
Civil Discourse Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"I have no problem with points being challenged. Like having a civil debate, that's awesome, I enjoy that."
"Free speech isn't just another right; it's the mechanism by which people of different opinions talk instead of strangling each other."
"It's important to have a civil discussion because otherwise, you will literally not have a discussion."
"You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil."
"Joe and I...we're both guys who love our democracy...modeling how to have civil, decent conversations with people who maybe you thought you wouldn't ever be able to talk to."
"The art of civil discourse is completely gone."
"I think this would be one of those rare examples of actual civil discourse."
"The most ominous danger we face comes from the marginalization and destruction of institutions...that once ensured that civil discourse was rooted in reality and fact."
"Dissent shouldn't be Kryptonite. We should have a civil conversation, we should have a spirited exchange of ideas."
"We were able to have a productive civil conversation despite our differences."
"I want to see the right-wing Muslims and the left-wing Muslims and the ex-Muslims and the liberal reforming Muslims. I want to see them all debating and disagreeing, in a civil way of course."
"I respect your opinions even if they differ from mine, as long as they are shared in a civil way."
"I just always want to encourage civil and informed conversation."
"One of the biggest problems he sees on college campus is the erosion of civil discourse."
"If you actually want a civil America where we can have conversations with each other, you're going to need to accept that there will be different points of view."
"We just need people sitting down civilly because it's the future, and people have moved past being stupid bigots and just screaming at each other over the Internet."
"Welcome to Doha Debates, where we explore an urgent issue from various sides, and try to find common ground. Get ready for a conversation that's well-informed, spirited, civil and respectful."
"I really do believe that this is interesting and it's a net positive to civil discourse."
"We have to be more respectful with each other. We can disagree without being disagreeable."
"It's okay to debate, it's okay to disagree, and you don't have to demonize people's character because they think differently." - Megan Kelly
"What worries me is that we're living in a time where there's a lot of Hysteria... not a ton of civil Discord... definitely not Nuance."
"It's this dismissive attitude of otherwise decent people that just makes it impossible to have an honest discussion."
"I refuse to hate people I don't know simply because I don't like the way they vote. I invite you to join me. Let's make America civil again."
"Our entire system is politics is nothing but a system to remove anger and violence out of these disagreements."
"I care if you care about peaceful civil discourse, fixing our problems, saving lives."
"We agree, disagree, and we're civil about it."
"There's no place for voter intimidation or political violence in America."
"We're more likely to break up than see civil war."
"I'm not predicting a collapse or civil war. I think a peaceful divorce would be great."
"I wanted to show how we can set aside differences and truly have a debate with civility."
"It's terrible the condition of our political climate today where there can't be just civil discourse anymore."
"Fake news phenomenon creates a vacuum in civil, economic, and political discourse."
"Democracy is based on the idea that the losers don't need to launch a civil war because they have a chance to win the next time."
"Stop calling people actual hateful things because you disagree with them on the topic."
"Tell me the facts, tell me the evidence, tell me how I'm wrong, and leave the harassment out of it."
"I really think regardless of what side you are on, death threats to anyone just don't do it." - Evie Lupine
"We may not like when Republicans win, but we don't go and we don't storm. We don't try to change."
"It’s not just about the statues. It’s about the statutes."
"We should be allowed to disagree without being disagreeable."
"If you disagree with somebody, let's respect that everybody has a right to their own opinion and have a discussion rather than an argument."
"We talk it out and we honor each other even in our disagreement. That person is not my enemy, that's my fellow American."
"You need to engage in civil debate and try and understand why does somebody have a different opinion from you."
"Are we now at the point where we believe that people throwing mile 12 cocktails at Federal buildings last year in 2020, they're mostly peaceful protesters but parents protesting radicalism in their kids' Schools, they're the domestic terrorists?"
"Respectful discussion of ideas is never dangerous."
"The goal is to provide an objective substrate for people to engage in civil dialogue about this issue."
"It's important that we can express our opinions in a grounded and intelligent fashion to the point that we can hopefully have some civil discourse on the issues we're exploring."
"We can have a difference in opinion and still be civil and respectful to one another."
"What makes speech truly free is the possibility of disagreement without enmity."
"It's okay to have a respectful disagreement and have an adult conversation about things."
"Our cancel culture today, we could just model a civil, cordial, respectful conversation across a pretty significant worldview divide."
"I long for a day where we can just raise the water level of civil discourse in the media where we can actually talk about the issues that Canadians care about stop with the labeling stop with the Shaving."
"If you don't agree with where they are on it even when the U.S Supreme Court doesn't agree where they on it you are an enemy."
"You're allowed to like it as long as you're not bullying other people for disagreeing with you."
"Discussion and speculation can be enjoyable and civil with just having an open mind."
"Getting comfortable with civil discourse is key."
"Replying to hate speech with hate is not an option."
"Civilized discussions can happen and will carry on happening."
"Having a reasonable civil productive conversation with those with whom we disagree is at the heart of the American experiment."
"Let's have healthy, strong debate about things but let's be civil to each other, that's the only thing I ask."
