
Gaza Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"We want to see a massive humanitarian assistance immediately to Gaza from all sides."
"This war has taken a greater toll on innocent civilians than all previous wars in Gaza combined."
"The humanitarian situation on the ground in Gaza remains urgent."
"The impressive amount of relief vehicles that have arrived to assist Gazans thus far is truly remarkable."
"80% of the hungriest people on Earth are in Gaza."
"The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has reached absolutely horrifying, unthinkable levels."
"Gaza right now, in its current form, is the worst humanitarian crisis we have ever seen."
"Human beings are the people that occupy Gaza right now. The people that are living in Gaza are also human beings."
"Gaza had the opportunity to invest billions of dollars into infrastructure, but they built tunnels and bombs."
"We have over 12,000 children who have been killed, over 27,000 innocent civilians... North Gaza has been wiped off the map completely."
"The people of Gaza have suffered tremendously as a result of these ongoing wars."
"No one has the right to keep an entire population of people in a cage, which is what's happening to people in the West Bank who have no freedom of movement... Which is what's happening in Gaza, which is blockaded to water, air, and land, and is deemed uninhabitable by human rights organizations like the UN."
"It should make people upset. We should be losing sleep every day because of what's happening in Gaza."
"But the conditions that people are facing all over world Gaza is the manifestation of the most extreme form of Cruelty."
"The situation in Gaza is a real horror, people are dying from hunger, not just from bombing."
"Things can change overnight, trust me, the people in Gaza before October the 7th didn't have an amazing life."
"Ansar Allah are saying, 'Allow people in Gaza to eat. Stop this war of starvation.'"
"President Erdogan is dispatching Turkish navy vessels to Gaza."
"What's happening in Gaza is atrocious. It's not hard to stand against that."
"Israel needs to do more to allow distribution inside of Gaza."
"The people responsible for the barbarism in Gaza is Hamas."
"We care about people around the world, and especially people in Gaza."
"This is not about us... this is not about me... this is not about anything but what is going on in Gaza."
"Everything that's going on in Gaza right now is almost like a warning and a reminder to kind of not step out of boundary and like treat this life like it's whatever."
"The children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves."
"Gaza is the spark that's ignited the whole world."
"That is Gaza right here, um, in the middle Malouda."
"The children of Gaza, they skipped childhood."
"...do not ruin that happiness but temper it in light of what is happening in Gaza."
"This is bondage, this is slavery, the largest open-air prison. That's what they call Gaza."
"Al Jazeera has played a crucial role in revealing what is actually happening in Gaza."
"We have a human responsibility to all the people in Gaza."
"We are doing everything we can to increase the flow of aid into Gaza."
"The majority of the humanitarian workers are Gazans; they are the ones who are affected by the conflict themselves, and they, while being affected, are trying to deliver the much-needed humanitarian assistance on an ongoing basis."
"The children of Gaza need food now, not in six months' time."
"Gaza has simply become uninhabitable; its people are witnessing daily threats to their very existence while the world watches on."
"This is all part of the Gaza solidarity operation that we've seen play out across college campuses."
"I've sat in the living room in Gaza City of the Shamali family... and heard about that and their testimony is conveyed in the documentary I co-produced, Killing Gaza."
"The United Nations is the only game in town for getting more food to starving Gazans."
"The money went to the charity, the Palestine Children's Relief in Gaza."
"The situation in Gaza has to change; humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions. Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp."
"It's fascinating to me that Gaza has retained that same name for the same place for at least 3,000 years."
"We want to see an immediate, permanent ceasefire; we want to see humanitarian aid delivered to the people of Gaza."
"Thirty dollars can feed a family in Gaza for two weeks, so sixty dollars could feed them for an entire month."
"Conspicuous acts of kindness to the people in Gaza... it's just that much harder to hate someone if you do nice things for them."
"Even as we are intensely focused on the crisis in Gaza, we're also very much engaged and focused on the important work that we're doing in the Indo-Pacific."
"The alternatives are worse for innocent civilians in Gaza who are suffering under desperate conditions."
"Let us not forget that half of the two million people in Gaza are children."
"Overcoming the split between Gaza and the West Bank is a step of critical significance."
"The participants in the Gaza Freedom flotilla action were designed to address and generate publicity about the serious humanitarian situation in Gaza."
"We will, we shall revive Gaza again and make it as it was before."
"...people from Gaza are so proud of their education system, so proud of it, and it's so successful."
"Right now, there is no higher priority in Gaza than protecting civilians, surging humanitarian assistance, and ensuring the security of those who provide it."
"But in the meantime, there are still real journalists in Gaza whose reports can be trusted."
"There's no question that the impact of Gaza has touched on virtually every corner of the world."
"Neither the people in Gaza nor the Israeli hostages and their families deserve this tragedy."
"The resistance against Israel is part of the fabric of everyday life in Gaza."
"The aid to Gaza needs to be rapid, unimpeded but also sustained."
"I've been pushing really hard to get humanitarian assistance into Gaza."
"We're very mindful of the humanitarian crisis that exists in Gaza."