
Emergency Response Quotes

There are 1228 quotes

"The live ended, police and ambulances rushed to the scene."
"If your kid came to you on fire, would you say, 'I'm so glad you trusted me to tell me you're on fire, but if I put out the fire, that's going to really hurt, and you're going to end up with scabs anyway, so I'm just going to love you where you are right now?' No, you throw them on the ground, and you start rolling them, you get a blanket, and you start hitting the flames."
"With the instruction of an ambulance crew, the gathering crowd quickly turned from bystanders to superheroes."
"Throughout the emergency and rescue efforts, many people aboard the Alaska Ranger awakened shipmates, helped others don immersion suits, provided encouragement, and assisted each other with entry into liferafts and survival in the water."
"Your response is timely and effective will truly be a matter of life and death."
"The National Disaster Medical System and other programs play a critical role in ensuring that uninsured and underinsured patients can receive care during emergencies by helping reimburse hospitals."
"Given that young people are dying from spontaneous cardiac deaths, in my mind, this always should have been an emergency. We should be investigating this."
"Once I realized that my femoral artery had been cut, I knew I had maybe eight or so minutes to live unless I got that pinched off."
"This experience has opened my eyes in many ways. I now know that calling 9-1-1 is always the right answer, whether you are scared or not."
"I care more about myself than a stranger but I'm still called upon to run into a burning building to pull the stranger out."
"If you're already bleeding, paramedics don't come to you and say, 'Oh, you're bleeding, but I feel sorry for you.' They give you calm, confident energy."
"People who, as we speak, are out there, are drivers, on air assets. People right now are working to save lives."
"Right now, our exclusive focus is we're trying to save lives."
"If you're ever out in the water, or if you're out on a hike, or whatever it may be, if you need help, just call it because it may save your life."
"Right now, this is about the humanity of people who are impacted and the men and women who are out there trying to save lives and recover folks off the bridge."
"The next 48 hours are critical for saving as many lives as possible."
"We're living through an unprecedented public health emergency, and we need to keep responding accordingly."
"I saw a runner collapse...I started CPR right away...it was a fatal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation...delivered a shock, his heartbeat came back."
"Those first responders taking great care to protect that woman's privacy."
"People naturally care for other people when they see immediate danger; they're very likely to respond positively."
"Had the green parrot not repeatedly yelled 'Anton,' he probably wouldn't have known until the smoke detectors caught on."
"This is how your body's designed to get you out of emergencies. The problem with somebody who gets a dysregulated nervous system is you feel like a truck's about to pull in your lane all the time."
"Every suicide attempt needs to be taken seriously and to call 911 if you know someone is contemplating suicide."
"We're here to help Hurricane Harvey. You guys are acting like animals. Everyone calm down. This isn't, we're not here for a meet and greet. We're here to get supplies to the people in Hurricane Harvey."
"NHS staff are pulling out all the stops in an unprecedented response to this global health emergency."
"In an emergency situation, if you think too much, a patient dies."
"What we're trained to do is focus instead on not abstracts but on actual hard facts...Better training, better experience, better fear management, or what we call risk tolerance, all of those things are really what make the difference in true life or death situations."
"Our focus is on the search and rescue and saving lives."
"He also called Emergency Services as a precaution, and they responded quickly."
"It's better to do something about a false alarm than to do nothing about a building on fire."
"It took the whole family to come together within seconds because that's our baby."
"We have been in the phase now of fighting fires and saving lives."
"Labeling this a global health emergency means more international resources for prevention and more help in finding a vaccine."
"Let's remember, the first thing that's important is for us to continue to search and rescue and find the six workers that are still missing."
"When you arrive on a scene, you have to be very careful to see what you're walking into, especially with calls like shots fired."
"It's pretty hard to not remember a lot of things on a night where you carry a lifeless 5-year-old."
"The rescue team has been alerted and they will come to your location now."
"Then the police there who... heard students getting massacred and did nothing. There were teachers there who were evacuating and bringing other children to safety."
"Incredibly, flames now 20 feet into the air, the fire called The Smokehouse Creek fire quadrupling in size in 24 hours."
"This is true: Swedish hospitals are testing defibrillators delivery via drone. So, they're dropping defibrillators by drone. They say speed kills, and they've found that they've been able to deliver the defibrillators in an average of five minutes."
"Now, let's suppose for a moment that someone that you know or loved lived in a house that caught on fire and they could have been saved if only firemen could have gotten water to the structure just moments sooner."
"Don't panic. Please remain calm. There was a glitter leak, but we have it under control now."
"I heard shots fired here as well, with people running."
