
White Supremacy Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"I want to emphasize that self-diagnosis can be both a terrific, but also a very precarious thing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most the greatest threat in this country right now is white supremacy."
"It means that since the founding of the nation, Thomas Jefferson wrote a paper called 'Notes on the State of Virginia'... he began a trajectory of pseudo science that sought to prove that white people, white skulls, white beauty, white language, white everything was better than blacks or indigenous. And that's the beginning of white supremacy."
"White supremacy is a virus that, like other viruses, will not die until there are no bodies left for it to infect, which means the only way to stop it is to locate it, isolate it, extract it, and kill it."
"Manufactured discourse makes it an uphill battle for classicists, egyptologists, and historians to combat white supremacy and improve public knowledge about the diversity of the past."
"White supremacy doesn't mean that they have to beat out every minority group on everything in every way; it's more a reflection of broader patterns."
"White supremacy is a social system in which white people are given de facto and sometimes de jure elevated status in a white majority nation."
"One of the first steps in addressing white supremacy is acknowledging the seriousness and the fact that it exists at all."
"This country was designed around white supremacist fundamentals by dudes who owned slaves."
"Critical race theory is not only concerned with understanding the ways in which our history of racist laws and social practices have created racial inequality and how white supremacy is maintained within our society and through our legal system but critical race theory is an intentional and explicit effort to change this dynamic."
"America could have the greatest missionary thrust it has ever seen in its history, where the gospel is preached to the end of the world."
"FBI Director Christopher Wray has warned for years that white supremacy is a top domestic terror threat."
"Unlike 'Islamist terrorism,' often rooted overseas, white supremacist terrorism and right-wing terrorism more broadly is homegrown."
"White supremacy is a threat, it is anti-semitic, it is evil."
"The biggest threat to our country is in fact the threat of white supremacy."
"This country is full of white supremacists and that's our number one threat."
"White supremacy is the national number one threat to the nation."
"Survival of the fittest, in other words, Charles Darwin's theory of human evolution was merely a way to elevate and escalate the implementation of white supremacy."
"He certainly wouldn't have asked the national security team to conduct a full review of domestic violent extremism, including of course activities of white supremacists, if he did not think it was a threat."
"We need to designate white supremacist terrorism as domestic terrorism."
"Critical race theory as I best understand it is a movement... to interrogate the role that... white supremacy and oppression has had and still continues to have in American society."
"We've had full-on displays suggesting that white supremacy is the reason for people believing in the meritocracy."
"Yes, we live in a white supremacist country. Yes, all white people are racist. They can learn, they can unlearn, but they are conditioned and socialized in a white supremacist country."
"The biggest threat facing the United States is white supremacy."
"There's a huge spiritual psychological cost to the lies and the myths of white supremacy."
"The white supremacist culture is subjugation of non-white people."
"We want to let people know how white supremacy is like a religion and a belief system."
"I want to disavow white supremacy. Okay, I'm disavowing completely. I want nothing to do with it."
"We need to call out white supremacy for what it is: domestic terrorism."
"White supremacists want people to believe disaffected young men to believe that they are more powerful and more influential than they are."
"White supremacist extremists are the deadliest domestic terror threat to the country."
"If you're trying to have a conversation about white supremacy divorced from anti-capitalism, you're wasting your time."
"This country was built on white supremacy, and the reason why she's supported is because white supremacy is still very much a part of the American fabric."
"When white people are exclusionary, that's usually from a white supremacist point of view."
"Some of them need to come down because they represent not just a historic moment they represent white supremacy and segregation."
"It's clear that the conversation of tradwives is undeniably linked to the conversation of white supremacy."
"Don't boot lick so hard that that they calling you out and trust me the white supremacist they don't trust y'all when y'all do that."
"If you benefit from white supremacy in colonized countries then you are a colonizer."
"White supremacists are the nation's most significant domestic threat."
"Anti-Asian is always rooted in white supremacy, but a person of any race can be influenced by white supremacy."
"White supremacy always discards its tools when it's finished with them."
"Trump is defending a white supremacist who murdered two people in cold blood."
"Do you think maybe this world that we live in is a white supremacist world?"
"Domestic terrorism, including white supremacist ideology, is a serious, persistent threat."
"Against hate speech on social media won't solve white supremacy. Oh my god, it's a start towards dealing with it."
"Maintaining white supremacy is all about domination."
"That is a form of racism and white supremacy."
"As soon as you come out of your mouth and say that you're a black woman or black man, yeah white supremacy exists in your realm."
"If you impose on the rights of one white man, you're gonna start imposing on the rights of all of us. What's the purpose of living if I can't be a free white supremacist?"
