
Tool Usage Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"The best tool for the job is the tool you know best."
"The problem is not the knife; it's how and why it was used."
"Another really useful tool is when I'm moving around, you can drag these little sliders here, okay, that's fine, but you'll find that just holding down the space bar... click, hold, drag around."
"Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Well, it's a tool."
"We have never invented a tool that could use us."
"There's a time and place for using checklist templates."
"I am so happy right now, I hope that you guys have fun with these tools because they are amazing!"
"The Internet is such a fucking amazing tool and given that it is a tool it has no inherent ethical or moral valence we assign that to it."
"All the time you have your wrenches right here, so if you need to take go off anything or jam the nut onto the shaft there you can easily go ahead and grab these wrenches soar your blades."
"Wouldn't it have been smart to wait until we get those tools and then let us do our own thing?"
"It's on you to decide how you want to behave with these tools."
"Fresh axe, kind of one of those things where you have to use resources to make an axe to gather resources so there's a bit of a cycle going on."
"Technology is not like other tools lying around the house."
"But this also means it’s very important how the tools are offered and advertised."
"Nothing gave me the warm fuzzies like seeing other people enjoying themselves with my tools."
"By using the color range tool, it lets me retain that loose style I've got while also restricting what I'm painting at the same time."
"One of the best ways to see if a Craftsman or woodworker actually likes a tool sponsor is to see if they actually use that tool in their shop."
"That right there is going to cover 99% of the things that any hobbyist is ever going to need to know about using a DRO."
"Getting experience out of anything you mine with an amending pickaxe is kind of the coolest thing ever."
"As long as your bubble is inside the two lines on your level you're gonna be so close to perfect."
"The slide tool lets you move a chunk left and right... it could actually be a bunch that you select so they happen earlier or later but it doesn't affect the entire timing and length of your timeline."
"Unfortunately, means potentially more pain ahead or it's an opportunity, it's one of those that's for sure."
"Give the curvature tool a go throughout this one... it's pretty cool."
"So much of the productivity conversation online today is about the tools. But I've found that it's less about the tool and more about how you use it."
"Tracing should be a tool at your disposal but not something you depend completely on. If a master is only as good as their weapon, are they really a master?"
"It's a sort of a reverse of the maxim whereby if your only tool is a hammer suddenly every problem looks like a nail."
"Money is not inherently evil; it is just the tool, and it's the wielder of the tool that decides if it's good or bad."
"Invest in the right tools, but keep it simple."
"It's not about the tools that you have - but rather how you choose to use those tools."
"Crowbars for scavenging: working smarter, not harder."
"A car is just a tool you buy your tool when you need it and you buy it to match the application you have for it."
"Fan service is like any tool in a filmmaker's belt. It can be used for good purposes or it can be used for evil."
"If you're wanting to create something that is more painterly and looks like the random effects of a brush, then using the randomized shape properties would be really quite useful."
"When you're thinking about working smarter and not harder towards your passions, think about also what platforms and tools you can use to make your job, make your life a little bit more efficient."
"If you actually use it and you legitimately use it, then do what you need to do."
"The Domino Joiner is incredibly good at saving you time, making jobs more efficient, and making a lot of applications a lot easier."
"The fact is, some people get uncomfortable when they see a big knife. Yeah, a little small knife, sure. I've had eyebrows raised with a mini."
"There are no rules, honey. Use a tool however it works best for you."
"Using a t-shirt design tool is highly recommended."
"These are gonna be your toolbars for the tools that you're gonna use."
"Think of it as a tool that allows you to create these containers and run them locally."
"Using a table saw with a sharp blade is quick, clean, easy, and very accurate."
"That's why I gravitate towards doing this sort of drawer building work using a table saw instead of a router and a router table."
"This is the weapon. This is just a tool, we're the weapon."
"No, we didn't use any glue. There's no heat gun required on this. Okay, cool. No, I, that's good. I like that."
"It's not very good for combat honestly, but it is at least pretty good at cutting the grass."
"I'm all set. I got my wrenches and diagnosticators and hairpins and engine tapes, so I'm all set."
"Not having to type these out is absolutely amazing."