"AI can Aid in Search and rescues; it can be used to care for children, elders, and patients, and it's even used by every major credit card company to help detect fraud."
"We need to focus on the people dying tonight and how can we save them."
"We're manufacturing ventilators...they are going round the clock. This way, we have plenty."
"You're going to drown to death inside the car so roll down your windows."
"Yeah, all the violence of men, like who's he gonna call if a burglar breaks into his house?"
"At its heart, this story is about science, science informing our knowledge of the climate emergency and influencing how we respond to it."
"Secure the location, they're not telling you the cops are coming to help you."
"I lay at that bank for the whole night, hearing people call out in a foreign language which initially sounded like good healthy calls for help then turn into screams as the fire got more intense."
"It's clear to rescue personnel that for many, they've arrived too late, but Sanchez isn't giving up."
"Things would have been worse if she woke up, so that's why I had to do something about it."
"Would people actually go and help? If I saw a shark attack, I'd probably go ankle deep and say, 'Go away, go away.'"
"It’s that type of automation for emergency backup that got me so excited for the Powerwall."
"Safety comes first. When safety and survival are concerned, it doesn’t matter if the person, the victim, is not your patient. It doesn’t matter if the source of information does not come from the patient." - DR. BANDY LEE
"We're going to do whatever it takes to get them what they need when they need it."
"The norms of fairness say in emergencies, we help each other out." - Richard Thaler
"Gradually cooling the body slows down the metabolic process and can buy time for saving lives."
"9/11 happens, and he’s the first phone call."
"Speed saves lives... goes against the normal speed kills."
"The cabin attendant, an absolute hero in this story, just saved the two passengers' lives."
"The hope for paws rescue team got an emergency call from a scared woman who had suddenly realized that she had been driving for some time with a kitten inside her engine."
"It showed up maybe a minute or two after the fall so hopefully the lady and her baby weren't waiting too long to this day."
"The duck came up to him, started quacking intensely, and led the way to the storm drain. Quacking was heard from there too. The cameraman immediately understood everything and called the rescue team on the spot."
"Individuals from that five-member team opened fire on the shooter."
"Those police officers rushed there to save human beings, didn't matter their religion, their race, their ethnicity, their gender differences."
"Missiles in larger cities like Jerusalem, there were more than a million people headed to bomb shelters as this attack was unfolding."
"I jumped out of bed and locked my bedroom door. I picked up my cell and called Steve from next door. He didn't waste a second and as soon as I got off the phone with him, I heard him storm out of his back door screaming, 'Don't you move!'"
"Kick me in, somebody busted the [__] open. That's the only way I'm doing this."
"Her boss didn't care about Mary's gender or skin color in such an emergency he only needed experts to win the competition against Russia."
"Put him in the back no matter what, get him out of there, I believe he would still be alive."
"By the time that the phone is calling 9-1-1 in most shootings, it's too late."
"Searing wildfires ignite across Siberia, firefighters battling nearly 200 wildfires."
"30 states so far have activated the National Guard."
"When seconds matter, the police are only minutes away."
"If you don't immediately confront that active shooter, lives are going to be lost."
"We're very excited about the full activation of FEMA."
"He saves the day by attacking their monores, saving the day."
"There should be no hesitation in putting forward the need to save lives."
"The president has signed the federal emergency disaster declaration."
"This is what they teach you during earthquakes, is get under something as best you can and hold on while the earthquake is going on."
"Look, 1995, Hurricane Aaron, when a 230-foot boat sank, the Coast Guard was there and pulled up members of the crew one by one in these cage-like harnesses."
"How long until someone in the U.S. says 'my kid needs food out of my way'?"
"A dam in China was exploded open and floods rushed into the villages, pushing residents into a desperate situation."
"You want somebody to show up that can bust out a door if they need to to make sure that you know grandma's not dying on the floor."
"I'm going to do everything I can in that moment to get in there and to save your life."
"Fair warning, this is an intense call to hear. You can hear Travis screaming in the background. It's wild, but it's important to understand the gravity of how this went down."
"If you don't want to have that threat of violence, don't call the cops."
"Government is so bureaucratic and slow that a lot of help doesn't get where it needs to quickly."
"To unleash the full power of the federal government in this effort, today I am officially declaring a national emergency."
"The goal for door to balloon time is less than or equal to 90 minutes."
"Democracies perform better than dictatorships in dealing with emergencies."
"You go in. That is what you signed up to do."
"If your kids are hungry and if your lights are out, you don't need a class of theology or eschatology, you need a hamburger or a sandwich."
"A golden retriever had been missing for over 24 hours after falling into a sinkhole and firefighters were dispatched to save her."
"Mary loathes the three girls into the family minivan packing nothing save for socks for the baby. Mary flees the house and drives to Jackson Mississippi."