"The total amount of white supremacists in the country according to I think the ADL I'm not sure it's like 10 000 people not several million like the media is lying about."
"Truth be damned because truth is the enemy of white supremacy if it can't be ignored then it must be destroyed."
"FBI director said white supremacy is the biggest threat... that's the vast majority of people."
"It's always a threat to the thinking about white supremacy."
"White supremacy is an affirmative action program within itself. It's based on goodies, tangible set-asides, and privileges based on being born white or classified as white."
"White supremacy creates divide and conquer scenarios where you as a black man who's trying to do something better for the community end up like a person trying to get drugs out of your neighborhood."
"Joe Biden knows that when white supremacy and black excellence are in the same room, the black excellence is a disinfectant that kills the germ of white supremacy."
"We're upsetting the fabric of white supremacy in this society."
"Twitter specifically didn't use an algorithm that would crack down on white supremacy, because they knew Republican politicians would be affected by it."
"If you do not have a black agenda, seeing a black face that's being puppeted by white supremacy means nothing."
"We've only bought our solidity at a time, and white supremacy bought themselves a little more time."
"It doesn't matter who you vote for, white supremacy is on the ballot."
"White supremacy always takes both sides of an issue."
"The president is openly supporting white supremacy; time to get on board and fight the real enemy guys."
"A form of white supremacy is using your privilege to hire an informal hit person."
"White supremacy is the order of the day in America."
"We need to call out the white supremacist ideology behind this."
"White supremacy dominates all areas of activity. There's no such thing as a race-baiter in their respect because you're not invoking racism where racism doesn't exist."
"The reason we have the current borders that we have right now with Mexico are based upon white supremacy."
"Over-talking about the power of white people is a form of white supremacy."
"Lawsuit over Charlottesville 'Unite the Right' rally has crippled white supremacist groups and leaders."
"If anything in our culture helps to benefit whites, that's part of white supremacy." - A stark observation on systemic biases.
"The white supremacists, they think like chess players, they think 10, 20, 30 years down the line."
"It's always what it comes down to. Everything is rooted in white supremacy at the end of the day sadly."
"Feminism serves white supremacy—it is a failed system."
"We know that this is part of the white power movement and an act of leaderless resistance."
"White supremacy terrorism, domestic terrorism, we have to fight that."
"Let this front page serve as a reminder of how white supremacy is aided by and often relies upon the cowardice of mainstream institutions."
"Candace Owens is someone who has dedicated her time to propping up and legitimizing that system of white supremacy."
"The issue is that you live in a system of white supremacy."
"When we assimilate into white supremacy, we leave the structure intact and none get free; when we stay fat, we free ourselves and others."
"He's completely clueless to the fact that it wasn't acceptable before the insurrection, it certainly isn't acceptable to be beholden to white supremacy after we've seen how dangerous white supremacy is."
"White supremacy is predicated on controlling and mal-distributing all of the resources in a community."
"It is up to us to police these people ourselves, we have to gather intel on these white supremacists within law enforcement."
"Neo-fascism is the rule of big money and big military with white supremacy as the public face."
"We're living a whole set of fictions in the United States today. The primary one is, again, that white supremacy is the big terror threat."
"The gun is the symbol of America, the gun is a symbol of white supremacy."
"It's called white supremacy, nothing more, nothing less."
"That's colonialization and white supremacy at work."
"White supremacy is an affirmative action program for people who are classified as white and you know that."
"What's next is we continue to expose white supremacist culture in Alabama and join forces and coalition build."
"The conversation has to be about the real issues of racism and white supremacy."
"That's the problem with unity in this country where we have a whole class of people devoted to white supremacy."
"White supremacy is now the number one killer of all kids in America."
"White supremacy has affected so much of our society... it finds its way to sink into every little thing including fandom."
"I'm not so sure if you can even get to wealth redistribution... until you tackle aggressively and forcefully the agenda of white supremacy."
"Your number one enemy is the same as mine, and that's white supremacy."
"Colorism is a global phenomenon rooted in white supremacy."
"White supremacy is not some all-powerful force, it is fragile."
"This is about white supremacy, it's about hatred."
"It shows that there's a deep, deep sickness of white supremacists in the United States, that it's not this implicit background thing that, you know, racism and white supremacy has always been part of the United States."
"So many white people are oblivious to the ways we support and sustain white supremacy in almost everything we do."
"White supremacy is domestic terrorism and is the major domestic terrorist threat in the United States."
"The demand for white supremacy is outstripping the supply of white supremacy, so we have to manufacture it."
"The only form of systematic racism is white supremacy."
