
Holiness Quotes

There are 2080 quotes

"The message for the last days is not 'get rich' or 'play church'; the message for the last days is 'be holy, fear God, keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man.'"
"Every soul that is among you must be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy."
"Satan can copy many things, but He cannot copy holiness. He cannot copy a transformed life."
"We thank Him for the prophets, we thank Him for the apostles, and most of all we thank Him for the way of Holiness, because without it we'll be a lost people."
"God wants us to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto him."
"Holiness is someone who simply says yes to God doing God's will over their own will."
"The highest holiness is the deepest humility."
"Lord, give us saintly priests; Lord, give us many and holy priests."
"The greatest need of my people is my own personal holiness."
"Living our lives in anticipation of Christ's return requires us to lead a life of holiness and constant readiness."
"Holiness is not just a matter of how many rosaries we say or what good works we do; it's a matter of having our heart transformed."
"Divine Mercy... raises man above his weakness to the heights of the holiness of God."
"Present your body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God."
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory."
"You cannot be under grace and not be holy any more than you can be under water and not be wet."
"The Mechanicus view knowledge as the supreme manifestation of divinity; creatures and artifacts that embody knowledge are holy."
"Don't miss the opportunity to become saints; the world is in great need of saints."
"If you're a father, a mother, a son, a student, a doctor, or a priest, people should be able to look at your life as a great witness of how to live according to holiness."
"Let's walk in the footsteps of the saints, strive to be holy, and put heaven as our ultimate goal."
"God wants you to be holy, that means take His character, and God wants you to be sanctified, set apart for His divine will and purpose."
"True believers will strive for holiness, not to be saved, but as thanks to God because we are saved."
"We only become holy in relationship to Christ; it is a holiness that has been imbued."
"The Holy Spirit is not a reward for holiness; He's the source for holiness."
"God's message of Holiness is in the Earth to correct man."
"God chastises us for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness."
"We repent for the sins we committed on the way and we ask that you would bring us into alignment with holiness, with righteousness, and with obedience."
"Holiness can change everything. We need to become holy before it's too late."
"The Mass is the most holy thing in the entire world, and the celebration of the Eucharist deserves our utmost respect."
"His mercy is the only way we can become perfect and holy."
"He's not a reward for Holiness; He's your source for Holiness."
"By grace, your standing changes; by grace, you are righteous; by grace, you are holy; by grace, you have a pure heart; by grace, you stand before God without any blame."
"Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts; and the whole earth is full of His glory."
"The message of the last days is not wealth, it's not prosperity... The message of the last days is, be holy as the Lord our God is holy."
"Only the fourth of the ten commandments relates to time: Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
"Holiness is the characteristics of God revealed to the prophets and the apostles through teaching and divine revelation."
"Holiness is older than the earth. There's not a planet older than holiness. Holiness is called the Ancient of Days."
"Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord."
"Holiness is a conformity of the heart and life unto God."
"True holiness... makes the soul a little, amiable, and delightful image of the Blessed Jehovah."
"Holiness is a most beautiful, lovely thing... it is the highest beauty and amiable ness."
"God says I'm holy enough to be with you when you're in addiction, and I'm still holy enough to be with you when you're in ministry."
"The way of holiness, that's what God's way is called. Anything else apart from what God said, I don't care how loyal you are to it, how long you've been in it, how much money you give to support it, if it's not in that book, it's wrong."
"The goal of God in your life is not prosperity; it's not health, it's not wealth, and it's most certainly not your best life now. God's goal, if you belong to Him as a child, is to make you holy, to conform you to the image of Christ."
"Be ye holy; it's not perfection, it is a call to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit in you."
"You can't make the first resurrection unless you're holy."
"The holiness of God should be considered in all of the things that I'm doing in my life."
"Let every moment of my life be holiness to the Lord."
"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."
"Holiness is tied inexorably to purity—purity of thought, purity of life, purity of conduct in every aspect of our being."
"The greatest miracle in the world is God can take an unholy man out of an unholy world, make him holy, put him back in that unholy world, and keep him holy."
"Calling Mary 'Holy Mary' is not a problem... the Bible itself describes Christians as holy."
"The holiness of God speaks primarily not about His moral excellence or His purity, but about His separateness, His uniqueness."
"God is holy in absolutely everything He is because in absolutely everything He is, there is no one holy like the Lord."
"The pursuit of peace and Holiness demonstrates our devotion to God and our readiness to abide in heaven."
"It's the word that purifies us, cleanses us, and makes us holy."
"You're on the right path when you become set apart, departing from your old ways, having true Holiness."
"Awakening the nations, a passionate love God in the beauty of His Holiness."
"In State of Decay, survivors' permadeath is a real deal. Once gone, they're gone forever."
"Live a holy life, dedicated, consecrated, and devoted in service to the Lord."
"The only thing that makes a man holy is his deeds."
