
Media Representation Quotes

There are 496 quotes

"I don't think there is a single group of people in the history of this country who have been more overly represented in media and the entertainment industry while simultaneously having no accurate representation than black people."
"My passion point is intersectionality, inclusivity, and representation for women and girls in particular in media."
"I want to see more Black DJs have jobs at Power 106, 92.3, so they can have their own morning shows, they could curate conversations from an African-American perspective."
"Film and television were now being used to show the world that we were people, complex and diverse."
"I think the real issue is the obvious absence of non-binary humans in pretty much any media."
"So whether it's a high school drama teacher or a leader of the civil rights movement, straightwashing depictions of real people and real events isn't just frustrating, it's also potentially harmful when it's so widespread."
"All representation is not good representation."
"There are better ways to show queer characters than using stereotypes as your main crutch."
"It is important to work towards a more balanced and nuanced portrayal of Africa in the media, one that reflects its rich cultural and intellectual heritage as well as its significant contributions to the world."
"I felt like that article... was really good. I felt very well represented."
"Every time you see veteran stories told in the media, it's always a story of sadness and despair...but they ended up being stories of triumph."
"Our media tells pretty much only negative stories about disability."
"It's good to see they made an attempt to put nothing but positive black images on the screen."
"The media has made this fringe lunatic faction the left. Congratulations America, your left wing is now a bunch of psychopaths."
"Indigenous culture... is just a smidgen of what you see in the media, a pittance compared to the big, beautiful blackness which we love."
"Positive black representation in media... tells kids like, hey, this isn't just a white man's game, this isn't just a man's game. You can be whoever you want to be."
"I realized my entire perception of the disorder was based on how it was portrayed in media."
"Change is infuriatingly slow, but my hope is that better representation in the media, the prestige of an award, or even a fact that you may have learned in the past couple of minutes, may help guard against the old patterns and stereotypes reemerging."
"Beverly LaSalle wasn’t the first female impersonator on television. But after years of TV treating drag performers as deranged psychopaths and literal punchlines, she was probably the first to be afforded dignity, love, and respect."
"I would really like to see more plus-sized characters not designed like this and not made to look so goofy, you know."
"If you're only role models in media are gangsters, then we should be saying that's a bad thing."
"Autism is much more complex than films and TV make it seem."
"Young men especially feel ignored, they don't feel identified with most media platforms."
"Tired of how black people are portrayed in media, tired of us being portrayed as thugs, dangerous, or angry scary people."
"It's deeply upsetting for people who genuinely struggle with these kind of concerns and issues because it's how sometimes the media portray people as if people with mental illness are dangerous and might murder you, which is wholly untrue."
"I think as Muslims, we may not have the media representation, that's why people are able to come up with this rhetoric."
"In 2003, Disney Channel featured Brenda Song as the star of Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior, in this progressive step for Asian American media representation."
"We should really do a show where they highlight the issues of dark-skinned women."
"The discourse around Eilish shows how little room women are allowed to explore their identity."
"Non-white people have a place in period dramas."
"I just think if that had been a man and a woman doing that in that scene, there would have been no question that that was going to be the start of a buildup of romantic relationship between them."
"I think there's a really valid discussion to be had about representation in movies and all that stuff."
"China's official newspaper abroad, the China Daily."
"We always, it's a collective thing. When I'm in the media, I don't represent me."
"If movies were allowed to show queer characters that weren’t evil villains, it might make the audience think that being queer was actually totally fine and harmless."
"You want your strong female characters to be role models, not just to young girls in your audience, but to anyone who reads your book, watches your film, plays your video game."
"How accurate is the court scene in legally blonde?"
"A family, but not a cartoon one obviously, something real."
"When you don't see yourself being reflected back at you on screen, you're implicitly told that you don't matter."
"Cop shows come in all shapes and sizes but in the aggregate, they are getting across a vision of what the police should be."
"It's a good result for a character that's essentially unknown."
"Wizard of Oz: defining the image of witches for generations."
"If they can have 'Growing Up Gotti' and if they can have the cartel kids and all of that, why can't we have something in the urban life?"
"American Vandal therefore serves as a reminder that we are indeed working with limited information."
"The quirky black character became a touchstone in respectability politics."
"The MCU is slowly starting to incorporate Nexus beings as it begins its multiversal war, which means it should probably bring in the Nexus of All Realities, right?"
"I'm so glad that Debra Katz has used the word 'bullied' to describe exactly what Chuck Grassley and all the Republicans in the Senate are trying to do."
