
Player Perspective Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Erland Harland, who probably won't enjoy coming off. As a striker, you want to score."
"The souls games all care about views, maybe because they like making the player feel small or part of something greater."
"For many people, Breath of the Wild was their first Zelda game and continues to be the only Zelda game they've played."
"I remember when the camera started following MJ and I realized we'd get to play as her again."
"It's no doubt that Kid Icarus is really hard and I understand why some people don't like it but it's a freaking classic."
"As long as the game is good, who gives a [expletive] who you're playing as?"
"Halo 5 made people retroactively appreciate Halo 4."
"Most gamers would probably not care what the ethnicity or the skin colour is of the character that they're playing in a video game and it shouldn't matter."
"This game has been getting good to mixed reviews... I'm in the camp of really loving this game despite it definitely being rough."
"There's not an ego there. It's just more like, this is how this feels, you know, as a player."
"In Mario Kart Wii, when you get Bloopered, you can hold your rearview and you can see the Blooper in your rearview, right? You might think, 'Okay, what's so special about that?' You know, you just see the back of the Blooper."
"If you are going into Diablo Immortal expecting Diablo 4, that is a you problem."
"I'm gonna enjoy the game for what it is and not what I wish it was."
"Unlike the Heart of Thorns... everything all at once."
"You still feel low to the ground and all that stuff but you get that little spring in your step."
"There's nothing better than having the ball in your hands every play."
"There's so many instances where I as a player was left wondering if I'm even supposed to take the plot seriously at all."
"Graphics aren't really that important in an FPS game in my opinion; gameplay mechanics are definitely more important."
"Honestly it was ironically a breath of fresh air for me."
"The last of us 2 offered me the surety that we were actually much, much better than Naughty Dog thinks we are."
"It's so funny like you look back and tell people that Blue-Eyes was like the best deck for like a few weeks and like people just laugh right."
"Marcus Rashford will not be sitting there right now... playing in a league where it's just completely meaningless."
"Look at it in first-person mode, it's just insane, that's all I have to say, it's frickin' insane!"
"Football being beautiful is probably far more important to fans than it is to players."
"Could be a GM, but I felt that the understanding in this game was decent."
"For mango, melee isn't a game about matchups, it's a game about mix-ups."
"The truth is that if your job is playing the game you will never understand an average player because they don't play the game as a job, and that's okay."
"The end wasn't all it's cracked up to be the scourge well I wasn't scared of them before I am a little bit now."
"I don't want players to forget that, because a lot of the time when you're just focused and you're sitting on your couch, you're playing MCOC, you only see the bugs, you only see the flaws, and there's a person behind that."
"The way they played the record all honestly was just super confusing to me."
"Footballers are fans that are lucky enough to make it."
"White is marginally better." - Hikaru Nakamura
"Would you ever play for Manchester United? Of course everyone would play for Manchester United."
"Players only remember the best games." - Jim Ryan
"These foreign players that come to Manchester United, they fully understand the enormity of Manchester United."
"His general thoughts on hero stuff. So very insightful player right now."
"The PTS is invaluable to us; the main thing that we take from it is to get a player's perspective."
"Maglor barely even registers as a blip on the difficulty radar for him."
"Ace always falls way behind because of this strat but I guess in his mind he's also ahead in some ways."
"I still find it hilarious that people just can't wrap their head around the fact that Genshin from a casual player perspective is a joyful experience."
"Guys, I know this is not exactly a nerf, this is definitely a buff."
"Ladies and gentlemen, those are our thoughts on Firewatch."
"This game is about to be 12 years old, but I still think it looks pretty good."
"What is it that you as a player want and value in that dichotomy?"
"And as a player, you think boy nine points is great, it's nice to have them, but sure would be nice to have a couple of touchdowns."
"If life were a video game, think of you playing a video game. There's you as the player, and then there's your character that you play in the game."
"Manchester United doing very well in the Premier League at the moment, if they can sustain that, maybe that will give Paul Pogba the view that United are on an upward trajectory."
"It's the biggest match of the year, it's unrehearsed drama from a player's point of view."
"Players don't care about the imaginary game you have in your head; indeed, players understand our games better than we do."
"The minimax value... tells you how good or how bad that state is from the perspective of the player max."
"It's going to be a fun way to look at what Jeremiah has kind of the players and his thought on these guys."
"The idea is that you're the player in the center of the screen."
"Tyler's moving around in the game more than we see."
"I get to create these fun features as a designer but experience them as a player."