
American Society Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"The American Experience: experiences may vary."
"The American people are looking for answers and they're looking for hope."
"Focus on improving the lives of the 99% of Americans. Give everybody a fair shot."
"An all-American event, right, a Super Bowl parade that now has been struck by some kind of gun violence."
"Being a black American male is to live in a condition of suppressed rage all the time."
"It's pretty incredible how political all of American life has become."
"The vast vast majority of Americans can thus be found in the broad middle class, which is basically the socioeconomic strata where you reliably have enough to get by but still have some struggles."
"America is what you could call a disharmonic society. The ideals of America and the reality of America are in conflict."
"I hope all Americans... to be more willing to explore alternatives to the systems they live in."
"The fact that we've been able to keep this together for three hundred years is because you have all these different people who can all contribute to the greater good of America."
"More than 80% of Americans can't afford to buy a new car right now."
"The American people are rising up to say that they will no longer tolerate it."
"This is what systemic racism looks like in America."
"We just want to make sure all Americans have fair access, equal opportunity."
"The biggest problem in America is not the corporations or even necessarily the money for campaigns. The biggest problem is that the American people don't really organize themselves to mitigate the power of special interests."
"Don't give up on us Americans. I know we've got some real major significant facepalm-worthy challenges down here, but the tide for reason is starting to turn."
"The innate strength of the US is that people want to come here. We have a self-critiquing society."
"Most Americans are good-hearted and not racist. Hey, also, there are some racists, and there are people who are also just giant jackasses."
"Most Americans are good-hearted and not racist."
"We're all Americans, and we know that America has a bunch of problems. I think every person here wants to solve the problems."
"Until we get a far more courageous empathy for one another in this country."
"Racism is America's 'worst disease,' seeing it as 'handed down from one generation to the next.'"
"I love my fellow Americans. I have no problem with conservatives. These are people who I feel have been taken advantage of by right-wing media."
"America has a really strong civil society... we do have a really strong like internal democratic society that I respect quite a bit."
"What I hope comes out of this conversation is that we're all Americans and because we're all Americans, and actually, we know that America has a bunch of problems and I think every person here wants to solve the problems."
"These aren't Democrats or Republicans; they're Americans and they're suffering."
"Americans are the most propagandized people in the world."
"Critical race theory, at its foundation, seeks to demonstrate how embedded foundation and filters through which racist attitudes, behavior, policies, and structures have been rooted throughout the fabric of American life and systems."
"The epidemic of fatherlessness is the number one issue in America."
"The GI Bill had more impact on the American way of life than any other law since the Homestead Act of 1862."
"There is a fundamental connection between American racism and the way that we respond to the challenge of violence."
"The message that I want to give today is a message that certain segments of Islam and certain segments of mainstream America find unpalatable."
"What happened to Floyd happens every day in this country in education, in health services, and in every area of American life."
"If things are going really well that's a mask for all the bad things happening in American society if things are going really poorly then that is exposing all of the bad things that are happening in American society"
"I think of Americans as mostly good because I've been in a whole range of environments with thousands of different people."
"It's important for Americans to break free from that bubble."
"And that's the state I think many, many people in American society are in."
"It's not just about the southwest border, what happens at the southwest border is entering every town and city and state in this great country."
"America's not polarized. America's polarized and gangsterized. And gangsterization is different than polarization."
"Racism is baked into all the systems of American society."
"This is an immigrant who wrote his way to the top of American society."
"America is a laboratory, where free men and women come and they are able to experiment socially and politically."
"The average person in America has the greatest quality of life in history."
"They're realizing that young black people and people of color, that all human beings especially Americans, we just want the same thing."
"American culture is in shambles it's in Decay."
"You can't sit here and cry about...how black people are treated in America, whole time you're ignoring the fact that you can be whatever you want to be."
"America is the best place on the planet to be black, female, gay, trans, or what have you."
"Money trouble is keeping a growing number of Americans up all night."
"Nearly half of Americans say they can't afford their previous lifestyle."
"Americans are getting back in touch with their spirituality."
"There was absolutely nothing that I cannot do as a black American in this country that a white American can do."
"This is now bled down into the highest levels of American society and down into the lowest levels."
"I think it's the most beautiful movie about the American working class that I know."
"He and Donald Trump were tapping into some of the very same anxieties and frustrations against the elites, the establishment, the belief that the system is rigged, and that the decision-makers don't care about the concerns of ordinary Americans."
"We're America. Just remember that. What do you mean 25k? What the [ __ ] guys? There have been 131 mass shootings with four or more people wounded or killed so far in 2023 as well."
"America is a family, and the definition of family is people who hate each other without resorting to violence."
"Disney has permeated culture in such a way as to become a well-life staple of American middle class comfort."
"Americans are too stupid to know what they're doing."
"Because in all of the sociological research that we do for TFD, in all of these videos and all of the content we create, a very common theme has started to stick out to me, and that is how increasingly lonely and socially isolated Americans are."
