
Passions Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Very few people find their life fulfillment from one single passion. Instead, most people find many things that they think are really important to them over the course of their lives."
"I came from humble beginnings... now I'm in a position to indulge my passions, including my love of fine fragrances."
"I want to talk to you about passions because it's really an important part of happiness."
"The more passions you have, the happier a person you will be."
"The venom of adulthood slowly sinks into my veins, and with it comes new passions and new habits." - Logan Paul
"I love gardening, I love the vegan lifestyle, I love the Chinese martial arts."
"Developing your passions and hobbies...gives you stability and reinforces your self value."
"We're going to encourage each other to explore our passions, and I hope that this encourages you guys to go out and find out what you're passionate about."
"Find what you love, what turns you on. Go for it. You'll change your life."
"You're really tapping into what brings you pleasure, what brings you fun, what are your passions."
"Your passions were not a mistake, it's not random, you have them for a reason."
"Our reason could cause us to override our passions. Our reason could motivate us to extend our empathy."
"Don't just follow your passions; broaden your passions, and your life will be enriched beyond measure."
"Understanding your passions is the first challenge."
"My two passions have always been writing in video games."
"We could all pursue our passions in life with a little discipline."
"Your passions and fulfilling those passions, it's not wasting your life, that is life."
"Life is short, you gotta do what you love and surround yourself with people that you love."
"There's something in this world that excites everyone."
"We all have different endeavors, so always support others in what they're passionate about."
"To be extremely you is to be the extreme of your personal set of passions, skills, idiosyncrasies, behaviors."
"It's very important to pursue your passions."
"It's never too late to pursue your passions."
"The complete and ultimate destination seeks to respond to the passions of people."
"Go with what you love 'cause you'll never go off it."
"I don't let risky things stop me from pursuing my passions."
"Our passions don't necessarily lie where society would deem valuable."
"Our passions are the true feelings. It's when the old one is burnt out, the new one rises from its ashes."
"Identify what aligns with your interests, passions, and uniqueness."
"Passions are things that give you energy when you do them."
"Following your passion and building an online store according to that isn't the most successful way to address things."
"Passions and passion and patience... trust that divine timing is at work."
"You don't need to make a career out of all the things you love."
"Dope to see a guy who's able to balance out life with his passions."
"Retiring is so additive to your learning because you don't need to learn something that's useful in your career anymore. You can pursue passions."
"I think many people will come out of the year 2020 with new skills and new passions that they didn't have before."
"I ditched the corporate grind to pursue my passions for fishing and travel."
"I think I've come to realize more of my passions."
"Follow Your Passions. You Are Ready for Any Challenges."
"Don't abandon that inner child, pursue the things you're passionate about."
"What a world we live in where people can make a full-time living or even a part-time living through learning about stuff that they enjoy and following their passions and then just literally sharing that with the world."
"I make my passions priority, no matter what, no matter how little time I have."
"Only by knowing ourselves, our needs, understanding our passions will we properly know ourselves."
"Each of us has gifts or talents or interests or passions that are unique in this world."
"Ikigai... is about finding the sweet spot where your passions and talents meet the needs of the world."
"Everyone needs one or more passions in their lives."
"It's the best thing ever and it's so rewarding but let me reassure you that your interests and hobbies do come back to you your passions come back."
"Two things I love in life: the Legend of Zelda and floating islands."
"Trimming away the clutter often allows us to enjoy our true passions more, not less."
"What they love will point to what they believe."
"Your passions, your hobbies, things that make you feel peace and calm. You can do things with real feeling, and that just touches on their narcissistic injury and triggers them."
"It's all about hobbies and passions."
"...I believe the world would be a better place if people shared their passions."
"Forces you to check your goals, your own passions for living."
"Fear And continue living living your life and uh enjoying your passions."
"Follow your dreams, follow your passions, and even if No One Believes In you all you have to do is believe in yourself and you can literally accomplish anything."
"Now it’s not wrong to have things! Passions are not wrong, possessions are not wrong."
"I am passionate about design, food, and travel."
"Either man governs his passions and finds peace, or he allows himself to be dominated by them and becomes unhappy."
"I don't have vices and no passions. I mean, obviously, drinking, cocaine. It's bloody moorish, isn't it? Let's face it, it's a hell of a drug."
"A person's passions shouldn't be valid only when they're profitable."
"Life's surprises can lead to unexpected passions."
"Reality has a way of steering us towards unexpected passions."
"Life's surprises often lead to unexpected passions."
"What about, like, your dreams and your passions and, like, your desires to be something or do something or change the world?"
"It is easier to banish dangerous passions than to rule them, for when they establish themselves in the mind, they are more powerful than the lawful ruler."
"Love Cinema, literature, Rock and Jazz."
"We are all so multifaceted; it's our different passions and interests that make us who we are."
"He loves three things: flying, God, and singing."
"What are your goals, what are your passions, what are your dreams?"
"I wanted to find a way to blend my love for hospitality and entertaining, and also sailing and my love of all things classic."
"I love chocolate, and I love art, and I love design, and I love food."
"He loved sports, he loved boxing and baseball and food and music."
"I love football, but mostly faith."
"There's two things I love in this life, wrestling and diving."
"We gave up the house and our careers and stuff so that we could have more time to travel and do the things we love doing."
"What we consider to be freedom in the past is actually a form of slavery; it's slavery to the passions."
"These passions are unreal, and maybe we've got to get order back into normal society."
"Food and sex, those are my two passions."
"It's only natural to combine them."
"I love dogs, I love tiramisu, but I also love sharing knowledge."
"I love music, love fashion, love good energy, love food, love animals."
"I love three things in this world: sex, pizza, and rock and roll, in that order."
"It's about music, art, and fashion for me, those are my real passions. Cannabis is my gift of a tool that I've been using to maneuver through life and execute my other passions."
"Staying curious about everything... it's led me to new passions and new interests."
"My vlog is where I can express all of my creative passions: art, fashion, and my love for animals."
"Feelings or passions are emotions or movements of the sensitive appetite that incline us to act or not to act in regard to something felt or imagined to be good or evil."
"Passions are morally good when they contribute to a good action; evil in the opposite case."
"It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that men of intemperate minds cannot be free; their passions forge their fetters."
"I love dancing, cooking, hosting."
"Your true self is your values, your beliefs, your skills, your passions."
"I'm passionate about sports and vacationing, my faith, but I enjoy it all with my family."
"I love it when singing and sewing converge and we get to meet over those mutual passions."
"We love food, we love wine, and we really love travel."
"I do love wrestling, and I do love film."
"One of my biggest loves in life, other than fashion, is interior design."
"Travel and filmmaking are my two great loves."
"I love everything. I love music, movies, Disney, Marvel, gaming, food, traveling."
"It involves my two great loves: travel and filmmaking."