
Paternity Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"I've heard enough testimony. There is clearly enough evidence to order a paternity test."
"A DNA test... it's not just about establishing paternity; it's about accepting responsibility."
"It's not about who you want to be the father, it's about who's actually the father."
"That means you're a deadbeat. If you know that you're a potential father, why wouldn't you want to take a DNA test to see if that's your child? That's deadbeat status."
"You're here to expose that secret and prove paternity, is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Leavon, are you denying this child because you're trying to keep your relationship with your girlfriend?"
"Maybe if you can prove that you're not the father you don't have to pay child support for a child that isn't yours. Just maybe."
"Every man then deserves to at least know if that child is his if he can't even opt out of parenthood right."
"If I find out she's not mine, I still love her, man."
"If the test proves you are Messiah's biological father, are you willing to step up? Are you willing to be a father to this beautiful baby boy?"
"He's now faced with a child he didn't plan for... questioning again what kind of man he's going to be."
"She's your little girl... when you tell me she's not mine, it feels like you're taking my mother away from me again."
"He feels like he has an obligation to say, yeah the kid is mine. I'm a father."
"I may have lied about my affair, but I know who the father of my child is." - Ms. Grant
"Do you think that paternity testing should be mandatory? I absolutely think it should be."
"I know he's mine, so, why would you stand here and try to deny him? Why would deny him the father that he deserves?"
"But the real fact and the absolute truth is, ultimately, Mr. Fisher is your child's biological father."
"DNA testing reveals milkman fathered over 800 children between 1951 and 1964."
"It was crushing. It was heartbreaking that this thing that was supposed to be great... we finally got it, and I might not even be the father of it."
"In the case of Kiesel v. Kiesel, when it comes to the child Mrs. Kiesel is currently carrying, it has been determined by this Court Mr. Kiesel, you are the father."
"Should we also give a man the right to opt out of fatherhood?"
"When it comes to three-year-old Legend Amarie Brown... you... are his father."
"It's about a man knowing if the heir to his throne that he is raising is actually his."
"50% chance that your dad is not your dad or your kid is not your kid."
"Establishing paternity when a child is young is the best course of action."
"I've always known it was his baby, but I'm glad that it comes to rest to him that it is his daughter." - Ms. Grubb
"DNA came back and surprise my husband is not the father the look of relief and happiness on his face was priceless."
"I was there from day one. You know, the fact that she might not be mine, it hurts."
"I think if it's red pill at all, it's because guys don't want to be on the sharp end of a paternity suit."
"I didn't know what your mom was going to tell you, but I'm your daddy."
"I believe I'm the father because, you know, I loved her."
"It has been determined by this court... you are the father."
"Your child deserves to know who her father is."
"It has been determined by this court, Mr. Brown, you are not the father."
"At the end of the day it is painfully clear Miss Humphreys you have two men that think they're the father of this child, potentially two men that were there around the time the child was born. We just need the results."
"I'm telling the court as a woman today that I just need help finding out who my child's father is."
"Though Caesar never officially acknowledged Caesarion as being his son, his birth, in June 47BC, would align with Cleopatra’s first meeting with Caesar at the end of 48BC."
"After years of lies from your mother and uncertainty about who your father is, you believe you finally found him."
"I'm here today to prove to my husband that our daughter, Destiny, is in fact his. It is tearing our family apart, pieces by pieces, because he denies her."
"The truth is, from that very first moment, I never really doubted that you were my son."
"If paternity matters enough to the legal system to force a man to pay for a child that is his, it also matters enough for a man to not be able to accept a child that isn't."
"In the case of Tanner Yardley, Alexandra Teller, and the unborn child that Miss Teller is carrying, it has been determined by this court: Mr. Yardley, you are the father."
"What you laughing at, boy? You know who the daddy of that chocolated baby is? You do. It's my baby, boss."
"I am here today because Mr. Harris is going to sign this birth certificate today, right in front of his girlfriend. She has a lot to do with why he is denying my child."