"Just because something's a tool doesn't make it good or bad. Yes, how you use it depends on the user, it depends on the purpose."
"It all has this consistent feel... regardless of what tool you use."
"It's almost never about the tools but it's almost always about the knowledge behind the tools."
"Why did so many people say this is a bad idea? Everyone was saying that I'm lazy, go ahead and use an ax. Yeah right, you can't use an ax to go through a log that is like 14 inches or even bigger."
"Girls can use tools too! Girls are strong you don't need a boy to do all your tool stuff."
"Yeah, I'm really happy that I found the tool and I'm definitely leaving it on my steam deck."
"Just because some people don't use a tool correctly, it doesn't mean that those who do should be punished."
"You're the pinnacle of flexibility, just a modern man."
"I agree, power tools are the way to remove this."
"Parrots: the highest dexterity of any bird, excellent tool users."
"Guns are tools of self-defense against a dangerous world – a defensive response."
"I love buying new tools. I like it when a project challenges me in a way that I have to learn how to use a new tool."
"The power of the float lock vise makes operations easy. Why don't more people use these?"
"Once you find out the tools which you really enjoy using you should just keep using it and enjoy as much as possible growth comes automatically."
"To adjust the brightness of a layer you can use a levels adjustment layer..."
"A tool is only as useful as how skillful the user's hands are."
"When things get too dry, the knife just does not move smoothly across the stone."
"It's amazing how different cultures have utilized the same tools for language."
"So now what I want to show you is how you can do more practice with this tool."
"If you're working with dull tools, that's when accidents happen. Use sharp tools, you're fine."
"It's going to be important for us to know how to use tools like this going forward."
"Using whip, we can get this key up to the door no problem, which allows us to continue the level."
"Lining up the protractor, finding degrees. It's all about precision."
"Try anything and do your best and then that tool can go on."
"The handle takes the cake and makes it amazing to use for an extended period of time."
"I hope that you put this tool to use and that you end up finding the right RV for your needs."
"Not only we're going to be talking about templates and flush trim router bits we're going to show you some really cool tricks on how to make templates and what router bits to use to get your work done the fastest, the best, and the safest."
"Just because you don't use or like a tool, doesn't mean it should be taken away."
"Using a marking knife matters... it's the fact that you can feel it and you can set saw teeth right into it."
"We want to teach you both how to make the most of the tools that you already know, but also hopefully teach you about some tools you don't know from before."
"You need to use these things together essentially."
"Overall, if you're in the market for this saw and you buy it, I don't think you'll be disappointed."
"So it's just all about dialing that edge in and I can always shift back to the black brush and get that dialed in."
"Make the tool fit you, don't force yourself to fit the tool."
"Every tool that we use is basically coming from nature and we repurpose it just like every other tool."
"When you have the right tools and the right techniques, you can accomplish anything in the kitchen."
"The V doesn't make you a good person or a bad person, just depends on who's using it."
"You have a bunch of these other categories you can use as well but these are usually the three that I like to use."
"Honestly, all over your face, sometimes powder can just look heavy on the face, especially if you're using a brush that's a little bit too dense."
"It just doesn't really make any sense because I cannot think of a compelling reason not to just let somebody use any random tool."
"Please respect it and respect the people that you use it on."
"You know the torque sequence? No. You know a torque spec? I get it. I bet we gonna need a cheater pipe."
"With a stop block set up on the fence of the miter saw, we could cut all our parts to the exact same length."
"It's a nice blend between utility range melee you have a lot of different tools in your tool belt."
"He slowly crawled on his stomach again to reach the nail gun and after grabbing it he cautiously moved so the holes still connected to the air compressor."
"We fine-tune our models to best determine when to call these tools."
"It's not all about acquiring stuff, it is about having tools that you need but it's about being able to use them."
"A punch down tool can be used to fix damaged LAN ports by replacing or reconnecting wires."
"Definitely uh would not recommend using that to cut tile."
"Can you get a fire going with a Swiss Army knife?"
"As human beings, we have become the most dominant species, not because we are the strongest, because of our ability to use tools, isn't it?"