"I think that canceled culture has really become sort of the source of fear for many Americans."
"I'm not asking for castles in the sky. I'm asking for practical things the American people have been asking for for a long time."
"Not every American citizen gets a camera and a microphone."
"Stress and anxiety is like probably one of the biggest killers in America."
"America is well, not even America, just black Americans in general, you come here to the best of the best."
"Gun control is not about safety or preserving life or improving Americans' quality of life, it's about control flat-out."
"Treating each other with more civility, as Americans we're all in this together."
"Maybe we don't have a bunch of different Protestant faiths as it pertains to the socio-political environment, but I think that we would all have to agree at the very least that America has become a system of cultural paganism." - Candace Owens
"The bombs in Vietnam exploded home. They destroyed the dream and possibility for a decent America."
"America, it's not a new thing to believe in conspiracy theories."
"The Americans of every background are uniting to help our nation."
"Race plays a role in that. The history of black people in this country plays a role in that."
"Everyone has something to contribute and we're all better off when we're betting on everyone in America to pursue a good life and make a contribution."
"Kissinger represents a moment when American society opens up to cosmopolitan figures."
"The basic idea of the book... is that we feel right now in america as though all of the institutions are arrayed against your ability to speak freely."
"My job is to rebuild the American middle class."
"Will you fight for your freedom? This may be the most important fight in America."
"It's about being ostracized and treated as an other in American society."
"Critical race theory says that racism is woven into the very fabric of American society."
"In this dark chapter of our history, trust is shattered and doubt seeps into the hearts of the American people."
"America is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of everything that's to come."
"We're fighting for all Americans from all backgrounds of every age, race, religion, birthplace, color, creed. We're fighting for ourselves. We're fighting for all Americans."
"Race and class are inextricably intertwined in this country."
"We are losing equal opportunity in America." - Robert Reich
"People from every corner of America facing challenges everyone is just looking for some type of connection..."
"The quality of every American's life has gone up dramatically, drastically, dramatically."
"It's leaving so many Americans really worried."
"I think if you're super wealthy if you were born with a silver spoon it's going to be a little hard to connect and to empathize with regular Americans."
"It's not as if black people don't want to participate in American society."
"At a time when the left is desperately pushing divisive terms like white privilege, he pointed out the unique American privilege everyone in this country has right now."
"America now has an aristocracy and you and I are not part of it."
"A number of Americans are very concerned and very alarmed."
"Most Americans are actually pretty reasonable."
"Bowling for Columbine... explores the relationship between Americans and their guns."
"Americans are obsessed with individual rights and freedom."
"The early stages of a zombie apocalypse are not going to be pretty for America, but we will come back."
"Home affordability has fallen, making it more difficult for people and Americans to build generational wealth."
"It's a story about what it's like to survive in America with no guard rails."
"The Civil Rights struggle in the South raised fundamental questions about the nature of American society."
"Democrats have abandoned the American people over politics."
"Relationships... that's the greatest thing that we've lost in America."
"Americans have had it. They are done supporting companies that rank in hundreds of millions and billions of dollars while trashing this country and the success that made all of it possible."
"In America, it's a different culture, it's completely different."
"The functioning of American justice can actually show us that facts matter."
"Multiculturalism has worked pretty well in America. We are the melting pot."
"Marking a pivotal change in American society by formally ending legal institution of slavery."
"The American middle class is no more is no longer here."
"If we do not agree on our constitutional principles, we literally have nothing keeping us together as Americans."
"From birth to death, there's something very personal about being black in America."
"I think Americans would profit from looking at that book more than any other right now."
"The recent supply chain crises have left many Americans in need."
"America loves a convert, even if the person doesn't actually get born again."
"He's influenced American culture like no criminal in recent times."
"The sad part that saddens me the most as an American is that my fellow Americans, majority are oblivious to the truth, to the reality, and I don't get it. I really don't get it."
"Countless Americans struggle every day with managing their weight."
"Being black in America is not a race, it's an experience."
"We Americans, ladies and gentlemen, we should come together in every way shape or form we can agree to disagree."
"This unique value system has made the American experiment in building a free, open, affluent, non-race-based, non-ethnicity-based society the greatest social experiment in world history."
"This is going to be the month that defines the future of how these issues are seen in America."
"He's just someone that has got a bit more of a star quality."
"Americans are experiencing exceptional levels of stress, unprecedented is a strong term."
"Americans who are most invested in those founding myths are the most pro-Israel."
"Interesting right PlayStation's huge like that completely shifted American culture when it comes to video games and everything like that."
"There's something just about the grip both of those Sports have on American culture."
"It is long past time... The status quo doesn't work for Americans."
"We're not really being honest in this country about what it means to be black."
"We're not in the America that he grew up in, we're in America that I'm becoming an adult in."
"I love how individualism is valued in the US."