"Now, although you have serious doubt, Mr. Lang, you want nothing more than for this child to be yours."
"In the case of White v. White, when it comes to three-year-old Savanna White, it has been determined by this court, Mr. White, you are her father."
"You are the father, that is your son."
"When it comes to one-month-old Lilian Willard, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Hodges, you are the father."
"However, Jay's been pulling some shady moves, allegedly using his clout to dodge taking a paternity test. Rymir's mom Wanda swears up and down they hooked up back in '92 but Jay's been giving her the runaround ever since."
"Even other men that's supposed to be the father, they always say Michael Anthony Davis is your father."
"My baby look just like you. You denying her, she look just like you. Y'all cheeks, y'all face structure, your forehead."
"He watched her be pushed out, he waited for my daughter to be weighed and wiped off, and he told me, 'That's a white man's baby,' and he walked out of the hospital room."
"I'm sorry that I put you through this. I didn't. So can we fix it now? Yes, just like you, I really do. I think you look just like you and I think he's probably gonna look more and more like you as the days go on. But that's your baby."
"I want you to know that and I think we may need to get a paternity test done to see if he's yours or not."
"Once it's proven that he's the father, I'm ending it. I'm leaving the same day."
"It's very simple. You kind of do the math. You slept with her, you know if it's your baby or not."
"I think she is the illegitimate daughter of Luke."
"'Cause I put my heart into that little girl. And to find out that she not mine, it hurts."
"Paternity fraud... a gut-wrenching feeling."
"I got the results today from the paternity test 0.0 percent paternal probability."
"In the case of 22 month old Giovanni, Greg, you are the father."
"There's no such thing as maternity fraud, whereas paternity fraud is prevalent."
"I'll get you proof that this baby is John's."
"The reason why you ought to know who the father is, is because the destiny of a child is hidden in the DNA of the father."
"He always thinks that I'm sneaking around on him or I'm cheating on him or because I've left him so many times that he believes that he's not the father of our son."
"Honey what's wrong with you you seem distracted today I don't know Jimmy looks really different from our other kids what are you trying to say did you have an affair I did I'm so sorry dang it who's the father you are"
"As we go to the results, I want to ask you again: do you truly believe he's not the father, or are you saying he's not the dad because you wanted to get back at him?"
"Every man's deepest darkest fear is raising a child that he thought was his, and then finding out later on was not his."
"I just wanted to find out who my biological father was because I really don't know. It could be one of five people."
"In the case of Jones v. Houston, when it comes to 6-month-old Sinclair Lyric, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Houston... You... are the father."
"I want to alleviate another level of your doubt. My staff also tested Michael and I just want you to know that he is also your biological child."
"Does it mean the baby's mine? It do."
"In the case of Watson v. Mahoney, when it comes to four-year-old Kevin Watson, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Watson, you are the father."
"The baby is yours until proven otherwise."
"If I wasn't the father, why did you let me cut the cord? Why did you give the baby my last name?"
"She told me she's pregnant. It could be possibly mine or five other guys'."
"In the case of Taylor v. Taylor... When it comes to 25-year-old Jasmine Taylor, it has been determined by this Court... Mr. Taylor, you... are not the father."
"But the truth is, you were also intimate, obviously, if you believe there are three possible fathers, with two other men."
"I'm 1,000% sure that these are his kids."
"Sucks that Zoey don't know her real dad."
"I just told him there was a possibility he was the father."
"She just said that my brother was her child's father. And she assumed that we had money. She said she thought we had it 'like that.'"
"When it comes to 29-year-old Andrew Haight, it has been determined by this court Mr. Horne, you... Are his father."
"Mrs Perez said these are my cards I'm letting you have it, yes your honor. I'm here because I want to confirm that she really is my daughter."
"I do have the results for you. In the case of Jackson v. Brennan... When it comes to five-year-old Makhiya Jackson, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Brennan, you... are the father."
"I pray to God that he is the father but if he's not I know how he's gonna feel and that's just gonna break me down."