"Sometimes you just gotta play with your tool to know what it can do, right?"
"If you've got a tool that is capable of doing a thing I reckon you should use it to do exactly what that's for."
"Reflecting back on my time spent working with my grandfather, I can't recall ever using one either. We were using crescent wrenches like barbarians, but that simply won't do."
"Just have the hammer do the work for you. Amazing."
"If I had more records, let's say maybe if it's more than 10, it might be hard to quickly ascertain what's the majority. So I can within this tool, I can render it different ways."
"Having an old hurst tool that's a combination you can do cutting uh through the a and b post and the roof but it also spreads so that's why we mean combination right yeah."
"It's also great for clamping thin parts where your fingers might otherwise get in the way."
"A tool should solve a problem, it shouldn't be a gimmick."
"Use AI as a tool, not as a replacement."
"Now that we know that we have fully seated the flare into the tool, so now we can go ahead and back it off."
"Just put your wire where you want it, pull the trigger, and be happy."
"No matter how excellent the tool was, it's still dependent on the user to use it well."
"It's how you use the tool. Just the tool itself is not the thing. It's how you use it and whether it serves the purpose that you intend it for."
"The Human Experience that matters... it's not about whether you could do that better by having a tool."
"...versatility and if you can do more than one thing with an attachment."
"Modern tools can create great results in what they create, but there are Artisans who use old tools that can also create really great items. Also, sometimes you can't tell the difference. So it's not necessarily the tool you have to use; it's how you use the tool."
"I use my tools correctly. I don't use them aggressively. I use them correctly. It's a difference, okay? It's a difference."
"So the next step is to fit the surfacing bit in the collet insert and get all this set up ready for surfacing the bed."
"...even though the vise is only about half done, I can already start using it to fabricate more parts."
"If you have your paint bucket tool and you want to like make a swatch just like get a color in there and then just like go into your swatches and just click with your paint bucket and it'll add a swatch."
"We often get told that such and such tools are going to make the job super easy and anyone can do it, but it's not always true."
"...and that's basically how you use this tool, it's, like I said, it's very powerful."
"Hitting it like this and if you had that hung, it would actually hit the handle first and drive the head off."
"...95% of the time these tools are going to come good for you and they will do exactly what they see on the tin."
"the next Pro tip from Chip is to use a sharpened putty knife for removing the burn marks left by the roundover bit on the edge of this handle"
"I am now going to use my heat gun to dry it in between coats."
"You don't have to use a particular tool to accomplish a task."
"...when you do it with the drill it stays like a fresh wound."
"A tool that you don't know how to use is not going to be very effective."
"Let us know what tools have you phased out of your shop even if you know what have you trade it out or upgraded to make your processes easier and faster we would love to hear that story."
"You can bend just enough sometimes with that ball on there to get that off at an angle. It's a huge help."
"Now, let's chop a quick mortise and give that chisel some good hard hits with the mallet."
"I knew that if my mill was sitting out all the time that I would just use it more."
"It's not how the tools create the line, it's the artist behind the tools."
"I use this primarily when I am going to quilt a bag."
"RAG with guardrails allows decisions on tool usage based on semantic similarities."
"I'll just get my big crowbar in there, just to level that down which just made it slightly easier to get up. Almost in, it's very close, and I just finish it off on my little ram."
"...these tools are there for us to solve problems or to create enhancement... not to just be applied on everything so you don't have to think..."
"Toll-less ring knife removal by flicking that up pulling that out and then here's your ring knife not straight with your blade."
"This is just a hair less than 16 inches so that I can use one single clamp in the middle here to hold the guide in place."
"What's funny to me is the idea if you treat tool like tools, you can get so much done, you can be so versatile."
"Replacing floor pans is a big job, and there is no fun way to do this, but if you use the right tools, you can definitely make the job easier."
"That tool might not seem like a lure making tool, but it is."
"It's not about the tools being perfect, it's about how you use them."
"...some of you professionals will know exactly how to use one of these guys."
"As you can see, you can spend a fortune on hammers and dollies but you really don't need to. It's all about just having the right things and knowing how to use them."
