
Misogyny Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"Misogyny is still a thing, and we're still trying to build a world where men and women can actually be seen as equal."
"Misogyny, even when ironic, is incredibly easy to avoid when advocating for trans women."
"Misogyny is the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women."
"Misogyny and anti-feminism were important to conservative and new right organizing."
"Misogyny also oozed from the press coverage of battered women, raped women, and murdered ones too."
"The obsession with virginal women is that many insecure, misogynistic men are petrified of having sex with a woman who's had sex with a man who does it better."
"Guys would literally rather limit themselves to virgins than risk being unfavorably compared to anyone else."
"Sexism and misogyny are endemic in our society."
"Andrew Tate openly calls himself misogynist and a sexist and argues men should have authority over the women in their lives."
"Society itself offers a graduate level course in misogyny and every exam is a take-home test."
"Misogyny is rife in the world...they're real things happening. We have to be able to write about them and especially in narrative ways because that's how we can get people to feel."
"Giggle is to envision a world where female spaces are respected as necessary, where misogyny is eliminated through mutual understanding, and the equality of opportunity for all humans is desired and achieved through cooperation."
"I would rather risk losing my entire platform to tell the truth exactly as I know it to be than to sit back and watch a misogynistic man drag me through the mud."
"Misogyny is a big problem in gaming and streaming."
"It's crucial we don't erase the way that misogyny and racism operate together to justify killing Asian women."
"Misogyny and sexism are fundamental in the creation of the myth of witches."
"Sexism and misogyny did not start with the internet, right? It's been around for a long time."
"Misogyny has a real definition. So what you think and how you feel doesn't mean that it's real."
"Misogyny versus misandry is like telling your boss you're fired versus your boss telling you you're fired. Both are not nice, but one obviously has power and the other doesn't."
"In my experience, bigots will use ironic misogyny all the time as a way of getting away with expressing that bigotry, but they don't care about making it funny."
"The hate that women receive within gaming has become so normalized, but we need to make it clear to our communities and platforms that it is absolutely not okay."
"Nice guy syndrome is rooted in so much misogyny that it is far more common in men."
"I really appreciate the post... the most upvoted substantial post we've ever had on our subreddit... people were saying like misogyny is a problem in the community."
"The real way to address misogyny is by addressing the human being underneath and understanding where it comes from."
"Misogyny is something that she rightly knows that those who experience sexism will often not wish to perpetuate."
"I am proud to support calls to recognize misogyny as a hate crime."
"It's all about nasty men and the way they treat women."
"The misogyny is coming from within the house. Do them all a favor and leave them both alone."
"From a marketing perspective, the misogyny is cutting themselves off from a large buyer's market."
"It's such a bold act of misogyny to think that a man can just put on lipstick and some heels and say, 'Now I'm a woman.'"
"I wish I could tell you the simple answer is misogyny. This would be a much shorter book if that was the only answer to this question."
"I can't support anybody who talks about women in the way that he does."
"The more men who respond to people calling out their blatant misogyny with more misogynistic name calling and threats, the more justified I feel in continuing to call out their harmful narratives."
"It's pretty weird that misogyny is one of those things that people still can't really get a full picture on."
"I think it's important that you address his beliefs and help him understand that women are people who are entitled to bodily autonomy and basic respect, but your most immediate problem is the risk that he will hurt someone and get arrested."
"If you are a man and you see another man engage in this locker room talk or engage in this misogyny you should call them out."
"I implore you to actually direct your hatred of misogyny at actual misogynists. That way actual misogyny can be rooted out of our society at a faster and more efficient pace."
"By this time he was being labeled with the term misog which is a word that describes a deep-seated dislike against black women."
"Men's hatred of women seems to want just the opposite. It wants to creep in, it wants to be with us, it wants to have what we are like. Their hatred is based in entitlement and possessiveness."
"The horse face comment is Despicable misogyny just gross."
"You teach boys that their desires are evil or at least that they need to be suppressed and then you paint women as temptations instead of human beings."
"He was a man who had come to have a taste for strangling the life out of women who were not able to protect themselves."
"Literally this dude is like a deep rooted misogynist... scary."
"Giving platforms to unrepentant misogynists, whether converts or lifelong believers, sends a clear message: abusers welcome."
"You just gotta use them and toss them around because like they're not worthy of being wives."
"Misogyny is not good. In fact, some would argue that it's bad."
"When I was 14 and falling down the pipeline misogynistic jokes were like comfort food."
"Define misogyny: holding resentment or some lingering dislike towards women."
"The internet has definitely opened up a conversation about feminism and misogyny."
"Calling me a misogynist when I was just stating biological facts on sexual dimorphism, the physical difference between men and women, is actually pretty bad."
