
Personal Breakthrough Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"This is your month to shine and to have a major breakthrough."
"What if they create an inner event that carries an amplitude of gratitude or joy... the stronger the emotion you feel from that breakthrough, the more you're going to pay attention to the image in your mind."
"I've been trying to heal a childhood wound... and getting my Akashic Records read was the breakthrough."
"There's going to be a breakthrough in whatever it is that you've been working on."
"You'll find the missing puzzle piece to your life."
"This month is really offering up a breakthrough moment."
"Somebody just broke loose, somebody just overcame, somebody just got through."
"All it takes to break the veil is just to kind of go inside yourself."
"I haven't felt a breakthrough like this before."
"You're going to have a breakthrough, the answers are within, angel of enlightenment."
"Achieving balance in your life and feeling like you have what it takes to just break through to the next big thing."
"You're about to have a breakthrough and move into a new cycle."
"Hope, I feel hope for the first time in my life."
"You're finally going to have this breakthrough."
"You're bursting the old bubble and you're gonna be able to breathe."
"You may actually crack the hard shell that is this person."
"You will see things that you've been struggling with for 5, 10, 15, 20 years disappear."
"You've done it, you've broken through the chains that you never thought that you would break through before. I'm so proud of you. Congratulations."
"I want today to be the day you break the cycle in your life."
"I really feel like today has let me let go of those emotions and let me just push through to what I think I can achieve."
"This is your moment. This is not your moment to hold yourself back ever again."
"It's about the clarity, okay, then the truth that's coming in and the breakthrough. You're completing something here, a cycle, karmic, and you're graduating to the next level."
"The breakthrough could actually just be that you surprise yourself with your own potential."
"For the first time in his life, he could breathe."
"Recognize the purpose of energies around you, and you'll have a breakthrough."
"The breakthrough happens by conditioning your mind every day."
"I'll never forget the Liberation that I felt. Oh my God, I'll never forget. I was like high for like two months. It felt like because I experienced so low that like when I felt normal or above holy [ __ ] like it was just like freedom, freedom."
"When something clicks for you, it's like I just have to keep going."
"Once this understanding washes over you, all the mental blocks, fears, and worries, all the uncontrollable circumstances and obstacles that have ever held you back will soon start to disappear."
"God is about to give someone a breakthrough of provision."
"I guess there's definitely a hope... you can break out of it... all it takes is literally you."
"You're finally feeling a shift somewhere you felt you were always going to be stuck."
"It was almost life-changing because I made huge breakthroughs that I hadn't made for years."
"There's a lot of healing, a lot of understanding, major breakthrough that Aquarius is going to have with the Sagittarius full moon super moon and from there you're going to make a decision."
"I have a breakthrough on days 49 and 50 that fully explain all of this."
"For the first time in my life, I was feeling good in my skin."
"Your deliverance is always on the other side of where you gave up."
"Major breakthroughs in your personal development."
"Books are empathy machines; they let you see through someone else's eyes."
"You're finally breaking free of this devil energy which has been restricting you."
"There's some sort of breakthrough that you're having here."
"Escaping from what controlled you, the Breakthrough to success."
"When you do it, you are going to the deepest of yourself."
"You might just make a really important breakthrough in trying this stuff out."
"It's gonna take something very painful and in your face for you to be like oh my god I've got to get out of here I deserve better and in fact I can do all this myself by myself I don't need anyone else here you know what I mean you got this."
"Breakthrough is not coming, breakthrough is here!"
"You are breaking free, you're crossing the threshold, you're stepping through a gateway."
"You're manifesting something here, it's like you're breaking something open in your life."
"This is an energy of breaking out of those containers, those cages, those parts of ourselves that we thought we had to be a certain way."
"I declare breakthroughs in my life, I declare that this moment is my defining moment marking the ending of a sad history."
"You're about to make a big breakthrough, overcoming any resistance."
"This is big for you guys, okay? Major revelation, major breakthrough for you stepping through the portal."
"Perhaps there's some sort of obstacle that you're overcoming and you're finally seeing through all of that blockage."
"You have broken through a barrier of fear that held you back."
"If you're not willing to have the breakthrough of your life this week, then you're going to get the ultimate breakdown."
"You're going to feel such a sense of relief and release."
"You're smashing through that glass ceiling or whatever it is that's holding you back."
"You may be celebrating by the end of this transit, freeing yourself from a situation that has chained you to the past."
"You are breaking a really huge cycle with this ace of cups and the sun card."
"The world card can be a very successful card, getting to the end of a cycle, breaking through those barriers."
"Gervante has gotten out of that shadow to a good degree."
"Breaking Free from what's been holding you back."
"I just feel that that streak of my failures is over."
"Confronting fears, that breakthrough energy."
"It's becoming unstuck in something where you don't feel as heavy."
"A lot of [] got a breakthrough coming, it's just that you ain't been through enough [] in life for you to actually hit it."
"Because you didn't quit, he's about to turn the light on your life."
"Breaking free just feels like freedom to them."
"The moment that you take that step, you're going to feel this sense of elation and joy. You're gonna feel it right away."
"Breathe into those moments where you abandon yourself. This approach will fucking change your life like no other."
"You're not stuck anymore, there's an offering or an apology coming in for you."
"You see the way through and out the other side."
"You're going to break free of some pattern of how the world sees you, okay?"
"You broke the gravitational pull of where you came from."
