
Answers Quotes

There are 993 quotes

"This universal mind knows the answer to all of my problems, and even now the answers are speeding their way to me. I needn't struggle for them; I needn't worry or strive for them. When the time comes, the answers will be there."
"You are so close to finding the answers you are seeking."
"You already know the answer to the questions you're asking yourself."
"Shining a light on a path forward and finding answers."
"The only way you can win is by finding the right answers, the way you can find the answers is if you ask the right questions."
"There are times though, when the answers suddenly appear, years later, out of the clear blue sky."
"July is being the month where you rediscover parts of yourself and discover the answers as well."
"I just hope that a lot of these individuals and her family fighting so hard in her case to figure out what exactly happened to her I hope that they get the answers that they deserve."
"She intends to find the director for answers."
"Learning and looking for answers give life meaning."
"I hope Gabby's family never stops attempting to get answers until every piece of this horrific tragedy has been answered."
"All the money. If you follow the money you will get your answers."
"The world is experiencing an unprecedented crisis, and we all want answers."
"I want you to ask me anything, bro. You know, because the world deserves answers, right?"
"Keep asking questions till you force an answer."
"I'm hopeful that we will get some answers soon."
"Let's all hope that more will come out and we will have some answers when it comes to these two women who were loved by their family, friends, and communities."
"If they had the technology that we have today we would have so many more answers."
"What made it all worth it were people looking for answers."
"There are no great answers here, there just aren't."
"Science usually has an answer to a lot of things."
"Tomorrow afternoon, we'll have a lot more answers."
"More listens will actually give me those answers."
"There are no easy or hard and fast answers here."
"We're getting answers to questions we've had for seven years of our lives."
"The correct answer, the only correct answer, is it depends."
"Hope we have well answered your deepest and darkest queries."
"Surrender to the Divine. The answers you need are coming."
"Science gives clear answers to complicated questions."
"As soon as your consciousness is there... the answer comes from the divine right away."
"You can ask me your questions later today and I will give you answers that are guaranteed correct. What else can you ask for? They're guaranteed correct for lousy 10 bucks."
"Sometimes there isn’t some complex answer to it all, or some deeper meaning. Sometimes the simplest answer is right there, staring you in the face."
"Next week, we're going to get a lot of answers hopefully."
"And it's that bell jar that I think holds the answers."
"It was good for the community because they wanted answers."
"You're going to get the solution, you're going to get the answer."
"You start attracting answers when you start asking questions."
"Maybe you weren't put here just to ask the questions. Maybe you were put here to be the answer."
"The answers you need are coming, and you're setting yourself up to be able to receive those answers."
"Your dream might be the answer to a question you've been seeking."
"We came back here to try and get some answers."
"At least for now, we're one more confirmed step closer to getting the answers we've been looking for for so long."
"Finally, those questions are starting to be answered tangibly."
"You are the answer that we have been praying for."
"I really feel called to remind y'all that if you have been looking for an answer to something, a solution to something, it could be one question away from being answered."
"We're giving you the answers to questions you didn't know you need to ask."
"Well, we're honored to be here for you to help serve and you know and one way or another you're gonna have answers tomorrow we hope that."
"You answered a lot of questions right there."
"It confirms what came before, but it's also an answer to all your questions."
"The Bible is not relevant? It still gives me the answers."
"The world is asking questions and Jesus has the answer."
"All the answers that we seek are nothing else but in the present moment."
"When it comes to families, I think it's about giving them answers."
"Always trust in the purity of your heart. Look inside your heart, and within it, you will find the answer to your question."
"Love and wisdom are always the answer."
"Difficult questions cannot have easy answers."
"Be open to how you receive answers, they may come in many different shapes and forms."
"Some years of your life are just questions and then some years are answer years where you receive answers to a lot of those questions."
"Canadians demand answers and that's exactly what we're delivering."
"The beauty in nature can be the answer to what you seek."
"When her child needs answers, he’ll be there for her."
"Listen to your heart, you're the only one who has the answer you're searching for."
"Sometimes we have to be happy with this: that the real answers lie in the quest and not in the solution."
"We're not saying that we have all the answers, but we do know the one who has all the answers."
"It's amazing that they can finally get some answers."
"There are no bad questions, only bad answers."
"I've always wanted answers to well, everything."
"Neutrinos may hold all the answers."
"All can be explained. All can be answered here."
"The answers come to you when you're ready."
