
Initiation Quotes

There are 1465 quotes

"They want this new beginning with you. They're using the law of attraction here."
"You don't need to feel confident or courageous in order to get started. You just have to start."
"Systemic change begins with personal change."
"Well, asking someone to be your friend is sight. If you want someone to be your friend, you gotta know that's the person you want to be your friend."
"The initiation, the thing that showed me who I am."
"You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going."
"What's the initial trigger or parameter that you want to start this automation?"
"Listen to him, guys. 60% of all approaches are initiated by women."
"It's almost good to not know how hard it is. If I knew how tough it was...I might be intimidated by it or might think it's impossible to begin with."
"Every solution starts with a question. So ask the question, get us started."
"The first step is always the hardest... always do the first five minutes."
"The Pyramid of Egypt has been and still is a temple of initiation into the Mysteries."
"Your life is your initiation, if you're paying attention."
"Once you get the Shahada, remember this is where the DAO starts."
"You can't start a fire without a spark, and this gun's for hire."
"Make sure you take notes, here we go. Please enter."
"Some of my best relationships have started from a thirst trap."
"Welcome to the club, there was a first time for everything."
"Events like this start and they come to a conclusion, but we never start the process of real reform."
"Just start because if you don't start, nothing else is ever going to happen. It all has to start somewhere, so if you think you want to try something, just go for it."
"If you don't set the tone in the beginning, you played yourself."
"Scroll and Key... tapping its 15 selected seniors for initiation in a similar manner to Skull and Bones."
"It's going to be violent when it first starts. It's going to be explosive."
"If there ever was a time to jump into this game for the first time, now would be the time."
"Starting is way more important than being ready in my personal opinion."
"If there's something you want to foster and create, start now."
"We are both the initiate and the initiator, creating the initiative and the initiation."
"The desire to pray is itself an invitation to prayer."
"It's just that the initiation process everything else is wide open."
"Excited to get that going on here in a few minutes."
"Change is top down, but you have to start somewhere."
"Starting is the key, because if you don't start then you're never going to ever."
"Speaking in tongues is like starting a car... you have to initiate it."
"Your dreams and desires are calling you to action, the journey begins today."
"The purpose of hazing was not to humiliate but to build a bond of friendship."
"You have the resources necessary to start something you want to start."
"The key to this whole process is to simply start."
"So let's go ahead and get the discussion popping."
"Facing yourself is part of the process. It's like an initiation, literally going through hell and the underworld."
"I got into Star Wars through Lego Star Wars. I know it's kind of lame, but that [__] got me into Star Wars."
"In the early church, you didn't know what the Eucharist was until after you're baptized."
"There is no perfect time to start. You gotta start now."
"Let's get started today is a very important day at our camp."
"The initial decision to turn that wheel is the hardest."
"We've got to start and we have to do it with speed, with intensity."
"All of the adversity in our life is to initiate us into greatness."
"Start, period. I know sometimes the first step is the hardest one."
"Taking the first step is all that's necessary today. You're going to plant a lot of seeds."
"It takes courage... it also takes a moment for us to take a risk to reach out first."
"Until you take that first step, nothing will ever happen."
"We can't do anything if we don't take one step."
"That's right! We're now an initiate of the Brotherhood of Steel!"
"Start monetizing your strategy from the start."
"The only thing you need to know is that you have to take the first step."
"It's definitely possible; you just have to take the first step and start."
"We need to inject maximum energy at the front end."
"Enough of that, let's go ahead and get started with this tutorial."
"This process didn't just begin out of nowhere."
"What was heaven trying to start? Heaven was trying to start you."
"Now is the time to set that in motion and really this is an important time for anything that you feel like you need to change in your life."
"I believe a conversation needs to get started."
"Let's begin, playlist is pinned in the comments."
"Welcome aboard our journey to the ISS begins at Cape Canaveral Air Force station's processing facility."
"You just need to start. That's the secret. Just start."
"Olivia six are invited, five will be initiated, and one will be eliminated."
"Just start doing what it is that you want to do."
"Let this video be the final one you watch before starting."
"You're being initiated into some new ways of seeing things, doing things, ways of living."
