
Crisis Intervention Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Please don't do anything stupid, someone called the police, we love you."
"Just get past that minute, that 10 minutes, call somebody, call a suicide hotline, get a hold of NAMI. They can help, but don't end it."
"Thank God they listened to her because now we have help, and we wouldn't. Our life would be so bad right now if we didn't have help."
"If you need to speak with anyone... you can call Lifeline."
"The only thing in my experience that is going to pull people back from the brink is conversations with loved ones."
"You cannot wait until someone hits rock bottom because rock bottom is literally their death."
"If you are in a situation... I really truly beg of you to reach out for help to somebody that you can trust and get out of that situation."
"It's always the cops who take down these folks by the way. It's always people with guns who take down mass shooters."
"I'm not saying [__] didn't happen, I'm not saying none of that. I'm not the fan of nobody because, bro, the way she was crying to me on that phone, bro, I'm here to help."
"Had I not been prepared and willing to stand in the gap, I don't know how that flight would have ended."
"Comforting a person or convincing them not to kill themselves is always going to be like that uphill battle rhetorically."
"What I just heard was not a woman trying to save her relationship but I just heard a mother trying to save her daughter."
"He had three cats and a dog, all taken in by the police and placed immediately on the euthanasia list."
"All of it helps keep me here doing what I'm moved to do trying to help these families in these extremely tough situations."
"People in Yemen don't just need us to be talking about it, they need us to be taking action."
"He went and met those people on their worst day... in people's lowest and hardest moments."
"Whether or not you're applying that and yeah, and also if you know someone's about to kill several people, you do what you can to stop that person."
"Most people who commit suicide want to be found."
"Suicide hotline: reaching out to fans in dark times."
"He took that moment to remember and try and help people in that situation."
"A 44-year-old Bulgarian man is being hailed as a hero this week after his actions during a tense hostage situation in the Dutch capital of Amsterdam were credited with helping police to take down the suspect."
"We provide 24/7 crisis intervention and peer-to-peer mental health support through our Overwatch program."
"It's better to send a mental health professional than a police officer with a gun."
"He saved other people because God only knows what that monster intended to do that night."
"Someone needs to stop this before it gets even crazier."
"Just trust your gut, trust your instinct. If you have a feeling that your loved one requires more intervention, requires more support then do it, offer it to them."
"I'm against suicide when you're feeling depressed, panicked, or powerless. Suicide is not the answer."
"Most of us do not have to eat animals to be healthy. Eating meat just because you like the taste of eating meat or you don't find cows cute? Well, good for you. You can't train them to do a trick. That's the definition of self-absorbed."
"Sometimes it takes just a couple conversations to get people off the ledge."
"Somebody in this chat, I'ma say it, somebody in this chat been trying to kill themselves."
"Ben Grimm arrives in the midst of all this chaos... one of the convoy trucks... stops the bomb."
"God said that I need to talk to Amber because she's going to commit suicide."
"If you see someone in crisis, ring the number, help them out. Like, it's not their fault."
"If somebody threatens to kill themselves if you leave, call the police. If they mean it, they'll get the help they need."
"The 998 hotline is so crucial, it's literally the 911 of mental health and suicidality."
"I think you can save more lives than any trained professional out there because you've been there."
"This incident highlights the challenges faced by law enforcement in deescalating potentially volatile situations involving individuals experiencing mental health crises."
"...it's common to think of suicide as a solution because when you have an overwhelming set of problems and stresses, your brain goes to the only solution it has left, which is ending everything. There is always a better solution in my opinion."
"...if someone is in a crisis, the most important thing is just to get to an emergency department or get safe. Suicide sucks."
"Thank goodness for my mother because if she didn't answer this phone call, I probably would have just walked out into traffic and offed myself."
"One guy tried to commit suicide when I was in charge of the all the radios and the barracks."
"If you are having feelings of harming yourself or someone else or even just need someone to talk to please contact your local mental health facility call 9-1-1 or call Mental Health America who operate the National Suicide Prevention Hotline."
"At least you can get on the phone to talk to somebody because what I notice that most people struggle with is they get to the position of true despair where they're considering taking your life."
"If you or someone you know is in crisis, help is available."
"Everything was out of character for me, my third-born understood, and if it wasn't for her being there for me, I would have ended my life."
"Please feel free to skip chapters or click away at any point or reach out to a crisis center if you need help."
"Resources in the description for mental health and crisis lines should you or someone you know need them."
"Calls like these were cries for help, teenagers who didn't know where to turn."
"The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-800-273-8255. They take calls from concerned family members as well as people in a crisis anytime, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day."
"The goal of crisis intervention is to return the person to where they were."
"Suicide is not a solution. It's a permanent decision to a temporary problem."
"You're helping people in their darkest moments... that most people can't even comprehend or think about."
"If anyone is ever feeling down and considering taking their own life, there is always help to get."
"We know of 111 people at this point who have stopped themselves from attempting suicide by counting backwards and asking for help."
"Social workers can work in mental health... crisis team members... whenever someone calls a mental health crisis line, a social work team can show up to assess the situation."
"We need to do something so these mental health crises can be solved more often than not without a death."
"The Department of Children and Family Services is the emergency room for troubled families."
"They don't want to die; they don't want to kill somebody; they want the pain to stop, and that's our job."
"The Veterans Crisis Line is there for you as a veteran or if you are a friend or family member of a veteran that's in crisis."
"We've had a great success rate in helping persons in crisis to get the care, the medical care that they need."