
Higher Self Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Your higher self is leading you to a timeline where you are getting all of that."
"Your higher self is just the evolved version of you that has everything you desire."
"Your higher self has literally been working as a spirit guide to you."
"You need to sort of let go and let God. You need to surrender to your higher self because your higher self always knows."
"I'm fully connected to my higher self and higher power."
"You're becoming closer and closer to your higher self each day."
"Trust that first instinct that is being led here because that is going to be the voice of your higher self."
"What are you waiting for? It's your higher self calling you to action."
"Allow spirit, the universe, energy, your Higher Self, God, the divine, whatever you claim it to be, allow that in."
"Your heart has the final say, especially once it transmutes into your high heart."
"You are gradually jumping into higher and higher expressions of self."
"Channeling from your higher self is like channeling your twin, connected telepathically at a higher place."
"Be conscious of your vibration. Be your higher self. It's all for your greater good."
"Your higher self wants you to make that decision and move forward."
"You're that important. Your higher self has come all the way back from your future, allowing you to settle and connect with your higher self right now."
"Your higher self wants to show you that justice is imminent."
"Any difficulties recently in your life have actually been a gift given from you to you from your higher self."
"Anything we do where we put our higher self before our ego is a win."
"Your connection is magnetic in nature, drawing you towards living more from your higher self."
"Your higher self explains that it may even come in a better fashion than you can even imagine."
"Real love changes you into something else, something much higher, something much better."
"The real you is your higher self... imagine if you could open the full potential of your higher self."
"The demon devours the ego, that's your higher self."
"You agreed as an aspect of your higher self you agreed to come here."
"You are agreeing to a higher choice, beyond the small self's limitations."
"If you are on the other side of that pain, is the highest version of yourself."
"The twin flame path is all about higher version of love..."
"My idea of ascension is that we simply move more into vibrating, acting, reacting, living from a higher self perspective. That's my idea of ascension."
"A kind of love that truly feels like worship, mutual worship of your higher selves."
"Authenticity, that being your connection to your higher self, the choice between fear and love, that choice of love, of compassion, of soul self, to me that's going to be that's your usest you."
"Don't give power to negative words by saying them. Speak from your higher self and make your communications peaceful and loving."
"You are elevating spiritually and getting into more alignment with your higher self."
"It's from the higher self; it's of transpersonal value because it's golden."
"That's a good way to communicate with your higher self because you're not looking for someone to give you the answer that you want."
"Reclaiming your personal power is about connecting with your inner selves and aligning with your higher self."
"You are your higher self; self-realization or enlightenment is the normalization of making that connection permanent."
"There's this higher level witness that is you, watching this entire event unfolding."
"Tell the monkey mind to get out of the mind and let your higher self drive the car."
"Connect with your higher self, recognize your worth."
"Your higher self is inviting you to practice self-love."
"Intuition is like an inner voice or Sensation that is deeply connected to the higher self and the spiritual realm providing guidance insights and warnings that are beyond the comprehension of our everyday Consciousness."
"I want my day-to-day to be inspired by my higher self and growth."
"Your dream is not just memories, but important messages downloading from our higher self."
"They just would like to hug you and hold you in their hands, letting you know that even though the things you have experienced, you felt alone and maybe a little bit lost, their higher self was always there, looking at you and keeping you safe."
"The higher self is going to be manifesting into physical form through us to the best of our ability."
"Your soul just wants everyone to connect to their highest form."
"Your person's higher self really loves you and is attached to you."
"Your higher self really advocates and emphasizes self-love at this time."
"When you are choosing, put it up to the guides, put it up to your higher self and say guide me through this."
"Align yourself with your higher self and the higher power and really..."
"Your higher self is always there, omnipotent energy."
"Your higher self is really just out here seeking solutions for you."
"Your higher self is always there to support you and to connect you with your angels, your ancestors, your spiritual team."
"That is how the Higher Mind and the Higher Self speaks."
"Your higher self does not want you to try to achieve perfectionism."
"Your higher self is saying there's a reason for every hardship, and it's going to turn back in your favor."
"How can I get to know the higher self I am?"
"When you're feeling good, that is when you've tapped into your higher self."
"We're very much connected by way of the divine plan for our lives. Come on in and bring your higher self."
"It is accessed with an open heart and allowed to flow based on our intent and under the guidance of the higher self. It is a form of channeling in which you're allowing the spirit to speak to and through you."
"Your higher self is actually experiencing the multi-dimensional reality of you as a soul."
"Choose to hold space for your higher self; it encourages continual expansion, love, unity, and empathy."
"Your higher self feels like a frequency of divinity, love, truth, exuberance, joy, and bliss."
"Your higher self is fundamentally safe, free, aware of all possibilities."
"Making decisions from a standpoint of your higher self, your divinity, changes everything."
"Building and creating in reality becomes a service to others in collaboration with those living their higher selves."
"The higher nature in man always seeks for something which transcends itself and yet is its deepest truth."
"How would my highest self respond?"
"What would my highest self do in this situation?"
"What we want is coming from our higher self, and that part of us knows that we can attract the man of our dreams and have the life of our dreams."
"We elevate into our worth and we elevate into our higher self; we stop self-sabotaging simply because we're rested in our true value."
"Your authentic life path is directed by your higher self; it is unique."
"Your higher self wants you to know that there is an apology coming in."
"Your higher self communicates to you through imagination and playfulness."
"You can tune back into your higher self and recognize who is most powerful, who is most benevolent, and who is most beautiful."
"Your higher self is screaming at you to take your true positioning, to take the lead."
"You're connecting in with this higher self, you're feeling it, it's guiding you, you can trust that guidance."
