
Personal Fit Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"Personal fit is really important because if you don't fundamentally enjoy working in the area, you're not going to be that effective."
"The most important thing if you are starting something yourself I think is to ask yourself what's the right thing for you."
"Quality is better than quantity. Fit is better than brand or fashion."
"It's just common sense, you know. It's not right or wrong; it's just what works for you."
"But here's the thing. I really struggle to find jeans that are perfect for me and these are kind of perfect!"
"I just feel so good in Copenhagen. I actually feel like I picked the perfect city for myself."
"I don't know that I could be married to anyone literally anyone else that could be more perfect for me."
"Try different stuff. You gotta find it. There's something out there for everybody."
"Make sure you get the fit right, that's key."
"No reflection on you, it just might not be the right situation."
"There is no perfect RV. Find the one that checks the most boxes possible."
"It went up quite a bit, so if you're taller or shorter, this could be very, very valuable to you."
"If I'm not feeling it myself, it doesn't mean that they're not a great guest for somebody's show."
"It's the gun you get and you're just like 'this is the gun for me,' okay? It's like when you meet your true love and you're like 'this is the girl for the rest of my life,' that's how I feel about the m27."
"It's not about having the perfect relationship, it's about having a relationship that's perfect for you."
"I've recently discovered this website and it's been a perfect fit for me."
"It was just a good fit for me and my family as well as the staff in the program."
"Stanley relished every moment that the orders came in as though he had been made exactly for this job."
"As long as you just try your best, you're going to find something that works for you."
"Find the right fit that's going to work for you."
"You really fit very closely into each other's lives."
"If I were in the market for a street motorcycle for the kind of riding that I do, this would be the one."
"As far as voice acting is concerned, this is ideal for me."
"If I'm at a club that wants me and energizes me in a positive way, you'll see Cristiano Ronaldo."
"The actual music listening experience with these earbuds is obviously going to depend on the shape of your ear."
"Real mojo is you pick it up, it fits, and you don't know why."
"Yo, Ash must be loving this. It's like, 'Yo, this is built for me, this deck, this game, everything about it, man.'"
"I just feel like I was kind of made for this."
"Choosing the right school is about more than prestige; it's about finding your fit and staying true to yourself."
"Thank you, Micro Dome, for helping me fit in."
"The Venza is exactly the right vehicle for you."
"Do a fair shake of different prep styles to find what suits you best."
"I kind of suit that actually, I think that's a viable option. I would say scientist looks pretty good on me."
"It's important to find a therapist with whom you can click."
"It's all about finding the person that works for you."
"I did feel like this role was one that I was sort of made for. You're the person that is meant to kind of carry that."
"You're on a quest for somebody that just fits with you, and it's such a struggle."
"Feels right, sounds right, looks right, plays right, it has to be all those things."
"If it's not for you, it's not for you. And if you realize that, you're gonna succeed so much better."
"There's just something about a good old revolver. You put your hands on it, it just fits like a glove."
"The women's television title was made for me."
"Intermittent fasting is definitely not for everybody... if it works for you, perfect. If it doesn't, I mean it's good enough if you just simply manage your macros."
"I feel like this team right now is just a great fit for what I do and what I bring to the game."
"You don't belong in a place where you dislike it; you belong in the space of pursuing what you desire."
"If you have a narrow foot, you're gonna want to look for shoes that have a mid foot strap."
"Perfect school for you is not the perfect school for me."
"It's not so much about talent anymore, I just think it's about how well you mesh with the team."
"It's better to get things tailor made to your body obviously."
"The traditional path makes tremendous sense for a lot of people, just not all people."
"This fits honestly amazing... it's just so comfy." - Alexis Sunshine 83
"I am convinced that the ideal world for every human being is one in which he or she does a job that they are good at and that gives them satisfaction."
"School isn't for everyone, believe it or not. And that's okay, but sometimes it feels like you're almost stuck to do something because it was."
"Some people are going to excel at this, some people are going to love it, they're like yes, this is my game, this is me."
"Yo, you know I'm so lucky I stumbled across this category because I am the perfect person to speak on this."
"It's undeniable that you're the right person for this job."
"After a few games, I felt this is my kind of football, my kind of atmosphere."
"The truth is that among all the many holes, somewhere in there, there’s a one shaped exactly like you. As you are now."
"So you know they say school is not for everybody but also being an entrepreneur isn't for everybody so you just gotta find what works for you."
"I'm just so excited to finally have a pair of new rocks of my own that actually fit me."
"It's been so exciting coming out here, and I think this is more us."
"Everybody has a place on a team. You just have to find the spot that feels right for you."
"Really cool blade and with the design of it, it actually fits in my hand pretty nicely."
"Bad D&D is worse than no D&D because it can feel like a big waste of time. So find a group that aligns with you and how you want to play, and how they want to play."