"Holiness is beautiful. It may be hard, but it's beautiful."
"Strive for holiness, be salty, pray the rosary every day."
"There is no path to holiness beyond the path of suffering, the path of the Cross."
"Your emptiness and his holiness want to have a confrontation."
"I'm ready to see that hollow place come to holiness."
"We've got to pursue peace and holiness, for without holiness no individual will see the Lord."
"We don't just want to celebrate the immediate. We want you to make us holy, strong, and deeper."
"Living a holy life is a calling for each and every believer."
"Living a holy life compels us to pursue righteousness and flee from sin."
"Together we can create an atmosphere of holiness where God's presence dwells." - Hebrews 10:24
"Holiness consists in a disposition of the heart which places us in the arms of God."
"Ye shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy. What you claim to be, is what you are."
"When we look at the cross, what we see first of all is the holiness of God."
"God said be holy. That's it, the Lord our God is holy."
"We are called to be holy because God is holy."
"Recognize the warning signs and keep ourselves pure and holy unto God."
"Angels and Seraphim and cherubim shall raise the chance true and righteous are thy judgments holy holy holy Lord God Almighty."
"We always have to realize what our warfare is: the word of God, intercessory prayer, and a holy life."
"If I've pushed you into holiness, righteousness, and purity, then I've done my job."
"If that stuff is not holy, you might as well come out of it."
"Our God is faithful, and He is just, and He is holy."
"For me to look in the mirror of God's Word, see the dullness of my heart, and actually believe that he loves me like he says he does... Doesn't that make you want to be holy?"
"Jesus was holy and sinless, and God calls us to holiness."
"True sanctification means perfect love, perfect obedience."
"You wake up and enjoy being his, and when you enjoy being his, righteousness begins to produce its fruit to holiness."
"But as he who has called you as Holy you also be holy in all your conduct." - 1 Peter 1:15-16
"It's not fair to indict the whole family because of the choices of one grown man."
"The validity of the Quran was, and the fact that there were no mistakes, no contradictions, it was just like, I realized it was such a holy book."
"God in his chief attribute is not his love, his chief attribute is holiness. Be holy for I am holy."
"Every one of us baptized confirmed received... we're all called to the heights of holiness."
"Legalism is pettiness disguised as holiness."
"Christ's return provides both comfort and determination to live holy lives."
"God is calling us to live the Holiness that the Saints in heaven have on Earth."
"They're declaring that we are standing in the presence of the Trinity... and our God is holy."
"Holiness is not a work of your flesh, it's a product of my grace." - John Bevere
"The way of life is the way of wisdom and holiness."
"Predestined ated am that he purposed for men and women everywhere to be holy and I'm so glad he didn't leave us out oh yes amen."
"Holiness is emphasized... compromise is devastating to your spiritual life."
"The church should be a place where everyone feels welcome and encouraged to seek Holiness, no matter the misguided choices they may have made in the past."
"We are called to come out of Babylon and be a called out separate nation that is set apart and holy."
"As soon as they got in her presence the demon just like I can't do this anymore and then the possessions over because of her holiness."
"Holiness blocks you from a full frontal attack of the enemy."
"Take us as instruments of your glory, mark us as holiness unto the Lord."
"What is between my house and my minbar is one of the gardens of Paradise."
"The rapture promotes holy living...putting on the breastplate of faith and love."
"The world was created to be holy and we are the ones who are supposed to make it holy."
"Please seek the holiness and purity of the Father, and you will discover Him beyond your wildest dream."
"I'm not a Democrat preacher or Republican preacher. I'm a holiness preacher here. That's right."
"Guide us, grant us wisdom, discernment, Holiness, and purity of heart." - Prayer for the Holy Spirit's guidance
"True children of God are chasing and pursuing Holiness."
"If you are walking with God, obeying his word, and living a holy life, you will stand out."
"Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord."
"Praise the Lord, we gotta stand on the side of Holiness."
"Christ's call to holiness has never changed."
"Holiness does not consist in this or that practice... but in a disposition of heart."
"God isn't so interested in making you happy as he is in making you holy."
"Egghead marks the Straw Hats' freedom to do as they please, a stark contrast to their previous circumstances."
"The church is not a body of pure righteous people but the church is holy."
"Without holiness, it's impossible to see the Lord."
"Be holy because he is holy, commit your ways to him, and let him establish it."
"Righteousness received as a gift is the root that produces Holiness in your life."
"Being holy means being set apart so let's live like it."
"When we face the sun, we get a tan; but when we stand before Jesus in the Eucharist, we become Saints."
"The only thing we have to ask God for in prayer is to become holy."
"God is awesome, that God awakens in us a sense of sublimity and Wonder, all that is correlate to God's holiness."
"You are holy and blameless in His sight. Pursue holiness and peace without which no one will see the Lord."
"Faith in a sense matters more because it opens the door for holiness and faithfulness."
"The message of holiness is the sound of God."