"You are that higher bird, stay there."
"You also have a direct line to your higher self."
"Your higher self is trying to communicate with you that you serve a bigger purpose."
"You're going to get a very beautiful energy if they're operating from their higher selves."
"They really want to just connect with the higher self, connect to infinity, connect to source or whatever resonates with you."
"It's about being connected to your higher self."
"When we're implementing more of our capacity for discernment, we're also reinforcing our connection with our higher self."
"As a soul, your higher self is always in communication with you in many ways."
"When you follow your higher guidance, you have this cloak of protection."
"Stop being so 3D about your life and just be more connected to your higher self."
"You're being called to the front line of your life to truly step into alignment with your higher self."
"The higher self is you, so it knows your thoughts and feelings."
"Meditation is direct communication with the higher self."
"Raise your vibration to communicate more easily with your higher self."
"Pay attention during dreams, as they can help you to decipher any communication from the higher self."
"We are all one. All individuals belong to our one greater Self."
"You channel wisdom and guidance from your crown chakra from the higher realms to bring it into the physical."
"Your beautiful dreams are valuable, and your higher self keeps note of all your dreams like your own personal Fairy Godmother."
"You are the slave of your higher self until you become your higher self, then you're free."
"Laughter is one of the easiest ways that we can start shifting back into our higher self and our spirit to get through a crisis."
"True navigation comes from letting go of logic and coming to exist as your higher self again."
"Once you step into the performance space, you are acting from a higher self, and it's not you anymore."
"If all of us were to just navigate from a higher version of ourselves, it would change the world."
"Learn how to tap into awe, tap into your higher self, tap into your deepest inner wisdom."
"The only way that we can ensure that we're able to impact the world in a positive way is to direct consciousness through our higher self."
"It is your higher self, your true self, that is calling the shots here."
"You are connected in one to your higher self, your higher soul."
"I trust my higher self to guide me to the next perspective at the perfect time."
"My vision flows from my higher self; I am in alignment with Source."
"I am a vessel for the vision that flows from my higher self."
"Realize your higher nature which you actually are."
"You've regained control over your destiny; you've realigned with your higher self."
"Make friendship with your higher self, constantly talk to your higher self."
"You're connected to Spirit on the path of the Divine, aligning with your higher self, choosing your highest good."
"Our higher selves are always guiding us."
"The super conscious mind is the higher self, it's the soul that is the bridge to the spirit world."
"Respect your higher self, know of your higher self and know of your lower self, and seek the higher planes of life."
"Selenite: Spiritual activation, communion with the higher self."
"Stop ignoring what your higher self is telling you, stop ignoring your intuition."
"Your higher self is infinite. It exists in multiple realities. It sees all the outcomes."
"You are going to reconnect very deeply to your light and therefore to your higher self."
"It is about turning away from drama and feeling the freedom of seeing through new eyes of your higher self."
"To get to your higher self, you have to embrace that shadow self."
"You're ascending on your spiritual journey, really getting in touch with your higher self and your spirit at this time."
"You guys are listening to your higher self; you guys are just glowing and beaming."
"Your higher self is trying to get you to your best possible timeline in each and every single moment."
"You're connected to your higher self, and that's what's creating this change within you."
"The more you can get to know that person, the more you can reverse engineer the steps necessary in order to embody that person, that higher self."
"Your higher self sees things that you can't."
"You're being guided here by your higher self, by Spirit."
"You've brought your Eternal consciousness bit by bit; you've become your higher self."
"You are awakening and becoming one with your higher self."
"Live by your vision, bringing that higher self version into your reality now."
"You all are being called to operate in your higher self."
"Your higher self is asking you to step into a new life."
"Your strength, that part of your ego that maybe was keeping resentments from experiences from your past, you're overcoming it here with your higher self."
"It's really just about learning that lesson of paying attention to your higher self."
"Use this portal as a time to prepare, to prepare to also connect to your higher self."
"Your higher self who sees all and knows all loves you unconditionally."
"The Two of Cups is you and your higher self, so you could be communicating with both sides."
"This is your higher self going, 'Check in, check in, you're not checking in.'"
"Your higher self is saying you're ready to walk through this door, you're ready to explore what's on the other side."
"Fear is low vibration; when you walk in faith, you're living through your highest self."
"This is your connection to spirit, your clarity, your union with higher self."
"Tap into the guidance from your higher self and from your spiritual team."
"You're tapping into a higher spiritual connection."
"Manifesting is about bringing that version of yourself to life and becoming your higher self."
"When you are dialed in to your own self... that's tuning into your higher self."
"You are collaborating at a higher self level, you are working together at a spiritual level."
"I see the wisdom of my higher self and apply it."
"Your higher self is wanting you to see things clearly."
"Embrace your authenticity and tap into that higher Consciousness."
"Our higher state, who we really are, the higher realms and our true nature, it just vastly transcends those symbols and the content of the earth experience."
"I'm listening to my higher self now, a higher power is guiding me."
"You live through your higher self."
"The only person that can make moves on your journey and tell you which path and direction to go in is you, your higher self."
"Your higher self is aware of what your true wants and desires are."
"Trust in your higher self and persevere."
"You're connecting with your higher self, connecting with the spiritual world, the spiritual realm."
"I feel like you're awakening to the calling of what it is that your higher self is coming in and making you realize."
"We're connecting with our higher selves."
"Finally coming aware of their higher self and what it wants."
"You inspire people to be better, you inspire people to listen to their higher selves and do things the right way."
"You're going to be so much more connected to yourself and your higher self."
"This is a deep soul growth, higher self-learning energy coming in to take you to the next shore."