
Legal Proceedings Quotes

There are 792 quotes

"I've heard enough testimony. There is clearly enough evidence to order a paternity test."
"You know a hearing's off to a shaky start when a lawyer has to clarify that he is, and I quote, 'not a cat.'"
"The first to speak in court sounds right until the cross-examination begins."
"A federal judge in Washington D.C. ordered Donald Trump to sit for a deposition in the Peter Strzok wrongful termination lawsuit."
"Yesterday's hearing was historic, it was actually very historically noteworthy and important."
"The superseding indictment could contain, get this, 35 to 40 more criminal counts."
"It's a show trial and that this is a political charade."
"Throughout the case, it was clear that many of the witnesses were afraid to come forward."
"How nice to see the juror acknowledge sanity here and be like, yeah, that doesn't make sense."
"The evidentiary value of having interviews and testimony closer in time to the conduct is undeniable."
"Legal Eagle says, 'Lady C, what do you think about New York Judge Louis Kaplan setting a date of January the 4th next year for Prince Andrew's legal team who will make a motion to dismiss the sexual assault case brought against him by Virginia Giuffre?' Well, I think the sooner the better."
"Instead of closure, maybe we best see today's proceeding as an exercise in accountability."
"Watkins sobbed while testifying and showed remorse for his actions."
"The big problem for them is that the judge says he's going to follow the law and that he has no agenda."
"E. Jean Carroll displayed incredible heroism on direct and cross-examination."
"After being found guilty, Danny Masterson was immediately remanded into custody."
"May your lawyer pay you when they're supposed to..."
"I think it's fair to say the judge should rule on the motion for a mistrial with prejudice immediately. He should grant this motion, Cal Rittenhouse should be free to go."
"Thank God for your voice and others because I think have we not been fighting in the court of public opinion the case of the tragic killing execution of this unarmed black woman never would have made it to court."
"Supreme Court hears oral arguments in a critical case out of Alabama that could determine the future of the Voting Rights Act."
"I'm sorry everyone, could I get a moment alone with my client, please?"
"Chauvin may very well be convicted for a lot of reasons."
"And on November 5th, 2006, nearly five years after their deaths, Renee Terion pleads guilty."
"It's extraordinary to get discovery in these matters, but the fact of taking live depositions or testimony from these folks under oath, it's remarkable."
"When he testifies, it is possible that we will get access to his notes, notes that we know contain stunningly incriminating quotes by the President."
"The prosecutors would like it to begin this summer, summer of 2024."
"I think it would be more suited for the end of the interview, but is this just political prosecution? Because if it is, this sets a precedent and tone that's very scary for everyone."
"I gotta get one of these boxes for my Zoom Court hearings. That way when I drop some knowledge on the judge, my case, your honor!"
"Happy Criminal Referral Day! The January 6 committee met one last time, and referred Donald Trump to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution on at least four felony counts."
"The deal that they made was so corrupt that they had to go to a special magistrate to sign off on it. And basically what that deal did is it exonerated everyone. It exonerated the procurers, it exonerated the perpetrators."
"The court trial lasted 8 Days, the boys were discharged, and the case was thrown out."
"The state held their burden and I felt like the defense did nothing to poke holes in it."
"Is this a miscarriage of Justice? Yeah, I mean this indictment should not go forward."
"I'm still not done processing yesterday's hearing it was unexpected and quite a lot of ways."
"And that will do it for this case lettings for the next case on the way."
"For us, the public, those expert witnesses were able to give us a master class not only on what happened and what they saw but on what the impact of it was."
"We've seen some crazy stuff happen on the stand, it could absolutely happen."
"Carrie Lake scores huge win as Arizona election case heads to court."
"This freight train with no brakes is going to pull into the station for a March 2024 trial date."
"Is this a Witch Hunt or is this a legitimate judicial inquiry?"
"Fewer jurors means more of a likelihood that there is going to be a unanimous verdict reached."
"I think we're going to see more arguments like his that are treating this trial very seriously."
"He was interrogated for eight hours straight... My gut is most of those statements are not going to be suppressed."
"The portrayal of Mr. Janus as either a peaceful protester or someone simply swept up by the crowd does not match the reality established at trial."
"No lawyers, no judges, get to decide. It's up to the jury."
"My wife has never considered divorce. Murder yes. Never divorce."
"At the time of publication, Nancy has not been sentenced. Both Dan's mother and his son Nathaniel were grateful for the guilty verdict and believed it was necessary for their family to begin to heal."