"It's part of this fascist cosplay combined with the hatred of women."
"Leave Britney alone! But you know, so people are looking into all this like Britney Spears era misogyny."
"What you heard was a lot of paragraphs grousing about the internet and misogyny."
"The press in the mid-2000s was extremely cruel specifically on women and extremely misogynistic."
"Women don't need to just be in the business of making babies, they can also be used for your sexual gratification."
"I meant to tell you all that I was out the other day and I caught some misogyny and I'm still recovering."
"Doma is known for targeting women, especially those with strong and healthy bodies."
"Female-directed movies are bad. Get out of here with all that misogyny."
"The degree of misogyny present in some areas of our society can be baffling."
"The white supremacy is still a problem and the misogyny is still a problem."
"Let's keep it a buck: it's misogyny. If this were the exact same film but about boy puberty, no one would care."
"That was the beginning of reclaiming myself, and to the dudes who intentionally threatened rape, perhaps next time you pull that misogynistic [ __ ], we'll meet again and when we do, I'll be ready once more."
"If a man says he hates a woman, he's called a misogynist. But you know, if a woman says she hates men or 'kill all men' or something like that, I mean, is she called out for that?"
"Sad how Pokimane still has to deal with misogyny."
"I was a massive misogynist 10-12 years ago, but I've changed. We can all change."
"In choosing to spew misogyny and hate rather than affect actual change, these keyboard Crusaders are betraying the very people they claim to help."
"If you're gonna make crazy accusations like that, call someone a misogynist, you better be able to back it up, man."
"Just give her a proper smashing and she will knock it off with her crazy feminist climate nonsense."
"If you look at polls of people's feelings on abortion, the number one thing that can predict if you are anti-abortion is misogyny."
"This lie that women just love to do things the hard way is a misogynist lie."
"If you call a woman 'used goods,' you're not a good man. You evil little man. You're not good if you call us damaged even though we've slept around throughout our entire 20s."
"Drags that are rooted in misogyny are not funny."
"Don't use Kim Kardashian's sex tape as a drag. That's misogynistic."
"This is not about parenting; this is about him being misogynistic, overbearing, and basically embarrassing his child who has done nothing wrong in this situation."
"Misogyny is the root of fascism beyond anything else Beyond Jews or race or nationality blood and soil ethnicity it always comes back to sexual frustration."
"I don't believe any man's misogyny should take precedent over survivors' humanity."
"This comes out when they're trying to impress other men."
"Genuine critique of anti-feminist behavior can very easily just turn into straight up misogyny."
"The immense hatred towards women on the internet is unhinged."
"The problem is when you use the Bible to validate misogyny, validate sexism, and just be extremely negative."
"People don't hate gay men; they hate femininity, they hate women."
"Women like this are such a headache okay, you wouldn't even want them to be the mother of your child in the first place."
"...women have largely been footnotes... WWE placed more value on a woman's physical appearance than her physical ability... there is a troubling foundational sexist patriarchal culture within the WWE."
"We don't engage in it but yeah definitely the young lady was right that level of vitriol and vengeful spirit that is directed to any woman that does not ride with them on the lost value system."
"The devil doesn't like me, but he hates women."
"Isn't it more misogynistic to tell women that they are victims, everything is being done to us, we have no agency?"
"We're so desperate for attention and of course it's misogyny written by a man so this man's gonna man explain me about my feelings about women and female characters."
"...people still don't like Rey, at least they like Ahsoka now. I mean that's growth, but no, we have to bring up misogyny because Ahsoka has a new show coming."
"The bittersweet victory of bringing these transgressions to light underlines who is the real antagonist of this movie: a deeply toxic system and misogynistic culture that protects dangerous men and devalues women."
"Anonymous anger toward women was notable and intense."
"We saw it on tick tock on YouTube on social media in real life like it's the same misogynistic pattern being applied over and over again to different situations."
"Smosh decides it's not important and they drop it because she's a girl what maybe I'm giving too much credit to the Canadian teen show that was made in the 2010s but they aren't this misogynistic or dumb."
"Don't worry darling uses the means of simulated reality to tell the audience that misogyny can take many forms and it is also bad."
"Go home and make me some dinner, woman."
"The entire point was to create a cult centered around making women more promiscuous."
"The truth about extreme misogyny and how it affects us all."
"...they are actively and explicitly extremist misogynist groups."
"...communities of tens of thousands of men that are really actively inciting not just hatred and extreme misogyny but offline violence."
"...and what we're talking about is not just changing the behavior of individual boys and men um but about changing centuries of patriarchy misogyny and male entitlement."
"The misogyny that Donald Trump is expressing is a misogyny that is also very widespread."
