
Grudges Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Not all grudges have to be vindicated because sometimes you just have to let it go."
"Holding grudges is such... Oh, man, that takes years off your life."
"Life's short, man, and to hold grudges and things like that, it's not worth it."
"I find it kind of unhealthy to hold grudges and be angry with people."
"Holding onto grudges does not affect the future in a good way."
"Life's too short to hold grudges honestly, is what I figured out a few years back. I used to be bad for it but I'm not about that anymore."
"When politics becomes personal, people remember and never forgive."
"Presidential terms end, but old grudges still fester."
"I have wasted probably years of time and energy and effort being pissed or holding a grudge."
"Wow, the wandering traitor. I can't believe he still has beef with me."
"I'm not someone that holds grudges, I'm not. I don't do that."
"It's that underlying story of hatred on the surface, pretending like things are okay but really holding a grudge."
"The only person you hurt when you hold grudges or anger is yourself."
"Never burn a bridge because maybe that person you held a grudge on will employ you or link you to another person."
"Having a grudge is like drinking poison yourself and expecting the other person to feel the effects of it."
"When she says this, Ryan basically says that Harris is dog water. He's dead to him. He's never going to talk to him again. He's going to take that to the grave with him, his hatred for Harris."
"Life is too short for [ __ ] don't be holding no unnecessary grudges with somebody I got up under me."
"Crows don't forget a face and they hold grudges too."
"Monsters are born from grudges and sins of people who die a horrible death."
"Betrayal, betrayal. How do you handle betrayal? Some of us hold grudges, once you betray us, it's no coming back from it."
"I'm letting go of all my grudges."
"No one lays claims to any names, and to bully you, and then spite you with their kid's name because they hate you more than they love their own kid, that's just backwards behavior."
"...Luke was also very cunning and resourceful... holding grudges is also something befitting of a Slytherin..."
"A lack of forgiveness and holding grudges is often a sign of a toxic relationship."
"Holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts."
"Grudges and anger and negativity, I don't have time for it because I'm living to do so much positive things. Got so much positive outlook on everything else that's coming in the future."
"...you holding a grudge against somebody and they know it, but they see you as wish fulfillment now that you don't want them no more."
"If there's grudges you have, get rid of them. Life is too short to take any grudges with you, to harbor any ill feelings with family or friends. Get past it."
"Motives are often unclear in these cases, with many attributed simply to mental illness or to people with unspecified grudges against society."
"We have a mission to complete, personal grudges have no place here."
"Aries women can hold grudges, but once they forgive, they never forget."
"Because God doesn't hold grudges, only people do."
"Spirits do hold grudges, there are accounts and reports worldwide of vengeful Spirits."
"I think he's the kind of person where if it lines up something else lines up with some grudge or whatever it is alongside an actual real-life problem that he can solve then that's just better."
"Holding a grudge deprives us of better things in life."
"Let go of grudges, because holding onto them hurts you more than the person you're holding the grudge against."
"Life is too short to hold on to grudges."
"Holding a grudge does not do anyone any good."
"There are a lot of people in serious trouble. We have a list of everyone we prioritize. The list of the people Tanya had the most grudges against or I wrote the most venom about."
"Life's too short to hold on to grudges."
"Not every hurt needs to be forgiven. Not every little annoyance, every little slight, 'Oh, so-and-so didn't speak to me when they passed by...oh. Do you think they'll come and ask for forgiveness?' Get over it."
"It's way more effort to hold a grudge. It's like you spend energy to maintain hatred. That's and it's way easier just to be like that really pissed me off. Maybe annoyed for a little bit."
"Anger can fester in the heart for years."
"So was Blackfire pass reclaimed by the Dai and a great many entries were struck out of the Great Book of grudges."
"Thorgrim's vow went further as he announced it was his dream to avenge the wrongs done to his people by striking clean the entire Ledger of the Great Book of grudges."
"It's a very unusual thing when something resolves and you're both more or less feel...you know, 'cause people harbor grudges, don't they? People...and, you know, forever."
"It hurts more to hold grudges than to forgive. The anger we hold inside damages us, nobody else."
"To lay aside old grudges and nurture them no more."
"The importance of forgiveness shows the importance of not holding a grudge."
"You can't hold on to grudges forever."
"I've never been that person that holds grudges."
"I'm happy to move on if people want to hold the grudge then hold the grudge and miss out."
"You should let it go, grudges are heavy because they hold them over time."
"Forgive them; you shouldn't hold grudges to everyone."
"There's no sense in holding on to a grudge."
"When you do me dirty, there's no statute of limitations on the get back."
"I've never been one to hold grudges."
"The Great Book of Grudges remains full."
"Holding on to grudges serves no purpose."
"It's really kind of difficult to really hold much of a grudge."
"We must forgive and not carry grudges."
"People hold on to grudges, we hold on to too much."
"It's better to just forgive and move on than hold stupid grudges."
"I don't hold grudges and neither should you guys."
"I'm not gonna hold a grudge against anybody."
"Having grudges and having so much hatred is no way to live."
"I used to think that I didn't hold grudges, but I can name every fast food restaurant in the city of Los Angeles that has messed up my order once."
"Life is very short, no one has time to dwell on grudges."
"Life is short because, God forbid, what if you passed away? Do you really want to die knowing that you're holding a grudge?"
"She tells him that monsters are born from grudges and sins of people who die a horrible death."
"Don't carry that grudge into your next relationship."
"Life is way too short to just hold grudges with these people, man."
"Grudges are kind of wasted energy."