"It was absolutely disgusting what the media and also Phil's defense team did to Lana's name."
"At no point has anybody been actually convicted or pled guilty to collusion with Russia regarding the election."
"If you're saying look we can get more evidence and put this to rest it should happen we should we should okay let's do it there should be no there's no argument from anybody."
"The prosecution rested on June 15, 15 days later the defense rested."
"Collective proceedings like this are vital to hold large companies accountable."
"By putting an indefinite hold on the trial, it's making it such that the case will almost definitely be pushed back until after the November elections."
"There were times we doubted the case, there were times we were confident, and to say 'relieved' would be a gross understatement."
"I think they were stuck on whether they would find the defendant guilty on some of the reckless counts."
"This trial is now over, and there's a sense of relief."
"This trial is happening in April this trial is happening soon Donald Trump's going to be called to take the stand he testified in his deposition he's going to testify again."
"Every vote counts. Voters decide the winner. We'll see him in court."
"What makes it worse is that this whole day has been wasted. They're supposed to start at 12:30, it's 3:30 p.m. and they're just starting talking about a video."
"He believes in in snapshots of with some numbers across their chest yeah we need to lock them up yeah no doubt about it quick last thought from you really high level conversation happening there in Vero Beach Florida."
"The disclosure issues were of course paramount for me during the hearing."
"Your evidence should speak for itself at the end of the day."
"I want to see publicly the taking a crap on somebody's bed."
"Imagine if Mueller had just been allowed at the outset to release the introductions that he and his team wrote, summarizing the two volumes of their report."
"The sole question before the court is whether absentee ballots now must be mailed and postmarked by Election Day Tuesday April 7th."
"It's a tale of two trials... and the court found that Mr. Depp had committed at least 12 acts of domestic violence."
"The court should deny defendant Amber Heard's motion to strike because Mr. Depp has come forward in his case in chief with multiple credible witnesses, documents, and authentic tape recordings of Ms. Heard herself."
"Those responsible should be held accountable."
"Our committee had the opportunity last spring to present much of our evidence to a federal judge."
"It's time to hear directly from Secretary Clinton."
"Blatantly obvious to at least... how far this case was taken."
"President Trump's team made important legal progress in two key states."
"Now you have to have hope that they're going to get a conviction."
"Mistaken witnesses can be convincing witnesses."
"This is a 25 million dollar lawsuit to start."
"The court should strike the allegation of paragraph 25 that New York Marine reserved rights to deny any coverage."
"Congress needs to follow its constitutional responsibilities and, you know, pick up the Mueller Report, hold hearings on it and follow that path wherever it legitimately leads."
"After nearly 5 hours of deliberations, the jury announced it had reached a verdict... James Rackover from New York was convicted on all counts for the murder of Joey Kali."
"Any trial of this action during a pending presidential election will impact the outcome."
"He's like, 'Hold on, you're on it. Let the record show that I, uh, not in my... I shook my head no here, please.' [Laughter]"
"The court is now in session for the trial of Truth or Square versus the public opinion."
"Success is them saying we've started the investigation they're sending subpoenas so yeah that's all I'm asking for."
"99.9 percent of cases that go to court are guaranteed convictions."
"I don't understand why these attorneys think it's appropriate or why they think it looks good for anybody sitting at that table for them to all be like whispering into each other's ears and sharing each other's drinks and laughing it up."
"She pleaded not guilty, the attorney is arguing that she needs medical attention. Now isn't that ironic?"
"I think it’s very smart to pick Taylor as their opening witness."
"Former police officer Daniel Holtzclaw awaited his sentence, his eyes were filled with tears and he shivered as he waited to hear his fate."
"There are far too many questions about how this case was handled and why it took 74 days for two of the killers to be arrested and charged in our Barry's death."
"We know he's criminally investigating Donald Trump we know that he's brought in someone named Matthew Colangelo who's a top prosecutor."
"It appears that this investigation is full steam ahead now we have a bit of a timeline for it tick-tock." - Rachel Maddow
"The murder weapon was already broken prior to the murder."
"We have never had a situation where a president left office and then was charged with crimes he committed while being president."
"He's put in motion wheels that have allowed other prosecutors and investigators to follow up."
"Mr. Brooks appears to fully understand what's going on in these Court proceedings."
"The story is that they were in court and in cross-examination, and the defense asked the agent, 'Look at these messages.' It was all in front of everybody."