"Success has a thousand fathers and failures an orphan."
"If you have questions about whether it's yours or not, we can get that question resolved too."
"I know the baby, and I think to myself, it's mine."
"Hey, you think you have problems with your paternity in this movie? Stick around for a few years, kid."
"You don't let a child grow up believing that you are their father and just ignore them their entire life because you're not sure. It's your responsibility to resolve that issue so that the child doesn't grow up believing they are being ignored by their father."
"There's a twist. No one knows which dad is Nicole's biological father. The father is biologically indeterminate."
"I'm a good father. If he's mine, then I will."
"The blood test strongly suggested that he was the girl's father."
"It's the DNA results. She's my daughter."
"The results are in. Nick, you are not the father."
"I want to prove to John that he is definitely my biological father."
"Died for decades. Is he really my father?"
"This is my father, and I'm expecting that."
"It's a high likelihood that this is the biological child of those two individuals."
"I just want to know if that's my child. It's my money, it's coming out my pocket, and y'all have the system have control of that. So that's why I want to be secure with my answer, secure with what I'm doing. It's just a mental thing to me."
"Boynton was the father of Jackie Thorne's baby, and no, he didn't... it wasn't rape."
"...and that the girl that you thought was your niece your brother was paying child support to and taking care of in fact is your daughter."
"It was incredibly awkward to have to explain to a five-year-old by a strange man she'd never met was telling her he was her dad."
"In the case of Goddard v. Harrison, when it comes to eight-month-old Aniyla Harrison, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Harrison, you are her father."
"You claim you are not her 20 month old daughter, A'myriah's biological father, and are stuck on the birth certificate until today's results prove you are not her dad. Is that correct?"
"I need to know because if he's not my daddy then I don't need to be carrying along his last name."
"I don't believe the kid's mine, no ma'am, I don't."
"...so what if the results don't go the way you want, what if in fact Mr. Williams is Ryan Alexander's biological father..."
"In the case of Moore/Everett v. Taylor, pertaining to 43-year-old Nyia Everett. And as to whether Mr. Taylor is her biological father, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Taylor... you... are her father."
"I do have doubts about the paternity of our daughter."
"He's telling you that he wants a paternity test? We already know why I got reasons with you, 'cause you just can't stay off the phone."
"Ultimately, you claim, if the paternity test doesn't go your way and you are not these children's biological father, this relationship is over?"
"He knows he's the father. He has no sense, I've told him several times that he is the father. He still tries to deny it, and I just want this resolved today."
"I love the fact that I have no doubt now, that my dad is my dad."
"You wanna actually acknowledge who's your real daddy."
"I will say this, Mr. Joyner. You've lost some time and I can see from your reaction, you know, you worked yourself up to believe there was no way she could be yours."
"'And you signed the birth certificate even though you had doubt? Why? 'Cause I had, I wasn't sure whether he was mine or not, and I wanted to do the right thing by 'cause I was there, so I just signed the birth certificate like I did my other two sons.'"
"If the DNA confirms the baby is not yours, it doesn't change the fact that you must take responsibility of the baby. Women go through a lot in marriages and women deserve better."
"A father is passing on his Y chromosome to his son, not his X chromosome."
"This is what it is like I said if I mash five different women and they're only having sex with me yeah I know that I'm the father to all five of them kids."
"The DNA test determined that Nasia is not your son."
"Has she been calling the wrong man dad for 27 years?"
"She looks just like him. There is no doubt in my mind that Cheyenne belongs to Willie."
"Mar should come and look for his part right. I am the father."
"Nobody should cheat that Mar has another father, no, nothing like that."
"You still gotta get a DNA test just in case."
"Here we go. The DNA results determined that Joshua is Josiah's father."
"It's a confession, I guess, as close to a confession as we can get about the paternity of Jewel."
"I hope the god that that baby isn't his dad's."
"He's not Robert's son, he's definitely Jaime's son."
"My best friend's dad is the father of my child."
"DNA tests have confirmed that Josef Fritzl had fathered all of the children."