"We cannot allow ourselves as a society to descend into this and thus we must be wise enough and proactive enough to work together to get out of it in a way that doesn't require the barrel of a gun."
"Civil discourse only works when everyone involved is rational enough to participate."
"I appreciate it when people can disagree with me politely."
"We should have a civilized discourse focusing on criticizing arguments, data, and methodology rather than people's character or motives."
"Our liberal democracy is based on the idea that you must respect and even at times listen to those you disagree with."
"I just want to sit down and have a civil discussion."
"I think we can disagree without having to be disagreeable."
"Protests should be peaceful and polite, that's in the Constitution."
"You're not going to call them names. You're going to say, 'Sir, I pay taxes in this local area. Why are kids not in school, sir?'"
"I just want to live in a country where we can have a robust conversation about issues that are important to us without fracturing the relationship."
"I'm defending freedom of speech because that's how people with different opinions settle their opinions in a civil society."
"We have a civilized conversation with someone we very often disagree with, but we do it in a grown-up way."
"The thing about America I love the most is the ability to disagree and not end up shooting each other over it."
"Free speech is like an extraordinarily important thing in a well-tuned society."
"We should all be allowed to disagree with each other and maybe get frustrated at the points that are being made but getting frustrated and personally attacking someone makes you a [__]."
"We've always been able to disagree, but to do so in a pretty civilized way."
"If we don't learn how to be civil towards one another...we're gonna be right back here 50 years from now talking the same stuff."
"We have got to get back to a place where we don't have to agree on politics, but we have to agree on this country."
"We can set the example that we know how to peacefully protest." - Kelly Deem
"We need to have the ability to have these conversations without demonizing the other side."
"Let's not freak out on one another, let's have a nice lively yet respectful conversation about our differences."
"It's possible to have a substantive disagreement with somebody and have a civil exchange with them."
"We're going to prove that you can disagree and still be civil about it."
"I'm not advocating for a civil war; I think we need to try to fix things every way we possibly can."
"It's much more interesting to be talking to people that you do disagree with and you can have a civil disagreement."
"We want to promote a civilized discussion without name-calling or anything else."
"Always got to be respectful, agree to disagree there's no reason to call each other names."
"Civil dialogue is at the heart of the mission and the purpose of the Aspen Institute. It's what we stand for because we believe it offers the greatest hope for understanding and for new possibilities for a better world."
"I'm here for discourse that's still very respectful."
"The reason I'm defending freedom of speech because that's how people with difficulty settle their opinions in a civil society."
"It's been a very civil conversation for real."
"Michael has become a pioneer in the use of technology to reach out across divides and bring people into a conversation about civil discourse."
"Divergent views expressed in a civil manner are always welcome."
"We have a unique opportunity to engage in civil discourse."
"I believe um even though we didn't see um any major changes from the pre- and post- debate poll I think one thing we did see was a clear example of civil discourse."
"We need to make the argument in a civilized manner."
"Disagreeing without being disagreeable."
"We need to be able to have a proper conversation, take the heat out of the debate, and speak properly as members of parliament representing all of our constituents."
"Let's have a respectful conversation."
"Why can't we sit down and talk about politics over dinner and not fight about it?"
"It's wild to me to think that people can have normal discussions without screaming and yelling."
"It's a great format to have a civil, respectful debate or discussion."
"We've got to get away from the name calling, get into policy, and just do better. We've all got to do better."
"My goal is to get people to thinking, get people to talking in a calm setting about the Civil War."
"We can disagree for sure, but I don't have to disrespect you."
"This was like an amazing moment of good faith discourse."
"I find it almost counterintuitive that the value of civil disagreement needs reiteration and continual defense in the United States."
"We will resolve any challenge before us and welcome all of you back soon. We will not let civil discourse perish."
"It does disrespect to civil discourse to cast aspersions on someone's argument because of their alleged motives."
"Open, civilized debate is profoundly important."
"Being your mythical best involves having a civil discussion where you realize that your common humanity supersedes your political, religious ideology."
"We've just lost that ability for civil discourse."
"We are apparently able to argue without hostility."
"We need a very calm, very thoughtful, respectful, and balanced conversation about why this happened."
"Disagreements can happen politely; there's no need to call an idea stupid."
"The people who disagree with me profoundly on a policy issue... are not bad people; they're okay people too."
"Video games will make us smarter... civil discourse will also win here tonight."
"We have always supported civil debate on the site."
"It's not just about shouting them down; you can disagree, you can argue, you can have debates and discussions."
"The conversation is everything. I think civil discourse is one of the things our country is built upon."
"I very much want anybody to read a civil book that I write to understand how horrible this is and why this should not be done lightly."
"We had a very decent discussion, we had a very good discussion, were very civil with each other, we had a very fruitful discussion."
"We could be deeply surprised by the fact that we can care very deeply about things, we can find meaningful actions to take in the world, and it doesn't mean that we have to engage in polarizing civil discourse."
"We can have these decent discussions without hostility, without insults being thrown around."
"Without teaching civil discourse and civility, where the hell are you going to learn it?"
"Some people feel love is very meaningful; they feel discussion with others, when it's civil, is very meaningful."
"It's okay to disagree; we can agree to disagree."