"We only represent what God told us to be and that's holiness."
"Her holiness and her fortitude, that's courage."
"Holiness is the lifestyle, it's a standard given from God."
"Our life matters to God, and he desires that you and I live a pure, holy life by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Holiness has no date, no founder, no beginning, and no ending."
"Place a mark on the forehead of those who are loyal to Me, repentant about sin, searching for holiness."
"You don't have revival if you don't have holiness. We need revival, we need reformation."
"Her glory is not human glory. She is holy, she is glorious in spite of us."
"Jesus has a better position than the Levitical priesthood. He was holy without any trace of sin."
"If you really understand the court of heaven it is going to push you into a holier place of living I promise you."
"Grace is the empowerment to live a holy life, not the license to live in sin."
"Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy."
"Run swiftly toward holiness, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord."
"The doctrine of Jesus Christ is built around... preaching of holiness and godliness."
"Kabbalah leads a person to the highest degree of holiness."
"Separation is holy. Separation is godly. Separation is necessary."
"This book is going to call us to take holiness seriously, to understand it, to realize our number one, our shortcomings, and repair those through Christ."
"Everybody who's baptized is a temple of the Most Holy Trinity and is called to live in authentic and deep Holiness."
"We can feel holiness not as a distant thing but as something very much within everyone's reach."
"All the baptized are called to the full level of holiness."
"Just as he who called you is Holy, so be holy in all you do for it is written: 'Be holy, because I am Holy.'"
"Holiness, my friend, is not self-hatred. Holiness is not disgusted with who you are now."
"Change is a spirit-empowered ability to be holy even in the midst of temptations."
"Follow peace and holiness to see the Lord." - Hebrews 12:14 KJV
"It's a commandment to be holy and acceptable."
"God's mercy is shown through the message of holiness."
"The message of holiness is the purpose of God for the protection and salvation of your soul."
"In Christianity, the law of God is intimately connected with who he is. It represents his holy character."
"God is the ultimate anchor and this is the launching pad for a big life."
"God the Father has a plan... His plan is a path of holiness."
"Hosting the Holy Spirit does not start with me. It doesn't start with my holiness. It starts with Him."
"It feels sacred and connected."
"We present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable before you."
"Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."
"I'm not going to lie B looks straight holy."
"We are now holy priests, serving God wherever He puts us."
"This Highway of Holiness is so holy that even if a fool accidentally finds himself on it, he ceases to be a fool."
"If the first piece of dough be holy, the lump is also; and if the root be holy, the branches are too."
"Give to the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."
"I am loved, I am righteous, I am holy for him, I am pure in him."
"Holiness is designed of God to bring man back to God's original thinking."
"God’s way of righteousness and holiness is not struggling but yielding."
"The Christian life is not simply about 'don't sin'; it's about being perfect like Christ, being holy."
"Put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness."
"God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness."
"Holiness is the knowledge of God, the wisdom of God, the understanding of the will of God."
"Both forms of the Roman rite are equally holy because they bring us the true body and blood of Jesus Christ."
"There's holiness to the heart's affections."
"Holiness is wholeness. It's when God goes after every part of our lives, thoughts, motives, agendas."
"We don't want to imitate Chicken Little. We need to do our duty in our state in life, get serious about our faith, serious about personal holiness."
"Holiness is a doorway that enters into a place of deep intimacy with God."
"How little people know who think that Holiness is dull. When one meets the real thing, it is irresistible."
"There's one way to get to God, and that way shall be called the way of holiness."
"I am pure, I am pure, I am pure; my purity is the purity of the divinity of the holy temple."
"The only hope I have of ever being holy is not me, it's the Holy Spirit."
"When Holiness is challenged, it stands the test"
"That's right, the Bible says in the book of Ephesians chapter 1 and verse four: 'According to as God has chosen Us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy.'"
"Once you get a glimpse of who God is, when you stare at the Holiness of God and understand that He is God and He is your father, it will change everything about who you are."
"Made perfect forever those who are being made holy."
"You cannot walk in holiness if you don't walk out of guilt into grace."
"Awaken in me the yearning to become holy so that one day I can see the face of God in heaven."
"Holiness and prayer are simple, God's mother taught me so."
"Understanding God's holiness produces a profound sense of reverence and awe, redefining our understanding of worship and prompting us to align our lives with His character."
"There is absolutely no message on earth that is correct unless it's holy."
"God's holiness is pursued despite mistakes."
"Be holy, be holy, and if God said that, why are you bragging about being this other garbage, that's right."
"Holiness is a declaration of God Himself unto you."
"...everything whether it's our education our family our finances everything should be working itself toward a set apartness that's Holy by the Lord."
"Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous, and give thanks at the remembrance of his Holiness."
"As people come to Christ, there is an end goal, and that is holiness."
"More Holiness Give Me," is the perfect guidepost for our lives.
"The name of God should be treated in a reverent and a holy way."