"In the mob in New York, facial hair was a no-go. Giving girls head was a no-go. Don't ever do that. And don't ever believe broads. They won't tell nobody because they're [ __ ] liars."
"Donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger."
"Andrew Tate's misogynistic tirades have been viewed billions of times online."
"Internalized misogyny is basically when a woman holds resentment and misogyny can be used towards other women or towards themselves as a woman."
"Men who believe women are lesser than are not going to listen to women when they say Hey you shouldn't do that."
"Men feeling humiliated leads to the fear of women being murdered."
"I made a point, and I know you saw it because you commented to me about this. You are horrifically anti-women in this movement in particular. Horrifically. Like, the level of women hating women in the anti-MLM movement is stunning, it's sickening."
"Violent video games are shocking in the 90s; a violent video game with added racism and misogyny is just pitiful."
"I think people need to get more equipped to that and just you know wake up and smell the coffee that those things can happen don't be so misogynistic."
"We're not misogynistic, we're realistic."
"We need protection as a people, we need protection as women and we don't need no more misogynistic men okay in wigs that are posing as us really at the heart you just you know right."
"Every time Dr. Ray opens his mouth, I'm like, 'Are you really that misogynistic?'"
"We have a misogyny problem here. Actually, we have a misogyny problem."
"These people are liars, they are misogynists. It was plain to see."
"John Steinbeck hates women in a childish self-pitying way that's almost comically over the top."
"I'm gonna keep it a bug, women shouldn't vote, women should lead, women shouldn't speak."
"Why do some men treat women like objects and just want to F them? Because that's what they see them as, an object."
"Fact: Women have so much evil in their blood that God decided it needed to be drained once a month."
"Explicit misogyny is obvious, overt expressions of hatred."
"Understanding misogyny is sort of like learning a new language. You have to study it. There are entirely new terms that you have to pick up."
"Thank you for being here to learn about misogyny."
"Understanding misogyny is the first step towards undoing it within ourselves and within each other."
"We truly, we are all the same let the shared misogyny unite us."
"I used to be the 'not like the other girls' type, and it was because I had been force-fed this misogyny about women."
"We work against images and veneers of success, seeing wealthy powerful men and being told that if you adopt his misogyny, his aggression, his power trips... you will succeed."
"The wish to be liked is a human need, but mixed with misogyny, it's just a cocktail where you can't differentiate between what's good and what's unhealthy."
"These tropes are proof that you can write a story about a girl being special without sprinkling misogyny all over it."
"They’re lusted after only as long as they continue to project traits like obedience, subservience, and a baby-like lack of agency or individuality."
"I don't think the hate train is in any way in the same place that it was in 2017, but I will say that the elements of the hate train, the disrespect towards black women, the constant pitting of women against each other, I think that has still remained."
"How do you define misogyny? I Define misogyny as exactly what he said to me: if I were a man, if I were a man I would be making sound arguments. I believe misogyny is defined what I said."
"What's in the book is that women are less valuable, they are less smart, they are more easy to deceive, they are the cause of the sexual sin that happens to men, and they should bear the full burden of those consequences with literal death."
"Misogyny is defined as expressing hatred towards women from a gender standpoint rather than an objective opinion or material matter."
"I hate a man that picks on women, Mr. Dylan."
"Not misogynist, we just hate [ __ ]."
"Roth’s writing and later characterizations alike were addressing concerns of classism and consumer culture, but these critiques were complicated by the fact that they had an air of misogyny."
"It's just sad how much people hate women. You know, is what it comes down to, and the truth is, people hate pretty girls. At least, you know, incels do. I mean, let's just say it. There's a group of people out there that just hate pretty women."
"If you hate women, you're a misogynist. If you hate men, you're a misandrist."
"It was someone with deep hatred of women who was deeply uncomfortable around women."
"I lost and it was totally fine. My journey in chess has been hard because of the misogyny in the chess Community."
"...you're giving them license to be misogynistic."
"...I wouldn't call it misogynistic."
"Murdering someone because you got rejected is a byproduct of the idea that women owe you sex that women owe you their company."
"It is so demeaning, it's so misogynistic, it's so undermining."
"I do find that there's a lot of misogyny in these sigma male nofap communities."
"As educated as possible on how to respect people on how to de-program the misogyny in my own brain. Toss it out reject it and resist it like there is no such thing as a [ __ ]."
"Misogynists don't listen to women. They don't take their opinions into account."
"Does misogyny and sexism exist in America? Yes, absolutely."
"Misogyny is alive and well in many places, not all, but many places in our democracies."
"Let's just call a spade a spade: misogyny, patriarchy. I mean, it is what it is."
"Because of what you think about women, you don't want them to be able to weigh in on that. It's very, very dangerous and it's just weird."
