
Divine Retribution Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"God say you treat me like this, I know what to do to get you back."
"If the giving of the law while it was yet unbroken was attended with such a display of awe-inspiring power, what will that day be when the Lord shall with flaming fire take vengeance on those who have wilfully broken that law?"
"I am muzzling those who have abused their powers and platforms, as I tore the kingdom away from Saul."
"The wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God."
"Certainly, those who took the calf for worship, wrath from their Lord and humiliation will come upon them in the life of this world."
"They've lost their mandate from heaven and the imperial family must be DESTROYED with an UNRELENTING, FURIOUS WRATH!!!"
"If he floods this place, I'm gonna kick him. Beware the wrath of God."
"God is going to enter into judgment with this world."
"The righteous will be rewarded and the wicked will be punished."
"God is blessing nations that bless Israel and cursing nations that curse Israel."
"The day America stops blessing Israel will be the day that God stops blessing the United States of America."
"Stay out of the Bagwell case or you and your family will face the wrath of God."
"The truth lies within the abyss, a warning of what happens if you attempt to challenge the gods who sit on their thrones in the sky."
"The gods would destroy, they first make mad."
"Velka, the rogue goddess of sin, ensures that no sin goes unpunished."
"If you are grateful, I will increase your everything. If you are ungrateful, my punishment is severe."
"And they shall know my vengeance, saith the Lord God."
"It is a pretty serious claim that God's wrath will be incurred by something that isn't actually taught in scripture."
"God is not mocked, and he's not going to sit back and just continue to let it happen."
"God will punish man more thoroughly than with the flood."
"The freedom is going to come on the rebalancing, but the freedom is going to come with a whole bunch of consequences for those who have been plotting against God."
"Divine retribution will be brought down on both of them in short order."
"The leaders of New York who allowed this, their seats will be shaken for this judgment will be issued not by man but by God."
"Vengeance is mine, saith the lord. You know what that means? God is the only one who gets to kill people."
"Upon the wicked, He will rain fire and brimstone." - Psalms 11:6
"Vengeance is mine, I will repay, not you. Let Him take care of it. If there's any vengeance that needs to be dished out in this life or the next, the only one qualified to do it is God."
"Let not the sinner say that he hath not sinned... for God shall burn coals of fire upon his head."
"If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues."
"The evil ones will pay for their sins against humanity."
"The fullness of time for evil ends by the end of June and the fullness of time for the glory begins."
"Vindication saith the spirit, all capitals here, vengeance is mine saith the lord, and it shall be executed in this hour says the spirit."
"Every time the sins of humanity and abominations rise up to heaven above, judgment and plagues come down upon the earth."
"I am the punishment of your god against you because you have disobeyed your own god."
"Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God who views the destruction of His Image as an affront to himself." - Chief Justice Tom Parker
"For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart and upon thy service and upon thy people."
"James died in exile in 1701 convinced he'd lost his throne because God punished him for his adultery"
"Whoever consciously rejected God during his lifetime will be rejected by him after death."
"Ultimately the ultimate judge God will have his vengeance on those who do these things."
"Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of war. See that ye be not troubled. All these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."
"Be a friend to strangers, lest God not be a friend to you."
"That devil's gonna wish he never messed with you too, payback the Lord is gonna pay back."
"God is just, He would not let people just go away."
"Ultimately we know that all these satanic conspiracies will backfire and the most high yahuwah will use them to punish all the nations that fight against Jerusalem."
"Jesus promises that in the near future, the son of man would return and exact Vengeance on those who have mistreated the less fortunate."
"The last thing he will hear when he takes his first step into hell is all of creation standing to its feet and applauding God because God has rid the earth of him."
"Revenge is for the Lord to take care of."
"If somebody has destroyed your life, you think God wants to rain down blessing on them? God wants to repend them so that they can get clean with God."
"God can't undo that, but he can reward the victim in the other world or he can bring him back as a gilgal, as a reincarnation. God can't take care of writing a wrong in his own time, which is infinite, yes, that's okay."
"The flood often arrives as divine retribution for human misdeeds"
"God will put you in a position where he can royally pay you back for every tear that you've cried and for every night that you stayed up, for every night that you were stressed out."
"I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings."
"America has not done us right, and God don't like that because God got the last word."
"Zeus, your son has returned. I bring the destruction of Olympus!"
"God will bring His justice against all evildoers when Christ returns."
"He who doeth good shall meet with good, and he who doeth evil shall meet with evil, for the Lord requireth a man according to the measure of his work."
"As God as my witness, I will rain holy hell upon them."
"Those who defraud you and do not appease your power with offerings, reverently performing rites and paying fit gifts, shall be punished forevermore."
"Those that sought to destroy them had themselves been destroyed by the power of Yahovah."
"God will avenge me, and he will take you down."
"They humiliated themselves 10 times over cuz God is humiliating them by your elevation and your rising."
"I will balance all the scales, says the Lord."
"God blesses the righteous and he punishes the wicked."
"Never forget that gods can be spiteful."
"Restitution is when God makes your enemy give you back more than what he took away."
"There is a just God in this world, and he would never let this get away."
"The city was so sinful and hedonistic that God reigned upon them brimstone and fire."
"It almost makes me want to believe that Kira doesn't exist, but this is just the wrath of a vengeful God."
"He that revengeth shall find vengeance from the Lord, and he will surely keep his sins in remembrance."
"There are consequences to killing a god, but not one of evil."
"...the happiness of Allah is by the happiness of the parents and the anger of Allah is by the anger of your parents."
"God always gives you what you got coming."
"You have received solid vindication from the very moments someone mistreated you, from the very moment they judged you, from the very moment they did you wrong."
"The punishment of Allah came in the morning."