
Customer Behavior Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Reviews are one of the biggest drivers in customer sales since over 90% of shoppers read reviews and then use them to make a purchase decision."
"Customers buy things for a variety of reasons, but some are more important than others. Great marketers understand their customers better than they understand themselves."
"When his patrons get canned, they're gonna get angry."
"What's the most disrespectful thing that's happened to you in the service industry? I'll go first. I think I might win."
"It's absolutely unacceptable to harass and pressure our staff for deals after being told no."
"There's no argument, the drive-thru at Chick-fil-A is always full."
"Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure Karen eating at their restaurant when it's closed is probably the last thing they want to do."
"If people know that at seven o'clock on Thursdays, that's when the farm stand is updated, you know, people are on. We get 90% of our orders on Thursday evenings."
"The Offloader is a customer who attempts to pay for their items with all the change they have in their wallet."
"Grubbers are customers who bring their food and drink into the store."
"Voiders are customers who void an item at the last second or forget that they can't afford said item and want it placed back in the store."
"Late Night Shoppers are a class all on their own; they're a class of customer that will arrive to purchase something just when the shop is about to close."
"The Demanders are shoppers who demand, demean and order you around like you're simply a slave."
"A referral generated buyer buys quicker, buys more things, buys more often, negotiates less, and refers more people."
"Guests think 'The Dragons of Camelot' has a long queue? Buy a priority pass, you greedy fox!"
"Number one consumers are a lot smarter nowadays... we've kind of realized that."
"Offering free two-day shipping on domestic orders showed that brands have been able to increase average amount spent per transaction by 97% and even reduce cart abandonment by 18%."
"I think Disney is getting to a point where they're going to get it to a crossroads where as it gets busier, people are going to start ignoring the rules more and more."
"This male Karen wants a refund and free food after being the epitome of respectfulness."
"This Karen buzzing around like a persistent mosquito."
"Why are people not coming here, do you reckon?"
"I just hate how aggressively douchey they get about taking photos of the bill with the signature and everything that's what bothers me."
"Passengers are never satisfied these days. You give them one thing, the appetite actually increases."
"It's so crazy to me that jewelry salesmen are told if a customer leaves without buying, they've lost them forever."
"Customers may, as I mentioned, walk a certain way through your store naturally, see things from a certain perspective... pay attention to what areas of your store are more productive than others."
"Unruly customers... It's threatening the recovery because it is driving workers to quit."
"It's not nice that entitled parent didn't tip my very thoughtful waiter."
"All shops in England are finally allowed to open, but will customers come back?"
"There are customers who come into a store and these customers when they come into a store they will have like you know an entire coupon book."
"The scammers, I don't consider them customers."
"Customers can't figure out what to do, so they actually do nothing. It's a terrifying stat."
"The best time to sell somebody something is that they already bought something."
"People hate being sold to but people want to buy."
"I can't imagine building a business predicated on people not using the product like I mean we're aware that it happens every business owner knows but I mean that's what I'm going on that's the reason why I think we all have like a subtle distaste for Planet Fitness."
"When people buy something from you and it works, they will buy another thing from you to prove to themselves and others they didn't make a mistake buying the first thing from you."
"Customers often search in a way that is General specific specific, not specific specific General."
"Your customers don't buy when they understand, they buy when they feel understood."
"Listen if we stuff enough mofos in there, some of them are going to leave and the ones that leave, they were never coming back again anyway."
"Just knowing your business inside and out, being able to understand your customers' behavior, why are they doing the things that they're doing, making sure your content actually converts them to buy."
"Customers don't always behave in ways that you expect, and so this concept of a trigger allows it to be a customer-led journey."
"The customer of today, that maybe is just buying that one lippy, okay, you never know tomorrow they might have enough money to buy the whole store."
"You really need to understand the buying motivation of your customer."
"Loyal customers spend more money than new customers."
"They are the ideal credit card customer, the ones that make you the most profit."
"The customer rarely buys what the company thinks it's selling."
"Customers go harder on up-and-coming brands than they do with these bigger brands."
"Non-uniformity of data distribution can occur, especially with heavy-hitting customers."
"The book covers the four-step habit loop, and the idea here is, if you could incorporate this into your product, it makes it significantly more likely that a customer will develop a habit."
"You have far less competition from sellers at this high price point, additionally your customers are typically less price sensitive so they'll haggle less and generally have fewer issues with their purchases."
"You'd have people they'd come in, they'd literally run through the store."
"Don't think that people won't abandon their cart if you're charging too much for shipping."
"Your CAC target really, really depends on the repeat purchase behaviors of your customers."
"...I like your music but as someone who also works in retail if you're showing up during the final minutes of closing time..."
"Reviews are crucial... 10 times out of 10 the customer is going to buy the product that has more reviews because they have more credibility."
"There are certain days, certain times of the day when your customers or potential customers are just more motivated to act."
"Recency is so unsexy, yet in terms of future predictability, it's what really matters."
"Understanding why customers buy your products and why they don't by means of direct research... is fundamental to give you the market knowledge to execute on this lifecycle marketing in an effective way."
"Customers never behave as you expect. Never."
"The amazing property of Thompson sampling is that if customers keep coming, then our estimation or our posterior belief of two different prices will converge to the true mean."
"Customers on Amazon are heavily driven by the quality of the reviews that products get."
"Changes in the marketplace are often caused by changes in customer behavior and technology."
"Customers are forming new habits right now."
"Amazon's algorithm displays search results primarily based on their customers' behavior, not your keywords."
"Let's look at how the customers behave differently from each other and find behaviors that are more in line with our long-term interests and go after those customers."
"What are the products and services that already exist that my current customers are already buying?"
"91% of customers say they would give a referral if the salesperson asked, but only 11% of salespeople ask for referrals."
"This warm weather really brings out the customers."
"You need to make sure that you're appearing on the most relevant keywords that customers are actually searching for."
"The beauty of the MVP is that it tests real behavior."
"Ultimately our biggest stuff for expert is the customer and their behavior, the consumer behavior."
"Predicting customer choice is an important challenge."
"Predicting customer choice is a really important challenge that GM faces."
"They're googling their problems, their struggles they have in life."
"Days and visits to purchase are great KPIs because they help you understand true customer behavior on your website."