"Misogyny appears to be somewhere that men reach for constantly."
"Big boobs do not automatically equal misogyny - that's a super transphobic talking point that reduces women down to their anatomy."
"He hates black women, hypersexualizing, like Weinstein said. 'I think people like him should die,' while talking to his mother. This part is talking directly to his mother."
"There's been a lot of talk of misogyny against Pokemane."
"...any woman can really hide behind the defense of 'oh you're being misogynistic if you're criticizing me' but a lot of them choose not to because it's [__] stupid."
"It's all killing women, it's beating women, it's robbing women."
"He's also a misogynist who routinely calls women slurs and tries to silence them."
"It just makes me think about all these misogynistic men like Andrew Tate."
"Patriarchy holds up misogyny and Christianity. They're the trifecta of suck."
"Trust me, those men will never love you. They hate women."
"I think the language is interesting, because it does reveal the misogyny that underlies a lot of the gender ideology."
"If you are buying a course from these clowns on how to get women, [__], you garbage. Period."
"It's the story of a rake, a misogynist, a woman-hater who tries to seduce every woman who comes into view simply for the sadistic pleasure of doing so."
"It's interesting and it kills me like the misogyny is so funny to me because we women are independent, we can provide for ourselves, we're educated, we are bosses."
"Truth: women would rather get taken out by a bear because a bear won't assault our dead bodies the way y'all will if you have access to us."
"There's broken things in all of our cultures... all of us are prone to misogyny, homophobia, violence, warfare."
"Even if you took out all of the misogyny from this book it would still be like a two-star rated book for me like it it has a double whammy of being like just sort of mediocre and then full of misogyny making it absolutely unbearable."
"Misogynistic Bane: 'I don't like SMY either. Wom home in the kitchen where they belong.'"
"Women are machines for suffering. For me, there are only two kinds of women: goddesses and doormats."
"The devil works hard but misogynists they be trying to work harder."
"Why do men think it is okay to tell a woman to fix her face?"
"Every other form of music and art and entertainment has the same misogynistic subculture."
"Misogyny is a hate crime, yeah yeah."
"There's a lot of internalized misogyny and kind of like a 'pick me' attitude among a lot of witnesses."
"The most dangerous people on the planet are intelligent women. They need to be rounded up and taken down."
"If you're with a winner, you have to share him. Sorry, misogyny, but that's the truth, man."
"The only redeemable part of a fat girl is the upper half because they have big titties. It's true."
"I think one of grunge's greatest legacies is actually the killing off of misogyny in rock for quite a while."
"There's a spectrum and it rings from interrupting to belittling to raping women."
"There will be more cases, more women killed by misogyny, more moms heartbroken."
"Peter Venkman is a sleaze, but that doesn't make the movie misogynistic."
"Rappers are very homophobic, oh yeah, and misogynistic."
"What she really is first and foremost is a microcosm of the misogyny that Blizzard has demonstrated over the years and has allowed to grow amongst the ranks of their player base."
"All jokes aside though I just want all the straight girls who think like Miss Tara to know that this is the type of misogynistic culture that they are directly contributing to with these actions."
"Irrespective of gender, being beautiful does not protect you from dealing with the same kind of misogyny, sexism, and femphobia that your regular and ugly counterparts have to endure."
"I would argue that they are worse because they can... Beauty using God, the precious blood of the Savior, and Jesus ain't had nothing to do with it. Jesus is like, 'Why y'all got me out here doing this here? If you were a woman of God, you would cover me...'"
"Stab somebody 56 times suggests not only a high level of sadism but also a high level of anger, a high level of frustration, a misogyny against females."
"It's given misogynists a cover, hasn't it? It's been the most incredible eye-opener for me as to how so many men have got on board and they're just using it to be rude to women."
"There's a huge difference between traditional and misogynistic thoughts and behavior."
"Keep your misogyny to yourselves; hating on women is not a personality trait."
"Peak behind the facade of professional football and you'll find a grubby undercurrent of misogyny and male entitlement."
"Misogyny is not a universal, but it's out there, and misandry hardly exists in the vocabulary of most cultures that I know of."
"Here's the reality: the way misogyny and patriarchy work, they don't care about us."
"The culture itself is inherently misogynistic."
"When we look back at Monica Lewinsky, Anita Hill, Britney Spears, it's clear that misogyny was at play in the media."
"We need to make misogyny a hate crime and start to change the culture that seeks to keep women in their place with abuse and intimidation."
"All misogyny and sexual violence is connected. Therefore, all of it is the problem, none of it is trivial."
"Misogyny is... this idea of a man of societies of the world's idea of a man."
"Hating women is not the right way forward."
"It suggests an incredible angry, ferocious quality, impulsive, possibly misogynistic but just furious."