"Every reveal leads to another question and every answer to that question gets crazier."
"Answers to that question may lie at the crash site."
"This is your year of finding more answers, of how to create the life that you really want."
"Only Brandon's life held the answer."
"Finding answers where there were once only questions."
"I think there's so many answers in diet and nutrition."
"If you want to move forward and you want answers as well as the video recorded readings those are also the same it just depends on if you like the live experience or whether you don't mind having a reading video recorded and sent to you."
"But my main resistance to the question is the idea that a lack of answers in practice means that there are no answers in principle."
"Your manifestations are coming in. Your prayers have been heard, and they will be answered."
"You're following your dream even though you don't have all the answers."
"It's in Jesus that all the answers lie."
"When a big city newspaper like the Globe or the New York Times does a feature story or a feature series, they want to be able to provide answers or at least suggest them."
"As soon as you ask, 'What is my purpose?' you're going to start to receive the answers."
"You have the spiritual answers that the whole rest of the culture is hungering for."
"We want answers and we want to bring her home."
"Your inputs are going to determine your outputs so when you ask better questions and that comes from changing your state you're going to think differently you're going to get better answers."
"Christian theism offers us not just superior answers to life's ultimate questions, but the only legitimate answers."
"Maybe if we find that prophecy, we'll get more answers."
"...maybe outer space holds the answer."
"There's a possibility someone just has the answers to at least help them figure out what happened and give the family that closure that they need."
"People are disillusioned and looking for answers."
"Answers. So magic is real, as you've probably realized."
"So there you have it this is a highle primer for getting ready for that interview you can use this as part of your interview prep but make sure that you take the time to hash out these answers."
"The High Priestess is the guardian of the subconscious. You're protected, and all the answers are inside you."
"I was happy with a lot of the answers that we were given."
"Despite my intense investigation, I suddenly had more questions than I did answers."
"Meditation is everything. When you connect with yourself, you connect with the higher self and you have all the answers."
"Maybe this time we'll get answers and we do get answers but then we end up with more questions."
"The answers you need are coming. Illumination and awakening bring you the answers."
"Life is not about always having the right answer, but rather knowing to ask the right questions."
"Questions are more important than answers."
"Be careful what you pray for because when you pray for yourself you may not see answers, but when you sacrifice yourself and pray for others, you will see answers."
"Her spirit gives me many answers to my prayers."
"We already know the answers that our soul is seeking or that we are seeking."
"We're not gonna make you wait any longer. At the end of the day, you are here to ask us questions and we have the answers, unless we don't."
"What if we changed our perspective and said, 'Wow, what the prophets have taught us is true. This book is a book of answers.'"
"The candidates themselves are the answer."
"The scriptures contain the answers to every question because the scriptures can lead us to every answer."
"Prayer is not everything, but answers everything."
"There's a whole bunch of pointless answers here that I suspect some people would have got one or other of!"
"Every answer has documented whether it's right or wrong why that answer is right or why that answer is wrong."
"This could bring more answers that they've never had."
"Legitimate questions deserve legitimate answers."
"What is more valuable? Questions or answers?"
"Good questions frame the problem and are like 50% of the answer."
"We're rewarded in our society for answers."
"We're gonna see the answers and the questions. Every question is gonna have two possible answers provided by two of us."
"...every time it answers one question, that answer then deepens the story and blossoms into several new questions."
"You don't need to have all the answers... the journey provides them."
"Keep the faith, turn to God, and he will give you answers."
"I think on the flip side Joe much like Engel intended to do wants to beat some answers out of Anderson tonight."
"The answers are within, in the silence."
"You don't need answers right now, you need to look within."
"Hopefully I've answered your questions."
"I thought they would maybe show you the answers to the questions."
"You can get the answers to almost any question just by asking our voice assistant."
"When you ask sincere questions, you get real answers."
"The documentary gave us answers to questions we've had for a long time."
"Miracles are happening right now; you are receiving answers to your prayer."
"Humanity has always asked these questions and found answers, found its own answers."
"Are you looking for answers? Then stop where you are. The problem was solved before your prayer was said."
"Hopefully all questions will be answered, I think they shall."
"There's an answer to everything, you just gotta be patient until you find it. Right, right. Very much so."
"...where you can use various UI options on the software to get answers of your questions."
"your questions will be answered and you will have some certainty as far as your nutrition goes."
"If you have any questions, leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer it."
"When we find love as the answer to every question, the deeper questions, that love really is the answer."
