
Legal Awareness Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Young people, you all are so busy engaging in adult activities but you don't know adult laws and facts."
"By remaining inside your home and exercising your constitutional rights, you are forcing the officer to come up with a legal basis to do anything further."
"Your firearm also has to conform with your local laws."
"Check your laws, don't take a landlord's word for anything, and stand up for yourself."
"Everybody should be prepared to assert their constitutional rights, regardless of whether they think they're doing anything illegal."
"You're probably asking yourself a pretty sensical question: How do I not go to prison in 2023, 2024, and beyond? That seems fair."
"We absolutely can identify what is or isn't legal without looking up the specific statute... the idea that you need to be a lawyer to know right from wrong, illegal from legal, is downright preposterous."
"We have to teach our kids right from wrong, legal from illegal, and how to stand in truth."
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it."
"Contracts are important, folks. You think you're talking the same language, and you're not."
"If you carry a gun like I carry a gun so you're hard to kill. My family is hard to kill. Then you also owe it to your family to make sure you know the law so you're hard to convict."
"Just remember you ain't a citizen over there that's what that's what my biggest fears going to one of these other countries."
"Downloading a JPEG from the Internet is illegal and what you paid money for was in fact the nft which is not the image itself just the thing that says you own the image."
"But at the time I didn't realize how fat that lawsuit could have been like I don't know if I still could do anything but damn if at the time I knew how fat lawsuits were I would have been like no please fire me like please please please please."
"I plead with you to have zero tolerance for anything unconstitutional and whistleblow."
"The police cannot pull you over simply to ascertain your ID or your registration."
"We teach the law statutes and Commandments, so that we are not living a life of sin."
"Always make sure you know your rights and always record the police."
"Intellectual property pretty complicated topic. This is super oversimplified but make sure to be aware of it, know what you own via contracts, and protect it."
"They are enforcing the laws enacted by Congress... So if someone doesn't understand that then get with me and get up to speed on what ICE actually does."
"NDAs do not cover criminal activity, illegal activity, or things that are already out there in the public domain."
"The person who's being asked to sign it doesn't read it, glances over it, is under duress to sign it, wants the job so badly, they're willing to sign anything."
"Drive safe, drive responsibly, drive legally, drive legit. It's not worth it."
"Always fully understand what you're signing."
"A person cannot consent to sex once they are incapacitated."
"If you don't know your rights, you don't have any rights."
"Respecting the individual who makes an individual choice that affects no one but the individual if that individual makes that decision in full awareness of fact and law that has always been the discussion."
"True strength is not falling for FBI traps. True strength is not going to do something irrational that's going to be used against you."
"You have power in that arrangement, always use it."
"The law is according to the Constitution, you have a right to film police officers in the line of duty."
"If you're gonna type something, make sure you're not breaking the law because if you do type it, you should be accountable for what you type."
"Please pay close attention to any contracts that you're given because anything you sign now even if you've been doing what you do for a long time it will be nullified."
"Our constitutionally protective rights are the most important thing in this country. You guys are violating that."
"One thing that I really recommend everyone do is know their rights."
"I'm sure he was likely aware or made aware of the lawsuits they were going to be bringing on mail-in balloting."
"This is a First Amendment protected activity, understand that."
"With Cassie's lawsuit and the flood of other legal battles hitting the scene, people are finally connecting the dots."
"Intimidation doesn't work with people that know their rights."
"I think anyone that does several transactions of $9,500, $6,700, $800 is far more likely to be investigated or flagged or triggered than someone who makes a large purchase all at once legitimately."
"They're telling you the law, the political jurisdiction."
"Consent is important, and if somebody is wrong and if someone is willing to sexual harassment, it's pretty reasonable that we can extend that to rape as well."
"I'll pretend like I don't know what's illegal."
"If you don't flex your rights, you don't have any rights."
"Read your lease, know what you're getting into."
"Mr. Martinez also gets an A minus because although he did not seem to be aware of the requirements of the Texas failure to identify statute."
"Law enforcement isn't supposed to be about keeping secrets so that you don't know that you're breaking the law."
"It's a true testimony of doing your research on the laws and your surrounding areas and the consequences that could arise from exploring these types of places."
"It's like bro anybody who's trying to live a life a crime just do not do it these days it's not it's not possible like there's too much information on the first 48."
"You want to identify yourself because there's actually a crime about making false 911 calls."
"Everyone is free to do what they want with their own bodies as a consenting adult in full awareness of fact and law."
"Be armed, be informed, know the laws of your municipality and state."
"The emoluments clause of the constitution, like, did any of you remember that there was an emoluments clause?"
"You have to make sure that all rights are respected, that way my rights are respected at least."
"I hope this isn't an infringement of copyright."
"Never give up your rights. They are knowingly and voluntarily made."
"If you know your rights and you timely assert those rights, you have those rights."
"It's also a crime in Canada to falsely accuse another person for committing a crime. Do you understand that?"
"My ID is right here. If you want it, you can take it from this pocket right here. I'm not going to help you violate my rights."
"Everyone knows laws don't count if you don't know what they are."
"Care and Communications: be aware that if you're creating documents they may be disclosable."
"Make sure you know the laws where you're going."
"I 100% understand you have the right to film in a public place."
"Educate yourselves on the laws, understand what the cops are saying to you, so if they try to flip anything on you, we have the knowledge and we have the power to overthrow that."
"Okay, first of all, you have to know what the law is on this."
"Definitely within your right to do that, I don't have an issue with that."
"Once I got over the conviction that I was going to be arrested and sent to jail forever, then I was mad."
"A big part of the training was also understanding what was and wasn't under copyright law."
"You want to rub their nose in the law so that they understand it."
"Never sign something where someone's verbally telling you something different than what's written on paper."
"Don't underestimate me because I'm old, I lived in a country where lawsuits are common, recording conversations for evidence is pretty standard there."
"I didn't know anything about statute of limitation laws, so that in itself felt like a story that should be told."
"I think everyone should educate themselves on copyright law."
"Financial enticement is prohibited since claims that people can or will make large amounts of money are huge red flags around the globe."
"It's all allegations at the end of the day, so yeah, just be careful."
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law."
"Know the law, know where your daughter is going to be or your son."
"I fully understand the encompassment of the law and stupid decisions that I made."
"I'd encourage my enemies to study the law."