"Always DNA test kids and to kind of soften the blow you know for the woman so she doesn't feel offended have that conversation with her right up front as you're starting to get serious."
"Insist on a pre-birth paternity test with every pregnancy. It will save you a lot of wasted time and a lot of wasted heartache."
"I hope that the baby is mine with everything in my heart. I hope that is my baby."
"If she is not my child... Then I've ruined my life."
"That's exactly right. And that's why this court exists. To give children the opportunity to know their father and in the tragic instances where their father is no longer on this Earth to give them the opportunity to know their father's family."
"I just wanted him to know, even if this is not your biological father, he still wants to be your friend."
"I just wanna say that ain't my baby."
"To their surprise, the DNA from the children confirmed that their father was the source of the cell found during Patricia's autopsy."
"He's the father of the English Bible."
"This court room is focused on Zylin and how we can improve his life by ensuring that he knows who his father is."
"Your fathers were my mistakes, not yours."
"I feel this man is my father. He's saying he's my father. God, I look like him. What more do you want?"
"I'm not the father of your child."
"His faith was tested too. And he's the father of us all."
"I want to be proven to be the father because I love my kids."
"I am going to be part of the baby's life because technically it's mine as well."
"You better take him to whoever his father is; I hate you!" Rob screamed.
"I'm his real biological father!" Rob screamed at the bouncers.
"Imagine my shock to discover that Linda, my beloved daughter, is not biologically mine."
"You've all heard the phrase success has many fathers, failure is an orphan."
"There is a 99.99% probability that Mr. Ravello is the father of Julian."
"Man fails paternity test because the father of his son is his unborn brother."
"That baby's mine, I know it is, and me and Kylie, we've got a future together."
"Congratulations son, you are the father."
"Quincy, the DNA test came back. You are the father."
"Victory has a hundred fathers; defeat is an orphan."
"Henry never seems to have doubted that she was his child, and she certainly resembled him physically, especially in her pale skin and red hair."
"God Almighty was the father of his son Jesus Christ."
"Have we not all one father? One is your Father which is in heaven."
"Jesus taught that God is the Father of mankind in truth as well as in name, that His name and nature are love."
"If you think you've got a kid, then you need to find that out for sure."
"No one knew who the dad was, the father of her unborn child, and her murder continued to be a mystery."
"Who's your dad? Oh well, my father is Kronos. Remember my lecture, he ate his children."
"The kid on my doorstep wasn't mine and I didn't care what his crazy but absentee mother has to say about it."
"The father is unbegotten and the son is begotten."
"Would you continue paying child support if you discovered the child wasn't biologically yours?"
"Failure is an orphan, but success has many fathers."
"You have the right to know who your father is."
"This baby is yours. He will always be yours, never doubt that."
"'You still claim him then?' Zeus asked menacingly. 'You claim this child whom you sired against our sacred oath?'"
"Remember blood groups cannot determine if a father is a father, they can just exclude fathers."
"A hundred percent of the Y DNA is handed down from father to son."
"For you are our father, though Abraham does not know us, and Israel does not acknowledge us; you, O Lord, are our father."
"You have a beautiful baby boy that you've been doubting for five months, and he's yours."
"Your Majesty, once you do this, even if Hongyan is proven to be your son by blood, he will always be the subject of every gossiper."
"I've been with the man for 13 years, and we have four children together, and he's denying all four of them."
"I don't understand how a man can deny his own four children."
"I'm 100 percent sure that he's the father."
"Child care leave is a big thing for husbands to watch their children grow."
"You were worried that when those kids found out you weren't really their father, they wouldn't love you anymore. But they do."
"...so Jesus is God in nature because God is his father."
"God is your father. He loves you."
"Mars was the God of War and was especially honored in Rome because it was believed that he was the father of Romulus."
"Victory has a hundred fathers while a defeat is always an orphan."
"The presumption of paternity works like this: when a woman gives birth to a child, her husband is presumed to be the father of any children she has during the life of their marriage."