"I personally just hope everything is just neatly tied off and we're like, 'Yes, here's all of the answers.'"
"Better answers, more current real-time information."
"In closing, I want to thank all the viewers who've posted questions about that zero clearance insert over the years, there's your answer."
"Every question contains the seed of its answer."
"Q lets you get quick, accurate, relevant answers to your most pressing business questions all delivered securely and privately."
"Dr. Christie Funk is here with us today... she is the woman with the answers if there ever was anybody on this planet who has the answers."
"Just because you don't have the answers, that doesn't mean there aren't any answers."
"Your own spirit and the spirits of those around you will be able to provide the answers you seek."
"Ultimately, if you start asking those questions and listen, the answers are there."
"I know you will have questions, probably lots of questions. That's good. Put a 'Q' at the beginning of the question and we can gather them all together and answer them at a relevant point."
"Tarot never ceases to amaze me, blows my mind. That's why I love it, it's a perfect medium for getting answers right, it's absolutely fantastic."
"As a follower of Jesus, you have a tool chest of equipment that will help you get answers to prayer on everything."
"It's not the closure we wanted for Lindsay, it's not the justice we wanted for Lindsay, but we got answers."
"It's important to ask because this way you get the right answers"
"All questions are soft if you know the answer."
"What if God isn't giving you the answers you want because he created you to be the answer others need?"
"Stop searching for answers, they'll come to you when you're ready to hear them."
"If you want answers, you have to seek them, and Joseph sought answers for his whole life."
"I truly believe with all my heart that, be it divorce or anything in your life, you don't need condemnation, you need answers."
"All your questions that are eternal will be answered."
"You have the most interesting perspective and answers about things."
"Hopefully with this video, I'm going to answer all of those questions."
"There are more answers about life than there are questions."
"It is important for us to grapple with these questions in these issues because the world today is starving for answers."
"All answers are worth ten points."
"It's magic when you have a question, and then you can go get an answer for that."
"I've been a detective all my life and a detective looks for answers and in this place I found the answer to how we win the only way forward."
"The Bible can answer our questions, providing satisfying answers to troubling issues."
"It's too early to expect to have the answers. We hardly began the debate."
"If you question why and you seek, you will have answers coming too."
"Let's investigate. I've actually already done the investigation. I actually know all the answers, well, all the answers I can though."
"Welcome to Pointless, the show where all the questions have been asked to 100 people before the show. All our contestants have to do is come up with the answers none of our 100 people could think of."
"Tornado" was the number one answer with 50 points.
"So who do you turn to for smart answers about stuff? Artificial intelligence, brah."
"Occasionally there are even some answers that none of our 100 people could name."
"There is always a solution and answer if we want to ask a good question."
"The lighthouse has all the answers."
"...we get to find out in this issue, 159, the answers at last."
"Every answer received, every victory, every blessing laid hold of."
"You will get all the answers that you need."
"Answers are here and we find our confidence to keep pushing forward."
"We're left with more questions than we're left with answers."
"Y'all are here for answers, like you just need some guidance and some support."
"In a world where answers are not so easily come by, you can get all of them if you read the word of God."
"Teach them how to learn, teach them how to look for answers."
"We will get answers for these families."
"I hope you wrote down your answers 'cause we're going to check them at the end of this video."
"Jesus is essentially the answer to all the questions."
"Every single thing that you want to find an answer to is in Islam."
"All the answers you ever need lie within you."
"As Christians, we do have the answers to the questions posed by reality, but we have not thought up these answers. We know them from revelation."
"According to Cunningham's law, the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer."
"If there are answers anywhere, they'll be there."
"The Quran has the answer to every question, it has the path you need for every possible result."
"You may remember this, we featured this on one of our videos and we got two answers."
"The authors of the Bible did not have easy answers. They would have objected to easy answers. You too should not accept easy answers."
"The marble Community had at long last received some of the answers it sought for decades."
"This Krishna conscious philosophy is not Blind Faith; there are answers to everything."
"The answer to 17 is B. The answer to 18 is A. The day that bonds start to accrue interest in the next time frame is from the dated date."
"...asks the big questions, doesn't promise clear answers, but invites us to ask those questions and try to answer them with him."
"Silence isn't empty. It is full of answers." - Genghis Khan
"Some supernatural things need supernatural answers, and it's good to theorize and think outside the box."
"A true question always opens a door, while an answer always closes the door."