"Juries are very smart people, they can see when you are trying to be them."
"It was not the special counsel's job to conclusively determine Donald Trump's innocence or to exonerate him."
"I believe JD is only suing for the truth to get out there. Why should Turd be allowed to defend JD and JD just cop it? AH has been caught lying." - Georgina Lakitus
"I think criminal prosecution is what will open the door to the IRS reviewing the tax exemption."
"Nobody in the courtroom, maybe even including me, wants the case resolved more than Judge Hall."
"The fact of the matter is I don't think the chief justice presides because the president is not the sitting president; he's a former president."
"Eight minutes after the hearing wrapped up. Nervous much?"
"Guilty, absolutely guilty." - "Guilty absolutely guilty"
"We're all speculating here and these are all just allegations. We'll see what the courts decide."
"There's no indication that he was a danger to flee... He didn't try to leave, he didn't try to run."
"There is a presumption of innocence on every case, however, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that was presented today."
"Race played a role in the jury selection and perception of the case."
"Would crush him, we'll definitely have to have a court at the new building."
"Mr. Cohen's testimony is the beginning of the process, not the end."
"The courts have rejected all of the evidence that was presented... it's just mind-boggling."
"It's a historic day...you don't get everyday affidavits released from presidential raids in this country."
"People don't like getting cut. Juries don't like to see people getting cut."
"What a nightmare it'll be for Trump if the independent monitor gets appointed."
"This is only a formality, but this Court finds the defendant Mr. Larry Butz not guilty."
"A judge in New York found Donald Trump liable for fraud granting New York attorney general Leticia James motion for summary judgment."
"Johnny Depp will be called by Amber Heard's defense on Monday"
"It's going to be interesting to see what the jury thought of this."
"Free Britney." - Supporters rallying outside the court
"The prosecution's crux of the case was that Scott Peterson did not want to be a father. He wanted the freedom to date other people; he did not want to be tied down with a wife and child. So instead of divorce, he chose murder."
"The most emotional part of the day was when Rick Distaso brought out the autopsy photos, or the remain photos."
"And I declare to a French journalist, 'Is this judgment in the name of the French people?'"
"Defendant has more than satisfied its burden of proof."
"If any of these supposedly glaring instances of fraud had any legitimacy to them, they would be litigated in the courts. And the fact that they're not should speak volumes."
"He's really, really close, he's probably on the two yard line or one yard line of a charging decision."
"The aha moment for the jury was the audio tape of the interview."
"All January 6 prosecutions should now be paused for evidentiary hearings and investigations."
"Just because Mueller wasn't examining or prosecuting Donald Trump for the crime of obstruction doesn't mean he wasn't obstructing."
"Case closed. There was no good faith basis for the raid on President Trump's home."
"And if she lets the trial go ahead, Donald Trump could file for a Rule 29 motion."
"It'll have no impact on the witnesses that are testifying."
"So why is it so important that both Trinity and Brandon saw these new injuries around this time? Well, that's a great question."
"Hopefully he gets life for what he has done. I think they're building a pretty solid case."
"We gather here today to join these two. Mr. Chauvin, this is your opportunity for holy matrimony."
"Ripple can now depose the former head of the SEC finance division."
"It's a bit of a formality now but we've just moments ago seen a filing by the justice department."
"That autopsy report is outdated, Your Honor."
"The last person they should have put on the stand."
"Austrian newspapers reported that aging Joseph Fritzl might not even be able to make and stand trial."
"The Supreme Court has said that is it, your tax returns are going to the house committee that is investigating you."
"If he is ultimately charged, that's going to be something that a federal prosecutor stands up and says."
"Do you still stand by your testimony?" "Absolutely, I do."
"We have now proven in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt not only that there's a mafia but there's a commission that it runs the mafia."
"We understand the gravity of each and every referral we are making today, just as we understand the magnitude of the crime against democracy."
"Numerous state and federal courts evaluated and rejected the Trump campaign's claims of voter fraud including 11 judges appointed by ex-president Trump himself."
"A newer take on the 43-inch monitor using a 3840 by 2160, 144hz quantum dot enhanced va panel with a very wide color gamut."
"These charges in today's indictments are only allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty."
"The Justice Department had material referred to them for prosecution."
"The Manhattan DA prosecution team that's been assigned to prosecute the Trump organization we will keep you updated on that prosecution." - Legal AF
"It's fair to say that this incident was consuming and confusing."
