeutic in a way it forced you to face it like you can't you can't run from it."
"Reorganizing my bookshelves is one of my favorite things to do because I find it just so therapeutic."
"I love any sort of job that's like kind of tedious and like repetitive. I find it so therapeutic."
"It's kind of a therapeutic experience."
"Cleaning to me, getting rid of stuff you know, removing some of the old [__] and making space for new, to me that's therapeutic, it's like a cleanse."
"Now, none of this is to say that those whose early childhood experiences were not optimal will never flourish or thrive."
"It's therapeutic for me, if it can be helpful for someone else."
"It's very raw and I actually find it quite therapeutic."
"It felt like the antidote or the serum for me. Like it felt like here's an opportunity to work on something that I think I'll have a little space to breathe."
"I enjoy vacuuming. It's actually very therapeutic."
"Was it worth the time investment probably not but I still enjoy it and like I say I find jobs like this to be very therapeutic so that's why I do them and why I do them for what is not really worth the hassle."
"I know a lot of people don't like shaving, but to me, it's kind of therapeutic. I kind of like shaving."
"It felt like therapy to me. It felt like a sigh of relief."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video. I actually really like cleaning my room. I find it quite therapeutic."
"There's something quite relaxing about it."
"Once you cut out the labels you have to do the weeding process which was honestly very therapeutic to me I really enjoyed it."
"Eventually it's gonna look really crowded but like it's really therapeutic."
"I always find mucking out really therapeutic because it's kind of like a time where you can have some mindfulness."
"So I just love it. It's very therapeutic."
"I love wrapping presents, it's therapeutic to me."
"...it just felt like you know I could just do this every single day and never get tired of just I don't know it's very therapeutic it's kind of meditative and and I'm also getting my exercise."
"...it's been so therapeutic to get out and it's it's really cool how we've written these you'll see when they come out but like it's basically like a chapter of my life is each of these songs."
"I love this because it's so therapeutic."
"This entire process feels therapeutic."
"It's so therapeutic for me, I don't know where I would be."
"Skateboarding is like therapy. You know, just lucky enough for it to be my career."
"It's very therapeutic. When you're shining your shoes, you really don't think about anything other than shining the shoe."
"Having something like this to occupy your hands... is very therapeutic."
"Cooking has just not been like a shock, it's been healing, you know? It's been very therapeutic in a way."
"draw whenever you feel anxious and stuff just draw and watch how you put those thoughts into drawing"
"Feels very vulnerable, feels very healing, feels very better than anything they've ever experienced."
"Nature can heal in a variety of ways."
"Releasing, healing, all the things."
"It's a gift, it helps with all sorts of stuff. Seeing the water every day makes you feel better, fixes your brain, does this, does that."
"I like hearing stuff like that like people listening to my music for like therapeutic reasons."
"Kind of excited I feel like it might be like a little bit therapeutic."
"This has touched people's lives. This is therapy for people."
"Nature does that for people; it calms you."
"This song right here is so good for my mental health."
"Going through my mom's possessions after she passed away has been one of the most therapeutic things I've ever done."
"It also can certainly be pain relieving."
"You get into a rhythm and it goes by pretty quickly, very therapeutic."
"That's a great thing about a garden, you know. It's great for you mentally."
"Music is part of what we can be; it's like we have this external stimuli we can put on to help us take care of ourselves, to stay calm."
"Now she and Tony can begin to reap the full therapeutic benefit of their gorgeous garden."
"Writing a book was quite cathartic, as they say."
"Fishing really is good for the head."
"Some people with bad anxiety, bad sleep, bad pain have just done so well for us, that it has definitely stuck around."
"It's therapeutic, I hope, to the audience as much as it is to me."
"This book felt like a therapy session in the best sort of way and explained things that I have felt and thought in my brain but have never been able to say out loud."
"Journaling is a godsend; it's a life changer."
"It really relaxes my anxiety when I'm out there at a once in a lifetime moment."
"It's shocking how much it does really help you."
"The painting is very therapeutic, I would recommend."
"I agree with this study, I mean drumming is very cathartic."
"Talking to the camera is kind of like therapy."
"These dogs give me so much; they give me my life back."
"Methylene blue actually allows the zinc to go into the cell... and helps with the ability of zinc to not allow the virus to replicate itself."
"I find it almost therapeutic because you are totally in the moment when you're reading."
"Movement is medicine, not just for physical health but for mental health."
"We are trying to contextualize what we're seeing to explain why it is the case that many people are experiencing a therapeutic effect from these drugs."
"Working on a bike is the best hangover cure on Earth."
"If you're having a bad day and you want to go out and drive spiritedly to kind of blow off some steam, well this Kona is going to deliver to help out with that."
"I feel so good right now, I feel like I just went through a whole therapy session."
"Each ride me and my mom went on seemed to alleviate my anxiety and depression that much more."
"This place might be the cure for depression."
"Gardening... it's therapeutic, it's a zen-like state which allows me to help Mother Nature grow fruits and vegetables that we will eat."
"Cleaning up is so therapeutic to me."
"Cleaning is so therapeutic for me, I swear, I love to clean."
"Dogs help reduce stress and can provide comfort by actually producing a chemical reaction in your brain that lowers cortisol and increases serotonin."