"Atlantis has made its name in media as one of the most mystical and mysterious points for debate."
"Representation really does matter because what you see on screen if you have not seen it very much in your real life is what you're going to think is just reality or the norm."
"His projects near universally include women in important roles and often make explicitly feminist and leftist points attacking patriarchy, capitalism, heteronormativity, and more."
"You think there's some suggestive tongue-in-cheek videos of somebody licking their fangs is equivalent to the sexual abuse of miners? How dare you!"
"We cannot wait till we see a black person on the news who has been slain."
"Charlotte Alter playing defense as a journalist for AOC again... everyone that we spoke to who's worked with her has said that she's kind... she shows up... she does her homework."
"I kind of want to go see it for myself. This is hard to see on these little video clips."
"It sucks to be a woman that's desired in real life and then you go on to a show and you're not desired."
"JK Rowling herself has fully endorsed a black actress to be Hermione in the play."
"The bottom line is, this has been coming to a head for a long time, and we now have an Administration so subversive and incompetent that this is the time to have this fight."
"I'm a totally different person, you know, than what's been shown in the media."
"Russia is not that idiot in every film who screams while firing their gun on full automatic until it clicks on an empty chamber and then everyone guns them down."
"Representation matters, especially in media."
"It doesn't make a difference how black women, black men come through these devices into the minds of young people and old people alike."
"A man who cultivated an image to make him look like one of the hardest and toughest men to ever walk this earth but instead he just became a living meme."
"Resident Evil has always done well in empowering its female heroes. Even the villains are strong."
"Horror is known for without painting queerness as villainous by default."
"Why is it that instead of making a brand new character, they're replacing old characters with black people?"
"Black families on TV in a positive way... love it."
"It's kind of amazing that they exist at all they may be silly sometimes straight up bad but they dare to prioritize black joy in a media landscape that was and continues to be obsessed with black pain."
"Before Yang, it wasn't really talked about that much in mainstream media."
"I suspect that the audience that was attracted to a Donahue interview with Doug Casey probably wasn't representative of the United States."
"The Spin Doctors are already representing him as the caring compassionate Prince that he was thought of before Diana came on the scene."
"We don't want it to be glamorous, but at the same time, we don't want to turn World War II into something that looks like a glorified camping trip."
"I think in fact if there's anything any message that we're getting in the media it's don't be afraid of aliens."
"Why isn't Peter T allowed to be gay anymore?"
"Stereotypical people do exist but if such a minority of any group receives exclusive media exposure, that is bigotry, hmm."
"It's not right for us to be the number one consumer of these shows and not have our people get opportunity with advertising dollars."
"Black people as very creative so the shows will become popular and instantaneously it wouldn't take years to build up or no just right away."
"Faye's actual introduction in Netflix Bebop is against the eco-terrorists."
"They're trying to make these characters a lot more virtuous than they actually are."
"CNN is MSNBC masquerading as the most trusted name in news."
"We have to change the narrative. We have to show powerful black men."
"What's presented as aspirational still feels pretty homogeneous."
"Sarah Connor was not a beauty icon. She was strong. She was troubled. She was a terrible mother and she earned the respect of the audience through pure grit."
"The inclusion of queerness in Sailor Moon opened the door for positive depictions in mainstream anime."
"Explicit queer representation is so important."
"Young people of color, especially women, need to see themselves represented on screen as the heroes and beloveds of our culture's dominant love stories."
"From as early as the 1960s up to the present day, the fleeting black love interest has been a conspicuously persistent on-screen motif."
"Representation isn't true representation unless it can be seen in the piece of media itself, understood by its target audience, and that you don't need anything outside of it to appreciate it."
"The reality was they had been separated for a long time. I was portrayed as the villain because Kate asked for the divorce."
"Arkham Knight illustrates several shades of Batman that have never really been explored in this medium."
"Batman always prepares for everything, I believe that's the most true-to-the-comics representation of Batman that exists in media today."
"Growing up, opening magazines and not seeing women who looked like me, it makes you feel like, 'Do I have a space in this world? Do I really matter?'"
"We need to replicate that success and that model for Indian content creators as well. Only then does India's side of the story stand a chance to break past the walls of bias created by extremely biased and disingenuous Western media."
"Because usually, it’s the default. You know, Luke Cage is fundamentally a black American narrative and cannot be transmuted."
"Representation matters, and when you exclude those people from a storyline you made about them, that's wrong."
"They even explicitly named the ship 'Sterek.' So it would have been nice if they were at least confirmed as anything."