"Nobody else is going to be able to fill this role the way that you are."
"This is literally the perfect fragrance for me if I was to wear one fragrance all the time."
"It's important to feel good in your clothing and to feel good in what you're wearing. It's important for the items to fit you."
"What looks good on a hanger it's not necessarily gonna look good on your body."
"Choosing the right social media platform for you shouldn't feel like a race. It's about what serves you best."
"If it's not working out, it's not your place."
"Let the tailor the Holy Spirit fit your kingdom calling to you."
"There is no perfect backpack, there is just the backpack that suits you the best."
"Sometimes something that seems perfect on paper just doesn't fit, and that's okay."
"If you're a serious trader, don't just go on Robinhood or I mean I'm not promoting one over the other just make sure that you have things that fit you."
"Now when I land, my t-shirt feels like at the right part of my body."
"Fit is more important than anything else in your wardrobe."
"I don't think that I necessarily mesh with the Studio Ghibli universe necessarily."
"I'm honestly in love with it, like when I said it's made for me, it's made for me."
"These are probably the best pair of pants I've ever made... the fit on these just fit me perfectly."
"It's just all about finding the perfect camera for you that fits within what you need it to do."
"Don't look at the color when you buy. Look at what you're gonna be comfortable with, what fits your hand, which you're comfortable with operating and owning. That's the key."
"Develop your own trading strategy that fits your profile, your capital, your skills, and your personality."
"I did really enjoy it and literally after like a couple of classes I was like this is this is for me."
"You have to find something that fits you."
"I just felt like it was a great fit for me, basketball-wise."
"I feel like Kasubi jeans are made for me like these just fit me perfectly there's not really any waist gap it just hugs my booty like a glove."
"I cannot believe how well this fits me, guys."
"Find somebody that's a good fit for you."
"I love it. It is so much fun and it's perfect for me."
"The most important part is that it feels right and that it keeps you safe."
"It's like when you try a pair of shoes on and they just fit right."
"This one's probably my most comfortable in hand, it just fits my hand perfect."
"It's really important to find a helmet that matches the actual shape of your head."
"I had a great time, it was ideal for me."
"I just kind of stumbled into something that was for me."
"I love being a monk. This lifestyle for me just fits perfectly."
"For me, I don't fit in cars, you know, and if I put on a big heavy winter coat, I don't fit in cars at all."
"I think that if your criteria is quite similar to mine in terms of finding something practical as well as something low-key, then I think this is the perfect bag for you."
"Multi-mini interviews are not about having correct answers but how to communicate who you are and why you are a good fit for the medical professions."
"A company could be good for everybody else, but it might not be good for you."
"What fits in your heart, what feels right to you."
"It was almost like this job, this role, was created just for me."
"It's the best fit for you, it's perfectly aligned to where you're at mentally and emotionally."
"I like it like this, I feel like this is perfect for me."
"It feels like my lifestyle, which is really great."
"Honestly, as much as people complain about cold weather, I can totally see myself adjusting and fitting in this place perfectly."
"You gotta find something that fits your life."
"This fits me amazingly; I've had it for years and it's held up."
"One of the most important things when you're considering buying a motorcycle is how it actually fits you as a rider."
"It's really going to depend on your individual circumstances of what's going to be the best fit for you."
"It's so special when you find a disc as a player that matches exactly the best line you like to throw."
"This thing definitely feels like it checks all the boxes for me."
"You will reconnect with something to really suit you."
"Claypool acknowledged his weirdo nature and agreed that Metallica might not have been the right fit for him."
"It's very important to find a guitar that fits you well and inspires you at the same time."
"It just feels like it was made for me and it makes me happy when I wear it."
"This bike is like the Goldilocks zone for me."
"Finding the perfect pair of jeans is not about how much you spend; you will just know when you've found the one."
"Whatever your style of music, it's worth investigating to see if it is the right thing for you."
"This is starting to feel like it could perfectly slot into my life."
"Name and prestige doesn't matter as much as like where you're going to do well."
"You need to know about style, and what is style? Knowing how to dress according to your silhouette."
"They are plush, they are soft, my ears fit, and they're perfectly fine."
"Find the one that fits what you need and what you're looking for, and you're not going to be disappointed."
"I absolutely love the way this actually fits on me."
"It's not even about necessarily finding something you like, it's about finding something that fits."
"Get the rifle that fits and feels the best to you."
"It's all about what fits your foot the best."
"I have a place on a grad scheme that I actually like."
"The shoe really fits the way that I like to run; it makes me feel racy, it makes me feel like I want to be up running in with my best form."
"This is perfect, perfect for my frame, I wanted a purse I could carry all of my stuff in."
"Finally, a watch I can actually fit on my wrist."
"See how it works for you, feel the positions, and you will eventually find something that feels like home."