"This just feels like a breakthrough time for you."
"Finally, a breakthrough in the mental body, unanswered questions being resolved."
"He gave you an anointing to destroy the yoke."
"How can I burst out of my lane and into the world?"
"Breakthrough beliefs and self-limiting thoughts."
"Finally, you're getting that breakthrough that you really feel has been needed."
"This video got millions of views, launching Nicholas from obscurity."
"This is all about the breakthrough, this is all about understanding what's worth meditating on, what's worth focusing on."
"We are opening up to a brand new beginning, Pisces. I can think clearly, I'm no longer confused, I've ripped the bandage off, and I'm moving forward."
"Once you actually make a breakthrough the ultimate aim should be you share that with other people because when you share it with other people you give them the permission to do it themselves as well."
"Breakthrough comes as a result of getting the word from God."
"There's some sort of breakthrough where you just kind of bust open and go, 'yeah I did it I made it I'm here and I'm just going for it now.'"
"You've unbound yourself from everything that was holding you back."
"Any addictions you have for you Libras this is a particularly good breakthrough week."
"First try, no leaks. 35 solder joints. Super pumped!"
"You are very likely right on the cusp of breaking through to a new level."
"Standing in your truth, putting down the weight you've been carrying."
"Your breakthrough moment is when it becomes so uncomfortable that you're like I can't do this anymore."
"A breakthrough is going to feel like a breath of fresh air, succeeding triumphing over something."
"Show the world the real you. You're letting yourself shine, breaking out of ruts, being true to yourself."
"The moment that it becomes in your heart and in your mind, the healing is there, the breakthrough is there, the clarity is there, the open door is there."
"You are stepping through a gateway, a portal, a new day is dawning for you."
"The level of breakdown is equal to the level of the breakthrough on the other side."
"There's usually some really powerful stuff on the other side of that."
"The minute you let go and say, 'You know what, I'm just gonna be happy with me,' bam, that's when the 10th cup is offered to you."
"Endurance makes you strong enough for breakthrough."
"I actually found that when I've in those moments of fear when I allowed myself to go into the fear not around it, not out of it... I had breakthroughs."
"I feel like I'm fixed, like I've finally figured it out."
"Once you do that, man, the Sun, the Sun, the Sun. That happiness."
"You're here to break ancestral curses, you're here to break generational curses."
"Breakthrough is coming, it's your season to break through."
"It's like you're on the verge of a breakthrough."
"It's been like a two and a half year process and that process is coming to a close this year you will have a major breakthrough Libras around the lunar eclipse."
"You're initiating your own Tower moment. The portal is open, and there's light at the end of the tunnel."
"There's another type of breakthrough that at the end of the day, beloved, is more important than even these first two. And that is spiritual breakthrough."
"God will provide a way where there is no way."
"Revision was the missing piece for me. It changed everything overnight. Manifestation started happening so much faster."
"Achieving the impossible, Virgo. This is somebody finally speaking their truth and making the changes that they didn't feel they had the strength to do."
"It was amazing to see the breakthrough that she had at the homeless not toothless charity function."
"You're going to have a breakthrough, there's going to be a huge change happening for you."
"A breakthrough is coming; you're seeing things clearly."
"I was finally releasing everything... I was crying for everything, I was just crying."
"All I needed was to push myself off to take flight."
"I wasn't scared of anything anymore. I was completely uninhibited."
"If you can get past the whole spirit of compassion thing, you will find the answers here. If you can just get past that somehow, you'll have the answers you need and you'll be unstoppable."
"Your breakthrough is where the mind of God for you is."
"You're mature enough for this, you're grown up enough for this breakthrough to happen."
"You're up for this, you're mature enough for this, you're grown up enough for this breakthrough to happen."
"For the first time in my entire life, I felt like a member of the human race."
"You are returning with your own key today that will lead you to your own realm of unstoppable breakthroughs."
"You've done it, you've broken through your own barriers."
"For once in my life, I'm free and at peace."
"I didn't expect my breakthrough to come so soon."
"Finally, at the light at the end of the tunnel, you found your wings and you're flying."
"Finally, I felt like I could breathe."
"I'm standing over the exact place that I couldn't get up from, and today I'm claiming breakthrough in the name of Jesus."
"I felt genuinely happy for the first time in months."
"For the first time in your life, you're going to be completely free."
"My coach Ed gave me this lesson that finally had me making a breakthrough."
"There's a feeling of freedom coming for some of you, and a feeling of breaking away."
"You've been in the cave long enough, it's time for you to get up out of this stronghold."
"If you ever want to break through to be the truest, highest, most authentic self and live the best life possible, you're going to have to love what you see in the mirror."
"I can breathe for the first time in like ten years."
"It's inspiring to see him break through with his own music."
"For the first time in years and years, I have a healthy relationship with food."
"It may run in my family, but I'm the generational bloodline curse breaker."
"Maybe we need that breakthrough, maybe we need to breathe for a couple of weeks."
"As the spirit of stagnation breaks off your life, you will take territories."
"I was smiling for the first time in a while."
"Your breakthrough is going to be amazing."
"I was completely free for the first time in my life."
"You're going to have this moment of freedom, it's gonna feel like you're breaking free."
"You are finding that you are breaking through what used to cause you tremendous resistance."
"It's like you finally feel you have the strength mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or you finally have the courage to take this step forward to break through."
"You're about to have a major breakthrough in your life."