"Enough with the bait. Out with bait and in with gay."
"Realistic showcasing of soldiers in a trench state of warfare or any kind of warfare to be honest."
"The movie made zero attempt at saying, 'Hey, this is a black movie.'"
"When you talk about Brown you're not seeing enough attention paid to Latino creators, you know Asian creators you ain't never seen no Native American people, you know what do they see on TV nothing."
"Representation matters to see and to hear ourselves on screen humanizes us to ourselves and it humanizes us to others."
"This is real tea that affects people like me and other black content creators."
"Seeing grandeur and royalty attached to black bodies that you do not get to see in the media."
"Drowning doesn't usually look like drowning on TV."
"There might not be any video that better encapsulates what the Democrat Party is—a drag queen dancing for a two-year-old."
"They gain the ability to deviate from what is expected of them and have an autonomous view of themselves."
"A good piece of media will be accessible to all people it's important for different identities to see themselves represented in a positive light."
"Contrast this with the old Amos and Andy TV show where blacks were shown to be doctors, lawyers, and hard-working individuals."
"People are starved in today's media for proper beautiful depictions of men and women."
"Media has the ability to show you what it's like to be a member of an oppressed group in society."
"Women have always been in Star Wars and some of the most famous characters of all time are in Star Wars."
"I'm happy dude was able to tell his side of the story."
"The entire thing is built around true love and its power... Despite the silliness and despite the camp, I think they do a great job." - Cucumber
"It just does a very good job of representing the movie or the video the way that it's supposed to be."
"I'm liking the way that they're introducing these new faces."
"I just personally believe that having more representation good representation of a character who no matter the body type can still resonate with people is great."
"Rick and Morty is letting everybody know exactly what it is."
"My problem with the Patriot is that it's not a true representation of American history."
"China, a country that has dominated news cycles for decades, rich in culture, famous for its food, its hardworking people, and its ancient history."
"It's really interesting how it provides a really nice glimpse into the world of Pandora."
"It just feels a little too UK centric when they are I guess intending to cast queens from literally all of the international franchises… but it could also be that they're going to be changing hosts of this international season each year."
"This is the best realization of what it's like to read a comic book we've ever seen."
"Accurate representation should reflect, so when you're looking back on these shows, you can be like, 'Oh wow, that was a real moment in time.'"
"The whole Straight Outta Compton thing... was straight-up racism."
"They never touch them, they were going after like strongmen, a Twisted Sister, come on, those guys have nothing to do with Satan."
"Their relationship, friendship or otherwise, is respectfully and lovingly documented."
"It's such a powerful title I didn't want it to be called Central Park Five because I feel like that's the name that the state and the press gave them."
"Discovery is just showing queer people as we actually exist and showing us as a normal part of the future."
"For me, Star Trek has always mattered so much. But I never got to really see myself in the show."
"Reparations is never a topic because the people that are supposed to be representing us, at least in the mainstream media, never bring it up."
"I think in 2018 we should be able to write fleshed-out, complex, three-dimensional trans characters -- whether that be in TV shows, movies, books, or another form of media."
"If a minority from Xinjiang talks to the Western media about their plight, it doesn't automatically discredit them."
"This is why the investment in Black media is so important because you need to have real people who represent black media countering these narratives with actual facts."
"All of that is us, every one of those clips is us."
"It's never going to be the grounded and gritty take on the era that I want it to be."
"Mainstream media is going to make the conversation about DMX's life simple but you know that's not how we do this on the platform for intelligent black people."
"We deserve bad-ass characters that are created with us in mind and not created to pander to us."
"Representation matters: it's not just about pandering, it's about fairness and equality."
"The racial bias that we're seeing here and the prevailance of upholding white voices over others is pretty much everywhere it's on book talk it's in the publishing industry from the agents to the editors to the authors."
"Diversity can mean more variety, richness, and authenticity in media."
"So it's very hard to display that in video format, but I think they did a not bad job."
"At least they fixed their behavior by they did they didn't shrink the black person in the movie on the posters after that so that's good."
"Black media ensures that our stories are told." - Black Star Network
"We want to be able to authentically fit them into this show."
"Haters out here acting like I ain't dedicated to my black sisters way too much brown sugar out here for the prince to be pushing up on the snow bunny."
"My goal is to produce content, to produce films where Latin people are not seen the way they are usually seen, you know, as sexy Latin women or drug dealers or violent things."
"This constant repackaging of black trauma for the sake of educating non-black people or creating an entertaining show based off racial violence for ratings is tiring."
