
Social Concern Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"You've got many more kids. You've got DCS...when a 5-year-old dies, it's a big deal. It is in my eyes."
"As a mother of four, I have been shaken by the disturbing images. The safety of children must be held with the highest regard."
"The outraged culture is indicative of the way society is moving, and I have a concern."
"More than 653,000 people are now unhoused, a 12% population increase."
"You are an amazing healer and you care about the underprivileged like most people don't."
"20 million [out of school children] is more than scandalous enough and it should give you and me sleepless nights."
"Cuba however, seems to be concerned about their people and is known to have one of the best healthcare systems in the world."
"Why you want to ought to be concerned about it."
"If all you got to offer is just justice, and you're not doing it because you really love and have a caring concern about the people catching hell, it's just a lifestyle choice."
"You won't be able to turn them back around, I hate the division in this nation."
"There's a massive amount of concern that Greg was okay with this, and was talking to this 14-year-old girl, encouraging a future relationship."
"We pray for justice for Kendall and security for the smallest Among Us."
"The trucker convoy was a legitimate expression of concern."
"We really do care about you, we care about humanity."
"Labour is not taking this matter seriously and doesn't really care if they cared they would do something about it."
"I seriously just do not like seeing people like without homes or just like no shelter no nothing... but I mean hopefully that like cheered her up a little bit."
"Some of us are just tired of watching the women we care about get hurt, which is funny because I thought y'all were supposed to be the protectors."
"Absolutely inequities or lack of access to care across the spectrum of our populations is of primary concern."
"This is about whether people in this country care about the facts and the law." - Unnamed commentator
"It's one of them things where it's like the reason needs to be talked about is in case he does it to more people and he definitely definitely will..."
"Is it rational to believe that those in power actually care about populations?"
"I believe everyone should get great healthcare... I believe everyone should have an education... so, um, I guess you could say it's what keeps me up at night."
"How do people have time to worry about what you're doing?"
"Absolutely it matters when anybody goes missing."
"Won't somebody please think of the children?"
"We'd be so worried about the people who never gonna [] with us in any way that would be forgetting about the [] who we the [__] too bro."
"Taking parents out of the equation when it comes to children's interventions and on children's bodies and their health is very dangerous."
"I hope for your sake that you get the help you so desperately need because you are sick sick sick."
"We should care more about each other than that."
"If you don't see baby formula on the shelf, you want to know why and who's responsible for it."
"You can really tell who actually cares about the people and who is actually just grifting."
"People care about this a lot, it's a massive thing."
"He was concerned about the weak being taken advantage of by the elite."
"There's an awful lot of people are going to be left behind."
"I really worry when I see so many people refusing to make sense."
"I just wanted to make a plea for peace in our streets because far too many children have been lost."
"I really hope that this doesn't keep happening that's what I'm very concerned about."
"Why don't you care more about the world? Why don't you want to learn?"
"I saw so many concerning things, it was straight up a cult."
"Zuma literally animal abuse. That's a crime by the way."
"Where is the empathy? Where is the humanity?"
"That's a huge problem, and it's going to result in mass evictions."
"I mean, they don't care about these people's lives and I'm so fed up with the disingenuous but what about these kids, what about these people?"
"Not the [ __ ]: I could have gotten in trouble if the police had shown up."
"Challenge their position on issues and say no that's wrong that's bad for our kids that's bad for America that's bad for our country."
"Am I deeply concerned about those on the left who seem to leave their affection for the underdog at the doorstep of the Jewish people? Yes."
"I hope they are all safe and I hope you remain safe during those times as well."
"That's why today when i hear that children are hungry like i get so devastated that our country can't solve childhood hunger they can't do anything about it."
"My heart goes out to that boy and I hope he's able to find the support he needs."
"I feel like nobody should have to live like this."
"There's nothing wrong with taking pride in your country or being proud of being American and also caring about Americans."
"When you see the video of somebody getting [__] killed it should concern you."
"I think he does genuinely take an interest in the dispossessed."
"I'm just thinking about the children. Why won't anybody think about the children?"
"It's just a sad state of our world right now... we just gotta look out for each other."
"Why is the media fighting so hard to defend the grooming of our children?"
"I want to feel like they are worth saving when I see them in the streets."
"Tensions mount, a poignant pray 4K message on Instagram from bandmate Busy sent ripples of concern through fans who are now flooding social media with prayers and well wishes."
"How in the world can we be deployed somewhere in the world and have that constant worry of is our family able to eat?"
"And I don't care about your language use. I care about the safety of the people who are being harmed."
"Fraud took place, and that should horrify us."
"Violence needs to stop. There's too much of it."
"It's always sad to hear about cities being bombed."
"People are going to be so addicted to this they're going to get so into it that the real world will no longer appeal to them."
"We are to have a compassionate social concern."
"I wish we could do something for those kids, I mean not only the kids but the parents that are going through the trials and tribulations."
"Rough sleeping has severe consequences for a person's physical and mental health."
"So, caring about how somebody feels is pointless when they can change their feelings. But you care more about the feelings of black women in general than you care about black men."
"It's a novel deeply concerned with social issues."
"You can't focus on love and not be concerned about the human race and The Human Condition."
"Where's the humanity? That's what I want to ask you today."
"Every decent person should be concerned at the level of death that we're witnessing."
"Nobody in this house wants to see anybody having to sleep rough on the streets of this country."
"If it's our empty houses and people dying in the streets, what's more important?"
"From the dawn of civilization, the plight of the needy has haunted every culture in every generation."
"We should all stop worrying about what the neighbours will say."
"We should care about men's problems."
"We should care about people being hungry in this world and hungry eternally."
"Money is a formal token of delayed reciprocal concern for the welfare of others."
"How do we get more people to care about these problems?"
"There are measurable physical symptoms and increases of rates of certain things because of loneliness."
"We're dying. What are we doing about that?"
"It's not an issue, it's the issue."
"If we want to concern in the lives of others, it should be how to uplift them rather than how to drop them."
"Don't you care about yourself, your family, your community, and your neighbors?"
"He actually gives a damn about people who aren't doing as well as he is."
"Someone has to care; too few people care these days."
"It's easier for people to be concerned about the issue and it's easier to tell the truth."
"What we have to do is recognize that we have a concern that impacts on all of our citizens."
"I just wish there was more that could be done for the homeless and hungry in this country."
"Wait, why would anyone want to buy out a building for an orphanage? Where would the children go?" Kendrick asked, confused.
"I cannot but voice my concern at the increasing marginalization of religion, particularly of Christianity, that is taking place in some quarters."
"You should care because most people in prison have release dates; most people in prison are coming home, and you really don't want us coming home the way we currently are."
"Everyone's just so lost in things that they don't see another person as a human anymore."
"I'm not worried about the gang members; I'm worried about the innocent people."
"They say to us that we must be concerned not merely about who murdered them, but about the system, the way of life, the philosophy which produced the murderers."
"We live in America, we are Americans, these are our countrymen, and they're struggling."
"How can you sleep knowing that there's someone outside who could be hungry, cold, whatever?"
"Every time I see a homeless person or someone that really needs help, my heart really goes out to those people."
"I'm worried about the 99%. We got to make sure these young black kids get their education."