"I'd never use it in a toolbox that was going to go into some sort of professional production environment."
"The curtsaw blade cut through the one inch tree like a hot knife through butter."
"It is so much easier to have a set hammer to do this work."
"It's kind of one of those tools where you either love it or you hate it."
"And that was all created with the pen tool."
"You can't go at it alone. You can't do anything manually. You have to lean on tools to help you work more efficiently, help you gain an advantage."
"I hope this helps you establish the angles that you're looking for using your Lansky."
"Now, there's a generalizing here but there are essentially two different styles of saws that most people are going to be using."
"They cut very slowly so you don't want to be removing a lot of metal but once you get down to the last stages they really put a nice edge on a tool."
"Should you use all of the tools all of the time? Probably not."
"Every tool has a strength and a weakness."
"Washing your pad on the go has other advantages... It cools your pad down, meaning you're actually going to cut faster, better, and cleaner."
"Good way to put a bend in that dobbins, looking forward to putting a bend on it with some bigger barrel."
"Using a simple ladder, a boom lift, or a scissor lift to retrieve the victim as long as it's the right tool for the job then that's perfectly acceptable."
"I would never recommend using that tool to cut quarter inch and 3 8 inch construction steel, but you see it did it all right."
"I'm loving it. That's my maximum that I use on non-reed saws. No more than that. That's gonna work."
"This is your go-to tool spend half an hour with it and you'll spend a lifetime with it I don't suffer fear of curves."
"It's the methodology, not the tool."
"A good sharp saw should be a joy to use, we shouldn't have to apply force, we should have a relaxed grip with our fingers straightened off the trigger."
"...we're kind of sticklers for using the torque wrench, not only does it prevent warpage or distortion from over tightening the hardware it prevents you from stripping out threads inside of aluminum and expensive parts."
"Several birds show tools, Egyptian vultures will use giant rocks to smash open ostrich eggs."
"It's not the wand, it's the wizard. It's not the tools you're using, it's your ability and skill in using those tools."
"It's gonna be a lot of fun, a ton of projects with different attachments and tools."
"It just takes a basic set of tools."
"These tools are all fantastic, but you have to use them in the proper circumstances."
"It's not about the tools you have, it's about how you use them and the work you're willing to take."
"It's not so much about the tool, it's about the skill set."
"It just fits so nicely and I got that feeling of this is a tool made for what is meant to be used."
"Could the community do this better than us if we gave them the tools and the functionality?"
"Knowing how to use your tools safely will considerably lessen the possibility of personal injury."
"Make sure you've got the right tool."
"Will a jig help you get better faster with improved quality? Absolutely."
"I'm gonna show you how to do it in your own garage with just these tools."
"When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail."
"Use the tool that makes sense for you."
"It's important that you're not pressing the tool into your blank at this point."
"The tool clamp method in this kit, I think, is the best middle ground between high-level detail but also not being crazy complicated."
"That's what a tool is supposed to do, it's supposed to give you options and not have limitations."
"It's not about the tools; it's about why we're using them, why we're pressing the buttons that we're pressing."
"If we have the right tools, we're more inclined to use them."
"The goal with this video is to work with as many basic tools as possible."
"The secret to picking out winners lies in how you actually use the tool."
"Use the right tool for the right thing."
"You want to use the right tool for the right job."
"The biggest mistake I see people make is they're trying to use this very powerful tool but in just completely the wrong circumstances."
"An air compressor... it's one of the most versatile tools I have in my shop."
"Chimpanzees have an understanding of tools that are best used for specific jobs and thus they hunt out tools that are going to meet the needs of the task at hand."
"Chimpanzees are very particular in their stone tool usage as well as in their tool usage in general."
"The engine is a tool; it has to be used correctly."
"Hey, if you guys are using a Dremel, don't forget eye protection. Your eyes are important."
"If you know how to use your Raani, you see improvement in your life."
"Make sure to use the correct tool for the correct function."
"It's about how you use the tool, what your desires for that tool are."
"Every joint of the week you see behind me here used a marking gauge in one part of the project."
"If you understand the brain and how it works, then it can really help you work with the tool even better for the best results."