"White supremacy works best when you put a black face on it because that's how you sneak under the radar."
"He specifically told the Proud Boys and other white supremacist organizations stand down and stand by."
"White supremacy is the single most dangerous domestic terror threat in our homeland."
"Our biggest problem is not so much whether white supremacy is real, but how real it is in our minds."
"White terrorism is a real issue, and denying it is complicity in propping up a system of belief where truth doesn't matter."
"The election of Donald Trump was white supremacy's last stand."
"Anti-blackness does not exist out of the context of white supremacy."
"That right there is a form of systematic racism: the denial of white supremacy."
"All of this stuff is connected in the same pot, all of it is sisters and cousins of the same thing which is white supremacy."
"In a world based on white supremacy, you can't have black economic power."
"When you really pull back the layers of all of this what you get is centuries of white supremacy prevailing by exploiting and capitalizing and profiting from blackness."
"That symbol is inextricably linked to white supremacy and it can't be separated."
"When you say I'm better because I'm white, you set up a world based on white supremacy. Am I lying?"
"If your god is bigger than the god of Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has a white supremacist god that fuels her white supremacy, I'm simply saying it's called white Christian nationalism."
"The royal family is exclusively white for a reason. It is the premier symbol of white supremacy."
"He was white enough to get acquitted and supported by white supremacists."
"The patriarchal structure upon which her family is organized, and the white supremacy upon which American society is organized, stem from the same hierarchies of violence."
"In order to be successful in South Carolina, you've got to embrace white supremacy."
"Giving my own testimony of the journey I am still on of trying to disentangle four centuries of white supremacy."
"The only way that white churches, now in particular, are ever going to be healthy, the only way that white churches are going to work out their salvation is to come to terms with the ways that white supremacy has been just infected the DNA of the white Christian church."
"We have to learn from the black church, so this whole thing has been about christian nationalist white christian nationalism. Well, the black church exists because of uh the sin and the heresy of white supremacy."
"The most insidious thing white supremacy has ever done was put black people in positions of power to do their bidding."
"White supremacy is a real social and cultural force that has shaped this country."
"I think you're basically saying that we here in America are heading towards a white supremacist society or a living white supremacist society."
"The number one example of syncretism and pollution is white supremacy."
"White supremacy is still systemic."
"White supremacy got in the way of the gospel's spread."
"Morton was celebrated as a founder of American ethnography, but he was actually a white supremacist."
"And the overarching thing with white supremacy and stuff like that, it's continue to be the dominant force because they got one thing to go behind."
"Racism is just a function of ignorance and that white supremacy is a function of just not knowing better."
"Christianity... those were the beast of all kind of narratives, Christian narratives, that were created to sustain white supremacy."
"We have inherited a theology that has been constructed on a foundation of white supremacy."
"If you're recruiting for a white supremacist cause on a Sunday morning, you'd likely have more success hanging out in the parking lot of an average white Christian church than approaching whites sending out services at the local coffee shop."
"The fbi has been somewhat secretly investigating the infiltration of local and federal law enforcement by white supremacists for many years."
"White supremacy is crucial to how they maintain control... it's created by them, maintained by them, and it serves their interest."
"The larger narrative of white supremacy being the new grave domestic terrorist threat."
"White supremacy is the biggest problem this country faces, according to them."
"We are socialized to always feel grace for white people, and that's because of white supremacy."
"Finally, finally someone is standing up for the white man, goddamn finally am I right, chat? Somebody finally standing up for the white man!"
"The relationship between capitalism and white supremacy is asymptotic they're different from one another I think but they're infinitely close to one another."
"When I refer to white supremacy, I'm referring to much more than just white supremacist groups."
"Just because you're white doesn't mean you support white supremacy, and just because you're a person of color doesn't mean that you don't support white supremacy."
"We are broken as a nation too; mass shootings and white supremacy reign terror."
"Can we please build a coalition against white supremacy when your surprise is done?"
"The semantic range of white supremacy has expanded significantly."
"You attack the underpinnings of white supremacy."
"Richmond officials have presented no direct evidence showing white supremacists organized the protest, encouraged violence, or participated in any property damage."
"One of the most insidious tools of white supremacy is its insistence on whiteness as a racial default."
"The racial wealth gap constitutes the best cumulative economic indicator of the intergenerational consequences of white supremacy in the United States."
"We have to combat this theology that is rooted in a white supremacist worldview."
"Instead of criticizing white supremacy, we got to look at what white supremacy tries to limit us from doing and create it ourselves."
"There is still a system of white supremacy in place that causes us to make cases for our survival every day."
"We got to stop acting surprised by white supremacy because that enables white supremacy."