"I started working on this webcomic idea I had a little ditty known as Welcome to Hell."
"Start a program that's sustainable from day one."
"Just start with what you have now. You know, it's always this, 'Oh, I got a plan, I gotta quit my job first,' or 'I gotta get to a certain amount of savings,' or 'I gotta have the perfect business plan,' or 'the perfect partner.' Just start."
"It forced me to do my first set... in front of an audience that was there to be supportive."
"Your time to initiate whatever it is that you want to initiate."
"Consent matters, do I have your permission to say a prayer? Okay, let's get started."
"For the first time, humans can have a first stage of initiation through study of spiritual science like anthroposophy."
"You have been initiated because of the suffering you went through."
"I think the hard thing to do is to start the conversation but once the conversation is started it's very easy to have it you know it's starting it it's opening that door"
"Let's live it up, let's light the first spliff, okay let's get this done, here's the extra dociousness equanimity."
"Achieving your goals starts with a decision."
"Zack opts to start his story with Batman tracking down Aquaman."
"Starting somewhere is better than not starting at all."
"Initiate something with passion and stability."
"Nothing starts until one looks in the mirror and believes."
"Every ladder of success, there's a level of hazing attached to it."
"The first step of doing something big is always the hardest part."
"There's a victory coming in for you, but something has to get started. Things are never going to be perfect."
"The tournament of the seven heavenly cities is starting."
"Start now. If you don't know what you're doing, it doesn't matter. Start now."
"Now is the time to start...start on that habit, start on that project."
"It's gonna be a long long haul but it has to start with the trash right? Like it has to."
"Initiation means a death and a rebirth...you were initiated, you were reborn."
"Let freedom begin now, let peace begin now, let strategy and creativity begin now."
"The number one thing is first, you have to make a decision to start."
"Time was flying fast since today was the initiation ceremony for the newcomers."
"Brock is the person that does the beat down for the jump in when you join the gang."
"I think you could be creating something here."
"If you just do the first thing, it could be so tiny, the universe gets out of your way."
"Just start, everything has a funny way of working out."
"Cardinal signs initiate into something new, marking the start of a season."
"If I had to choose one to win, I'ma choose number three, yo let's go free, hey, we better get started, yeah, we need to get started, yeah, we gotta turn together."
"He turns the uninitiated into the initiated."
"Honestly, just start. That's the most important thing. Start. And that's a very simple answer but it is though."
"Just get started! The most important thing is to take that first step."
"All I needed was to push myself off to take flight."
"A lot of people are afraid of the blinking cursor and you've got nothing so you just kind of... have to start."
"It's amazing you put them in there and have them do their thing and let you set a great starting point to really get going into to fine-tune what's happening."
"The more they do, the more someone likes you."
"Go with the flow...you won't know unless you get started."
"You are initiating, taking the first step to bring the change you desire into your life."
"We have come to that completion of that circuit around the pole star to now be at this time of initiation, this time of completion, and moving into a new way of being."
"Just start, most of the time that's the hardest part."
"The genius of it is when you start counting, you've already made the first decision."
"The hardest thing to do when making any large decision is to just start."
"The sisters took her to a graveyard and she was told that in order to join, she was forced to spend the night in a coffin."
"Everything is conceived and starts from the mind."
"The first state is the initial state; this is the point at which the procedure begins."
"Initiation is a new beginning, it's a new beginning."
"Every man on this planet is taking his initiation in love."
"Acknowledge the power of initiation, even at Square One."
"First one to scream gets the pit."
"It's time to get this party started."
"The hardest part of getting things done is getting started."
"The biggest issue with discipline and really getting things done is getting started."
"The hardest part is just making that first step."
"It's my honor to have you along for the ride; let's get started."
"At the age of 16, every young aspiring hunter from the village of Lavacoto is given the opportunity to seek out their first Pokemon partner."
"You've completed some kind of initiation, you've passed some kind of test."
"Build up the courage and go talk to them yourself."
"This could be the initiation, institutional backing even, someone likes your creativity or your independence, your ideas, your energy."
"The first initiation is a pivotal moment, transitioning you from focusing on the outer, visible world to exploring the inner, invisible realms."
