
Universe Exploration Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"For the first time, the James Webb Space Telescope has peered into the distant past of the universe."
"Over the past 200 years, we've made significant progress towards gaining crucial insight into the complexity of the universe we live in."
"By celebrating science, we're sparking curiosity about the universe."
"Discoveries like this remind us of the vastness of the universe and the potential for habitable worlds beyond our own."
"It is only human attention which opens the doors of this universe."
"The James Webb Space Telescope's primary purpose is to focus on faraway objects that tell the story of the beginning of the universe."
"Synchronicity is our safe guide into the wilderness of the universe."
"As our ability to study astronomy has improved... the universe has been brought into unprecedented detail."
"What I'm thinking about is really looking at the universe in new light. We have never seen the universe how Webb will show it to us."
"The Webb Telescope is nothing less than humanity's next effort to move closer to understanding some of the biggest questions about the origin of our universe."
"I'm glad that the world was able to come together and put together something so incredibly precise and engineering-wise so impressive that we can actually tackle these existential questions about the universe."
"There's a huge Universe out there with a lot of galaxies, they're all counting on us, no pressure."
"Perhaps the auroras of another world will one day help lead us to our first meaningful contact with other conscious beings in the universe."
"With Webb, we're discovering a new universe."
"The universe may be full of consciousness... a lot of other people believe it... we've got a boatload of data here."
"The more we learn about our universe, the more science fiction starts to look like actual science."
"One way or another, our Nobel laureates have revealed a universe stranger than many are comfortable with."
"The numbers are so big, right? If even 1% of our Milky Way forms intelligent civilizations, that's a hundred stars. A hundred stars should have been people should have been traveling out from these hundred stars across the universe."
"Methuselah Star: Possibly one of the oldest stars in the universe."
"If the universe you see inside there's so much more than just her."
"Isn't it more interesting to live in a universe where there are unknowns to discover new lands to explore then to live in an absolute box where when you find the edge no place to go from there."
"We live on one of the many little rocks that make up this infinite Cosmos; there must be more than just what we see."
"It made us wonder if we're the only ones out here or if there's more to the universe than we know."
"We've measured the red shift of distant galaxies, allowing us to peer back billions of years into the past, offering a glimpse of the universe in its infancy."
"These gravitational waves suddenly allow us to investigate parts of the universe we normally can't see."
"Whether or not these things turn out to be dark stars, we’re guaranteed to learn more about that mysterious epoch when the very first stars - dark or light - lit up at the dawn of spacetime."
"The James Webb telescope is designed to peer into the very origins of our universe."
"If it's a hundred times more powerful, we will be able to learn things about the universe that we've never been able to learn before."
"As we look further into the universe, we see light from distant stars eons old."
"The cosmic ocean concept often evokes a sense of wonder and curiosity about the universe, inspiring scientists and individuals alike to delve deeper into the complexities and enigmas of the Cosmos."
"Maybe gravity is the key to hundreds of thousands of other universes interlocked in a web of creation."
"In exploring the universe's edges, we confront the limits of our understanding, where dark matter and dark energy shape the cosmic landscape in profound yet distinct ways."
"There's so much that we aren't aware of and that we are unaware we are unaware of, if you like, about the universe."
"That is it, it's so crazy to think about, outside of our galaxy, there's a star-bound planet."
"Universe 3 in Dragon Ball Super is a technologically advanced universe."
"The search for extraterrestrial life prompts us to think about the universe from various perspectives."
"We're not alone in this universe, I think most scientists now are kind of leaning toward that."
"I think there's got to be other life, right? Even if it's like a little slug thing out of all the planets and all the universe and all the Galaxy."
"Focusing the light it gathered onto cryogenically cool sensors, peering back through to the cold distant red shifted light emitted 13.5 billion years ago in the early stages of our universe."
"Most scientists think we are not alone in the universe."
"It just really opens the whole idea of life in this universe into a new dimension."
"It remains one of the strangest universe mysteries."
"Hubble has provided us with some of our most iconic and breathtaking portraits of the universe."
"The Hubble Deep Field is a journey to the edge of the visible universe."
"Our universe is so, so huge, so big... what are the chances that we're the only ones in this entire universe?"