"Let's start normalizing black faces in media... it constantly feels like we're being hidden."
"Black people now actually have media spaces where we're able to connect with each other and call out the BS and recognize what's real."
"Seeing themselves reflected in media for the very first time."
"In honor of Pride Month, Nickelodeon has all but confirmed that SpongeBob is, in fact, an alphabet person. He's gay now."
"The lack of representation, especially for queer youth, is not an accident."
"People are upset about the female Thor they shouldn't be, there's no reason to be upset about that."
"Korra and Asami hold hands and step into the yellow glow of the spirit portal."
"It wasn’t a finale kiss like Aang and Katara had, but it was definitely romantic."
"Transitioning is glorified in the media as something that's gonna fix all your problems when if you're not trans it'll make them worse."
"Dark-skinned women do get a bad rap in this country."
"Are we really gonna say there's not been a strong female lead in a movie before Jennifer Lawrence played the protagonist in Hunger Games?"
"We should not have to keep going back and forth about what Storm's complexion is. That's ridiculous in 2020."
"I certainly wanted your voice to be out there to correct the record you're doing a tremendous work on air and off."
"Portraying the Federation as if it should be kind of undermines the whole purpose behind it."
"Captain Marvel is a badass role model for little girls."
"You created this whole opportunity for these non-traditional black folks."
"You know what again they were like fine you're gonna cut off our gay representation, we'll put it at every freaking moment we can, suck it."
"We saw in The Mandalorian, the four girls kicking ass and taking names, and it was done well."
"Season 9 focused on issues 127 to about issue 147."
"Audiences will stay tuned if they feel their lives and appreciations are being reflected."
"A commitment to diverse and meaningful storytelling."
"We always try to write them in the voice and the opinion of the show that it's presenting."
"It's like they're presenting the stories like the old World War II movies."
"This racialization of what is represented as terrorism... an attempt to bring old-style racism into conversation."
"The effects of Trump's election didn't stop with season 20; they spilled over to season 21 as well."
"Miss Vangie sometimes with accents you want to know something is it's tough when the hood [ __ ] make it on TV because you know sometimes the hood [ __ ] are just a joke to the world."
"The constant erasure and prejudice of black people and people of color in the media invoked many black and brown musicians to create their own black spaces."
"Real people don't look like these representations."
"Black men straight black men have so little quality media."
"A modern feminist reboot of Charlie's Angels symbolizes the next move in this cultural shift towards parity."
"The push towards equality is far from over, and such fictional representations of women need to evolve along with the times we live in."
"I may destroy you as a show that bravely deconstructs the trauma of sexual assault in a way that feels very grounded and incredibly real."
"Autism is portrayed in a stereotypical way, and that's offensive."
"A-Force provided strong women playing strong roles."
"And I just want to clarify right now that these feelings are in no way an excuse for violence or any of the things that Daniel did..."
"Insecure does a great job of both casting and tackling colorism both inside and outside of the community."
"The show's honest and nuanced depiction of the difficult issue certainly made teens going through similar situations feel seen and helped them process their grief."
"He gambled his career on putting gay representation on TV."
"Barstool is for better or worse, it is Dave and it's me, and when people think of Barstool, they think the two of us."
"Black women are underrepresented when it comes to the media and social outrage, even though statistically speaking, they are disproportionately affected."
"There's something so empowering about the fact that I'm on that cover and it's an unedited photo of me."
"It's hardly the kind of crime you typically associate with one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes."
"We believe all people deserve to be represented in art, games, media, and that too little out there does so." - Silver String Media
"We need strong traditional male characters in media now more than ever before."
"We are helping America devalue our need in this world by constantly misrepresenting ourselves on TV and radio for money."
"I believe the way Scott has created the fanatic universe holds a message that we have not yet discovered."
"Well, he's filling a giant hole that there is on, you know, leftist media with trans people, but also it's a very good counterweight to those, you know, like right-wing people."
"From the beginning, the show refuses to shy away from the effects of such a widespread drawn-out conflict."
"Just because a female movie character has a special skill doesn't mean that moviemakers are saying all women have those skills."
"We never see healthy relationships where the love interest isn't the main point of a woman's life, like Ron Stoppable's dynamic."
"It's not a hatchet job on the witnesses at all, it's a very honest and open portrayal."
"Star Wars is political. Superman is political. If you're not going to reflect that in your art, what are you doing?"
"Portrayal of black people has come a long way."
"There's a reason why people have to work so hard to make Antifa this death squad menace that it's been made to be in the media."