"Your videos are pretty much an online emergency service... You are incredibly important."
"If they come for me and they're trying to take my life or take my children's lives, I don't have an obligation to let you kill me, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."
"We need to construct emergency homeless shelters to make sure that everyone has access to shelter, healthcare, and nutrition." - Senator Bernie Sanders
"I am a healer, decoding the secrets from within and providing precision when every second counts."
"Failure to quickly take action would result in massive deaths..."
"Not knowing your radio, not understanding how communications work... that's your lifeline."
"It was a sudden iceberg tsunami, with quick reflexes the pair put the engine on full speed and got the hell out of there."
"Within 5 seconds of the suppression failure, we had four guns pouring pulsefire into the indistinct forms crawling up the lift shaft."
"Working in anything halfway through her shift, Morgan is called to resuscitate a patient."
"After going through the confidence chamber it also teaches them how to stay calm and not panic when their bodies are under duress."
"The posture of the first responders in the last little while has certainly relaxed."
"When catastrophe hits, only then you activate your plans."
"Last Words: Cockpit voice recordings, transcripts, air control traffic tapes."
"When is government too big? When is the tax code too complicated? When are there too many regulations?"
"Mass gunman comes up, everybody has a ring doorbell now. Well, Alex could have easily run."
"A driver in Georgia is lucky to be alive after being rescued from a burning vehicle."
"It's reassuring to see that they've really seemed to have this heading in the right direction here from both the ground crews and the air support."
"Is she okay, Annie? Two out of three... let me cuff you."
"Their reaction was, 'How do we save lives as quickly as possible?'"
"Pripyat was abandoned exactly 36 hours after the explosion."
"I immediately just act like I'm calling 9-1-1."
"It's basically an all hands on deck type situation at this point."
"Emergency medical camps, we had many just like this."
"We've got rescuers from the fire department, local fire department, sheriff's department, federal emergency, Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protections, and many others."
"There's no doubt that she saved lives through her action." - Australia's Prime Minister on the officer who stopped the attacker
"When six-year-old Cameron started choking on a coin on a Mannford Public School bus, the school bus driver, Ginger Maxville, sprang into action."
"Protecting our students, our educators, our communities. Getting our schools open safely and effectively, this is a national emergency."
"Act now to do what you need to do to protect yourself and your family."
"The more people that heed evacuation, the less likely that you're going to see fatalities."
"Start evacuating if you've been asked to evacuate."
"Without hesitating, I rushed to the first floor of the school."
"Run! I decided to listen to the Knight that called me over and evacuated Atlantis while I could."
"It's all about your personal protection plan is what is the fastest way to stop the threat that is presented to me and it doesn't you know time to prepare it just hits you suddenly you want the highest hit probability first."
"She is a true hero, rushed to the hospital despite being shot in the jaw and arm herself."
"If you develop symptoms do not just go straight to the ER."
"Whoa, that's a tornado! Look at this, look at the radar."
"Literally, we're looking at possibly two tornadoes back to back."
"Wuhan requires masks in public... provinces start declaring level one emergency... everything starts getting put into motion by the government."
"The entire government mobilizing towards something."
"If your best friend got bit in the genitals by a highly venomous snake and the only way to save their life was to suck the venom out of the genitals, would you do it to save them?"
"If that child's body temperature wasn't what it was, we would never have been able to save her."
"Police responding to a silent alarm arrive just after 2:00 a.m. Freeze! Place your hands on your head. Turn backwards."
"Why didn't I call the cops? I don't know why I didn't call the cops."
"This is a tribute to the training of our team, firefighters, and policemen did the right thing and contained the shooter."
"Twitter's policy tweeted this executive order is a reactionary and politicized approach to a landmark law. Attempts to unilaterally erode it threaten the future of online speech and internet freedoms."
"That was the best plan I ever heard! Stay back, Mrs. Jenkins! Stay back! No, he got jump scared, Michael! Michael, don't worry, we're here!"
"It's a moment that you as a search and rescue professional you never want to deal with."
"If everyone's running out of a building, that's when it's time to run in."
"Frederick Fleet, on duty aboard the Titanic when the ship struck the iceberg, was the first to sight the iceberg rigging the bridge to proclaim 'iceberg right ahead!'"
"We have no idea what we're going to discover ... going to run it like an emergency hospital."
"Yes, the cops arrived and the entitled mother of the kids found her severely dehydrated children on the floor unconscious."
"Do you know when the National Guard finally arrived? It's 6 p.m."
"Have a plan if you're getting shot, know instantly what you're gonna do."