"Life is short, we are not invincible, and if you're going to invest your time in doing a job, it should be something that you feel really suits you for who you are."
"It's definitely the bike that suits me, certainly in this city."
"The Speedmaster is a bike that is right up my street."
"And that way you'll be sure that you buy the one that's right for you."
"The right idea may not be the right fit for me, but it's still a great idea."
"I'm so glad I chose USU because I think honestly, at least for this time in my life, it's a good fit for me."
"Building, it's a really good job to have for me personally, but it's not for everyone."
"This knife even if it didn't look so cool is perfect for me."
"Overall, really nice car. It fits me; it might not fit you, but you've seen the trip now, so you can make up your mind."
"You can't wear what doesn't fit you."
"Life in America is pretty damn good, but it doesn't fit me right now, or maybe ever again."
"Find the one that fits for you, no matter what you're shooting, no matter what your setup is, get your reps in every day."
"Upper West Side is a quieter, calmer, more laid-back neighborhood which I think will be nice for me."
"The best guitar is one that plays well for you and your style, the best guitar is one that sounds good to you, the best guitar is one that fits within your budget."
"It's perfect for me, and I think you'd love it too."
"The best vocal technique for improving your voice is whichever one works the best for you as a student."
"I really gel with the sizing for me. I'm just above five eight and I ride a size medium and that just feels one of the most comfortable bikes."
"This is the perfect Chief for me, 100%."
"I fitted in there; New York for me was ideal."
"I really wasn't feeling like medical school was a good fit for who I am."
"Enjoying digital art isn't about having the newest or most expensive tablet; it's about having the one that is best for you."
"Once I got that clasp installed on the Speedmaster, the fit was perfect and it absolutely quelled all my concerns about owning this watch."
"There's not one that's better than the other; it's more about what fits you and your lifestyle."
"I feel like I would thrive in the 70s."
"The best relationship is the one that works for you."
"You want to make sure that you have boots that are gonna work for you."
"It works for me on all kinds of levels."
"If you can get a hat that fits the way you want, you can get a sweater that fits the way you want."
"There is no 10 out of 10. Okay, period. There's no perfect van out there, it's whatever van works best for you."
"I think once you know what it is that you're looking for, then you can pick the island that's right for you."
"I'm a phenomenal asset in a startup and I'd be a nightmare in a big company."
"It is life-changing if you find the right cup for you."
"It has to fit you, it has to fit who you are."
"This pistol fits my hand like a glove."
"It's not about just finding an affiliate program that has a lot of features; it's finding one that actually fits you."
"The important thing about having a camera is buying the right camera for you and for what you do."
"When you find something that works for you, it's just beautiful."
"I love it, I feel like it's the perfect size for my body."
"It's a great length, definitely fits my hand, which has been a problem for some of the other weapons and stuff in Megaforce."
"Your chances of being successful in that organization go way up if what the organization is, fits who you are."
"It's perfect for me, like this is a 10 out of 10."
"I spend so much time researching and buying things, some people might think that I would be dwelling on the item, but it's really because I want to get the thing that's going to fit me best for the longest period of time."
"If it fits what you want, this is definitely a good option."
"Drive as many as you can and get a feel for them, and whichever one fits your driving style, whichever one gives you the most giggles, go with that one."
"I like that that's what I was looking for was some structure but a lot of freedom and this feels like such a good fit for me."
"I'm good, I'm staying here; this is the app that works the way that my brain works."
"It's really going to be something that actually feels good to you."
"I think it really comes down to how we run and if you feel comfortable in the shoe."
"This sword feels as if it were made just for me."
"You have to get a bike that when you sit on it, you're comfortable."
"I love that bike, it fits me so good."
"The best digital action is the one that you have that works best for you."
"I find the Schwinn IC4 to be a much more comfortable fit for me."
"I wouldn't necessarily go by just the name or just the ranking, just go where you think you're going to really get the academic experience you want."
"For me, it just comes back to that fit."
"It's possible to understand something and still not have it be the thing for you."
"It's very important to find a school that really suits you, suits how you want to learn, how you want to be taught."
"I feel like this bike, the geometry is perfect, I feel like it was made just for me."
"The day I brought this boat home, I thought I had the greatest boat in the world for me and for my specific needs."
"With clothes, with shoes, you really have to try them on and sort of gauge for yourself whether the fit is optimal or not."
"Not all rackets will suit everyone, and it's important to find those that work for you."
"They're probably one of the only vintage Levi's that I've ever found that actually really fits my body."
"What works for me might not work for you, but just give it a try."
"It's a matter of what saxophone fits who you are as a person and fits your musical character."
"It's not all about the numbers; it's about finding the right match for your weight loss journey."
"I think the suspension setup, the height, the ergonomics are just perfect for me."
"Every time I've put this on my wrist, I feel like it just fits me perfectly."
"This seems to be a really compatible place for me to be."