"It's like a mini trial. The judge presides over it, swears in the witnesses, witnesses take the stand, they're examined if you will by the side that has called them, they are cross-examined by the side that is opposed to them, and people testify."
"The evidence was overwhelming... every suspect in the month-long investigation had ultimately been cleared except Kirby Anthony."
"The Public's interest in a speedy trial here is greater than any interest that Trump could have in delaying it."
"At the end of this entire hearing, the judge basically stated that since I didn't land, it wasn't necessary for takeoff or landing..."
"This entire trial is a soap opera quesarito."
"New evidence threatens to undo the entire case and set Steve Crum free."
"This is a media campaign masquerading as a legal campaign until proven otherwise."
"In the end, the judge said, 'I find it admissible. Not only do I find it admissible, I think it's some of the best forensic testimony that I've ever seen, and the jury is going to be very, very interested in this testimony.'"
"Justice will be served in this case one way or the other."
"I absolutely am, your honor. We won hands down, no further argument needed."
"Courts had to rule on a lot of false election fraud claims."
"I'm John Ruetten, thank you for the opportunity to speak during this hearing, there are really no words that can describe the loss of Sherry and the whole of this experience."
"One fact at a time, one question, one fact at a time."
"Is it possible that the grand jury is looking at more than Stormy Daniels?"
"But it was the DNA analysis that clinched the case."
"Defamation cases often turn into a mini trial about whatever the alleged lie was."
"Jamie Raskin gave what might be the best oral argument."
"You wouldn't need to be an expert in body language to recognize the unmitigated terror emanating from the suspect's face at this moment."
"I guarantee you a case this high profile, he's getting briefed every day."
"Judge Sullivan demanded exculpatory information."
"Thank you all for joining us. I am Dr. Brent Blue, Teton County Wyoming coroner."
"This is the forum that the law provides for our concerns to be heard, dealt with, debated, and finally resolved in this lawful means, peacefully, without violence."
"Verdict will be in 50 minutes, but obviously, you know, we set these up a little bit earlier."
"Let him do something else. This referee makes specific findings that each and every witness that testified at this final hearing were credible Witnesses."
"Mr. Wade's declaration settles the whole thing."
"I wanted to see good lawyering on all sides of this case."
"I think this January 6th hearing is really pulling a lot of that teflon off."
"David Schaefer respectfully requests that Fanny be disqualified and that this case be dismissed."
"Darren Lopez has been charged with the murder of Jamie James Faith."
"Charles Moses Jr was finally in police custody."
"Is this bombshell evidence going to have an effect in court?"
"In the absence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, a jury is obligated legally and morally to return a verdict of not guilty."
"That was our wow moment for this trial on 11, that was the most compelling testimony that I heard so far, at least in my opinion." - Duty Ron
"Britney expressly reserves the right to petition for termination of this conservatorship under probate code section 1861."
"Judge Perry denied the defense's motion to exclude any mention of chloroform during the trial."
"A conservative majority court is going to decide on Biden's private employer vaccine mandate."
"Was this proof that Darcy Frackenpole was in Kibby's vehicle?"
"Every single witness retracting their testimony... yeah, that moment's over now."
"All of the legal concerns which are extremely grave legal concerns in this case have been dismissed by the judge."
"The court holds that each plaintiff has demonstrated entitlement to preliminary injunctive relief against the government defendants."
"The tapes were chilling and as those tapes were played, the courtroom was as silent as a cathedral."
"My heart hurts for her my heart hurts for her family and I hope that her family knows whether the criminality part of it goes through not civil suits for them people so all of them."
"Your Honor, I'm about to switch gears a little bit."
"His trial is not a charade or a joke or a hoax. It is deadly serious business." - Judge Andrew Napolitano
"It means that doj is just that much closer to showing that the former president knew that those items the classified materials the records were there."
"On that cross because there were moments that went viral from that cross-examination."
"As of right now Rex Huerman has been charged in the deaths of Megan Waterman, Melissa Barthelemy, and Amber Lynn Costello."
"Every objection, every argument, every issue in this courtroom is an appellate issue that will go up to the Supreme Court."
"Trump as the moving party gets the last word."
"We have never in the history of our nation had a federal criminal trial that warrants audiovisual access more than the federal prosecution of President Trump."
"The only right, honest, and lawful thing that this judge, Lewis Kaplan, can do is end this unamerican Injustice being done to a president of the United States."