"One thing I'd encourage everyone to do though if they're in the area and they're at home and they smell gas, please turn off the gas and call PG&E right away."
"And the good Samaritans who banded together to flip this SUV over and save the people inside."
"One morning I woke up to a great uproar in my house, when my husband and I opened the door we were astounded - there were 37 kids and teenagers fleeing a killing at the central Day Brazil - that is how my story of adoption started."
"We were all screaming and I managed to call the police but I was in hysterics going a hundred miles per hour in an area that I wasn't as familiar with with a car chasing us at some point."
"Karen refusing to call the fire department while innocent souls are trapped in an elevator."
"An Unthinkable Saga: Karen's refusing to dial the digits for the fire department while innocent souls are trapped in an elevator."
"What I am saying is I'm interested in making sure that the 'break glass in case of emergency' people get into a position where they can take over from the corrupt people."
"Sam decided to go and check on the baby at the hospital he felt partially responsible because his cat had found it in the garden."
"Thanks to Katie, the child arrived at the hospital safely, if it weren't for her keeping him warm there's no telling what horrors could have unfolded."
"I don't think that pouring sort of water like we do to fight forest fires would stop this situation there's just too many new fissures opening up and too hot that it would produce a lot of steam but it wouldn't stop the volcanic eruptions."
"A dramatic rescue caught on body cam video outside of Atlanta."
"Abandoned ship orders were given because of the beating the ship was receiving, and the rescue was no walk in the park, but all 31 sailors made it out alive."
"Adrenaline kicked in as I shot into action, piecing together one thing: a survivor was in the well."
"The USNS Mercy will be deployed to Los Angeles to add emergency surge medical capacity."
"Within 20 minutes the Coast Guard helicopters arrived and dispatched two search boats that scoured for hundreds of miles to no avail."
"So what are we gonna do we're gonna check the body, I don't see any external bleeding right now but I definitely be checking the back and legs if they have broken bones you're not gonna be able to do much in this situation with those broken bones."
"And then if the village gets evacuated, you can guarantee we will be live tomorrow for a potential flight of SN10. No guarantees on a flight tomorrow but we will continue to watch all the things that we can watch."
"One guy dies in the ambulance, the other dies on the pavement."
"Why did you shoot him?" "Because he was gonna come in here and kill us all."
"Run, hide, fight: the best advice in an active shooter situation."
"If you're on your next cruise and your ship is sinking... just get in a lifeboat and hope for the best."
"Oh my gosh, he's literally in the vent. Yo, tase him! Josh's taser did not work."
"It's always the right thing to do, I mean if you found someone down and are worried about an overdose there's no downside to giving it."
"If someone were standing on a playground with rifles shooting children on the playground it would be your duty to come up and use the means necessary to stop him."
"Legendary pro wrestler Hulk Hogan was seen rushing to the scene of a car accident in Florida Sunday to help a victim climb out of her overturned car."
"Why were there no helicopters in the air quickly?"
"It is unreasonable to expect someone to continue living in their home if it's on fire."
"If something like this ever happens to you, make sure to check your laws."
"That should only be temporary exigent emergency for natural disasters."
"When your hair is on fire, start screaming like your hair's on fire."
"What is clear is that Carly Russell called 9-1-1 and talked to a family member saying that she had seen a toddler walking on the highway."
"When your house is on fire, you call the fire department, you don't just throw a bucket of water on it."
"Your ABCs: airway, breathing, and circulation. Most important above anything else."
"The US will make as many ventilators in the next 100 days as it usually makes in a year."
"The shooter and the active shooter situation has been, has ended."
"Everybody get down! Do you understand me? Everybody down."
"In kidnapping cases, a quick response can mean the difference between life and death."
"When a three-year-old goes missing, alarm bells go off immediately."
"Nobody phoned them, not one person's phoned an ambulance."
"The police department called, they knew his route, so they gave him a police escort just to get him out of there."
"Let me tell you, it is no easy thing to retrieve a body from an elevator shaft, especially not when that body is in several pieces."
"Why did eight hours go by until 9-1-1 was called that seems crazy to me."
"Within hours, a worldwide cyber attack had been shut down."
"We have to find where the surplus is, get it to the most critical people in triage, get the training up, and produce more kind of instantly."
"It tells you something about our society's priorities when princes can get tested in their castles while some nurses have to wear bin bags or close their eyes in case their coronavirus patient coughs."
"The driver of the white truck, a veteran of the force, knew that he had to act quickly in order to stop the suspects."
"Firefighters worked for hours to extinguish a fire as contracted by the city and county of Honolulu."
"Everybody is surrounding the field trying to get this person taken care of so they do not die and unfortunately the results of this match between two people is not more important than a person's life."