"The Left needs to get back into the center of American life, understand the language of ambition, of small business..." - Ana Kasparian
"This is an example of being black in America."
"Facing hate: Jesse Smollett's attack, a reminder of the real America."
"What's the point of even being alive in America if they ain't gonna do nothing for you?"
"It's terrible that you can still do this in America unless you got the means to fight."
"We stand resolute and in lockstep with tens of millions of Americans of all backgrounds, all persuasions, all political parties."
"Black culture is so intertwined, it's part of the American culture now."
"The really big changes to American life, the profound ones that affect all of us forever, those changes almost always begin quietly with gentle pleas for tolerance."
"Why is America so in love with the word 'criminal'?"
"As Americans, at least we can still talk about our problems."
"The messy, noisy loudness of a free freaking Society. Not Anarchy, a free society. That's how it should be. That is America."
"Racism does not exist in America? Obviously, of course it does exist."
"If you ain't having a money conversation, you're not having an American conversation."
"The majority of Americans are actually for women's rights over their own bodies."
"So the answer to your question jeff is that it appears that american households are twice as likely to be multi-generational so what do we learn from that i don't know but it's an interesting fact it is interesting."
"I think of 1962 as kind of the epicenter of when America started going secular."
"I'm talking about other issues that I think most Americans... are concerned about."
"More than 80% of Americans ages 18 to 43 said money is a significant source of stress for them."
"Being Jewish in America at this point is not a one-size fits-all experience."
"American DLS don't really have a class structure."
"Every American right now is feeling what it's like when a regime cracks down on freedom and free speech."
"Understanding these families in a new way but also understanding the American moment that we're in in a really deeper way."
"The American idea is in trouble. In fact, it has been in some form of trouble the moment it was given shape and texture."
"The level of trust in American establishments is at historic lows."
"The major consequences of the Civil War were the transformation of American society and the fulfillment of the promise of the Declaration of Independence."
"Justice is no longer the base on which America conducts affairs. We have lost the concept of justice within the hearts and minds of the American people."
"All American culture to date has been a bastard and it has been denied a name except a fictitious one."
"But many of them-- many of you in this room-- many of them at various levels of American society grasped the essentials of the struggle, drew lessons from that struggle even then that, I think, have great utility today."
"Everybody in America is obsessed with celebrities."
"The Puritan work ethic can be seen as the reason for why America ended up becoming the most wealthy country ever."
"You've got to be very brave to go against the grain in America, especially now."
"American society's attitude towards China has been so ambivalent in these years."
"Most American scholars and government officials have come to recognize that Islam is in the United States for good."
"A multicultural American society in which people are united by their ideals rather than divided by their tribal affiliations."
"I got fascinated at a certain point in drawing an objective picture of American society."
"My deepest hope is that Americans of all political persuasions can unite and agree."
"In America, we are still grappling with the hidden injuries of race, and I think we need to take that into account."
"There is no negro problem, there is only an American problem."
"Bring back the America that I remember as a kid, where it wasn't so toxic."
"The billionaire class cannot take advantage of all of the benefits of America if they refuse to accept their responsibilities as Americans."
"How does the future look for the 11,000 new Americans born every day?"
"Systemic racism persists within American society, perpetuating a cycle of inequality and injustice."
"There's a very big mix of religious diversity in America and I think that's cool."
"Every region and sub-region in the U.S has cultural differences and quirks that might be considered odd in other regions."
"A fundamental shift in American culture had begun."
"The Boondocks was a critique of how American culture intersects with black identity as well as the many problems it creates and how we as a people often times have to navigate it."
"Classic democracy no longer exists in America; we have a managed corporate society."
"It's up to Congress or to the American people to decide what comes next."
"Firearms culture has never been more in the forefront in America than it is right now and it is continuing to grow."
"Groups in America move to the mainstream."
"This is how you get Americans back together, not dividing us."
"They aren't all the same... America is a country of immigrants, this has led to plenty of diversity among its residents."
"The cost of living in America is terrifying for people right now."
"I hope America understands the message and what we're trying to do here."
"We in America, we all the same bro, we go through the same things, we go through the same trauma, we go through the same hurt, we go through the same pain."
"America has become a nation of dual income working couples."
"Most Americans are decent people; most people are nice."
"Racism is woven into the fabric of America; it impacts our politics, entertainment, and relationships."
"In America, everyone does whatever they want. Society did break down, it's terrible and it's great."
"As much like the American people, pizza can come in all different shapes and sizes."
"The Negro is sort of a seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American world, a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world."
"Even after independence from Great Britain, British way of life still has an impact on American society to this day."
"This is one of the most significant changes in the American religious landscape."
"Americans have had a veil ripped off them."
"Racism is inextricably woven into the fabric of American society."
"In order for American society to work, there has to be some understanding that everybody has a place."
"In the face of a really serious disaster, American society would actually outperform after initially seeming completely hopeless."
"The American people have got to make do an intervention here."