"The universe is a strange place by its very nature."
"Fast radio bursts can be used as probes of the universe, probes of the electron density and the magnetic field distributions."
"The James Webb Telescope has gone further to unveil the universe's most ancient Galaxy ever witnessed."
"But at least with the theory of everything instead of poking a stick at the dark world like a blind person we would see the universe in all its glorious colors."
"Starfield is massive not only in the sheer size of the universe itself but in meaningful content available to players."
"I think SETI optimists have a fine-tuning problem."
"I think of AI as this ultimate general-purpose tool to help us as scientists understand the universe better and perhaps our place in it."
"Computing suggests that we can go below this level of the particle universe and tap directly into the CPU of the universe."
"Is there more to our universe than we can imagine?"
"We've discovered galaxies as mature as our own in what was previously understood to be the dawn of the universe."
"Are we alone in the universe? What kind of universe do we inhabit in the first place?"
"The JWST: pushing the boundaries of our understanding."
"Space: just looking up and coming to terms with how big it is and how little we know about it."
"We want to really understand how the universe has become what we see around us."
"The Universe and understanding the universe and the characters within it brings more enjoyment when playing the game."
"Similar to the iconic Ultra Deep Field... shows us at least three times as many."
"Dan had a gigantic universe to explore in those characters."
"There's so much universe, so many interesting things out there that we will never know."
"It's incredible to me that although much of the universe around us cannot be directly seen, it’s possible to explore it."
"I want us to talk about the relationship between Kang and the Celestials and the Watcher. Do like Celestials supersede timelines as we know them? Did Uatu have some kind of secret deal with Kang?"
"I like getting a story set in another part of the universe, new characters who... it doesn't have to be all wrapped up into the fate of the galaxy."
"We live in an exciting time in the era of the universe before Stars burn out."
"It's fun to think about universes on a large scale."
"Every detail about this game so far, from the abilities to the... universe or planets... has been excellent."
"Peering through the telescope, connecting the dots of the universe."
"We are headed toward maybe finally the biggest truth: we're not alone in this universe."
"If life can find a way in searing heat in minuscule amounts of water then surely it can find a way somewhere in the vast universe."
"There's definitely other life on other planets."
"The universe is far from having revealed all its secrets."
"All I'm interested in is getting people interested in learning how the universe really works."
"The whole idea that we are not alone in the universe and there may be evidence to this effect that we can observe actually fairly easily and seems to becoming more and more apparent to us all the time."
"Open to the wonders of the universe, notice the connections and synchronicities."
"Opening a new observational window would allow us to see our universe and some of the most violent phenomena within it in an entirely new way."
"Most of it for the SKA, but to try and probe a part of the universe's history for which we have absolutely no direct observable evidence yet."
"We are learning new things about the universe from the people who are making the discoveries."
"Astronomers have noticed things in the heavens that strongly suggest that all that we can observe makes up just 5% of the universe."
"We are looking at the universe through a peephole."
"The search for life in the universe is like a tree because you're always looking for a place to plant it."
"Scientists really enjoy this process because it gives them glimpses into how the Universe really works."
"I've learned a lot of things about the stars and the universe."
"There are unbelievable opportunities all over the place from the instruments that now allow us to look back almost to the beginning of the universe."
"If substantiated, the presence of UFOs near Saturn could signify the dawn of a new phase in scientific exploration, potentially unveiling extraterrestrial civilizations, advanced technology, and profound insights into the nature of the universe."
"What a time in the history of our universe where you can take a picture of a galaxy 13 billion miles away."
"The universe you see with your eyes and this universe you see with the radio waves."
"We really could live in a universe where there's galaxy after galaxy after galaxy in every direction."
"I certainly think that with all the billions of stars and billions of other solar systems that the universe must contain life besides what is here on Earth."
"This is some really big data. This is a picture of the oldest, the furthest, and the faintest objects ever laid eyes on by mankind."
"What Webb will do to unfold the universe."
"Super symmetry, extra dimensions, and the origin of mass: exploring the nature of the universe using petabyte data analysis."
"Our estimates suggest that the observable universe might host around 5.3 trillion habitable worlds."
"So buckle up because we're on a quest to find the next big breakthrough in our understanding of the universe."