"You cannot finish something unless you start it first."
"Once they see that you're very sweet and warm and nice, that's when they're gonna make the first move."
"This is the beginning of the beginning."
"You think you're here to stop something, but you're here to begin something."
"Baptism is only a beginning, but it is necessary for salvation."
"Let's get this party started, shall we?"
"Let's get started on that, shall we?"
"The only way to begin is just get it over with."
"The key thing is to take the first step."
"Initiate. The world engine shall not slave to the world end."
"I think Pazuzu wanted killing to be like some initiation."
"I feel very strongly that for you group two you probably got fed up of being the person who is initiating."
"I'm scared of that but the eagle has landed so let's get started."
"When you enter the world of the occult for the first time, it's kind of daunting."
"You will be initiated by the universe into wealth, health, and freedom."
"No I mean they were official ghostbusters with like a commercial and an outfit and a song pretty quick into the movie yeah."
"As soon as you hit that purchase button to buy your CNC machine, the next thing you should do is download the software and start getting familiar with it."
"They were beginning to make a difference."
"They are thinking a lot about initiating contact or making a move."
"The reason why I have such an outstanding partner is because I learned early how to endure rejection and how to initiate... even be aggressive with strange people."
"Maybe if they're a person who lacks confidence in themsel and they're feeling a little insecure maybe you're the person that needs to break the ice."
"This person wants to start with you."
"...let's get started in today's video."
"...the teacher initiates the child into the learning of Torah."
"It does so highlight and and you you feel this in the king's chamber that it is a place of initiation it is a place of Awakening and it's really reminding us of who we are and how we're a part of the Oneness of all that is this is beautiful."
"Perfectionism can be helpful, but it can also really hurt you because you may not be able to get started."
"You are going through spiritual initiation. This is happening because you are ready for it even if it doesn't always feel that way."
"It's almost like a hazing; it's called the knowledge."
"Anyone can experience that. Sometimes you just need that first step, right? Like you just need to know how to start."
"I started a ill-fated and stupidly named Twitch channel."
"Every great prompt is going to start off with a goal."
"This person is definitely wanting to initiate a conversation and plan to meet up with you."
"...it's always the hardest part for me is to start filming a video."
"You don't need a whole lot of power to get started."
"You have to do the initial and then you."
"Just getting in the game...is the key."
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, here we go."
"It's going to start as a friendship or it could start as this person doing a favor for you."
"Let's just jump right into your story."
"He decides to create his own club which he names the Occult Club."
"Sacrifice is here and it's time to kick off."
"The hardest part is just getting started."
"Being the first one to say something is always scary."
"Getting started is so difficult and so time consuming because you have to find all the right people."
"Let's jump into it with character Numero Uno."
"Are we ready to get started? Fantastic, let's get going!"
"Let's get this party popping, yo."
"Just do it. Just hit record. Your first video is not going to be perfect."
"Alright, let's jump right into it."
"Upon entering our cult, Kalama feels sick, a reflection of his power to spread illness."
"It begins the process of you being able to attract a customer and build a business."
"We're gonna start from the beginning."
"The only thing that you need to do to start overlanding is actually just to start, as simple as it sounds."
"Thank you. I will now start the engine."
"Let's go ahead and see if she starts."
"The first thing I do is get the Instagram account."
"Initiation process: surrender, let go, embrace change."
"So let's just get started with the very first step that kind of inspired this whole video."
"Hey, you want to go out with me? And that's how our relationship began."
"The power of reflection is showing you all sorts of things about where you can not only initiate but you know true to the energy of the emperor take control."
"Definitely get on it if you are a new creator and do not miss the opportunity, start now while you can."
"It's about time we get started on our first art hack."
"All you need to do is get your foot in the door."
"Building Community is not always easy. Communities can take a lot of work, particularly to get off the ground."
"It's what freshman got to do right? Don't get all the good jobs."
"When a man is a made member, he goes to his captain which is his supervisor right above him, he goes to him and he puts it on record with him."
"Do something. Do anything. But get started."
"We just got to go in and start on red."
"So let's get started with today's tutorial."
"The word has been given and the machines begin to fire."